Dokku .profile.d folder, scripts not executing - dokku

I cannot get bash scripts to run in the .profile.d folder. This seems like it should be very straight forward but I'm not having any luck.
I have a .profile.d folder in the root of my application. In it I have one script which builds ffmpeg from source called:
This script executes fine when I run it in the container and makes / installs ffmpeg. I've tried chmod +x and adding a #!/bin/bash to the top of the file.
I feel like I'm missing a basic understanding somewhere here, any tips?

Ok, this was running correctly, it just didn't output echo statements. I only found it by attaching to the running docker container after the deploy had finished.


Laravel Homestead setup but does not sync hidden files

Hi I've setup Homestead correctly but when I ssh into my Vagrant instance I can see all my files just not the hidden ones (.env, .git, .gitignore are missing). I'm trying to run webpack-dev-server within my instance and it needs my .env file to run. Is it normal that hidden files are not synced?
My .yaml file:
Hidden files don't show when using the ls command (which I guess is what u're doing). They are still there, however. You can try something like nano .env and you'll see that you can edit your env from the console :)
Another command you could use is ls -a, which should show all files regardless of whether they're hidden or not.

How to run OwinHost from non-bin folder?

OwinHost.exe seems to only want to run against an application that lives in a folder called "bin". If I try against another folder e.g. "bin2", OwinHost says that it can't find the startup attribute.
I've tried running from within the bin2 folder, outside it, and tried the -d and -b arguments - nothing seems to work.

Autosys: Change directory before executing job

I'm new to Autosys and I'm using the WCC front end in order to run autosys jobs. I also have access to the terminal if the answer proves to only work in the terminal
I was wondering how to change the directory before running a job. At the moment, Autosys searches its root directory for a batch file buit I want it to point to C:/scripts. IS there any way to define this as the starting directory or am i stuck leaving script files in the root directory of Autosys?
Thank you for your help.
Full path to the script should stand in the "command" section, e.g.:
insert_job: my_job job_type: c
command: C\:\Scripts\script1.bat
Alternative solution is to add C:\Scripts to the PATH variable on your app server.

Exec with PHP-FPM on nginx (under chroot) returns nothing

I've created a nginx server in a chroot at /srv/http with php-fpm. Both services use the http user and it works fine. The problem comes when I try to run an exec command such as
echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/ls');
There is no output at all on the web page or in the errors. I've also tried
and still nothing.
Things I've Tried or Know:
safe mode off
exec enabled
user is http (using phpinfo())
display_errors = on
error_reporting = E_ALL
sudo /usr/bin/chroot --userspec=http:http /srv/http ls works fine
Can create file and read from it using file_puts_content and fopen/fread
tried shell_exec,exec,system, and passthrough - nothing worked
tried appending 2>&1 to the end of the command and nothing
I've copied all the executables and libraries necessary over
all libraries, binaries, and everything under /srv/http/www (where the webpages are) have executable and read permissions
doc_root is www
As far as I know, everything works in the chroot, except shell commands through php-fpm. Anyone have any idea where I went wrong and how to fix it?
This may sound stupid but you must just copy /bin/sh (not /bin/bash!) to you chroot.
For example see this question: How do I change the shell for php's exec()
If you chroot to some directory, then this directory becomes the root for all your PHP scripts. That means, that if you execute /usr/bin/ls from within PHP, it will try to exectue /srv/http/usr/bin/ls instead.
You can copy the executable to that directory - but be aware of the security implications. If you copy critical system executables into the chrooted directory you basically bypass the positive effects of chroot.
I get no output for
echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/ls');
either. Presumably because ls isn't a file but a built-in command. Running:
echo shell_exec('ls');
css demos favicon.ico images js path.php robots.txt routing.php test
which is the list of files in my root directory for the site.

Relative path to executable is not resolved in zsh script

I have a personal scripts folder: ~/google_drive/code/scripts. This folder is on my $path. $path is set in ~/.zshenv and not changed anywhere else (I've disabled OS X path_helper and I don't touch $path in any other zsh startup file). In this scripts folder, there is a subdirectory called alfred_workflows. From the command line, from any location I am able to run scripts in this folder with relative paths. This is expected:
$ alfred_workflows/
#=> test successful
But in a script, this does not work. It generates an error:
$ zsh -c "alfred_workflows/"
#=> zsh:1: no such file or directory: alfred_workflows/
Once again, the scripts directory that contains alfred_workflows is on $path, which is set in ~/.zshenv, and I am able to run executables that reside in the top level of this directory from a script. The issue only seems to be when I try to go through a subdirectory. What might be the problem?
Searching of the $path is only done for names containing a slash if the
path_dirs option is set. Apparently that's set in your interactive shell,
but isn't set in the process that's executing the script.
