Conditional calculation of means of different columns in data.table with R - r

Here was discussed the question of calculation of means and medians of vector t, for each value of vector y (from 1 to 4) where x=1, z=1, using aggregate function in R.
x y z t
1 1 1 10
1 0 1 15
2 NA 1 14
2 3 0 15
2 2 1 17
2 1 NA 19
3 4 2 18
3 0 2 NA
3 2 2 45
4 3 2 NA
4 1 3 59
5 0 3 0
5 4 3 45
5 4 4 74
5 1 4 86
Multiple aggregation in R with 4 parameters
But how can I for each value (from 1 to 5) of vector x calculate (mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t)) ? And do not make calculations for values 0 and NA in any vector. For example, in vector y the 3rd value is 0, so the 3rd number in every vector (y,z,t) should not be used. And in result the the third row (for x=3) should be NA.
Here is the code for calculating means of y,z and t and it`s needed to add the formula for calculation (mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t)):
data <- data.table(dataframe)
bar <- data[,.N,by=x]
foo <- data[ ,list(mean.y =mean(y, na.rm = T),
mean.z=mean(z, na.rm = T),
mean.t=mean(t,na.rm = T)),
In this code for calculating means all rows are used, but for calculating (mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t)), any row where y or z or t equal to zero or NA should not be used.

Oh, this can be further simplified, as data.table doesn't subset NA by default (especially with such cases in mind, similar to base::subset). So, you just have to do:
dt[y != 0 & z != 0 & t != 0,
list(ans = (mean(y) + mean(z))/(mean(z) - mean(t))), by = x]
FWIW, here's how I'd do it in data.table:
dt[(y | NA) & (z | NA) & (t | NA),
list(ans=(mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t))), by=x]
# x ans
# 1: 1 -0.22222222
# 2: 2 -0.18750000
# 3: 3 -0.16949153
# 4: 4 -0.07142857
# 5: 5 -0.10309278
Let's break it down with the general syntax: dt[i, j, by]:
In i, we filter out for your conditions using a nice little hack TRUE | NA = TRUE and FALSE | NA = NA and NA | NA = NA (you can test these out in your R session).
Since you say you need only the non-zero non-NA values, it's just a matter of |ing each column with NA - which'll return TRUE only for your condition. That settles the subset by condition part.
Then for each group in by, we aggregate according to your function, in j, to get the result.

Here's one solution:
# create your sample data frame
df <- read.table(text = " x y z t
1 1 1 10
1 0 1 15
2 NA 1 14
2 3 0 15
2 2 1 17
2 1 NA 19
3 4 2 18
3 0 2 NA
3 2 2 45
4 3 2 NA
4 1 3 59
5 0 3 0
5 4 3 45
5 4 4 74
5 1 4 86", header = TRUE)
dfmeans <- df %>%
filter(! & ! & ! %>% # remove rows with NAs
filter(y != 0 & z != 0 & t != 0) %>% # remove rows with zeroes
group_by(x) %>%
summarize(xmeans = (mean(y) + mean(z)) / (mean(z) - mean(t)))
I'm sure there is a simpler way to remove the rows with NAs and zeroes, but it's not coming to me. Anyway, dfmeans looks like this:
# x xmeans
# 1 1 -0.22222222
# 2 2 -0.18750000
# 3 3 -0.16949153
# 4 4 -0.07142857
# 5 5 -0.10309278
And if you just want the values from xmeans use dfmeans$xmeans.


Select value from previous group based on condition

I have the following df
df<-data.frame(value = c(1,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,2),
group = c(5,5,5,6,7,7,8,8,9,10),
no_rows = c(3,3,3,1,2,2,2,2,1,1))
where identical consecutive values form a group, i.e., values in rows 1:3 fall under group 5. Column "no_rows" tells us how many rows/entries each group has, i.e., group 5 has 3 rows/entries.
I am trying to substitute all values, where no_rows < 2, with the value from a previous group. I expect my end df to look like this:
df_end<-data.frame(value = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),
group = c(5,5,5,6,7,7,8,8,9,10),
no_rows = c(3,3,3,1,2,2,2,2,1,1))
I came up with this combination of if...else in a for loop, which gives me the desired output, however it is very slow and I am looking for a way to optimise it.
for (i in 2:length(df$group)){
if (df$no_rows[i] < 2){
df$value[i] <- df$value[i-1]
I have also tried with dplyr::mutate and lag() but it does not give me the desired output (it only removes the first value per group instead of taking the value of a previous group).
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(value = ifelse(no_rows < 2, lag(value), value))
I looked for a solution now for a few days but I could not find anything that fit my problem completly. Any ideas?
a data.table approach...
first, get the values of groups with length >=2, then fill in missing values (NA) by last-observation-carried-forward.
# make it a data.table
setDT(df, key = "group")
# get values for groups of no_rows >= 2
df[no_rows >= 2, new_value := value][]
# value group no_rows new_value
# 1: 1 5 3 1
# 2: 1 5 3 1
# 3: 1 5 3 1
# 4: 2 6 1 NA
# 5: 1 7 2 1
# 6: 1 7 2 1
# 7: 2 8 2 2
# 8: 2 8 2 2
# 9: 1 9 1 NA
#10: 2 10 1 NA
# fill down missing values in new_value
setnafill(df, "locf", cols = c("new_value"))
# value group no_rows new_value
# 1: 1 5 3 1
# 2: 1 5 3 1
# 3: 1 5 3 1
# 4: 2 6 1 1
# 5: 1 7 2 1
# 6: 1 7 2 1
# 7: 2 8 2 2
# 8: 2 8 2 2
# 9: 1 9 1 2
#10: 2 10 1 2

