Use SQLite in windows phone silverlight 8.1 - sqlite

Is it possible to use sqlite in a windows phone silverlight 8.1 project. I installed the sqlite for windows phone 8.1 (the .vsix file) but I couldn't find the reference?

SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1
Note that:
This is a pre-release version for beta testing use only. This is not a release.


How to create a Xamarin.Forms Windows phone 8.1 project?

I cannot find a Visual Studio 2017 project for making Xamarin.Forms Windows 8.1 apps. How do I install it?
Windows 8.1 Silverlight and RT are all deprecated. I would suggest doing a UWP app and targeting Windows 10 instead.
However, if you do want to do a Windows 8.1 project. Make sure you download the Windows 8.1 SDK, then create a new Xamarin.Forms project. Then you will have to add a new Windows 8.1 project afterwards, and manually add the Xamarin.Forms Init code, in the project.
You can have a look at XArch for an example.
But once again, I strongly recommend against, creating a Windows 8.1 project, and you should do UWP instead.

SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1 installation issue

Hi i installed SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1 in visual studio 2013. I selected tools after Extensions and updates option after that i installed SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1 . The installation was successful i restarted the system.
But after when i click on add reference it is not showing sqlite for windows phone 8.1 .Please see below image for further information. I am unable to see this option.
Could any one advise me.
I did not seen SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1 option but i able to do Sqlite operations.

Is there a WinRT build of the Gracenote SDK that is universal?

There is a build for Windows 8.1 but it was not build as a universal PCL. Contacted support but they said to ask here, to get a response from the developers.
NOTE: by universal I mean, Windows Store universal, that work on WP8.1 and W8.1
The latest GNSDK for Mobile release should support WP8.1. Please download the one with platform "Windows Phone 8."
Gracenote SDK is a native library. It is not an application. Just like any other third party library (like sqlite - check,
it porvideds winrt and windows phone libs.
How do you build the library to run on phone and winrt both ? Can you post link from MSDN on how to do it ?. I dont think you can do this for libraries which has native component/s to it.
Gracenote window phone libs are built using visual studio 2012 and should work for both windows phone 8.1 and windows phone 8.0.

How to use SQLite Windows8.1 binary in a Windows8 app?

How can I use SQLite Windows8.1 version in my Windows8 app, so as to provide compatibility with both Window8 and Windows8.1 platforms? I tried referencing the new beta version of SQLite Windows8.1 in VS2012, but it would not accept the dll as valid dll/assembly?
Do I have to create 2 vesions of the app, for both Windows8 and Windows8.1?
A version of an app build for windows 8 will also work on windows 8.1 but a version build for windows 8.1 will not work on windows 8 (and this is independent of Sqlite).

Sqlite on both Windows Phone 7.1 and Windows Phone 8

I'm developing an app for Windows Phone 7.1(7.5) - 8 (Must work for both) , in which database connectivity is required.
This Application is already realized for Iphone and Android, so I have to use there Database file to the database structure was the same for all applications. Sqlite is used as the database .
All Sqlite Clients for Windows Phone are out of date and not supported any more.
Official client is only for windows phone 8
and is not working with windows phone 7.1
Will be really helpfull if someone can give me any suggestions what i can do with this situation.
develop only for Windows Phone 8 and use official Sqlite Client
use old libriaries for sqlite and try to work with them on windows phone 8
use SQL CE as the database
(PS. : The situation is further complicated by the fact that Windows RT is not support SQL CE and only Sqlite and it makes me crazy.)
I have used sqlite in my app for windows phone 7 as described in the dotnetslackers link and its working fine in WP 8 ( I tested in WP8 emulator).
I don't see any point for saying "All Sqlite Clients for Windows Phone are out of date and not supported any more". Did you try yourself ?
Also this link says "SQLite is now supported on Windows RT, Windows 8 Metro Apps and will be supported on Windows Phone 8 for local application storage."
And here is one more link, which I didn't test.
I suggest you to try the dotnetslackers link and post here if you face any problem. Good luck !!
Note that SQL Server Compact 4.0 does not have a release for Windows Mobile, Windows Phone or for Windows CE devices.
You can use SQL Server Compact 3.5 on WP 7.5, but I'm not sure if this version works on WP8.
