opentsdb api query pagination - opentsdb

I am using OpenTSDB for my time series data.
I have a use-case on the front end in which a user can fetch data from OpenTSDB between specific dates:
My problem is that the returned data is too large. Like, thousand of records if I fetch data for an interval of more than one day. The service call than takes a couple of minutes which is giving a bad user experience on front end.
I want to apply pagination on the service call so that it will take less time.
The /api/query documentation does not have any mention of pagination. The /api/search documentation does offer pagination, but does not have any mention of time ranges.
How can I query over a time range with pagination?

There is no native pagination support in queries, but you can always emulate it by splitting your time range in multiple queries, so that, for example, you only ask for a day for each query.
Another solution that may be feasible in some cases, is to ask OpenTSDB to downsample the data. This way it will return a lot less data points, and your application will have less data to download and process.


Optimising Firestore costs for time series data?

I have been using Postgres to store time-series sensor data but I am weighing the cost of using Firestore cause I prefer the serverless nature of Firestore. My only concern is the cost of Firestore because I am paying for every read. I want to be able to display this sensor information on my web app. Now, I am taking data every 10 seconds and theres over 400+ sensor points (400 columns per row in my postgres table)
Currently, if a user queries for a week's work of data that's about 60,000 rows of data, but I optimise it by just taking every nth value to "feather" the data. So by taking every 20th row for example, I have reduced the return of the data to 3000 rows which is manageable and still the chart shows a clear trend.
I want to be able to do this in Firestore to save costs, because if a user queries for a week's data, I am paying for 60000 document reads which I can't display all those data points on the web app anyway. I have tried searching for ways to query firestore to take the Nth row of data, but haven't found any concrete solutions.
Does anybody have any recommendation how I can optimise my Firestore costs for time series data or perhaps any other cheap serverless methods to manage this data?
Firestore doesn't offer any way to "feather" data from queries, as you say. What you could do instead is put an integer in each document that describes its "Nth" value, then query for only those "N" that you want.

How to optimize Firestore Caching and Querymodeling

I am making a Moneymanagement-App where the user can create Transfers for each day.
I am currently listing all the data on the mainscreen. At the moment that doesn't matter because there isn't much data but imagine a user who uses the app several years and tracking all his spendings.
My first thought was to cache all the available Data for that user but that would cause too many unnecessary reads because the user most likely won't need the data from lets say 5 years ago.
So I thought the solution would be to just implement pagination for that screen.
But :
The user can get statistics about his spendinghistory on another screen by selecting a category and a timeperiod.
Currently i am running a query on those parameters each time they change but this will obviously also lead to a lot of unnecessary reads.
So the problem is, if the user chooses to get statistics from 5 years ago, that Data wouldn't exist in the cache so i would still have to run a query for this time period and then end up with a incomplete cache of that period because i only got some of the Data based on the Query.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this. How would you handle it ?
In general: don't run aggregation queries from the client on demand. Instead store aggregated data in the database, and update it as data is written.
So say that you keep some annual totals, such as their balance at the start and end of the year, their total income and spend for that year, probably broken down by categories. That is all information that you could put in a document for each year.
You'd have a structure /users/$uid/totals/$year and you then have the totals in fields in that document. Every time you write a new transaction, you update the totals document for that user for the current year.
If you do this, you'll only need to read the totals document to show totals, and you'll only need to read individual transactions if you want to show individual transactions.
Also see: Is it possible to run aggregation queries in Firestore?

Reduce numbers of queries in OpenTSDB

I used opentsdb to save my time series data. Of each data point input, I must get 20 value of data points before. But, I have a large numbers of metrics, I can not call query opentsdb api too many times. How can I do to reduce numbers of query from openTSDB?
As far as I know you can't aggregate different metrics into one single result. But I would suggest two solutions:
You can put multiple metrics queries in one call. If you use HTTP
API endpoint you can do something like this:
You get the results for all queries with the same start(end) dates/times. But with multiple metrics don't forget that it will take longer time...
Redefine your time series.I don't know any details about your data, but if you're going to store and use data you should also think about usage - What queries am I going to use? How often? What would be the most common access to the data? And so on...
That's also what's advised from OpenTSDB documentation [1]:
Cardinality also affects query speed a great deal, so consider the queries you will be performing frequently and optimize your naming schema for those.
So, I would suggest to use tags to overcome this issue of multiple metrics. But as I mentioned I don't know your schema, but OpenTSDB is much more powerful with tags - there are many examples and also filtering options as well.
Edit 1:
From OpenTSDB 2.3 version there is also expression api:
You should be able to handle multiple metric queries together (but I've never used that for any query).

