The best overloaded method match for int tryparse Error -

I'm simply trying to do this, so later on when I save my values in the database they should be set to null incase the textfield is empty.
int? DeliveryAdrID = null;
int.TryParse(TextBoxDeliveryAdrID.Text, out DeliveryAdrID);
But I'm having an error parsing it along.
The above solution should later on make it possible to save empty textbox values in the database as "NULL" instead of 0.
The whole solution:
int parsedValue;
int? DeliveryAdrID = int.TryParse(TextBoxDeliveryAdrID.Text, out parsedValue) ? parsedValue : (int?)null;
int id = Convert.ToInt32(GridViewData.SelectedValue.ToString());
var data = tf.DBTable.Where(a => a.ID == id).FirstOrDefault();
if (data == null)
DBTable mt = new DBTable();
mt.Customer = TextBoxCustomer.Text;
mt.Country = TextBoxCountry.Text;
mt.DeliveryAdrID = parsedValue;
data.Customer = TextBoxCustomer.Text;
data.Country = TextBoxCountry.Text;
data.DeliveryAdrID = parsedValue;

You cannot give a nullable int to int.TryParse. It must be an int. What you are trying to do can be accomplished like so:
int parsedValue;
int? DeliveryAdrID = int.TryParse(TextBoxDeliveryAdrID.Text, out parsedValue) ? parsedValue : (int?) null;


How to handle varchar(max) in t4 script?

I'm using .tt scripting in VS 2017(SSDT 2017) in the DB project. We create staging tables structures manually and then the T4 script generates final destination tables based on the staging table structure.
I have this code to get columns and their data types to create my final destination tables but it looks if one of the fields is defined as varchar(max) then generated field gets varchar data type and that is it.
Here is the sample of the script.
foreach (var col in table.GetReferenced(Table.Columns))
string columnText;
string columnName = col.Name.Parts[2];
// this attempts to limit to only columns from the source. there's gotta be a cleaner way.
if (!skipColumns.Contains(columnName))
int length = col.GetProperty<int>(Column.Length);
int precision = col.GetProperty<int>(Column.Precision);
int scale = col.GetProperty<int>(Column.Scale);
string suffix;
if (length != 0)
suffix = String.Format("({0})", length);
else if (precision != 0)
suffix = String.Format("({0},{1})", precision, scale);
else if (precision == 0 && scale != 0)
suffix = String.Format("({0})", scale);
suffix = "";
bool nullable = col.GetProperty<bool>(Column.Nullable);
string nullText = nullable ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL";
string dataType = col.GetReferenced(Column.DataType).FirstOrDefault().Name.ToString();
columnText = String.Format("[{0}] {1}{2} {3}", columnName, dataType, suffix, nullText);
WriteLine(" " + columnText + ",");
How to handle varchar(max) in t4 script?
Here the answer.
You would have to use the following and then compare it.
bool isMax = col.GetProperty<bool>(Column.IsMax);
if (isMax)
suffix = String.Format("({0})", "max");

Financial Dimension after save is empty

I have financial dimension which contact values like BuildingID and ContractID.
When new building is created, dimension is properly filled with data. But, after that there is need for contract creation.
When contract is created there is value in financial dimension field for contractID.
But, when contract is saved, financial dimension for contract id disappear. When I check in DIMENSIONATTRIBUTEVALUESET table value for that ContractID dimension is null, there is only value for BuildingID.
I have this method for init dimensions:
void initDimensions()
DimensionDefault dimension;
PMGOrgDimension orgDimension;
CompanyId companyId;
PMEGround ground;
PMEBuilding building;
case PMCEstateType::Ground :
ground = PMEGround::find(pmcContract.EstateId);
dimension = PMEObjectLegalEntity::find(ground.TableId, ground.RecId).DefaultDimension;
orgDimension = ground.OrgDimension;
companyId = ground.CompanyId;
case PMCEstateType::Building :
building = PMEBuilding::find(pmcContract.EstateId);
dimension = PMEObjectLegalEntity::find(building.TableId, building.RecId).DefaultDimension;
orgDimension = building.OrgDimension;
companyId = building.CompanyId;
default :
dimension = pmcContract.DefaultDimension;
orgDimension = pmcContract.OrgDimension;
companyId = pmcContract.CompanyId;
pmcContract.DefaultDimension = dimension;
pmcContract.OrgDimension = orgDimension;
pmcContract.CompanyId = companyId;
Is there something what I missing ?
Try changing this line:
pmcContract.DefaultDimension = dimension;
To this:
pmcContract.DefaultDimension = DimensionDefaultingService::serviceMergeDefaultDimensions(pmcContract.DefaultDimension, dimension);
Issue is in this method:
static server public DimensionDefault tableDimension(Common _c, DimensionDefault _d)
DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimensionAttributeValue;
DimensionAttributeSetItem dimensionAttributeSetItem;
DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage dimensionAttributeValueSetStorage;
DimensionDefault cDimensionDefault;
DimensionDefault ret;
ret = _d;
select firstonly RecId from dimensionAttribute
where dimensionAttribute.BackingEntityTableId == _c.TableId
join firstonly RecId from dimensionAttributeSetItem
where dimensionAttributeSetItem.DimensionAttributeSet == DimensionCache::getDimensionAttributeSetForLedger()
&& dimensionAttributeSetItem.DimensionAttribute == dimensionAttribute.RecId;
if (dimensionAttributeSetItem.RecId != 0)
dimensionAttributeValue = DimensionAttributeValue::findByDimensionAttributeAndEntityInst(dimensionAttribute.RecId, _c.RecId, false, true);
if (dimensionAttributeValue.RecId != 0)
dimensionAttributeValueSetStorage = new DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage();
dimensionAttributeValueSetStorage.addItemValues(dimensionAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute, dimensionAttributeValue.RecId, dimensionAttributeValue.HashKey);
cDimensionDefault =;
if (cDimensionDefault != 0)
ret = LedgerDimensionDefaultFacade::serviceMergeDefaultDimensions(cDimensionDefault, _d);
return ret;
Merge is not working. It only takes values for _d. Not merging them.

