Detecting a change in BizTalk Server configuration - biztalk

Is there a way (without actually keeping a state in a external application and scanning the configuration database) to detect a configuration change in BizTalk Server?
I know there are timestamps for changes for the different artifact in the configuration database but are there any sort of general flag that indicate a change?
I'd like to for example kick of a process as a change occurs and for example log current configuration - without adding triggers or similar things.

No, there is no 'change notification' built into the product nor is there an 'official' way to track or identify changes.
Of course, there are various techniques you can use to identify changes such as monitoring timestamps, examine the SQL Logs, etc, but that would be a custom implementation.
BizTalk 360 has a robust auditing feature that might cover what you're really asking for.
From experiance, this question of 'tracking changes' is driven by governance scenarios where controls and access are more open then they should be. That's a management problem.


WSO2:AM: populating organization changes without Hazelcast

We are running WSO2-AM 2.6 multi tenant cluster that has two kinds of nodes
Full profile node (publisher, store, KM, etc..)
Gateway worker nodes
Sharing information b/w publisher and gateways is done using EFS.
So far we were working with Hazelcast enabled, but we prefer to have Hazelcast disabled as it is giving us a lot of pain in production, and we understand that in WSO2 2.x it is not mandatory to have it enabled.
We tested our system with the following setting:
<clustering class="org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.HazelcastClusteringAgent" enable="false">
Everything was running ok, except for one side effect that we noticed: that it takes a long time (can be even 15 minutes) until deactivation or re-activation of tenant is populated to the worker node.
When creating totally new organization with a newly created API, it is possible to run the API almost instantly at the worker. But if you disable the organization, the API will still run. It will take a long time until worker will report that the tenant is no longer active.
Same for re-activating a tenant. It will take a lot of time until worker will stop complaining about inactive organization and allow running the API.
Is there a configuration setup we need to change? Or is this expected behavior? Who should report to workers about organization changes in the absence of Hazelcast?
There is a tenant cache[1] which contains tenant information. The default TTL of the cache (and any cache) is 15 minutes. When you deactivate a tenant, this distributed cache is cleared using hazelcast. That is why you observe above when you disable hazelcast clustering.
Typically, in a production environment, it's very unlikely that you needing to activate and deactivate tenants very frequently. So I don't think 15min delay is a concerning problem.
However, if it really is, you have to keep Hazelcast clustering enabled. When you said you faced a lot of pain due to Hazelcast, I believe that's because of the distributed nature of these caches. As a solution, you may enable local cache as opposed to the distributed cache. Here, Hazelcast clustering is used only for the cache invalidation calls. That might work for you. (Disclaimer: I haven't tried this yet.)
For this, you need to set ForceLocalCache to true in carbon.xml
<!-- Default cache timeout in minutes -->
<!-- Force all caches to act as local -->
Honestly, I think you should explore more how to configure Hazelcast. Hazelcast is embedded in a lot of very highly used project stacks (JHipster, Atlassian, Apache Camel, SunGard, etc.) It’s very solid for doing what you want here, but it’s also highly configurable so you probably want to set it up according to your needs. If you just disable it, your removing all the clustered scalability that it brings. The configuration is just an XML file and you can find all the documentation here:
It’s easy to figure out and definitely worth your time.

