Count occurrences of value in a set of variables in R (per row) - r

Let's say I have a data frame with 10 numeric variables V1-V10 (columns) and multiple rows (cases).
What I would like R to do is: For each case, give me the number of occurrences of a certain value in a set of variables.
For example the number of occurrences of the numeric value 99 in that single row for V2, V3, V6, which obviously has a minimum of 0 (none of the three have the value 99) and a maximum of 3 (all of the three have the value 99).
I am really looking for an equivalent to the SPSS function COUNT: "COUNT creates a numeric variable that, for each case, counts the occurrences of the same value (or list of values) across a list of variables."
I thought about table() and library plyr's count(), but I cannot really figure it out. Vectorized computation preferred. Thanks a lot!

If you need to count any particular word/letter in the row.
#Let df be a data frame with four variables (V1-V4)
df <- data.frame(V1=c(1,1,2,1,L),V2=c(1,L,2,2,L),
V3=c(1,2,2,1,L), V4=c(L, L, 1,2, L))
For counting number of L in each row just use
#This is how to compute a new variable counting occurences of "L" in V1-V4.
df$count.L <- apply(df, 1, function(x) length(which(x=="L")))
The result will appear like this
> df
V1 V2 V3 V4 count.L
1 1 1 1 L 1
2 1 L 2 L 2
3 2 2 2 1 0
4 1 2 1 2 0

I think that there ought to be a simpler way to do this, but the best way that I can think of to get a table of counts is to loop (implicitly using sapply) over the unique values in the dataframe.
#Some example data
df <- data.frame(a=c(1,1,2,2,3,9),b=c(1,2,3,2,3,1))
# a b
#1 1 1
#2 1 2
#3 2 3
#4 2 2
#5 3 3
#6 9 1
levels=unique(,df)) #all unique values in df
out <- sapply(levels,function(x)rowSums(df==x)) #count occurrences of x in each row
colnames(out) <- levels
# 1 2 3 9
#[1,] 2 0 0 0
#[2,] 1 1 0 0
#[3,] 0 1 1 0
#[4,] 0 2 0 0
#[5,] 0 0 2 0
#[6,] 1 0 0 1

Where df is your data.frame. This will return a list of the same length of the amount of rows in your data.frame. Each item of the list corresponds to a row of the data.frame (in the same order), and it is a table where the content is the number of occurrences and the names are the corresponding values.
For instance:
#create a data.frame containing some data
df #show the data.frame
V1 V2 V3
1 10 20 20
2 20 30 10
3 10 20 20
4 20 30 10
apply(df,MARGIN=1,table) #apply the function table on each row (MARGIN=1)
10 20
1 2
10 20 30
1 1 1
10 20
1 2
10 20 30
1 1 1
#desired result

Here is another straightforward solution that comes closest to what the COUNT command in SPSS does — creating a new variable that, for each case (i.e., row) counts the occurrences of a given value or list of values across a list of variables.
#Let df be a data frame with four variables (V1-V4)
df <- data.frame(V1=c(1,1,2,1,NA),V2=c(1,NA,2,2,NA),
V3=c(1,2,2,1,NA), V4=c(NA, NA, 1,2, NA))
#This is how to compute a new variable counting occurences of value "1" in V1-V4.
df$count.1 <- apply(df, 1, function(x) length(which(x==1)))
The updated data frame contains the new variable count.1 exactly as the SPSS COUNT command would do.
> df
V1 V2 V3 V4 count.1
1 1 1 1 NA 3
2 1 NA 2 NA 1
3 2 2 2 1 1
4 1 2 1 2 2
You can do the same to count how many time the value "2" occurs per row in V1-V4. Note that you need to select the columns (variables) in df to which the function is applied.
df$count.2 <- apply(df[1:4], 1, function(x) length(which(x==2)))
You can also apply a similar logic to count the number of missing values in V1-V4.
df$ <- apply(df[1:4], 1, function(x) sum(
The final result should be exactly what you wanted:
> df
V1 V2 V3 V4 count.1 count.2
1 1 1 1 NA 3 0 1
2 1 NA 2 NA 1 1 2
3 2 2 2 1 1 3 0
4 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
5 NA NA NA NA 0 0 4
This solution can easily be generalized to a range of values.
Suppose we want to count how many times a value of 1 or 2 occurs in V1-V4 per row:
df$count.1or2 <- apply(df[1:4], 1, function(x) sum(x %in% c(1,2)))

