What is lkujhbkj0? - wordpress

I activated BuddyPress on Wordpress 3.9 and on BuddyPress pages (as register) it appears this strange code.
Googling it, it appears that many BuddyPress sites show the same code.
What is it? Is there a way to hide it?
The Wordpress installation is indeed with a commercial theme named Avada.
The behaviour can be seen in a page like this one, which is the profile page of a BuddyPress profile.
I would be able to post a solution for the question, but apparently I cannot...
I found this on line 39 in the buddypress.php file in the Avada theme folder
<?php echo "lkujhbkj".$post->ID; ?>
This solved my issue
<span style="display:none"><?php echo "lkujhbkj".$post->ID; ?></span>

There are only 45 results when googling for this string. What all sites with this bug have in common is the theme Avada:
. . .
As confirmed by the OP, the theme has the following code:
<?php echo "lkujhbkj".$post->ID; ?>
It makes no sense at all (in WP, HTML, JS or CSS terms) and, I think, can be safely removed.


Removing Comment Section and Date in Wordpress Projects and Posts

I was just wondering if there is a simple way to hide the comment box and date in WP posts and projects. I've followed everything and have unchecked the options under the screen options tab for both projects and posts and they are still showing. Anything other than good old CSS to hide this stuff?
You can erase the HTML source code directly in yours templates files.
Open up your theme files, and look for your single.php file.
Look for a post meta section, and simply comment out/delete the part that generates the date, more than likely
<?php the_date(); ?>
Towards the bottom of the single.php file, there will most likely be some code that adds the comments form, again simply delete or comment it out, maybe: <?php comment_form(); ?>

WordPress Multisite switch_to_blog() / wp_list_pages() error

In WordPress Multisite I made a global site nav for linking to the main site, using a simple:
<?php switch_to_blog(1); ?>
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1&sort_column=menu_order'); ?>
<?php restore_current_blog(); ?>
I have 10 websites on the network, but only one of the child sites is kicking out an error that I haven't been able to resolve:
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /wp-includes/post-template.php on line 1299
The links are output to the screen ok, but along side an error for each one.
After some research I think it's related to this existing issue, which hasn't been addressed for the last few WordPress updates and no fixes are posted:
Wondering if anyone has any input on this, or maybe a function to do this without errors? I've tried writing a function in functions.php to set a global variable menu but it still uses wp_list_pages, its hacky and still not working properly.
Any input would be huge, Thank you!

Slide show does not work on my custom WP theme

First I want to thank the WP team and all contributors for such amazing product.
I installed word press and started creating my own theme, however I went into a problem as I am new to Word press and Php development.
I installed a plug in which is a slide show when I put the tag into any of my posts it just done not work. I tried several slide show plug and all give the same result, which mean it is not the plugins problem. Also I tried with another themes and it worked which confirms my first conclusion .
Now I know i did not provide much information but I hope you provide me with some idea or "may be"s or if you want some code I will provided so you can help me with this one :)
Ok, I got this working what was missed is some functions in the head.php and the footer.php and those tags are <?php wp_head(); ?> and <?php wp_footer(); ?> respectively.

Some wordpress php, link, language questions

I have recently start using Wordpress for the very first time and i have to say it is going well. i previously made my own theme with the bootstrap 3 framework and started to implement it into wordpress.
I came across allot of things i didn't really find a good answer for.
first of all i want my website to be multi language (Dutch & French) for that I've installed qTranslate that works very well. But on the other hand that also gave me the problem that i had to include my header and my footer into my html editor in Wordpress because the text there has to be multi language, where normally just the content is placed. Anyone els is experiencing that problem or maybe knows a walk around for this?
My website contains allot of PHP because there is a payment system that is implemented into it, so i constantly need a connection to my database (MYSQL) and also am working with sessions. I'm not so far yet, tomorrow i will but can i just implement my PHP code into the well known tags <?php ?> and place them into the html editor in Wordpress?
So like you already know i had to put my header into the html editor in Wordpress but now i am facing a problem linking to my home page. If, in my navigation menu, i want to link to home i cannot use for example : <?php echo home_url(); ?> and i f i just use <a href"home"></a> it also doesn't work...
Appreciate for the help!
I figured out how I can include different header & footer (header-fr.php, footer-fr.php). I used this code:
if(function_exists('qtrans_getLanguage')) {
$lang = qtrans_getLanguage();
switch ($lang) {
case 'fr':
} else {
} ?>

wordpress get current permalink or url without domain

I'm not sure if I titled this correctly but this is my issue, I have to create 2 same exact blogs and the only difference is language. So but what I need is at the top when clicked on a language it would take the user to that same page but in the language he/she clicked on.
I'm using permalinks currently and I've tried the following:
function my_permalink() {
echo substr(get_permalink(), strlen(get_option('home')));
but that for some reason on my home page points to a post and not the home page. I believe that works in posts but I need that to also work on the home. Here's the links to both blogs, any help is much appreciated..
English: http://www.inblu.pe/prblog/
Spanish: http://www.inblu.pe/prbloges/
It could be more simple with standard PHP method :
Of course it will work for current post only.
You can also use that :
function my_permalink() {
echo substr(get_permalink(), strlen(home_url('/')));
How about the_permalink? I'm fighting with that now.
~ Justin
