Why some black empty space in my drupal site bottom - drupal

in my Drupal site, some black, empty space is being displayed at the bottom of the page, like in the image below..
By googling, I understood, it is because not enough minimum content in the page. but did not get proper solution to fix it, except min-width setting in global (style.css) file, but it is displaying unnecessary scroll bars even a page has one row of data when you set that property.
Could any body suggest me a solution to this problem

Surely just add the right background colour to your body tag in your css?

in your style.css add
body {
background: #f4f5e5;


Elementor Widget Sepparation problems

I'm using elementor for the first time and I can't remove the space between widgets, you can see the small line of 8px in gray colour with a gradient inside (thats my picture). When I put this picture Elementor adds the white space above and below the line, I thought this is added only at desing time but when I update and see in the browser the whites spaces continues here. Of course the picture in the media gallery don't have this white spaces... I don't know what to try, the only trick is to force the margins but then when the screen changes it's overlapped (this is not a solution). I think Elementor should place the picture without nay margin, only the picture. I have the next properties set:
Content: Full Width
Elementor Widgets Space: 0px
Columns Gap: no gap
All margins and paddings: none (0px)
Tried height to default and forced to 8px
I have two ideas that might help you:
check for a border, maybe you set it on accident or it got imported
take a look at your custom css. Sometimes plugins like envato elements add their custom css without you noticing
It's also a good idea to use your browser and inspect the element to find out if there is any gap. You can also try that on the elements next to the widget you are using.

CSS making an image header in the foreground without HTML

What I want to achieve:
I am doing the very familiar CSS zen garden however I can't seem to get the image to float like this. I want it at the top of the page and to stay at the top like a toolbar like stackoverflow has mounted to the top of the page.
Unfortunately, any time I try to display my image it is not only behind the text but also far too large. I only see about 1/3rd of my image. If I try to scale it in any way then it disappears completely. I have seen that other people do this with the added <divs> but I am told that I should use ::before to do this ....either way I can't get either to even display my image ...the only thing that does barely work is ...
background: url("../CSSMidterm/Header.png") center;
but as I said that displays 1/3rd of the image....any idea how I can rectify this situation?
To make it clear, I am asking how to mount an image to the top of a webpage using ONLY CSS no touching HTML at all. I want it to be fairly similar to the toolbar at the top of Stack Overflow own page.
You can try this
body {
background : transparent url("../CSSMidterm/Header.png") no-repeat center center/cover;
Link to the documentation for background css

Change a specific page background?

On this page : https://nutreviva.com/peak-health-essentials/ I am trying to fully change the background of the page from white to ivory.
When I try to do this it is only changes to the top half middle sections between the boxes and at the bottom of the page. The sides of the page are still white and this is driving me up the wall.
I have scoured the Inspect in Chrome but nothing seems to be working. When i do, it changes the background for the rest of the pages too zzz
In your custom.css file I'd add the following:
body.page-id-3811 {
background-color: ivory;
It seems to work fine, I'm only able to see the colour white background colour in the header and the panels.
In this particular pages HTML try making it say this:
<body style="background-color: ivory;" and see if that is what you are after

Unwanted space between body and footer

Made a Wordpress installation, styled a blog.
The Blog
The problem:
I have a fixed footer and a scrollable main page. No matter what I seem to do, there's always a space from like 10px between the footer and the main body.
I've inspected with Firebug, went through the CSS and the html. I gave the main div margin and padding and even a border-bottom.. but does not seem to help. It changes something, but the space still remains.
Of course, I could set the padding from the footer to bottom 10px, but then I would have unwanted space beneath the footer.
I can't really post any code here, since this is Wordpress and I honestly wouldn't know what code you could need, since I don't know where the problem is.
Thanks everyone in advance!
It's the margin bottom on element
<div id="page" class="hfeed site">
from this style:
body .site {
margin-bottom: 3.42857rem;
Removing this style gets rid of the space (and as far as I can see doesn't cause any other display issue with the site.
You can find these kind of issues by using the Developer Tools in your browser (the Firebug plugin for Firefox for example) and just right-clicking on the area with the issue and exploring and dynamically editing or disabling the styles that are applied to an element.
Well if you really want to remove the gap between the body and the footer, Just get the rid of height:40px that you've set in the footer CSS.
This is only i can do without code!
Hope this will help.
Here is the screen-shot
Just remove the height:40px rule from style.css (row 771)
on your style.css line 121 add this table { float: left; }

Gallery lightbox plugin issue

I'm developing a website template and just spotted an issue with the gallery lightbox plugin. http://creativusmouse.com/Proteus/html_preview22/portfolio_2_col.html
When the gallery has more than 1 image the lightbox renders just fine but when it has only 1 image the large image wrapper gets smaller than the image.
I kind of spotted what's causing the issue - this template uses foundation 3.0 framework so on foundation.min.css file the very first selector is causing the problem:
" * {
I tried to remove this and it fixed the problem however the whole website gets broken.
I'm not sure what code shall I paste here. If necessary I can post a link to download all the template files.
Thank you!
Don't change this code, modify the css for your wrapper instead. That snippet of code you posted is telling all elements to include any borders, and paddings in the calculation for width. So a box with 10px of padding and 5px of border space and is 200px wide is actually 200px wide. Without this code the box would actually be 230px wide.
You could do this...
Add to the class lightbox-outer - overflow: hidden.
.lightbox-outer {
overflow: hidden;
This works but it hides part of the image, it's like your box doesnt want to scale to the size of the image.
Do you have a setting in the lightbox stuff anywhere that is setting the a specific proportion?
EDIT2: Something else I found, if I remove "width" from the class .lightbox-skin then it starts behaving again. Problem is this width is applied to the element inline dynamically?
