In Androidviewclient(version 3.2.0), Is there any api to get unique id for text - monkeyrunner

I am new to automation in androidviewclient. Please help me by answering following queries:
In Androidviewclient(version 3.2.0), Is there any api to get unique id for text.
Is there any documentation available for AndroidViewClient (3.2.0 version). I tried searching on net, but getting only examples.


Gitlab API. How to get emoji in note?

I request for a list of discussions and I want to get emoji from the attached notes.
But I can not find such an api.
The only mention of emojis I see in the api docs is
I’m not quite clear on what you are trying to do — does that help?

How to search the internet for pages containing specified terms and storing the results in a data table, from within R, using OpenSearch

I am setting up a database of certain events that have occurred in the past, and need to search the internet for a number of terms to retrieve as many pages as possible that contain terms related to the happenings i want to document.
First I looked into achieving this using Googles "Custom Search API", after reading this question:
Need to access Google Custom search api through R
I did manage to get a JSON of search results through the browser, but not through R, so I moved on.
When I saw that the Custom Search API was using OpenSearch, and found the rOpenSearch package for R, I wanted to try going down this path:
After reading through the documentation, there was only provided examples of searching sites that provide opensearch descriptions. As I need to search as many websites as possible, it seems like I would need an opensearch description for a search engine like Google. But I can't seem to find that anywhere.
Is there any way to search the internet via. R using OpenSearch, and collecting the results in a data table?
If you know of a better solution to my problem, I'd appreciate if you could point me in another direction.
If I read well, you are looking for something called Web Scraping via R.
<See me!>

Scrape data from a website that ranks first on a EAN/UPC google search

I am curious whether the following automation would be feasible:
search google for a UCP/EAN code number (e.g. 8710103703631)
scrape and parse data (depending on what is available) from the first ranked page concerning Product:
Just trying to understand how complicated this might be.
Thank you!
Lookup EAN/UPC codes via API
There are some free web-APIs which (reverse-)lookup barcodes (EAN/UPC) or provide additional information.
For example is an REST API that is queried by the EAN and delivers XML (e.g. provides a link to Amazon for your sample "Philips Sonicare").
Benefit using an API: ready to use data, no scraping needed.
Web-scraping for search-results
For sure you can use search-engines (like google, duckduckgo, etc.) and search for the barcode using the favorite web-scraping library in your desired programming-language:
JSoup (in Java): see this question
Scrapy or BeautifulSoup (in Phyton): see this question

Which API allows access to Google's Dictionary information?

I know that Google Dictionary was discontinued in 2011, but the dictionary information and definitions are still available through google search results:
Does anyone know whether this information can be accessed through the Custom Search API or the Translate API?
I found this related question (but sadly without a satisfying answer).
I also needed Google Dictionary API for my project, it was not present so I decided to create one.
I scrapped the WebPage for the url where term is any word you want to get meaning of, and created the API, you can find it here Google Dictionary API.
How to use
The basic syntax of a URL request to the API is shown below:<--language_code-->/<--word-->
As an example, to get definition of English word hello, you can send request to:
The API also provides other meanings of the word, example sentences, and synonyms, if any.
If you want me to include any other details, please comment and I will happily extend the API to cover your needs.
In case you wish to see the code, it is on github.
Google Dictionary's content is licenced from Oxford Dictionaries' Lexico. Their API can be accessed from here.
Note their free access platform ("prototype") has a number of limitations:
1000 requests per month
Limited data access
Limited request rate
It doesn't look promising from the API Explorer

Returning Twitter Users with keywords in Description in R

Is there a way to search twitter users which have a certain keyword in their 'description' field? Right now my best thought is to write a loop to which will sequentially run through every user id, search the 'description' field and then only save the users which have that keyword.
Looping through every Twitter ID out there seems excessive! Is there a better way or method?
Sub-question are their packages beyond twitteR and streamR for Twitter analysis in R?
P.S. as this is an entirely conceptual question, it was judged that no reproducible code was necessary... some can be provided if the question is unclear.
As you mention this is an entirely conceptual question:
twitter API offers search by users' profile description keywords by using the 'q' parameter:
You can even OAuth in the link above if you have the credentials and 'curl' test your query. If you simply don't want to build the query, just for the sake of checking feasibility I found this site where you can search by keywords in users' profile: (I'm guessing they use Twitter's official API).
As for the R subquestion, I'm afraid I only know the ones you mentioned :-S
