Is it possible to update Visual Studio's CSS validation? - css

I'm using VS2013 and am getting a lot of incorrect feedback on CSS3 syntax (particularly flex elements). Is the validation schema baked into a VS release or can it be updated somehow?

I had this problem in the past with Visual Studio 2010 (only CSS 2.1).
The short answer is yes, it is possible to add new schemas and use them instead of the default ones.
You can take a look at the visual studio gallery, but I cannot confirm if this will work on later versions of Visual Studio.


why other project reference is not showing in namespace

I have three projects in one solution (ASP.NET)
When I added a reference to other projects in ECL.UI project, namespace is not available in using keyword. My all projects are set to .NET Framework 4 (not ClientProfile).
Why is this happening?
Note: It was working earlier smoothly, it is happening since I deleted ECL.UI project and recreate it again. After then, I still can not find namespace of other projects.
I am using Visual Studio 2012
The answer of my question is:
We have to switch between target frameworks. As I am using Visual Studio 2012, I switched my target framework to .NET 4.5 for all projects and add the reference for required projects and switch back to .NET 4 again for all projects at same time. Then it works absolutely fine as I expected.
Note: I don't know why it is not working while all other projects are set to same framework even after recreating one of the project. However the above trick worked for me. If anyone having this weird problem after deleting one of their project and recreating it again, you can try the above on your own. Thanks to all

Is there a plugin for Visual Studio to clean up CSS?

I'm looking for a plugin for Visual Studio 2010 to help me clean up my CSS in a ASP.NET MVC project.
We are a lot of people working on the same website and before I publish it, I wanna clean up the CSS to make sure there are no unused selectors.
I know that there are plugin for Firefox, but they won't catch any dynamically loaded CSS and usually they just check one page.
I found this plugin for Visual Studio
CSSCop from Mads Kristensen
Its not perfect, but its a great start and its free
From 2015 onward you need to use

CSS3 not working on visual studio 2010

I have a solution built in Visual Studio 2008 and wish to add some new features of CSS3, hence I converted the solution to Visual Studio 2010.
Even after its successful conversion I am still not able to see the CSS3 features. I need to use border-radius property of CSS3.
Can I use it on the solution converted from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010?
Please help.
Maybe the visual studio doesn't auto-complete the code but the css3 conditions will work on any browser compatible (Chrome, FF, EI9, Opera, Safari),since it's all CSS and not compiled by Visual Studio.
Give it a try on one of those browsers (:
I believe there is an update coming that will address that issue, but you should be able to view any CSS3 change when running the site.

Which JavaScript framework does Visual Studio natively support?

Is it jQuery? Is there a way to integrate support for the excellent ExtJS or YUI libraries?
Any news on whether Visual Studio 2010 will support another JS framework?
I have only seen that Microsoft will support JQuery. But that has less to do with Visual Studio and IIS, and more to do with Microsoft Support practices. JQuery will be shipped with Visual Studio 2010, the Microsoft AJAX Framework, and the ASP.Net MVC Framework (happening now).
But you can use any JavaScript library you want, and if you have the correct service packs you should also get a bit of intelesence with Visual Studio 2008.
The one "extra" JQuery gives you that I have not seen (yet) from other JavaScript libraries is a version of their library with Visual Studio comments in them, giving better intelesense directives.
You can use any javascript framework you like. JQuery comes packaged with .Net, but it's not your only option.
If you have either documented or debug versions of the framework you want to use, VS 2008 will give you IntelliSense of the referenced JS libraries.
If you've installed the additional IntelliSense hotfix KB958502, you can take advantage of VS automatically finding copies of documented JS files named .vsdoc.js or .debug.js next to your referenced minified versions.
Going forward, VS 2010 will have even more support for JavaScript, working out parameter types from usage, etc.
Microsoft have started offering support for jQuery - which is different to VS supporting a JavaScript framework - this means that you can phone MS up and say your site isn't working with jQuery, and they will help you fix it (as a standard support incident, like they would if you found an issue in VS itself, or IIS, or even Word).
yeah you can use any frame work you want, but be careful of frameworks conflict i spent hell of a time to figure out Jquery problems with other framework, until i discovered that it has problem with moo tools regarding syntax, here is the link it will save you hell of a time.

How to make visual studio 2008 ASP.NET designer faster?

Visual studio designer for applications is generally very slow and i would like to know if there are any tips or guidelines for settings in order to get better.
The problem is usually noticed when i try to make a change in design or source view, especially in source view it may get non-responding for a couple of seconds.
I experienced a very similar issue when I first installed Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition. I have issues with VS design view and could not switch to "Split View"
Reference the following ASP.NET thread link to see if any of this information helps..(Warning: It is quite long).
Do you notice any difference when starting in Safe Mode?
devenv.exe /SafeMode
I assume that you have already installed the hotfix for VS2008 ASP.Net Designer performance issues? Link