A solution with functions from the dplyr package would be the following:
Using the example data set from LechAttacks answer:
df <- data.frame(V1=c(1,1,2,1,NA),V2=c(1,NA,2,2,NA),
V3=c(1,2,2,1,NA), V4=c(NA, NA, 1,2, NA))
Count the appearances of "1" and "2" each and both combined:
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(count_1 = sum(c_across(V1:V4) == 1, na.rm = TRUE),
count_2 = sum(c_across(V1:V4) == 2, na.rm = TRUE),
count_12 = sum(c_across(V1:V4) %in% 1:2, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
which gives the table:
V1 V2 V3 V4 count_1 count_2 count_12
1 1 1 1 NA 3 0 3
2 1 NA 2 NA 1 1 2
3 2 2 2 1 1 3 4
4 1 2 1 2 2 2 4
5 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0

In my effort to find something similar to Count from SPSS in R is as follows:
`df <- data.frame(a=c(1,1,NA,2,3,9),b=c(1,2,3,2,NA,1))` #Dummy data with NAs
`df %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = rowSums( #this allows calculate sum across rows
dplyr::select(., #Slicing on .
dplyr::one_of( #within select use one_of by clarifying which columns your want
c('a','b'))), na.rm = T)) #once the columns are specified, that's all you need, na.rm is cherry on top
That's how the output looks like
a b count
1 1 1 2
2 1 2 3
3 NA 3 3
4 2 2 4
5 3 NA 3
6 9 1 10
Hope it helps :-)