Monitoring ASP.NET and SQL Server for Security

What is the best (or any good) way to monitor an ASP.NET application to ensure that it is secure and to quickly detect intrusion? How do we know for sure that, as of right now, our application is entirely uncompromised?
We are about to launch an ASP.NET 4 web application, with the data stored on SQL Server. The web server runs in IIS on a Windows Server 2008 instance, and the database server runs on SQL Server 2008 on a separate Win 2008 instance.
We have reviewed Microsoft's security recommendations, and I think our application is very secure. We have implemented "defense in depth" and considered a range of attack vectors.
So we "feel" confident, but have no real visibility yet into the security of our system. How can we know immediately if someone has penetrated? How can we know if a package of some kind has been deposited on one of our servers? How can we know if a data leak is in progress?
What are some concepts, tools, best practices, etc.?
Thanks in advance,
Additional Thoughts 4/22/11
Chris, thanks for the very helpful personal observations and tips below.
What is a good, comprehensive approach to monitoring current application activity for security? Beyond constant vigilance in applying best practices, patches, etc., I want to know exactly what is going on inside my system right now. I want to be able to observe and analyze its activity in a way that clearly shows me which traffic is suspect and which is not. Finally, I want this information to be totally accurate and easy to digest.
How do we efficiently get close to that? Wouldn't a good solution include monitoring logins, database activity, ASP.NET activity, etc. in addition to packets on the wire? What are some examples of how to assume a strong security posture?
The term you are looking for is Intrusion Detection System (IDS). There is a related term called Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).
IDS's monitor traffic coming into your servers at the IP level and will send alerts based on sophisticated analysis of the traffic.
IPS's are the next generation of IDS which actually attempt to block certain activities.
There are many commercial and open source systems available including Snort, SourceFire, Endace, and others.
In short, you should look at adding one of these systems to your mix for real time monitoring and potentially blocking of hazardous activities.
I wanted to add a bit more information here as the comments area is just a bit small.
The main thing you need to understand are the types of attacks you will see. These are going to range from relatively unsophisticated automated scripts on up to highly sophisticated targeted attacks. They will also hit everything they can see from the web site itself to IIS, .Net, Mail server, SQL (if accessible), right down to your firewall and other exposed machines/services. A wholistic approach is the only way to really monitor what's going on.
Generally speaking, a new site/company is going to be hit with the automated scripts within a few minutes (I'd say 30 at most) of going live. Which is the number one reason new installations of MS Windows keep the network severely locked down during installation. Heck, I've seen machines nailed within 30 seconds of being turned on for the first time.
The approach hackers/worms take is to constantly scan wide ranges of IP addresses, this is followed up with machine fingerprinting for those that respond. Based on the profile they will send certain types of attacks your way. In some cases the profiling step is skipped and they attack certain ports regardless of response. Port 1443 (SQL) is a common one.
Although the most common form of attack, the automated ones are by far the easiest to deal with. Shutting down unused ports, turning off ICMP (ping response), and having a decent firewall in place will keep most of the scanners away.
For the scripted attacks, make sure you aren't exposing commonly installed packages like PhpMyAdmin, IIS's web admin tools, or even Remote Desktop outside of your firewall. Also, get rid of any accounts named "admin", "administrator", "guest", "sa", "dbo", etc Finally make sure your passwords AREN'T allowed to be someones name and are definitely NOT the default one that shipped with a product.
Along these lines make sure your database server is NOT directly accessible outside the firewall. If for some reason you have to have direct access then at the very least change the port # it responds to and enforce encryption.
Once all of this is properly done and secured the only services that are exposed should be the web ones (port 80 / 443). The items that can still be exploited are bugs in IIS, .Net, or your web application.
For IIS and .net you MUST install the windows updates from MS pretty much as soon as they are released. MS has been extremely good about pushing quality updates for windows, IIS, and .Net. Further a large majority of the updates are for vulnerabilities already being exploited in the wild. Our servers have been set to auto install updates as soon as they are available and we have never been burned on this (going back to at least when server 2003 was released).
Also you need to stay on top of the updates to your firewall. It wasn't that long ago that one of Cisco's firewalls had a bug where it could be overwhelmed. Unfortunately it let all traffic pass through when this happened. Although fixed pretty quickly, people were still being hammered over a year later because admins failed to keep up with the IOS patches. Same issue with windows updates. A lot of people have been hacked simply because they failed to apply updates that would have prevented it.
The more targeted attacks are a little harder to deal with. A fair number of hackers are going after custom web applications. Things like posting to contact us and login forms. The posts might include JavaScript that, once viewed by an administrator, could cause credentials to be transferred out or might lead to installing key loggers or Trojans on the recipients computers.
The problem here is that you could be compromised without even knowing it. Defenses include making sure HTML and JavaScript can't be submitted through your site; having rock solid (and constantly updated) spam and virus checks at the mail server, etc. Basically, you need to look at every possible way an external entity could send something to you and do something about it. A lot of Fortune 500 companies keep getting hit with things like this... Google included.
Hope the above helps someone. If so and it leads to a more secure environment then I'll be a happy guy. Unfortunately most companies don't monitor traffic so they have no idea just how much time is spent by their machines fending off this garbage.
I can say some thinks - but I will glad to hear more ideas.
How can we know immediately if someone has penetrated?
This is not so easy and in my opinion, ** an idea is to make some traps** inside your backoffice , together with monitor for double logins from different ips.
a trap can be anything you can think of, for example a non real page that say "create new administrator", or "change administrator password", on backoffice, and there anyone can gets in and try to make a new administrator is for sure a penetrator - of course this trap must be known only on you, or else there is no meaning for that.
For more security, any change to administrators must need a second password, and if some one try to make a real change on administrators account, or try to add any new administrator, and fails on this second password must be consider as a penetrator.
way to monitor an ASP.NET application
I think that any tool that monitor the pages for some text change, can help on that. For example this Network Monitor can monitor for specific text on you page and alert you, or take some actions if this text not found, that means some one change the page.
So you can add some special hiden text, and if you not found, then you can know for sure that some one change the core of your page, and probably is change files.
How can we know if a package of some kind has been deposited on one of our servers
This can be any aspx page loaded on your server and act like a file browser. For this not happens I suggest to add web.config files to the directories that used for uploading data, and on this web.config do not allow anything to run.
<deny users="*" />
I have not tried it yet, but Lenny Zeltser directed me to OSSEC, which is a host-based intrusion detection system that continuously monitors an entire server to detect any suspicious activity. This looks like exactly what I want!
I will add more information once I have a chance to fully test it.
OSSEC can be found at

