Deploy script for hosting via Codeship - meteor

I'm using Meteor's built-in hosting for staging, with Codeship handling the continuous deployment. All tests and notifications succeed as expected in Codeship, but nothing is getting deployed.
My script:
expect -c "set timeout 60; spawn meteor deploy; expect “Email:” { send $METEOR_DEPLOY_EMAIL\r; expect eof } expect "Password:" { send $METEOR_DEPLOY_PASSWORD\r; expect eof }"
When that script runs during the build process I see the following:
spawn meteor deploy
=> Running Meteor from a checkout -- overrides project version (0.8.1)
To instantly deploy your app on a free testing server, just enter your
email address!
The ail: isn't a typo...that's what Codeship displays. It appears it eventually times out and moves on, though no errors are shown.
First time setting up a CI server (and using Expect), so thanks in advance for the help!

Figured it out...had two syntax issues:
Left/right double quotation marks snuck in there (instead of
standard quotation mark)
Missing semicolon
So, for anyone looking for a script to deploy to * using Codeship, here is the working script:
expect -c "set timeout 60; spawn meteor deploy; expect "Email:" { send $METEOR_DEPLOY_EMAIL\r; expect eof }; expect "Password:" { send $METEOR_DEPLOY_PASSWORD\r; expect eof }"


Simple python app deployed but not deployed

I just installed dokku for the first time and I'm struggling with an apparently very simple problem... I made a sample python app that just logs an env variable:
import os
import time
API_TOKEN = os.getenv('API_TOKEN')
while True:
print(f'API_TOKEN is {API_TOKEN}')
With a Procfile as this:
worker: python
The deploy looks normal and successful, however if I try to look at the logs, dokku says
App <app name> has not been deployed .
Am I missing something very trivial?
Thanks in advance!
By default dokku only scales up the web process if it is present. Any workers or other processes are scaled to 0 otherwise known as "App < app name > has not been deployed"
To deploy your app you need to log onto the box and scale up the worker by running:
dokku ps:scale <app name> worker=1
change 1 to a larger number if you want more workers
If you often deploy the app to different dokku instances and have to search for this solution over and over again you can instead create a file in the root of your app called DOKKU_SCALE. In it you can set the default scale of all the proceses, like so:
That reminds me, I need to go do that now. It is driving me nuts.

Error parsing Passengerfile.json settings during preparation work

When trying to start my meteor application through passenger, I am recieivng the following error;
The Phusion Passenger application server tried to start the web >application, but Passenger encountered an internal error while performing >preparation work.
Error details:
Error parsing /var/www/timportDB/bundle/Passengerfile.json: * Line 9, Column 16
Missing '}' or object member name
in 'Passenger::AppLocalConfig Passenger::parseAppLocalConfigFile(Passenger::StaticString)' (AppLocalConfigFileUtils.h:102)
in 'void Passenger::SpawningKit::Spawner::setConfigFromAppPoolOptions(Passenger::SpawningKit::Config*, Passenger::Json::Value&, const AppPoolOptions&)' (Spawner.h:83)
in 'virtual Passenger::SpawningKit::Result Passenger::SpawningKit::DirectSpawner::spawn(const AppPoolOptions&)' (DirectSpawner.h:242)
in 'void Passenger::ApplicationPool2::Group::spawnThreadRealMain(const SpawnerPtr&, const Passenger::ApplicationPool2::Options&, unsigned int)' (SpawningAndRestarting.cpp:95)
Originally it seemed to be related to where I set the envvars, however I have commented them out and set them using command line variables rather then the settings file.
These variables are ```--envvar MONGO_URL=mondgodb://localhost:27017/timportDB --envar ROOT_URL=http://timportDB
According to the passenger guide the program should be run with sudo passenger start
The program is being run on Ubuntu 18.04.03.LTS. I am using the standalone version of Passenger
This is my Passengerfile.json;
// Tell Passenger that this is a Meteor app.
"app_type": "node",
"startup_file": "main.js",
// Store log and PID file in parent directory
"log_file": "../passenger.log",
"pid_file": "../"
// Run the app in a production environment. The default value is "development".
"environment": "production",
// Run Passenger on port 80, the standard HTTP port.
"port": 80,
// Tell Passenger to daemonize into the background.
"daemonize": true,
// Tell Passenger to run the app as the given user. Only has effect
// if Passenger was started with root privileges.
"user": "timportdb",
//better errors
// "envvars": {"MONGO_URL": "mongodb://localhost:27017/timportDB", "ROOT_URL": "http://timportDB",}
When the program starts I should be able to access my web app at, or (Assuming DNS has been set correctly) at 'http://timportDB'.
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
This is a rookie problem (no offence intended)
The json file format does not allow any kind of comments, it is a data only format.
So to fix this, delete all lines beginning with //