How to change NA into 0 based on other variable / how many times it was recorded

I am still new to R and need help. I want to change the NA value in variables x1,x2,x3 to 0 based on the value of count. Count specifies the number of observations, and the x1,x2,x3 stand for the visit to the site (or replication). The value in each 'X' variable is the number of species found. However, not all sites were visited 3 times. The variable count is telling us how many times the site was actually visited. I want to identify the actual NA and real 0 (which means no species found). I want to change the NA into 0 if the site is actually visited and keep it NA if the site is not visited. For example from the dummy data, 'zhask' site is visited 2 times, then the NA in x1 of zhask needs to be replaced with 0.
This is the dummy data:
site x1 x2 x3 count
1 miya 1 2 1 3
2 zhask NA 1 NA 2
3 balmond 3 NA 2 3
4 layla NA 1 NA 2
5 angela NA 3 NA 2
So, it the table need to be changed into:
site x1 x2 x3 count
1 miya 1 2 1 3
2 zhask 0 1 NA 2
3 balmond 3 0 2 3
4 layla 0 1 NA 2
5 angela 0 3 NA 2
I've tried many things and try to make my own function, however, it is not working:
for(i in 1:nrow(df))
if($x1[i]) && (i < df$count[i]))
this is the script for the dummy dataframe:
x1= c(1,NA,3, NA, NA)
x2= c(2,1, NA, 1, 3)
x3 = c(1, NA, 2, NA, NA)
site=c("miya", "zhask", "balmond", "layla", "angela")
Any help will be very much appreciated!
One way to be to apply a function over all of your count columns. Here's a way to do that.
cols <- c("x1", "x2", "x3")
df[, cols] <- mapply(function(col, idx, count) {
ifelse(idx <=count &, 0, col)
}, df[,cols], seq_along(cols), MoreArgs=list(count=df$count))
# site x1 x2 x3 count
# 1 miya 1 2 1 3
# 2 zhask 0 1 NA 2
# 3 balmond 3 0 2 3
# 4 layla 0 1 NA 2
# 5 angela 0 3 NA 2
We use mapply to iterate over the columns and the index of the column. We also pass in the count value each time (since it's the same for all columns, it goes in the MoreArgs= parameter). This mapply will return a list and we can use that to replace the columns with the updated values.
If you wanted to use dplyr, that might look more like
cols <- c("x1"=1, "x2"=2, "x3"=3)
df %>%
mutate(across(starts_with("x"), ~if_else(cols[cur_column()]<count &, 0, .x)))
I used the cols vector to get the index of the column which doesn't seem to be otherwise available when using across().
But a more "tidy" way to tackle this problem would be to pivot your data first to a "tidy" format. Then you can clean the data more easily and pivot back if necessary
df %>%
pivot_longer(cols=starts_with("x")) %>%
mutate(index=readr::parse_number(name)) %>%
mutate(value=if_else(index < count &, 0, value)) %>%
select(-index) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=name, values_from=value)
# site count x1 x2 x3
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 miya 3 1 2 1
# 2 zhask 2 0 1 NA
# 3 balmond 3 3 0 2
# 4 layla 2 0 1 NA
# 5 angela 2 0 3 NA
Via some indexing of the columns:
vars <- c("x1","x2","x3")
df[vars][[vars]) & (col(df[vars]) <= df$count)] <- 0
# site x1 x2 x3 count
#1 miya 1 2 1 3
#2 zhask 0 1 NA 2
#3 balmond 3 0 2 3
#4 layla 0 1 NA 2
#5 angela 0 3 NA 2
Essentially this is:
selecting the variables/columns and storing in vars
flagging the NA cells within those variables with[vars])
col(df[vars]) returns a column number for every cell, which can be checked if it is less than the df$count in each corresponding row
the values meeting both the above criteria are overwritten <- with 0
This could be yet another solution using purrr::pmap:
purrr::pmap is used for row-wise operations when applied on a data frame. It enables us to iterate over multiple arguments at the same time. So here c(...) refers to all corresponding elements of the selected variable (all except site) in each row
I think the rest of the solution is pretty clear but please let me know if I need to explain more about this.
df %>%
mutate(output = pmap(df[-1], ~ {x <- head(c(...), -1)
inds <- which(
req <- tail(c(...), 1) - sum(!
x[inds[seq_len(req)]] <- 0
x})) %>%
select(site, output, count) %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 5
site x1 x2 x3 count
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 miya 1 2 1 3
2 zhask 0 1 NA 2
3 balmond 3 0 2 3
4 layla 0 1 NA 2
5 angela 0 3 NA 2

Select unique values from a list of 3

I would like to list all unique combinations of vectors of length 3 where each element of the vector can range between 1 to 9.
First I list all such combinations:
df <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9, 1:9)
Then I would like to remove the rows that contain repetitions.
For example:
1 1 9
9 1 1
1 9 1
should only be included once.
In other words if two lines have the same numbers and the same number of each number then it should only be included once.
Note that
8 8 8 or
9 9 9 is fine as long as it only appears once.
Based on your approach and the idea to remove repetitions:
df <- expand.grid(1:2, 1:2, 1:2)
# Var1 Var2 Var3
# 1 1 1 1
# 2 2 1 1
# 3 1 2 1
# 4 2 2 1
# 5 1 1 2
# 6 2 1 2
# 7 1 2 2
# 8 2 2 2
df2 <- unique(t(apply(df, 1, sort))) #class matrix
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 1 1 1
# [2,] 1 1 2
# [3,] 1 2 2
# [4,] 2 2 2
df2 <- #class data.frame
There are probably more efficient methods, but if I understand you correct, that is the result you want.
Maybe something like this (since your data frame is not large, so it does not pain!):
len <- apply(df,1,function(x) length(unique(x)))
res <- rbind(df[len!=2,], df[unique(apply(df[len==2,],1,prod)),])
Here is what is done:
Get the number of unique elements per row
Comprises two steps:
First argument of rbind: Those with length either 1 (e.g. 1 1 1, 7 7 7, etc) or 3 (e.g. 5 8 7, 2 4 9, etc) are included in the final results res.
Second argument of rbind: For those in which the number of unique elements are 2 (e.g. 1 1 9, 3 5 3, etc), we apply product per row and take whose unique products (cause, for example, the product of 3 3 5 and 3 5 3 and 5 3 3 are the same)

