OCaml Optional Argument - functional-programming

How can I write a function in OCaml in which one or more argument are optional?
let foo x y z = if(x+y > z) then true else false;;
If foo do not receive the z argument it uses 0 as z.
foo 3 3 2 -> true
foo 3 3 10 -> false
foo 2 1 -> true
Is there any OCaml feature to achieve this?

OCaml has optional arguments, but it's quite a bit trickier than you would expect because OCaml functions fundamentally have exactly one argument. In your case, foo is a function that expects an int and returns a function.
If you leave off trailing arguments, normally this means that you're interested in the function that will be returned; this is sometimes called partial application.
The result is that trailing optional arguments (as you are asking for) do not work.
Optional arguments are always associated with a name, which is used to tell whether the argument is being supplied or not.
If you make z the first argument of your function rather than the last, you can get something like the following:
# let foo ?(z = 0) x y = x + y > z;;
val foo : ?z:int -> int -> int -> bool = <fun>
# foo 3 3 ~z: 2;;
- : bool = true
# foo 3 3 ~z: 10;;
- : bool = false
# foo 2 1;;
- : bool = true
In general I'd say that optional (and named) arguments in OCaml don't solve the same problems as in some other languages.
I personally never define functions with optional arguments; so, there may be better ways to achieve what you're asking for.

OCaml doesn't have optional arguments like you'd find in Java or C#. Since functions can be partially applied, optional arguments can make it hard to tell when you're done passing arguments and would like the function to be evaluated. However, OCaml does have labeled arguments with default values, which can be used to the same effect.
The usual caveats of labeled arguments apply. Note that labeled arguments can't appear at the end of the argument list since the function is evaluated as soon as it has everything it needs:
let foo x y ?z_name:(z=0) = (x + y) > z;;
Characters 12-39:
let foo x y ?z_name:(z=0) = (x + y) > z;;
Warning 16: this optional argument cannot be erased.
val foo : int -> int -> ?z_name:int -> bool = <fun>
Other parts of the argument list are fine:
# let foo ?z:(z=0) x y = (x + y) > z;;
val foo : ?z:int -> int -> int -> bool = <fun>
# foo 1 1;;
- : bool = true
# foo (-1) (-1);;
- : bool = false
# foo ~z:(-42) (-1) (-1);;
- : bool = true
In the same fashion as above, you lose the ability to supply the optional argument once you 'move past' it in the argument list:
# foo 1;;
- : int -> bool = <fun>


Is it possible to implement Russell's Paradox in Ocaml?

I recently learned about Russell's Paradox in naive set theory, where when considering the set of all sets that are not members of themselves, the set appears to be a member of itself iff it is not a member of itself, which creates the paradox.
I was wondering if a function that asks whether a set is a member of itself is implementable, in a functional language such as Ocaml, since Russell's Paradox has no definite answer in itself, and if so, would like any hints on how to tackle the problem. In addition, I am interested in learning if any of these mathematical paradoxes are implementable in general.
I am neither a logician nor a type or set theorist. But if you turn on -rectypes you can write a function that tests whether a list is a member of itself:
$ ocaml -rectypes
OCaml version 4.10.0
let f x = List.mem x x;;
val f : ('a list as 'a) -> bool = <fun>
You can create a list that is a member of itself:
# let rec mylist = [mylist];;
val mylist : 'a list as 'a = [<cycle>]
# f mylist;;
- : bool = true
I suspect this is only faintly related to Russell's paradox, unfortunately.
Say you define a set as a function that returns true for elements of the set and false for elements not in the set. Then you can create Russell's paradox to a pretty reasonable degree.
The empty set is a set that always returns false:
$ rlwrap ocaml -rectypes
OCaml version 4.10.0
# let empty x = false;;
val empty : 'a -> bool = <fun>
Here is a singleton set that contains itself:
# let rec just_self x = x == just_self;;
val just_self : 'a -> bool as 'a = <fun>
You can try various tests of these values and get reasonable answers:
# empty empty;;
- : bool = false
The empty set doesn't contain anything, including itself.
# just_self empty;;
- : bool = false
The set just_self only contains itself, not the empty set.
# just_self just_self;;
- : bool = true
So then the Russell set is the set that contains sets that don't contain themselves:
# let russell s = not (s s);;
val russell : ('a -> bool as 'a) -> bool = <fun>
The Russell set contains the empty set (because it doesn't contain itself):
# russell empty;;
- : bool = true
The Russell set does not contain just_self, because that set contains itself:
# russell just_self;;
- : bool = false
Now the big payoff. Does the Russell set contain itself?
# russell russell;;
Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).
This is what you should expect. I.e., the computation diverges. (Also a very fitting result for this website.)