Mapping 2 unrelated data frames in R

I need to use data from a dataframe A to fill a column in my dataframe B.
Here is a subset of dataframe A:
> dfA <- data.frame(Family=c('A','A','A','B','B'), Count=c(1,2,3,1,2), Start=c(0,10,35,0,5), End=c(10,35,50,5,25))
> dfA
Family Count Start End
1 A 1 0 10
2 A 2 10 35
3 A 3 35 50
4 B 1 0 5
5 B 2 5 25
and a subset of dataframe B
> dfB <- data.frame(Family=c('A','A','A','B','B'), Start=c(1,4,36,2,10), End=c(3,6,40,4,24), BelongToCount=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA))
> dfB
Family Start End BelongToCount
1 A 1 3 NA
2 A 4 6 NA
3 A 36 40 NA
4 B 2 4 NA
5 B 10 24 NA
What I want to do is to fill in the BelongToCount column in B according to the data from dataframe A, which would end up with dataframe B filled as:
Family Start End BelongToCount
A 1 3 1
A 4 6 1
A 36 40 3
B 2 4 1
B 10 24 2
I need to do this for each family (so grouping by family), and the condition to fill the BelongToCount column is that if B$Start >= A$Start && B$End <= A$End.
I can't seem to find a clean (and fast) way to do this in R.
Right now, I am doing as follows:
split_A <- split(dfA, dfA$Family)
split_A_FamilyA <- split_A[["A"]]
split_B <- split(dfB, dfB$Family)
split_B_FamilyA <- split_B[["A"]]
for(i in 1:nrow(split_B_FamilyA)) {
row <- split_B_FamilyA[i,]
start <- row$dStart
end <- row$dEnd
for(j in 1:nrow(split_A_FamilyA)) {
row_base <- split_A_FamilyA[j,]
start_base <- row_base$Start
end_base <- row_base$End
if ((start >= start_base) && (end <= end_base)) {
split_B_FamilyA[i,][i,]$BelongToCount <- row_base$Count
I admit this is a very bad way of handling the problem (and it is awfully slow). I usually use dplyr when it comes to applying operations on specific groups, but I can't find a way to do such a thing using it. Joining the tables does not make a lot of sense either because the number of rows don't match.
Can someone point me any relevant R function / an efficient way of solving this problem in R?
You can do this with non-equi join in data.table:
set(dfB, j='BelongToCount', value = as.numeric(dfB$BelongToCount))
dfB[dfA, BelongToCount := Count, on = .(Family, Start >= Start, End <= End)]
# Family Start End BelongToCount
# 1: A 1 3 1
# 2: A 4 6 1
# 3: A 36 40 3
# 4: B 2 4 1
# 5: B 10 24 2
In case a row in dfB is contained in multiple roles of dfA:
dfA2 <- rbind(dfA, dfA)
dfA2[dfB, .(BelongToCount = sum(Count)),
on = .(Family, Start <= Start, End >= End), by = .EACHI]
# Family Start End BelongToCount
# 1: A 1 3 2
# 2: A 4 6 2
# 3: A 36 40 6
# 4: B 2 4 2
# 5: B 10 24 4