Conditional calculation of means of different columns in data.table with R

Here was discussed the question of calculation of means and medians of vector t, for each value of vector y (from 1 to 4) where x=1, z=1, using aggregate function in R.
x y z t
1 1 1 10
1 0 1 15
2 NA 1 14
2 3 0 15
2 2 1 17
2 1 NA 19
3 4 2 18
3 0 2 NA
3 2 2 45
4 3 2 NA
4 1 3 59
5 0 3 0
5 4 3 45
5 4 4 74
5 1 4 86
Multiple aggregation in R with 4 parameters
But how can I for each value (from 1 to 5) of vector x calculate (mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t)) ? And do not make calculations for values 0 and NA in any vector. For example, in vector y the 3rd value is 0, so the 3rd number in every vector (y,z,t) should not be used. And in result the the third row (for x=3) should be NA.
Here is the code for calculating means of y,z and t and it`s needed to add the formula for calculation (mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t)):
data <- data.table(dataframe)
bar <- data[,.N,by=x]
foo <- data[ ,list(mean.y =mean(y, na.rm = T),
mean.z=mean(z, na.rm = T),
mean.t=mean(t,na.rm = T)),
In this code for calculating means all rows are used, but for calculating (mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t)), any row where y or z or t equal to zero or NA should not be used.
Oh, this can be further simplified, as data.table doesn't subset NA by default (especially with such cases in mind, similar to base::subset). So, you just have to do:
dt[y != 0 & z != 0 & t != 0,
list(ans = (mean(y) + mean(z))/(mean(z) - mean(t))), by = x]
FWIW, here's how I'd do it in data.table:
dt[(y | NA) & (z | NA) & (t | NA),
list(ans=(mean(y)+mean(z))/(mean(z)-mean(t))), by=x]
# x ans
# 1: 1 -0.22222222
# 2: 2 -0.18750000
# 3: 3 -0.16949153
# 4: 4 -0.07142857
# 5: 5 -0.10309278
Let's break it down with the general syntax: dt[i, j, by]:
In i, we filter out for your conditions using a nice little hack TRUE | NA = TRUE and FALSE | NA = NA and NA | NA = NA (you can test these out in your R session).
Since you say you need only the non-zero non-NA values, it's just a matter of |ing each column with NA - which'll return TRUE only for your condition. That settles the subset by condition part.
Then for each group in by, we aggregate according to your function, in j, to get the result.
Here's one solution:
# create your sample data frame
df <- read.table(text = " x y z t
1 1 1 10
1 0 1 15
2 NA 1 14
2 3 0 15
2 2 1 17
2 1 NA 19
3 4 2 18
3 0 2 NA
3 2 2 45
4 3 2 NA
4 1 3 59
5 0 3 0
5 4 3 45
5 4 4 74
5 1 4 86", header = TRUE)
dfmeans <- df %>%
filter(! & ! & ! %>% # remove rows with NAs
filter(y != 0 & z != 0 & t != 0) %>% # remove rows with zeroes
group_by(x) %>%
summarize(xmeans = (mean(y) + mean(z)) / (mean(z) - mean(t)))
I'm sure there is a simpler way to remove the rows with NAs and zeroes, but it's not coming to me. Anyway, dfmeans looks like this:
# x xmeans
# 1 1 -0.22222222
# 2 2 -0.18750000
# 3 3 -0.16949153
# 4 4 -0.07142857
# 5 5 -0.10309278
And if you just want the values from xmeans use dfmeans$xmeans.