OCaml lazy evaluation: 'a lazy_t vs unit -> 'a

Both achieve the same thing
# let x = fun () -> begin print_endline "Hello"; 1 end;;
val x : unit -> int = <fun>
# x ();;
- : int = 1
# let y = lazy begin print_endline "World"; 2 end;;
val y : int lazy_t = <lazy>
# Lazy.force y;;
- : int = 2
Is there any reason one should be preferred over the other? Which one is more efficient?
First of all, they do not behave the same, try to do Lazy.force y yet another time, and you will notice the difference, the "World" message is no longer printed, so the computation is not repeated, as the result was remembered in the lazy value.
This is the main difference between lazy computations and thunks. They both defer the computation until the time when they are forced. But the thunk will evaluate its body every time, where the lazy value will be evaluated once, and the result of the computation will be memoized.
Underneath the hood, the lazy value is implemented as a thunk object with a special flag. When runtime first calls the lazy value, it substitutes the body of the thunk with the result of computation. So, after the first call to Lazy.force y, the y object actually became an integer 2. So the consequent calls to Lazy.force do nothing.
Lazy.force returns the same value again without recomputing it.
let ra = ref 0 ;;
let y = lazy (ra:= !ra+1);;
Lazy.force y;;
# Lazy.force y;;
- : unit = ()
# !ra;;
- : int = 1
# Lazy.force y;;
- : unit = ()
# !ra;;
- : int = 1

OCaml: applying second argument first(higher-order functions)

I defined a higher-order function like this:
val func : int -> string -> unit
I would like to use this function in two ways:
other_func (func 5)
some_other_func (fun x -> func x "abc")
i.e., by making functions with one of the arguments already defined. However, the second usage is less concise and readable than the first one. Is there a more readable way to pass the second argument to make another function?
In Haskell, there's a function flip for this. You can define it yourself:
let flip f x y = f y x
Then you can say:
other_func (func 5)
third_func (flip func "abc")
Flip is defined in Jane Street Core as Fn.flip. It's defined in OCaml Batteries Included as BatPervasives.flip. (In other words, everybody agrees this is a useful function.)
The question posed in the headline "change order of parameters" is already answered. But I am reading your description as "how do I write a new function with the second parameter fixed". So I will answer this simple question with an ocaml toplevel protocol:
# let func i s = if i < 1 then print_endline "Counter error."
else for ix = 1 to i do print_endline s done;;
val func : int -> string -> unit = <fun>
# func 3 "hi";;
- : unit = ()
# let f1 n = func n "curried second param";;
val f1 : int -> unit = <fun>
# f1 4;;
curried second param
curried second param
curried second param
curried second param
- : unit = ()