How to call a Meteor method from the command line

I have a Meteor app and want to call a server method from the command line, so that I can write a bash script to perform scheduled operations.
Is there any way to either call a method directly, or submit a form which will then trigger server-side code?
I've tried using curl to call a method, but either it's not possible or I'm missing something basic. This doesn't work:
curl "http://localhost:3000/'myMethod')"
nor does:
curl -s -d "http://localhost:3000/imports/api/test.js" > out.html
where test.js:
var test = function(){
I thought of using a form but I can't think how to create a submit event because the Meteor client uses template events that then call server methods.
I'll be very grateful for any help! This feels like it should be a simple thing but has me stumped.
Edit: I've also tried phantomjs and slimerjs as run through casperjs.
phantomjs is no longer maintained and generates an error:
TypeError: Attempting to change the setter of an unconfigurable property.
slimerjs errors with Firefox 60 and I can't figure out how to 'downgrade' back to the supported 59, and the option to disable automatic updates of Firefox no longer seems to exist. The error is:
c is undefined
You could make use of the node ddp package to call the Meteor method in an own js file that you created with a specific script. From there you can pipe all outs to wherever you want.
Let's assume the following Meteor method:
'myMethod'() {
console.log("hello console")
return "hello result"
The upcoming steps will let you call this method from another shell, assuming your Meteor application is running.
1. Install ddp in your global npm directory
$ meteor npm install -g ddp
2. Create the script to call your method in your test directory
$ mkdir -p ddptest
$ cd ddptest
$ touch ddptest.js
Place the ddp script code into the file with the editor or command of your choice.
(The follwing code is freely taken from the package's readme. Feel free to configure to your needs.)
var DDPClient = require(process.env.DDP_PATH);
var ddpclient = new DDPClient({
// All properties optional, defaults shown
host : "localhost",
port : 3000,
ssl : false,
autoReconnect : true,
autoReconnectTimer : 500,
maintainCollections : true,
ddpVersion : '1', // ['1', 'pre2', 'pre1'] available
// uses the SockJs protocol to create the connection
// this still uses websockets, but allows to get the benefits
// from projects like meteorhacks:cluster
// (for load balancing and service discovery)
// do not use `path` option when you are using useSockJs
useSockJs: true,
// Use a full url instead of a set of `host`, `port` and `ssl`
// do not set `useSockJs` option if `url` is used
url: 'wss://'
ddpclient.connect(function(error, wasReconnect) {
// If autoReconnect is true, this callback will be invoked each time
// a server connection is re-established
if (error) {
console.log('DDP connection error!');
if (wasReconnect) {
console.log('Reestablishment of a connection.');
setTimeout(function () {
* Call a Meteor Method
'myMethod', // namyMethodme of Meteor Method being called
['foo', 'bar'], // parameters to send to Meteor Method
function (err, result) { // callback which returns the method call results
console.log('called function, result: ' + result);
function () { // callback which fires when server has finished
console.log('updated'); // sending any updated documents as a result of
console.log(ddpclient.collections.posts); // calling this method
}, 3000);
The code assumes that your app runs on localhost:3000, note that there is no conncection close on errors or undesired behavior.
As you can see at the top, the file imports your globally installed ddp package. Now in order to get it's path without using additional tools, just pass an environment variable (process.env.DDP_PATH) and let your shell handle the path resolving.
In order to get the installation path you can use npm root with the global flag.
Finally call your script via:
$ DDP_PATH=$(meteor npm root -g)/ddp meteor node ddptest.js
Which will give you the following output:
called function, result: hello result
And logs hello console to the open session that is running your meteor app.
Edit: A note on using this in production
If you want to use this script in production you have to use the shell commands without the meteor command but using your installation of node and npm.
If you get in trouble with paths use process.execPath to find your node binary and npm root -g to find your global npm modules.
You can check out this documentation: Command Line | meteor shell.
While your meteor app is running, you can execute meteor shell to start an interactive console. In the console, you can do
So if you want to write a script with using meteor shell, you might need to pipe the script file for meteor shell. Like,
$ meteor shell < script_file
See also the answer of "How can I pipe a command into the meteor shell?"

