Wordpress new post - wordpress

on a default wordpress installation, what actually happens when you click publish?
I know there's a new entry added to the posts table, but what else happens - Is there anything else updated such as tables, automatically telling search engines about them, updating sitemaps etc?
Sorry if this is the wrong sort of question to ask!

save_post action is triggered whenever a post is created or updated, it means that any code inside core, themes, or plugins that is hooked with that action is launched.

Well, if you have google XML sitemap, a new entry makes changes in your sitemap xml file and during google bot's next visit, your xml file automatically tells google about the new post you added. Something like this.


is there anyway to send notification of new Post is published in wordpress to another page of same website?

I'm creating a wordpress plugin in which i want that if new post is published the notification gone on another page of same wordpress website.
There is a few ways todo this. But I would do it this way.
When you create a post, you add a post_meta to that post that tells that this page is new.
Then you have an cronjob or something that is running an wp_query that are searching for all posts that have that post_meta. And when it finds the new post/posts it either clear that post_meta or set it to false.
And then on the page that you wanted to display it somehow, use that cronwork to update that page or something like it.
Hard to describe more when I don't know what that other page should do with the information about the new post

What happens with WordPress after I activate a plugin

I would like to know what happens when I click on activate on a WordPress-Plugin on "Activate". Which files and functions get Triggered by WordPress.
How I actually think WordPress is working are these steps:
A file and function from WordPress is in a loop which gets triggered like this:
WordPress gets from the main-file the Header-fields and calls a file(which?) with the functions and defines it to the public output with echo or return.
WordPress calls the activation_function. When the user has not defined it then it does nothing.
The main file runs now like each other program.
While the program runs, WordPress has a file/function which gets triggered on "plugin->deactivate" and a function which will look similarly:"
(I am a type of human who likes to play compiler)
(I add a picture because I got only: "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code" and could not solve like 10 minutes.)
This "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code" is driving me crazy. I had to delete a few things.
I have looked on pages like these but no one goes so deep inside:
I appreciate you are thinking this way.
But before you get any answer to this, may i ask why you are asking this?
Meaning, what you want to understand? Is there any specific thing you want to achieve at plugin activation?
There is not much WordPress does while activating plugin.
WordPress scans each file or top level directory inside plugin directory and looks for header comment
See for more details: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-basics/#getting-started
Once it recognizes a plugin, it offers to activate it.
Here is a ruff sketch what happens once you click activate:
WordPress runs any callback function that is bound with register_activation_hook. Its not required to have an activation hook. If you have a callback function, WordPress runs it, if not, WordPress does not do anything. This callback function is used by plugins to do all sort of stuff like creating default options, creating required database tables, checking for dependent plugins , WordPress and PHP required version compatibility to name a few.
WordPress updates an option in DB to keep track of active plugins. so that these can be loaded for each page call. option id is active_plugins. Screenshot: https://snipboard.io/e7sjB9.jpg
On Next page load, WordPress check this option active_plugins and looks for these active plugins and load/run their header comments file code.
Hope it helps.
P.S. this question belongs to https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/

Invisible/Conditional link to draft pages

While writing new blog posts I occasionally hit keywords, that I want to write an other post in the future about. The post didn't exist right now, but creating a link (or anything that will become a link later) while writing the post, would make it a lot easier to reference to the future post than adding links later manually when the new post really exists.
I already thought about using drafts for this scenario and just create an empty post, but I couldn't find a plugin for displaying conditional invisible links to draft and visible links to finally published posts.
Any ideas how to address this issue?

Drupal Views Module is stuck on my custom theme

So I was going through the settings in the Views Module and hit a checkbox and clicked save. This unfortunately transformed the entire Views UI into my custom theme's homepage. And trying to go into settings does not allow me to see anything except my custom homepage. I've tried uninstalling the module and deleting EVERYTHING but nothing seems to work. How can I manually undo check whatever box I had checked.
it needs a little bit of debugging.
go into views source code, look for .module files and search for
hook_menu() implementation
find there an URL where you have checked that checkbox
go into page callback function
check for submit callback function and go to that function
look for update queries or variables settings, anything that have a machine name of your checkbox, look for the mysql table and field
go into database and update that field to your needs
you can also use a fresh drupal install to perform this, it will be easier to just copy the value from one database field into another

One page wordpress template with subscription option

I'm new to wordpress. I have to create a one page template for my site and show a subscribe textbox on it with my own custom style. Later, I will use it to send monthly newsletters. What can be the simplest way to do that? I saw into some plugins like newsletter, subscribe2, but they are complicated and I don't know how to integrate them with my text box. They just provide some sort of widget to show on sidebar. Any tutorial or simple plugin? Please help!
You basically have three options:
a. Use a web-hosted syndication service as per the below. (Easiest to configure)
b. Install some sort of newsletter sending plugin for WordPress. (More control, but more configuration)
c. Use a web-hosted newsletter service like Constant Contact (Expensive and Ugh.).
Try using Feedburner with email subscriptions -- see: http://howtotechtips.blogspot.com/2008/05/create-feedburner-email-subscription.html. You sign up, supply your RSS feed's address, then copy-paste the resulting code where-ever in your template you like. Then, whenever you write a new post, your subscribers are sent an email.
Subscribe2 complicated?
You can do auto-download/install from the administration area, you literally only have to config a few options.
Maybe it's just me, but the screenshots certainly make the plugin appear to be very straight-forward.
If you are not heavy with subscription list. Then a good option can be using the MailChimp email subscription with its free option.
You can just install the plugin and place a function called mailchimpSF_signup_form() into your template's right place. And beautify it with your own CSS.
Or in Post or pages' HTML using the shortcode [mailchimpsf_form]
They also have widget to be added dynamically. How to use it?
Create a free account at MailChimp.
Create a list there.
Create an API key there
Go to your MailChimp options page http://yourwordpress.tld/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options
Insert the API key there.
Select the list you want this subscription to be linked to.
There you are!