How to skip iteration in for loop if condition is met

I have code to turn the upper triangle of a matrix into a vector and store the values from this vector along with their original coordinates from the matrix into a data frame.
How do I skip the for loop if the element in the vector is zero?
I have tried else statements and other attempts.
v <- matrix(sample(0:1, 10, replace = TRUE),9,9)
t <- v[upper.tri(v,diag=T)]
tful <- t[t!=0]
df <- data.frame(FP1=rep(0,length(t)),FP2=rep(0,length(t)),tanimoto=rep(0,length(t)))
for (i in 1:length(t)){
if (t[i]==0) next
else {
col_num <- floor(sqrt(2*i-7/4)+.5)
row_num <- i-(.5*col_num^2-.5*col_num+1)+1
df$FP1[i] <- row_num
df$FP2[i] <- col_num
df$tanimoto[i] <- v[row_num,col_num]
I dont want any zeros in my data frame, and the loop to skip these values.
I understand the data frame needs to be smaller in rows but i am using this as an example.
Your next is working fine to skip the current iteration of the loop.
You still get 0s in the final result because all values of df were initialized df to 0. When you skip the iteration, they are not changed, so they remain 0. If you change the initialization to be NA values, you'll see that no 0s are added.
df <- data.frame(FP1=rep(NA,length(t)),FP2=rep(NA,length(t)),tanimoto=rep(NA,length(t)))
for (i in 1:length(t)){
if (t[i]==0) next
else {
col_num <- floor(sqrt(2*i-7/4)+.5)
row_num <- i-(.5*col_num^2-.5*col_num+1)+1
df$FP1[i] <- row_num
df$FP2[i] <- col_num
df$tanimoto[i] <- v[row_num,col_num]
# FP1 FP2 tanimoto
# 1 1 1 1
# 2 1 2 1
# 3 2 2 1
# 4 1 3 1
# 5 2 3 1
# 6 3 3 1
# 7 NA NA NA
# 8 2 4 1
# 9 3 4 1
# 10 4 4 1
# 11 NA NA NA
# ...
A simple modification would be to filter your data frame as a last step: df = df[df$tanimoto != 0, ], or if you switch to NA, df = na.omit(df).
We could also create a non-looping solution:
v1 = v != 0
df2 = data.frame(FP1 = row(v)[v1], FP2 = col(v)[v1], tanimoto = v[v1])
df2 = subset(df2, FP1 <= FP2)
# FP1 FP2 tanimoto
# 1 1 1 1
# 7 1 2 1
# 8 2 2 1
# 13 1 3 1
# 14 2 3 1
# 15 3 3 1
# 20 2 4 1
# 21 3 4 1
# 22 4 4 1
# 27 3 5 1
# 28 4 5 1
# 29 5 5 1
# 33 1 6 1
# 34 4 6 1
# 35 5 6 1
# ...

R - delete consecutive (ONLY) duplicates

I need to eliminate rows from a data frame based on the repetition of values in a given column, but only those that are consecutive.
For example, for the following data frame:
df = data.frame(x=c(1,1,1,2,2,4,2,2,1))
df$y <- c(10,11,30,12,49,13,12,49,30)
df$z <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
x y z
1 10 1
1 11 2
1 30 3
2 12 4
2 49 5
4 13 6
2 12 7
2 49 8
1 30 9
I would need to eliminate rows with consecutive repeated values in the x column, keep the last repeated row, and maintain the structure of the data frame:
x y z
1 30 3
2 49 5
4 13 6
2 49 8
1 30 9
Following directions from help and some other posts, I have tried using the duplicated function:
df[ !duplicated(x,fromLast=TRUE), ] # which gives me this:
x y z
1 1 10 1
6 4 13 6
7 2 12 7
9 1 30 9
Not sure why I get the NA rows at the end (wasn't happening with a similar table I was testing), but works only partially on the values.
I have also tried using the data.table package as follows:
dt <-
setkey(dt, x)
dt[J(unique(x)), mult ='last']
Works great, but it eliminates ALL duplicates from the data frame, not just those that are consecutive, giving something like this:
x y z
1 30 9
2 49 8
4 13 6
Please, forgive if cross-posting. I tried some of the suggestions but none worked for eliminating only those that are consecutive.
I would appreciate any help.
How about:
gives you the run lengths and values of consecutive duplicates in the x variable. Then:
extracts the lengths. Finally:
gives the row indices which you can select using [.
EDIT for fun here's a microbenchmark of the answers given so far with rle being mine, consec being what I think is the most fundamentally direct answer, given by #James, and would be the answer I would "accept", and dp being the dplyr answer given by #Nik.
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max
#> rle 134.389 145.4220 162.6967 154.4180 172.8370 375.109
#> consec 111.411 118.9235 136.1893 123.6285 145.5765 314.249
#> dp 20478.898 20968.8010 23536.1306 21167.1200 22360.8605 179301.213
rle performs better than I thought it would.
You just need to check in there is no duplicate following a number, i.e x[i+1] != x[i] and note the last value will always be present.
df[c(df$x[-1] != df$x[-nrow(df)],TRUE),]
x y z
3 1 30 3
5 2 49 5
6 4 13 6
8 2 49 8
9 1 30 9
A cheap solution with dplyr that I could think of:
df %>%
mutate(id = lag(x, 1),
decision = if_else(x != id, 1, 0),
final = lead(decision, 1, default = 1)) %>%
filter(final == 1) %>%
select(-id, -decision, -final)
x y z
1 1 30 3
2 2 49 5
3 4 13 6
4 2 49 8
5 1 30 9
This will even work if your data has the same x value at the bottom
New Input:
df2 <- df %>% add_row(x = 1, y = 10, z = 12)
x y z
1 1 10 1
2 1 11 2
3 1 30 3
4 2 12 4
5 2 49 5
6 4 13 6
7 2 12 7
8 2 49 8
9 1 30 9
10 1 10 12
Use same method:
df2 %>%
mutate(id = lag(x, 1),
decision = if_else(x != id, 1, 0),
final = lead(decision, 1, default = 1)) %>%
filter(final == 1) %>%
select(-id, -decision, -final)
New Output:
x y z
1 1 30 3
2 2 49 5
3 4 13 6
4 2 49 8
5 1 10 12
Here is a data.table solution. The trick is to create a shifted version of x with the shift function and compare it with x
dattab <-
dattab[x != shift(x = x, n = 1, fill = -999, type = "lead")] # edited to add closing )
This way you compare each value of x with its immediately following value and throw out where they match. Make sure to set fill to something that is not in x in order for correct handling of the last value.