Weblogic 12C sending logs to syslog

I want to send my weblogic log to syslog. here is what I have done so far.
1.Included following in managed server classpath -
log4j.appender.syslog.layout.ConversionPattern=[%p] %c:%L - %m%n
2. added following command to managed server arguments -
-Dlog4j.configuration=file :<path to log4j properties file> -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger -Dweblogic.log.Log4jLoggingEnabled=true
3. Added wllog4j.jar and llog4j-1.2.14.jar into domain's lib folder.
4.Then, from Admin console changed logging information by doing the following. "my_domain_name"--->Configuration--->Logging--->(Advanced options)-->Logging implementation: Log4J
Restart managed server.
I used this as refernce. But didnt get anaything in syslog(/var/log/message). What am I doing wrong?
I would recommend a couple items to check:
Remove the space in DEBUG, syslog in the file
Your last two server arguments have a space between the - and the D so make sure that wasn't just a copy and paste error in this post.
Double check that the log files are in the actual classpath.
Double check from a ps command, that the -D options made it correctly into the start command that was executed.
Make sure that the managed server has a copy of the JARs correctly as they would get synchornized from admin during the restart.
Hopefully something in there will help or give an idea of what to look for.
I figured out the problem. My appender was working fine, the problem was in rsyslog.conf. Just uncommented following properties
# Provides UDP syslog reception
#$ModLoad imudp
#$UDPServerRun 514
We were appending the messages, but the listner was abesnt, so it didnt knew what to do with it.
and from *.debug;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/messages it figures out where to redirect any (debug in this case) information to messages file.

Unable to create OpenShift application using --from-code option

I am trying to create an OpenShift application using the --from-code option to grab the application code from GitHub. I've created two different OpenShift QuickStarts -- with one, the --from-code option works, and with the other, it doesn't work.
So clearly I'm doing something wrong in the QuickStart that isn't working. But I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I either get error 504 or an error occurred, neither of which tells me what the problem is, and there doesn't seem to be a verbose flag to get more details on the error.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 --from-code
The cartridge '' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1,
Source Code:
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ... Server returned an unexpected error code: 504
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 --from-code
The cartridge '' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1,
Source Code:
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ...
An error occurred while communicating with the server. This problem may only be temporary. Check that you have correctly specified your
OpenShift server ''.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$
That's creating an application with --from-code using this repo: . If I use this repo it works flawlessly:
The code itself seems to be good, as I can create an empty new application, merge the SONR code in, and it works flawlessly.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: I've worked around this issue by creating the app in two stages instead of doing it in one stage:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1
git remote add github -f
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
I'd still love to know why doing it in one step was failing, though.
#developercorey had the right idea.
I tried with a ridiculous timeout of 99999, and then got a different timeout error that I don't think I can change:
$ rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1 --from-code --timeout 99999
Creating application 'APPNAME' ...
The initial build for the application failed: Shell command '/sbin/runuser -s /bin/sh 5328a9385973ca70150002af -c "exec /usr/bin/runcon 'unconfined_u:system_r:openshift_t:s0:c5,c974' /bin/sh -c \"gear postreceive --init >> /tmp/initial-build.log 2>&1\""' exceeded timeout of 229
The fix I mentioned in my earlier update is working perfectly, and that's what I recommend anyone with a similar problem try -- I'm creating the app as empty without the --from-code option, and then merging in the code I wanted to use in a separate step:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1
git remote add github -f
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
It could be that the application takes to long to clone/setup, and the creation is timing out. Something you can try is to create the application without the --from-code, then clone it locally, and merge in your code from github, then do a git push. This operation has a much longer timeout period, and will also let you see what, if any, errors that you get since the application won't disappear if it doesn't succeed, unlike an app create.
