clicking or scrolling on terminal outputs text - unix

this is driving me crazy. Everytime I click on the terminal, I get text output but the click does not happen. I can't select anything, scroll on the terminal or perform any mouse operations.
For example, if I click I get things like "TB#TB", which is "TB" when I click and "#TB" when I release the click. If I scroll I get 'UC'` for every scroll of the wheel. Total rubbish.
I'm using cygwin to connect to a redhat machine and it happens only for this one machine. If I connect to a different one, also running redhat, it doesn't happen, so I think the issue is on the remote machine's side. It's also independent of what shell I'm using.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I discovered that pressing shift returns all the usual mouse functionality. I wonder why.

This is more like a "come down to your machine and solve problem"
You must have save default setting for that particular machine to direct it to shift option. As you said shift solves the problem.
You should reset the settings.
go here.
Putty configuration>windows>selection>click on shift overrides application's use of mouse
hope this helps


Jupyter Notebook doing funky stuff when opening

I've just opened Jupyter Notebook like I always do, and it began doing some strange stuff, it's impossible to use. I've put up a 40-second video showing what's going on:
Basically upon creating a new notebook, the first cell appears really big (like if someone just pressed enter many times), and then it begins jumping further down. Any action, like typing, clicking, just adds more "lines" to the cell. Some weird xxxxxxxxxx characters show up and disappear randomly. All in all, it's unusable. No, there's no key stuck anywhere in case you thought about that. I've restarted the PC many times as well, to no success.
Funny thing is that this was working just yesterday and no software/hardware was modified in between.
I´ve just finished re-installing Anaconda and the problem has gone.
I'm gonna leave this here in case someone comes across the same issue.

iTerm2 mouse reporting outputting symbols

Sometimes, for a reason I don't understand, mouse reporting prints those characters in the console uppon scolling clicking etc.
If I disable then re-enable mouse reporting then scrolling and clicking comes back as expected.
How do I debug the source of this "switch"? I don't even know where to start to understand what might happen in my console for this so happen.
local (remote) setup: zsh 5.7.1 (5.4.2) + oh-my-zsh (latest as of today)
I have not been able to figure out what triggered this weird behaviour but 2 simple simple fixes are
turn on/off mouse reporting in the preferences
re-source ~/.zshrc
Just press cmd+R. It fixed the problem for me

Atom will not let me change focus from the application itself nor from the original editor tab

I am not sure what started it, but now suddenly when trying to use Atom (on Ubuntu Linux), it opens fine, but keeps focus on the upper-left text of the open tab. For instance, if I try to click somewhere else in the file to move, the cursor, the cursor jumps back to the beginning of the file. If I click on another tab to look at a different file, it immediately jumps back to the original tab, upper left corner of the text. If I hit ctrl-f to search for something, focus jumps back to the text editor. If I try to switch to a different application like Chrome or the terminal window, Atom immediately comes back into focus.
Has anyone else run into this behavior or maybe knows what's going on?
I tried purging and re-installing but am still running into the same behavior.
I figured out that the behavior presents itself any time I try to edit a .ts file, at which point it automatically opens a file "child.js" in the TypeScript plugin directory and begins to display this behavior. I updated the TypeScript plugin and that seemed to fix it. Maybe this can be of help to anyone else who runs into the issue. (Bug link:

JavaFX app closes when taken off focus

I'm new to an approximately 50K-line Java project using JavaFX, and I'm getting a bug nobody else in the group seems to be able to duplicate. Unfortunately I can't share any code, so this is just a hope that this is a familiar issue to anyone else, or that there are suggestions about how to think about and solve this problem.
The application itself is a launcher with five different modes. The minimum working system requires running two different instances of the application and starting mode #1 in the first and mode #2 in the second. The two communicate with each other over IP.
Mode #1 works fine, stays open indefinitely; at any rate, I haven't been able to make it close unexpectedly. Mode #2 is the problem. After opening Mode #2, if I click on any other window, taking focus off of it, the window disappears within a second or two. I get no error message or any other symptom. The eclipse console just reads at the top. If I don't click elsewhere, it runs several minutes at least without comment.
I have no idea how to go about solving this problem. I can't seem to use a debugger because it doesn't seem to hold onto memory after crashing. There's nothing about crashing when the focus is taken off that matches up with any of my knowledge.
It's a simple window, two buttons, a menu, and an output text box.
With these clues, do you have any suggestions about how to proceed?

Is there a way in unix to programmatically force a terminal window to "front"

We have a script that always runs in a terminal window. Sometimes users will do stuff in other windows and our script terminal gets moved behind all these other windows, and they forget to bring it back to the front. Is there a way to force it so it is always on top or front? Sort of like how annoying popup windows work? We are on solaris 8
There is a way indeed! Check out a tool called xdotool. It does exactly what you need and more.
Here is the link to the download:
and here is the link to the documentation:
I suggest you look into the Window commands, especially: windowactivate
I can give you the exact command if you like to save time? Or you can browse through the documentation. Hope this helps!