if condition is true find max in 3 consecutive rows and report it in a new column - r

Reproducible example:
dat1<, Value))
The output I am after is a new column "test" that gets the maximum of the column "Value" for each value of the column "Label" when there are 3 consecutives values that are the same and otherwise just report the values of the column "Value".
I do not mind about the missing values at the beggining and at the end, they can stay.
Expected result of the column test: NA, NA, 3,3,3,1,2,3,3,3,NC,3,3,3,NA,NA
in excel it was very easy and I coded successfully as follow:
but in R I cannot.
I tried several methods, the closest to a result is the following:
test <-c(NA,NA)
test_tot <-NULL
for(i in 3:length(dat1$Label)){
test_tot<-c(test_tot, test)
if( dat1$Label[i]==dat1$Label[i+1]&& dat1$Label[i]==dat1$Label[i+2] ){
if(dat1$Label[i]==dat1$Label[i-1]&& dat1$Label[i]==dat1$Label[i+1]){
if(dat1$Label[i]==dat1$Label[i-1]&& dat1$Label[i]==dat1$Label[i-2]){
else {test<-dat1$Value[i]}
The difficulty apparently is that the column "Value" has character based values. Any solution able to deal with it is greatly appreciated.
Edit: The OP has pointed out that column Value may contain character-based values which are important to identify a specific behaviour happened at a specific time.
Consequently, the whole vector or column is of type character in R (or factor). The code below has been amended to handle this by extracting numeric values to a separate column, computing the maximum values per group, coercing the result back to character and to copy the character-based values into the result.
The data.table solution below
Expected <- c(NA, NA, 3,3,3,1,2,3,3,3,"NC",3,3,3,NA,NA)
dat1<-data.frame(Label, Value, Expected)
library(data.table) # CRAN version 1.10.4 used
# coerce to data.table
# create temporary column with only numeric values
, Value_num := as.numeric(as.character(Value))][
# create temp cols for group id and group size
, `:=`(grp = .GRP, N = .N), by = rleid(Label)][
# for sufficiently large groups compute max values and coerce to char
N >= 3, new := as.character(max(Value_num)), by = grp][
# copy missing values, new := as.character(Value)][
# clean up
, c("grp", "N", "Value_num") := NULL][]
returns the expected result
Label Value Expected new
1: 0 NA NA NA
2: 0 NA NA NA
3: 1 1 3 3
4: 1 2 3 3
5: 1 3 3 3
6: 2 1 1 1
7: 2 2 2 2
8: 3 3 3 3
9: 3 2 3 3
10: 3 1 3 3
11: 4 NC NC NC
12: 5 1 3 3
13: 5 3 3 3
14: 5 2 3 3
15: 6 1 NA 1
16: 6 NA NA NA
except for row 15 where I believe the expected result should be 1 if we follow the words of the OP otherwise just report the values of the column "Value"
The warning message:
In eval(jsub, SDenv, parent.frame()) : NAs introduced by coercion
can be ignored as it's intended to convert non-numbers to NA, here.
Here is a dplyr solution. . NOTE: NC was changed to NA
dat1<, Value))
dat1 %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(Label) %>%
summarize(n = n(), max_Value = max(Value)) %>%
mutate(test = if_else(n>=3, max_Value, as.numeric(NA))) %>%
right_join(dat1, by = "Label") %>%
mutate(test = if_else(, Value, test)) %>%
select(Label, Value, test)
# # A tibble: 16 × 3
# Label Value test
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 0 NA NA
# 2 0 NA NA
# 3 1 1 3
# 4 1 2 3
# 5 1 3 3
# 6 2 1 1
# 7 2 2 2
# 8 3 3 3
# 9 3 2 3
# 10 3 1 3
# 11 4 NA NA
# 12 5 1 3
# 13 5 3 3
# 14 5 2 3
# 15 6 1 1
# 16 6 NA NA