Determining the set of message destinations at runtime in BizTalk application

I’m a complete newbie at BizTalk and I need to create a BizTalk 2006 application which broadcasts messages in a specific way. I’m not asking for a complete solution, but for advise and guidelines, which capabilities of BizTalk I should use.
There’s a message source, for simplicity, say, a directory where the user adds files to publish them. There are several subscribers, each having a directory to receive published files. The number of subscribers can vary in the course of exploitation of the program. There are also some rules which determine if a particular subscriber needs to receive a particular file, based on the filename. For example, each subscriber has a pattern or mask of filename which files they receives must match. Those rules (for example, patterns) can change in time as well.
I don’t know how to do this. Create a set of send ports at runtime, each for each destination? Is it possible? Use one port changing its binding? Would it work correctly with concurrent sendings? Are there other ways?
I realized my question may be to obscure and general to prefer one answer over another to accept. So I just upvoted them.
You could look at using dynamic send ports to achieve this - if your subscribers are truly dynamic. This introduces a bit of complexity since you'll need to use an orchestration to configure the send port's properties based on your rules.
If you can, try and remove the complexity. If you know that you don't need to be truly dynamic when adding subscribers (i.e. a subscriber and it's rules can be configured one time only) and you have a manageable number of subscribers then I would suggest configuring each subscriber using it's own send port and use a filter to create subscriptions based on message context properties. The beauty of this approach is that you don't need to create and deploy an orchestration and this becomes a highly performant and scalable solution.
If the changes to the destination are going to be frequent, you are right in seeking a more dynamic solution. One nice solution is using dynamic send ports and the Business Rules Engine. You create rule set for the messages you are receving. This could be based on a destination property or customer ID in the message. Using these facts, the rules engine can return a bunch of information like file mask, server name, ip address of deleiver server, etc. You can thenuse this information to configure the dynamic send in the orchestration. The real nice thing here is that you can update the rule set in the rules engine without redeploying the whole solution. As a newb, these are some advanced concepts, but not as diificult as you may think.
For a simpler solution, you might want to look at setting the FILE Send adapters properties via it's Propery Schema (ie. File name, Directory, etc.). You could pull these values from a database with a helper class inside an expresison shape. On each message ogig out, use the property shcema to set where the message will be sent and named. This way, you just update the database as things change.
Good Luck!

ASP.NET What's the best way to produce a trial version for customers to download?

