HTTP: Can I trust 'Content-Length' request header value - http

I'm developing a file uploading service. I want my users to be restricted for total uploaded files sizes, i.e. they have quotas for uploaded files.
So I want to check for available quota as a user starts upload a new file.
The easiest way is to take 'Content-Length' header value of the POST request and check it against remaining user's quota.
But I'm anxious about whether I can trust 'Content-Length' value.
What if a bad guy specifies a small value in 'Content-Length' header and starts uploading a huge file.
Should I check additionally during reading from input stream (and saving a file on disk) or it's redundant (and such a situation should be detected by Web servers)?

Short answer: it's safe
Long answer: Generally, servers are required to read (at most) as many bytes as are specified in the Content-Length request header. Any bytes that comes after that are expected to indicate a completely new request (reusing the same connection).
I'd assume that this requirement is validated on the server by checking that the next few bytes can be parsed as a request-line.
request-line = method SP request-target SP HTTP-version CRLF
If your bad guy is not smart enough to inject request headers in the right locations of the message body, the server should (must?) automatically treat the entire chain of requests as invalid and abort the file upload.
If your guy does inject new request headers in the message body (a.k.a. request smuggling), each resulting request is technically still valid and you'll still be able to trust that the Content-Length is valid for each message body. You just have to watch out for a different kind of attacks. For example: you might have a proxy installed that filters incoming requests, but only does so by checking the headers of the first request. The smuggled requests get a free pass, which is an obvious security breach.


Does the browser cache evict existing entries after a successful PUT/POST/DELETE?

If I send a GET xhr from the browser and the response comes with the correct headers, then the resource is stored in the cache. But I was wondering what would happen if I then send a PUT to the same url. Is the browser smart enough to know that this method will change the resource and so evict the entry from the cache?
I found this in the rfc:
A cache MUST invalidate the effective Request URI (Section 5.5 of
[RFC7230]) as well as the URI(s) in the Location and Content-Location
response header fields (if present) when a non-error status code is
received in response to an unsafe request method.
The unsafe methods include PUT/POST/DELETE, so browsers should evict the entries after requests with these methods are successful (status code 2xx or 3xx).
Though one should be aware that a resource can change even if no requests that modify it are made.

How can I tell the "current age" of a cached page?

I'm wondering how the browser determines whether a cached resource has expired or not.
Assume that I have set the max-age header to 300. I made a request at 14:00, 3 minutes later I made another request to the same resource. So how can the browser tell the resource haven't expired (the current age which is 180 is less than the max-age)? Does the browser hold a "expiry date" or "current age" for every requested resource? If so how can I inspect the "current age" at the time I made the request?
Check what browsers store in their cache
To have a better understanding on how the browser cache works, check what the browsers actually store in their cache:
Firefox: Navigate to about:cache.
Chrome: Navigate to chrome://cache.
Note that there's a key for each cache entry (requested URL). Associated with the key, you will find the whole response details (status codes, headers and content). With those details, the browser is able to determine the age of a requested resource and whether it's expired or not.
The reference for HTTP caching
The RFC 7234, the current reference for caching in HTTP/1.1, tells you a good part of the story about how cache is supposed to work:
2. Overview of Cache Operation
Proper cache operation preserves the semantics of HTTP transfers
while eliminating the transfer of information already
held in the cache. Although caching is an entirely OPTIONAL feature
of HTTP, it can be assumed that reusing a cached response is
desirable and that such reuse is the default behavior when no
requirement or local configuration prevents it. [...]
Each cache entry consists of a cache key and one or more HTTP
responses corresponding to prior requests that used the same key.
The most common form of cache entry is a successful result of a
retrieval request: i.e., a 200 (OK) response to a GET request, which
contains a representation of the resource identified by the request
target. However, it is also possible to
cache permanent redirects, negative results (e.g., 404 (Not Found)),
incomplete results (e.g., 206 (Partial Content)), and responses to
methods other than GET if the method's definition allows such caching
and defines something suitable for use as a cache key.
The primary cache key consists of the request method and target URI.
However, since HTTP caches in common use today are typically limited
to caching responses to GET, many caches simply decline other methods
and use only the URI as the primary cache key. [...]
Some rules are defined regarding storing responses in caches:
3. Storing Responses in Caches
A cache MUST NOT store a response to any request, unless:
The request method is understood by the cache and defined as being
cacheable, and
the response status code is understood by the cache, and
the no-store cache directive does not appear
in request or response header fields, and
the private response directive does not
appear in the response, if the cache is shared, and
the Authorization header field does
not appear in the request, if the cache is shared, unless the
response explicitly allows it, and
the response either:
contains an Expires header field, or
contains a max-age response directive, or
contains a s-maxage response directive
and the cache is shared, or
contains a Cache Control Extension that
allows it to be cached, or
has a status code that is defined as cacheable by default, or
contains a public response directive.
Note that any of the requirements listed above can be overridden by a cache-control extension. [...]
Usually (but not always) the server providing the resource will provide a Date header, indicating the time at which that resource was requested. Caching entities can use that Date and the current time to find the resource's age. If the Date response header does not appear, that the caching entity will probably mark the resource's request time in other metadata, and use that metadata for computing the age. Another possibly helpful response header to look for is the Last-Modified response header.
So first, you should check if the cached resource has the Date header for your own age calculation. If not present, it will then depend on which specific browser you are using, and how that browser handles caching for Date-less resources. More information on HTTP caching and the various factors involved, can be found in this caching tutorial.
Hope this helps!