OCaml passing labeled function as parameter / labeled function type equivalence

Suppose a function g is defined as follows.
utop # let g ~y ~x = x + y ;;
val g : y:int -> x:int -> int = <fun>
utop # g ~x:1 ;;
- : y:int -> int = <fun>
utop # g ~y:2 ;;
- : x:int -> int = <fun>
utop # g ~x:1 ~y:2 ;;
- : int = 3
utop # g ~y:2 ~x:1 ;;
- : int = 3
Now there is another function foo
utop # let foobar (f: x:int -> y:int -> int) = f ~x:1 ~y:2 ;;
val foobar : (x:int -> y:int -> int) -> int = <fun>
Sadly when I try to provide g as the parameter of foobar, it complains:
utop # foobar g ;;
Error: This expression has type y:int -> x:int -> int
but an expression was expected of type x:int -> y:int -> int
This is quite surprising as I can successfully currify g but cannot pass it as the parameter. I googled and found this article which doesn't help much. I guess this is related to the underlying type system of OCaml (e.g. subtyping rules of labeled arrow types).
So is it possible to pass g as the parameter to foobar by any means in OCaml? If not, why is it not allowed? Any supporting articles/books/papers would be sufficient.
The key is that labels do not exist at runtime. A function of type X:int -> y:float -> int is really a function whose first argument is an int and whose second argument is a float.
Calling g ~y:123 means that we store the second argument 123 somewhere (in a closure) and we will use it automatically later when the original function g is finally called with all its arguments.
Now consider a higher-order function such as foobar:
let foobar (f : y:float -> x:int -> int) = f ~x:1 ~y:2.
(* which is the same as: *)
let foobar (f : y:float -> x:int -> int) = f 2. 1
The function f passed to foobar takes two arguments, and the float must be the first argument, at runtime.
Maybe it would be possible to support your wish, but it would add some overhead. In order for the following to work:
let g ~x ~y = x + truncate y;;
foobar g (* rejected *)
the compiler would have to create an extra closure. Instead you are required to do it yourself, as follows:
let g ~x ~y = x + truncate y;;
foobar (fun ~y ~x -> g ~x ~y)
In general, the OCaml compiler is very straightforward and won't perform this kind of hard-to-guess code insertion for you.
(I'm not a type theorist either)
Think instead of the types x:int -> y:float -> int and y:float -> x:int -> int. I claim these are not the same type because you can call them without labels if you like. When you do this, the first requires an int as its first parameter and a float as the second. The second type requires them in the reverse order.
# let f ~x ~y = x + int_of_float y;;
val f : x:int -> y:float -> int = <fun>
# f 3 2.5;;
- : int = 5
# f 2.5 3;;
Error: This expression has type float but an expression was
expected of type int 
Another complication is that functions can have some labelled and some unlabelled parameters.
As a result, the labeled parameters of a function are treated as a sequence (in a particular order) rather than a set (without an inherent order).
Possibly if you required all parameters to be labelled and removed the capability of calling without labels, you could make things work the way you expect.
(Disclaimer: I'm not a type theorist, though I wish I was.)
This pitfall of labels in OCaml is described in detail in the Labels and type inference subsection of the OCaml manual, giving an example similar to yours.
If I remember correctly, some type systems for labels lift that restriction, but at the cost of additional overall complexity that was judged "not worth it" for the OCaml language itself. Labels can be rearranged automatically at first-order application sites, but not when abstracting over labelled functions (or using such abstractions).
You can have your example accepted by manually eta-expanding the labelled function to make a reorderable application appear (a type-theorist would say this is a retyping eta-conversion):
# let f ~x ~y = x+y;;
val f : x:int -> y:int -> int = <fun>
# let yx f = f ~y:0 ~x:1;;
val yx : (y:int -> x:int -> 'a) -> 'a = <fun>
# yx f;;
Error: This expression has type x:int -> y:int -> int
but an expression was expected of type y:int -> x:int -> 'a
# yx (fun ~y ~x -> f ~y ~x);;
- : int = 1

Query on type expressions in ML

Here is the type expression which I need to convert to a ML expression:
int -> (int*int -> 'a list) -> 'a list
Now I know this is a currying style expression which takes 2 arguments:
1st argument = Type int
and 2nd argument = Function which takes the previous int value twice and return a list of any type
I am having a hard time figuring such a function that would take an int and return 'a list.
I am new to ML and hence this might be trivial to others, but obviously not me.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You get an int and a function int*int -> 'a list. You're supposed to return an 'a list. So all you need to do is call the function you get with (x,x) (where x is the int you get) and return the result of that. So
fun foo x f = f (x,x)
Note that this is not the only possible function with type int -> (int*int -> 'a list) -> 'a list. For example the functions fun foo x f = f (x, 42) and fun foo x f = f (23, x) would also have that type.
To make the type match exactly add a type annotation to restrict the return type of f:
fun foo x (f : int*int -> 'a list) = f (x,x)
Note however that there is no real reason to do that. This version behaves exactly as the one before, except that it only accepts functions that return a list.