I've written a ASP.NET app that I hope to sell to businesses, I could host the trial but it's designed to connect to the customers data so customers will certainly want to install it to do a successful evaluation.
I've never produced anything commercial before so I'm looking for advice on how best to limit the trial, a 30 day trial seems most common, do you simply rely on the clock of the PC/Server they install it on? Any other suggestions welcome, please keep in mind this is ASP.NET app so will be installed on their web server.
I would just do it via the PC's clock. At the end of the day, they could just change the clock and continue to use your software, though it's probably not going to work in practice (i.e. most software actually uses the date/time for other things as well and changing it going to screw that up).
Generally, you can usually trust business more than you trust the general public. The liability of a business is much higher than that of an individual, so if it came to it, you could potentially sue them for quite a bit. That alone means most businesses will purchase licenses for all of their software: a few hundred (or even thousand) dollars for a software license is much better than risk getting sued.
When they sign up for the demo, make sure you get all of their contact details and so on.
I would setup a web service on your server to authenticate the demo application. The web service should get called periodically and if it fails, then shut down the application. That way you have complete control over the trial (you can extend it or shut it down remotely).
You should give them some sort of key which they will place in your web.config that will identify them as a customer.
Make sure you take the usual precautions of encrypting / using hashes with both the key and the web service so it's not bypassed.
This sort of thing has been well covered on SO in the past.
You cannot make it unbreakable, but you can make it very difficult for the client to break your trial period.
One way to do it is to take the first run time and encrypt that info and store it either in your web.config or database. This has a weakness though: what do you do if the value is not present where you expect it to be?
Another option is to ping a webservice that you host. If the webservice says their trial is over then you can render the appropriate page to tell them that. This has the advantage that the webservice is beyond their control and cannot be messed with. It has the disadvantage that not every client will want to be allowing their web app to phone home, and there may be connectivity issues which would interfere with the functioning of your app.
So you might want to come up with a variety of options, and then implement a licencing module using the Provider pattern, so that you can swap in the licencing module most suitable for that client.
Put a counter in the web.config, of course give the counter a non-related name so the customer does not know what it is for. Every time they access the application you can increment the counter. Give them x number of log-in's.
If you want you can encrypt the counter if you do not want the customer to figure out that the counter is incrementing.

How to implement locking across a server farm?

Are there well-known best practices for synchronizing tasks across a server farm? For example if I have a forum based website running on a server farm, and there are two moderators trying to do some action which requires writing to multiple tables in the database, and the requests of those moderators are being handled by different servers in the server farm, how can one implement some locking functionality to ensure that they can't take that action on the same item at the same time?
So far, I'm thinking about using a table in the database to sync, e.g. check the id of the item in the table if doesn't exsit insert it and proceed, otherwise return. Also probably a shared cache could be used for this but I'm not using this at the moment.
Any other way?
By the way, I'm using MySQL as my database back-end.
Your question implies data level concurrency control -- in that case, use the RDBMS's concurrency control mechanisms.
That will not help you if later you wish to control application level actions which do not necessarily map one to one to a data entity (e.g. table record access). The general solution there is a reverse-proxy server that understands application level semantics and serializes accordingly if necessary. (That will negatively impact availability.)
It probably wouldn't hurt to read up on CAP theorem, as well!
You may want to investigate a distributed locking service such as Zookeeper. It's a reimplementation of a Google service that provides very high speed distributed resource locking coordination for applications. I don't know how easy it would be to incorporate into a web app, though.
If all the state is in the (central) database then the database transactions should take care of that for you.
It may be irrelevant for you because the question is old, but it still may be useful for others so i'll post it anyway.
You can use a "SELECT FOR UPDATE" db query on a locking object, so you actually use the db for achieving the lock mechanism.
if you use ORM, you can also do that. for example, in nhibernate you can do:
session.Lock(Member, LockMode.Upgrade);
Having a table of locks is a OK way to do it is simple and works.
You could also have the code as a Service on a Single Server, more of a SOA approach.
You could also use the the TimeStamp field with Transactions, if the timestamp has changed since you last got the data you can revert the transaction. So if someone gets in first they have priority.