304 Not Modified with 200 (from cache)

I'm trying to understand what exactly is the difference between "status 304 not modified" and "200 (from cache)"
I'm getting 304 on javascript files that I changed last. Why does this happen?
Thanks for the assistance. is an excellent source to form the required understanding around these 2 HTTP status codes.
After reading this thoroughly, I had this understanding
In typical usage, when a URL is retrieved, the web server will return the resource's current representation along with its corresponding ETag value, which is placed in an HTTP response header "ETag" field. The client may then decide to cache the representation, along with its ETag. Later, if the client wants to retrieve the same URL resource again, it will first determine whether the local cached version of the URL has expired (through the Cache-Control and the Expire headers). If the URL has not expired, it will retrieve the local cached resource. If it determined that the URL has expired (is stale), then the client will contact the server and send its previously saved copy of the ETag along with the request in a "If-None-Match" field. (Source:
But even when expires time for an asset is set in future, browser can still reach the server for a conditional GET using ETag as per the 'Vary' header. Details on 'vary' header:
"200 (from cache)" means the browser found a cached response for the request made. So instead of making a network call to fetch that resource from the remote server, it simply made use of the cached response.
Now these cached responses have a life time associated with them. With time, the responses can become stale. And if these are not allowed to be served stale (see section 4.2.4 - RFC7234), the browser needs to contact the remote server and verify whether these cached responses are still valid or not. The 304 response status code is the servers' way of letting the browser know that the response hasn't changed and is still valid.
If the browser receives a 304 response, it can "freshen" the relevant stale response(s). And subsequent requests to the resource can again be served from the browser cache without checking with the remote server (until the response becomes stale again).
304 Modified
A 304 Not Modified means that the files have not been modified since the specified version by the "If-Modified-Since", or "If-None-Match".
200 OK
This is the response you'll get if an HTTP request works. GET requests will have something relating to the files. A POST request will have something holding the result of the action.
Happy coding!Lyfe

Does sending POST data to a server that doesn't accept post data recieve the data?

I am setting up a back end API in a script of mine that contacts one of my sites by sending XML to my web server in the form of POST data. This script will be used by many and I want to limit the bandwidth waste for people that accidentally turn the feature on without a proper access key.
I will be denying requests that do not have the correct access key by maybe generating a 403 access code.
Lets say the POST data is ~500kb of data. Does the server receive all 500kb of data when this attempt is made regardless of the status code?
How about if I made the url contain the key mydomain/api/123456789 and generate 403 status on all bad access keys.
Does the POST data still get sent/received regardless or is it negotiated before the data is finally sent.
Thanks in advance!
Generally speaking, the entire request will be sent, including post data. There is often no way for the application layer to return a response like a 403 until it has received the entire request.
In reality, it will depend on the language/framework used and how closely it is linked to the HTTP server. Section 8.2.2 of RFC2616 HTTP/1.1 specification has this to say
An HTTP/1.1 (or later) client sending
a message-body SHOULD monitor the
network connection for an error status
while it is transmitting the request.
If the client sees an error status, it
SHOULD immediately cease transmitting
the body. If the body is being sent
using a "chunked" encoding (section
3.6), a zero length chunk and empty trailer MAY be used to prematurely
mark the end of the message. If the
body was preceded by a Content-Length
header, the client MUST close the
So, if you can find a language environemnt closely linked with the HTTP server (for example, mod_perl), you could do this in a way which does comply with standards.
An alternative approach you could take is to make an initial, smaller request to obtain a URL to use for the larger POST. The application can then deny providing the URL to clients without an appropriate key.
Here is great book about RESTful Web Services, where it's explained how HTTP works:
You can consider any request as envelope, where on top of it it's written address (URL), some properties (HTTP Headers) and inside it there's some data (if request is initiated by post method). So as you might guess you can't receive envelope partially.
Oh I forgot, it's when you are using HTTP Post with standard HTTP header "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" but if you are uploading files (correspondingly using ""multipart/form-data") Django gives you control over streamed chunks of files using Middleware classes:

ETag vs Header Expires

I've looked around but haven't been able to figure out if I should use both an ETag and an Expires Header or one or the other.
What I'm trying to do is make sure that my flash files (and other images and what not only get updated when there is a change to those files.
I don't want to do anything special like changing the filename or putting some weird chars on the end of the url to make it not get cached.
Also, is there anything I need to do programatically on my end in my PHP scripts to support this or is it all Apache?
They are slightly different - the ETag does not have any information that the client can use to determine whether or not to make a request for that file again in the future. If ETag is all it has, it will always have to make a request. However, when the server reads the ETag from the client request, the server can then determine whether to send the file (HTTP 200) or tell the client to just use their local copy (HTTP 304). An ETag is basically just a checksum for a file that semantically changes when the content of the file changes.
The Expires header is used by the client (and proxies/caches) to determine whether or not it even needs to make a request to the server at all. The closer you are to the Expires date, the more likely it is the client (or proxy) will make an HTTP request for that file from the server.
So really what you want to do is use BOTH headers - set the Expires header to a reasonable value based on how often the content changes. Then configure ETags to be sent so that when clients DO send a request to the server, it can more easily determine whether or not to send the file back.
One last note about ETag - if you are using a load-balanced server setup with multiple machines running Apache you will probably want to turn off ETag generation. This is because inodes are used as part of the ETag hash algorithm which will be different between the servers. You can configure Apache to not use inodes as part of the calculation but then you'd want to make sure the timestamps on the files are exactly the same, to ensure the same ETag gets generated for all servers.
Etag and Last-modified headers are validators.
They help the browser and/or the cache (reverse proxy) to understand if a file/page, has changed, even if it preserves the same name.
Expires and Cache-control are giving refresh information.
This means that they inform, the browser and the reverse in-between proxies, up to what time or for how long, they may keep the page/file at their cache.
So the question usually is which one validator to use, etag or last-modified, and which refresh infomation header to use, expires or cache-control.
Expires and Cache-Control are "strong caching headers"
Last-Modified and ETag are "weak caching headers"
First the browser check Expires/Cache-Control to determine whether or not to make a request to the server
If have to make a request, it will send Last-Modified/ETag in the HTTP request. If the Etag value of the document matches that, the server will send a 304 code instead of 200, and no content. The browser will load the contents from its cache.
Another summary:
You need to use both. ETags are a "server side" information. Expires are a "Client side" caching.
Use ETags except if you have a load-balanced server. They are safe and will let clients know they should get new versions of your server files every time you change something on your side.
Expires must be used with caution, as if you set a expiration date far in the future but want to change one of the files immediatelly (a JS file for instance), some users may not get the modified version until a long time!
One additional thing I would like to mention that some of the answers may have missed is the downside to having both ETags and Expires/Cache-control in your headers.
Depending on your needs it may just add extra bytes in your headers which may increase packets which means more TCP overhead. Again, you should see if the overhead of having both things in your headers is necessary or will it just add extra weight in your requests which reduces performance.
You can read more about it on this excellent blog post by Kyle Simpson:
In my view, With Expire Header, server can tell the client when my data would be stale, while with Etag, server would check the etag value for client' each request.
ETag is used to determine whether a resource should use the copy one. and Expires Header like Cache-Control is told the client that before the cache decades, client should fetch the local resource.
In modern sites, There are often offer a file named hash, like app.98a3cf23.js, so that it's a good practice to use Expires Header. Besides this, it also reduce the cost of network.
Hope it helps ;)
Etag is a hash for indicating the version of the resource. When the server returns data, it hashes the data and set this hash value under ETAG. When you send a "PUT" request to the server to update a record, maybe simultaneously another user made the same "PUT" request and its request has been processed. The server will check your "PUT" data and will see that it is the same update so it wont make another update, it will send you the updated data (by another user) and you will update your cache.
when the time for caching expires, the browser automatically makes a new request to get the fresh data. That is why "Expires" header is used
If a response includes both an Expires header and a max-age directive,
the max-age directive overrides the Expires header, even if the
Expires header is more restrictive. This rule allows an origin server
to provide, for a given response, a longer expiration time to an
HTTP/1.1 (or later) cache than to an HTTP/1.0 cache. This might be
useful if certain HTTP/1.0 caches improperly calculate ages or
expiration times, perhaps due to desynchronized clocks.