Aggregation on FireStore/CloudDatastore. Use Cloud Functions onCreate/Update?

I want to create an expense tracker and one of the things I want to find out is how much did I spend in each month per category.
How should I do this in FireStore/DataStore?
Pull down required data and do aggregation locally? Seems very slow?
Perform aggregation everytime a transaction is created/updated and save it in a table? But this may result in many invocations of the functions, which may be costly?
Is there a better way? Seems like 2 is currently the best option? But I wonder if theres anyway I can reduce costs?
I note that I may not need the aggregated data to be realtime, so is there a way to debounce the cloud function execution? Since I note that at times, I will batch insert a bunch of transactions. Wonder if theres a way to disable functions for certain queries and manually call them after the batch has finished for example?
The two approaches you describe are indeed the most common.
The best approach mostly depends on the number of transactions you have. If you have few transactions, then it may be totally fine to do the aggregation on each client. But as you get more transactions, the overhead of downloading the data will become prohibitive and you're more likely to want to keep a running total in the database.
I'd normally recommend keeping the total up to date with any transaction. You can even do that with client-side code, by using transactions (to prevent multiple users overwriting each other's updates) and server-side security rules (to prevent malicious actors from writing an aggregate that doesn't match its transaction).
If you want to aggregate in batches, you'll want to run code periodically, either in a server you control, or in Cloud Functions.
There is nothing built into Cloud Functions to debounce document writes. You could probably keep a debounce counter in Firestore, but that would then be reading/writing a document on each transaction.
More reasonable seems to run a function on a timer, as described in this blog post and shown in this video. But you'll need to make sure your data structure in that case allows the code to detect what transactions it needs to aggregate.
One way to do this is to ensure the transactions can be ordered in some way, e.g. by giving them a timestamp, and having your aggregation code keep track (likely in the database) of the last timestamp it has aggregated already. Then whenever the aggregator runs, it:
reads the current aggregated value
queries the database for transactions that have been added since it last ran
loops over those transactions, updating the aggregated value
writes the aggregated value and the last timestamp back to the database in a transaction (to ensure either both are written, or neither is written)

How to handle large amounts of data for a web statistics module

I'm developing a statistics module for my website that will help me measure conversion rates, and other interesting data.
The mechanism I use is - to store a database entry in a statistics table - each time a user enters a specific zone in my DB (I avoid duplicate records with the help of cookies).
For example, I have the following zones:
Website - a general zone used to count unique users as I stopped trusting Google Analytics lately.
Category - self descriptive.
Minisite - self descriptive.
Product Image - whenever user sees a product and the lead submission form.
Problem is after a month, my statistics table is packed with a lot of rows, and the ASP.NET pages I wrote to parse the data load really slow.
I thought maybe writing a service that will somehow parse the data, but I can't see any way to do that without losing flexibility.
My questions:
How large scale data parsing applications - like Google Analytics load the data so fast?
What is the best way for me to do it?
Maybe my DB design is wrong and I should store the data in only one table?
Thanks for anyone that helps,
The basic approach you're looking for is called aggregation.
You are interested in certain function calculated over your data and instead of calculating the data "online" when starting up the displaying website, you calculate them offline, either via a batch process in the night or incrementally when the log record is written.
A simple enhancement would be to store counts per user/session, instead of storing every hit and counting them. That would reduce your analytic processing requirements by a factor in the order of the hits per session. Of course it would increase processing costs when inserting log entries.
Another kind of aggregation is called online analytical processing, which only aggregates along some dimensions of your data and lets users aggregate the other dimensions in a browsing mode. This trades off performance, storage and flexibility.
It seems like you could do well by using two databases. One is for transactional data and it handles all of the INSERT statements. The other is for reporting and handles all of your query requests.
You can index the snot out of the reporting database, and/or denormalize the data so fewer joins are used in the queries. Periodically export data from the transaction database to the reporting database. This act will improve the reporting response time along with the aggregation ideas mentioned earlier.
Another trick to know is partitioning. Look up how that's done in the database of your choice - but basically the idea is that you tell your database to keep a table partitioned into several subtables, each with an identical definition, based on some value.
In your case, what is very useful is "range partitioning" -- choosing the partition based on a range into which a value falls into. If you partition by date range, you can create separate sub-tables for each week (or each day, or each month -- depends on how you use your data and how much of it there is).
This means that if you specify a date range when you issue a query, the data that is outside that range will not even be considered; that can lead to very significant time savings, even better than an index (an index has to consider every row, so it will grow with your data; a partition is one per day).
This makes both online queries (ones issued when you hit your ASP page), and the aggregation queries you use to pre-calculate necessary statistics, much faster.