get data in String[] Array using servlet and jsp

I am trying to get the values that i inserted in the database dynamically but I can't get the value.
here my code
String[] SchoolName = request.getParameterValues("shoolname");
String[] DateFrom = request.getParameterValues("Dateform");
String[] DateTo = request.getParameterValues("Datato");
String[] DiscriptDetails = request.getParameterValues("Dscript");
this for insert data and its working well.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SchoolName.length;++i ) {
educatiodetails edu = new educatiodetails();
EducatiIMP education = new EducatiIMP();
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
//here I am trying to get values
educatiodetails educat =education.geteducatiodetails(SchoolName[i]);
//here my session just get the first value

StoreRequestParameters,get the values issue

on the web service side I am applying
StoreRequestParameters parameters = new StoreRequestParameters(this.Context);
string condition= parameters.GridFilters.ToString();
//I ma sending this to the methot "List<Ks> Get(....)"
to get the gridfilter parameters.
inside the other methot ,trying to get the selected gridfilters values like this.
public List<Ks> Get(int start, int limit, string sort, string terssiralama, string condition, out int totalrow)
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(condition);
foreach (FilterCondition cnd in fc.Conditions)
Comparison comparison = cnd.Comparison;
string fi = cnd.Field;
FilterType type = cnd.Type;
switch (cnd.Type)
case FilterType.Date:
switch (comparison)
case Comparison.Eq:
field1 = cnd.Field;
cmp1 = "=";
value1 = cnd.Value<string>();
but I failed getting the values like this
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(condition);
I couldnt pass the string values .
should I serializes or deserilized first ?
StoreRequestParameters parameters = new StoreRequestParameters(this.Context);
instead of using this, string condition= parameters.GridFilters.ToString();
I use this
string obj = this.Context.Request["filter"];
and pass it to the
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(obj);
It can be reach all filter condition in fc filtercondition variable.

queries in entity framework

i have written the following query and it is giving error Unable to cast object of type
System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery'[ITClassifieds.Models.Viewsearch]' to type 'ITClassifieds.Models.Viewsearch'.
my code is as follows
if (zipcode.Contains(","))//opening of zipcode conatins comma
zipcode = zipcode.Replace(" ", " ");
zipcode = zipcode.Replace(", ", ",");
} while (zipcodecity.Contains(" "));
char[] separator = new char[] { ',' };
string[] temparray = zipcode.Split(separator);
var zipcd = (from u in db.ZipCodes1
where u.CityName == temparray[0] && u.StateAbbr == temparray[1] && u.CityType == "D"
select new Viewsearch
Zipcode = u.ZIPCode
Viewsearch vs = (Viewsearch)zipcd;
if (zipcd.Count() > 0)
zipcode = vs.Zipcode;
locations = "";
tempStr = "";
zipcode = "";
You need to do
If it will always exist:
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.First()
If not use, and then check for null before using
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.FirstOrDefault()
You could also use Single if there will always be 1 or None.
The Distinct method returns an enumerable collection (in your case, and ObjectQuery<T>, which may contain more than one element. You can't typecast that directly to an item in the collection, you need to use one of the IEnumerable methods to get it:
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.SingleOrDefault();
if ( vs != null )
zipcode = vs.Zipcode;
locations = String.Empty;
zipcode = String.Empty;
tempStr = String.Empty;
SingleOrDefault will throw an exception if there is more than one item in the collection; if that's a problem, you can also use FirstOrDefault to grab the first item, as one example.
Also, unrelated to your question, but you don't need the temporary array variable for your string separators. The parameter to the Split method is a params array so you can just call it like this:
string[] temparray = zipcode.Split(',');
Replace the zipcd query with:
var cityName = temparray[0];
var stateAbbr = temparray[1];
Viewsearch vs = new Viewsearch {
Zipcode = db.ZipCodes1.Where(u.CityName == cityName && u.StateAbbr == stateAbbr && u.CityType == "D").First().ZIPCode