Removing rows after a certain value in R

I have a data frame in R,
df <- data.frame(a=c(1,1,1,2,2,5,5,5,5,5,6,6), b=c(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1))
I want to remove the rows which has values for the variable b equal to 0 which occurs after the value equals to 1 for the duplicated variable a values.
So the output I am looking for is,
df.out <- data.frame(a=c(1,1,2,2,5,5,5,6,6), b=c(0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1))
Is there a way to do this in R?
This should do the trick?
ind = intersect(which(df$b==0), which(df$b==1)+1)
df.out = df[-ind,]
The which(df$b==1) returns the index of the df where b==1. add one to this and intersect with the indexes where b==0.
How about
df[ ave(df$b, df$a, FUN=function(x) x>=cummax(x))==1, ]
# a b
# 1 1 0
# 2 1 1
# 4 2 0
# 5 2 0
# 6 5 0
# 7 5 0
# 8 5 1
# 11 6 0
# 12 6 1
Here we use ave to look within each level of a and we test to see if we've seen a 1 yet with cummax.

How to remove records in a dataframe

I need to remove specific rows of my dataframe, but I have troubles doing it.
The dataset looks like this:
> head(mergedmalefemale)
coupleid gender shop time amount
1 1 W 3 1 29.05
2 1 W 1 2 31.65
3 1 W 3 3 NA
4 1 W 2 4 17.75
5 1 W 3 5 -28.40
6 2 W 1 1 42.30
What I would like to do is deleting all the records of a coupleid where at least one amount is NA or negative. In the example above, all rows with coupleid "1" should be deleted as there are rows with negative values and NA's.
I tried it with functions like na.omit(mergedmalefemale) etc. but this deletes only the rows with NA's but not other rows with the same cupleid. As I am a beginner I'd be happy if someone could help me.
Since you do not want to only omit the amounts that are NA or negative, but want to omit all data with the same id, you have to first find the id's you want to remove and then remove them.
mergedmalefemale <- read.table(text="
coupleid gender shop time amount
1 1 W 3 1 29.05
2 1 W 1 2 31.65
3 1 W 3 3 NA
4 1 W 2 4 17.75
5 1 W 3 5 -28.40
6 2 W 1 1 42.30",
# Find NA and negative amounts
del <-[,"amount"]) | mergedmalefemale[,"amount"]<0
# Find coupleid with NA or negative amounts
ids <- unique(mergedmalefemale[del,"coupleid"])
# Remove data with coupleid such that amount is NA or negative
mergedmalefemale[!mergedmalefemale[,"coupleid"] %in% ids,]
Here's one alternative. Consider your data.frame is called df
> na.omit(df[ rowSums(df[, sapply(df, is.numeric)]< 0, na.rm=TRUE) ==0, ])
coupleid gender shop time amount
1 1 W 3 1 29.05
2 1 W 1 2 31.65
4 1 W 2 4 17.75
6 2 W 1 1 42.30
Another good opportunity to apply data.table
mergedmalefemale <-
mergedmalefemale[, if(!any( | amount < 0)) .SD, by=coupleid]
# coupleid gender shop time amount
#1: 2 W 1 1 42.3
Here's a fairly dirty way
# identify the coupleids that need to stay/be removed
agg <- aggregate(amount ~ coupleid, data=mergedmalefemale, FUN=function(x) min(|(x>0)))
# insert a column alongside "amount.y" that puts a 0 next to rows to be deleted
df.1 <- merge(mergedmalefemale, agg, by="coupleid")
# delete the rows
df.1 <- df.1[df.1$amount.y == 1, ]
