How do I access the latest blog posts? -

I've word-press blog installed on my Godaddy's Domain.
I want to get the latest posts of my blog using C#/ASP.Net code, how can I do this?

WordPress provides an XML-RPC API that includes getPosts and similar function. You can find a couple of pre-built clients for it on NuGet; I haven't tried either to recommend them but from the GitHub readme the first one looks more complete:
POSSIBLE.WordPress.XmlRpcClient (NuGet)
WordPress XML-RPC Client for .NET (NuGet)
Also if you've got the Jetpack plugin installed on your site then that adds a JSON API. I can't recommend one sorry but again there'll be OAuth2 and REST API clients on NuGet.

Ok guys; basically i required my latest blogs post , so what i used takes the path of my blog feed and returns me latest post.
I simply embed in my project using the generated script . So i don't need to get info code .

As per my view and research, you can access wordpress DB in c# by using MySqlConnection.
Please visit following link for more information about MySQL Connection.


I'm trying to implement external REST APIs in my wordpress website. Can anybody have idea how to do it (whether with a plugin or with programming)

I tried to use one plugin called "WP Data Sync". I am also going through its documentation/ support for the same. I am also having wpbakery page builder in my website. So is there any way that we sync with that also?
Note - We have to sync data in the form of images, image gallery, events listing, and the blog posts.
Did you check out WP Data Syncs website at and create an account to check out an API key?
I'm not sure about all APIs, but the ones I've used in the past would require me to register with the API's website, get issued an API key and maybe even designate the key to a specific website (your WordPress site in this case) for security reasons. After that, you would then go to your WP site and setup the API there via WP DataSyncs plugin.
I hope I understood your question and that this helps.

Get recent wordpress posts in Laravel

I have a Wordpress site and a Laravel site and I want to display recent wordpress posts in the footer of Laravel site. How can I do this without having my wordpress database information in my config/database.php file and using it in the models? Can I get them using RSS?
Recent WordPress was released with a huge thing called REST API – earlier it was possible only with external plugins. So now we can query WordPress database from external projects. Including Laravel.
set up a local WordPress website, and after installation you got that usual dashboard.
we can already make API calls after installation. No need to configure anything, we just launch the URL in the browser:
we’ve received a JSON with a list of posts – by default, WordPress creates one dummy post.
Basically, URL structure for the API calls is simple:
Yes, you’ve read it right, we can get posts, categories, tags and other things that are publicly available, so we don’t need any authentication here.
And we also can filter the data with GET parameters, like this:
For more details open link:- Using WordPress REST API in Laravel
You can get the posts by calling an API endpoint:
It will return all the posts in a json format. You can also see the reference from here.

Wordpress API without installation

I am trying to use the wordpress API to retrieve recent blog posts from a wordpress blog, and display them on a non-wordpress site.
I have read a bunch of tutorials and the documentation on implementing the API, all of which state that you must install wordpress on your server in order to use the API.
Is this definitely the only use case? Is there an implementation I can use which does not require us to install wordpress on the server?
All I want to do is retrieve recent posts and display them in a list which will link out to the actual wordpress blog.
The folks commenting are confused by your statement, because they all assume (as highly technical individuals do), you're referring to a self-hosted WordPress.
No. You do NOT have to have a WordPress install to use the WordPress**.COM** API.
Good luck!

Wordpress to apps via phoneGAP

I am looking for a tutorial that shows how to use PhoneGAP to convert a Classified Ads website( eg gumtree) that created using wordpress to apps ( ios,andriod and windows). I have spent 3 hours to find something but could not find it :(
I am in the learning stage, appreciate your support.
You can use Phonegap to build apps that will read JSON feeds from your Wordpress sites. Here is an idea where to start:
To get the data from your WordPress sites you will need to use a JSON API (you can search google for such APIs) for example: JetPack which includes WordPress JSON API.
You can find quite good documentation for the API.
Also you can use OAUTH2 to authenticate.

Interacting with the wordpress api with an application

I have built an application from which I would like to post blog entries to wordpress, using the wordpress API. Thus far I have been unable to find any good tutorials or walkthroughs to do so. How might I use the wordpress API to upload blog content via an application?
I know that you should use the xml-rpc (probably need to enable on your server under administration area). xml-rpc. However, actual implementation details I am not positive on. Hopefully this gives you a start.
