VAST 2 overlay --- play a video when the user clicks the overlay - openx

In OpenX when create video-banner user has option "When the user clicks the overlay --- Play a video "
For playing video when user clicks the overlay OpenX adds to vast the following node :
<MediaFile delivery="progressive" bitrate="400" width="640" height="480" type="video/x-flv">
OpenX uses Vast 1 for creating video banners.
The question --- how to realize the same functionality using VAST 2 ?

Looks like that in VAST 2 problem can be solved ONLY on banner level using VPAID.
See --- 6.4 Overlay Banner with c lick-to-linear video ad


Can't Unmute YouTube Videos with Revolution Slider on Mobile

I'm using Revolution Slider in WordPress and I'm running into an issue where on mobile devices, I cannot unmute YouTube videos. I have videos in the slider to be muted on load in and to autoplay. I have interaction and controls both allowed. However, when I try to click the unmute button on the screen, it simply pauses/plays the video. I'm not sure if the pause/play button that appears somehow overlaps and the YT controls are underneath or something. It actually doesn't look like the controls generated from YouTube but instead the RS native controls. I tried turning controls and interaction both off but unsurprisingly, this causes absolutely zero action to happen when you click/press on the video, not even pause/play it.
You can view the issue in action at The slide in issue is slide #2 out of 3.
Being an issue related to mobile and iframes makes it relatively difficult to diagnose with 100% efficacy. I used Browerstack to open a connection on a Galaxy S20 and noticed the issue as you described.
Using the Dev Tools, I was able to get it to allow the mute button to be clicked by changing the &enablejsapi=1 to &enablejsapi=0. You can see in this screenshot below that after doing that, it allowed it to be clicked. You also have a JavaScript parse error showing in the console - that could potentially be preventing a JS API controller (built into Revolution Slider?) from functioning correctly.
So it looks like your options (for the moment) are to fix that JS error and see if it works, or disable the JS API in the url of the videos

How to Bloat embedded youtube video frame on website when I click on play?

I have embedded youtube videos on my website(HTML5 and CSS). I have 3 videos which shows up next to each other to fit in the margin of the website. But when I click on play, the frame doesn't expand and hence plays in the same frame but that is too small for viewers.
Expectation: Its ok to have it in small frame in website but when the user clicks on "Play" button, the frame must expand to say 1100 * 450 and go back to fit in its small frame when its done or when the user clicks elsewhere in the page.
I don't want to use the "Full screen" option since that covers the entire webpage.
Any ideas how I can do it?
you need to use a popup for that. Have a image of the video, then when some one clicks on it the video pops up and plays
hey buddy replace your iframe code with this one
fullscreen is the only option,
scalable iframe is something different,
i hope u find it useful.
<iframe height="400" width="600" name="frame" id="iframe" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

YouTube iframe for Windows 8 app

So I'm using YouTube's iframes in order to show some videos in my app. The thing is I cannot make the videos fullscreen.
I'm using this code:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you write that on a single html file the browser (all of them) will show you the fullscreen button on the far right. But, that same code on a Win8 app (html of course) will display the video but will not show the fullscreen button.
Do you thing that's what YouTube (google) wants? I mean, should I be doing anything different?
Something to keep in mind is that iframe within a Windows Store app is designed for limited use only. The certification requirement 2.4 states:
The primary experiences your app provides must take place within the
One needs to be very careful about including content from sites you do not control via iframe in a Windows Store app, because this content can change without warning in ways that may break your app or introduce unexpected behavior.
Because YouTube videos may use either Flash or HTML5 for playback, you may find that some videos simply will not play in the context of a Windows Store app, because ActiveX controls are not available in that context.
Given all that, I would not expect to be able to play full-screen video embedding YouTube videos via iframe in a Windows Store app.

Google Maps and Short Code Tabs in Wordpress

I've having an issue with Google maps not centering on the pin. See an example of the issue here:
You'll see that if the google map is placed in the first tab, it works. Click on the other tabs and the google map doesn't center on the pin.
Please let us know what to do to resolve this issue. Thanks.
For the google map to work inside a hidden tab, try setting the iframe width of the google map to 100% instead of using a px width. Example: width="100% height="350"
If you're using wordpress, just grap an iframe plugin, otherwise WP will erase the tags when you switch between VISUAL and HTML views.
You can see an example here: Fairmont Scottsdale Princess (click "map")

Palm Pre not picking up embedded YouTube videos

I've embedded a YouTube video onto a site (built in drupal) using the embed code from the video's YouTube page.
If I visit that page on an iPhone, it picks up the fact that there is a YouTube video and displays the icon that you click to pop open the video and watch it.
If I visit the same page on a Palm Pre it just displays a blank space where the video should be. If I visit the video on the YouTube page itself, however, the Palm Pre picks up the fact that there is a video and allows you to open it.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem and has some insights they can offer. I'd love to have a more graceful solution than just adding a link to the YouTube page below the embedded player
You could compare the embed code actually used on the YouTube page (as opposed to the one they offer for quick copy & paste) with the one you are using, as there are quite some different ways to embed a video.
I would expect them to use the SWFObject for embedding, which is a tiny bit more effort to use on your page, but usually works a lot more reliable than the 'old fashioned' embed tag offered for quick copy&paste.
You might also try requesting the YouTube page faking the user agent of the Palm Pre, as they might deliver something different for those, but that is pretty unlikely.
