Using umbraco 7.x for webform projects -

Is it possible or is it suitable to use umbraco 7.x for webform projects?
I'm a beginner in ASP.NET MVC and I'm learning about it, now.
Now I get a website project that I should do it immediately.
I just can do project with ASP.NET Webform, but I'll immigrate from Webform to MVC in the future.I want to have less problems when I decide to immigrate to MVC.Then I want to use Umbraco 7.x for my project in order to my plan.
Now, my question:
Is it possible or is it suitable to use umbraco 7.x for webform projects?

Short answer is yes, you can mix MVC and Webforms within an Umbraco 7 project. The rendering engine is determined by the template.
If an MVC template is found then it will use MVC as the rendering engine, otherwise it will look for a .master template (in the masterpages folder) and if it finds one it will use Webforms


what Parameters needs to considered while moving webform model to MVC pattern of ASP.NET framework?

I have gone all over internet however still confuse in choosing MVC or WEBform pattern of ASP.NET Framework.
i have an application which is Developed on Webform model, does it really require to move it to MVC?
Webform is quiet stable, why should we go for MVC?
I mean what parameters we need to consider before moving webform model project to MVC?
any help or redirection will be highly appreciated.
As mentioned in the comments, there is nothing special that forces you to move into MVC.
If you’re going to start a new project consider using MVC. Here are few points which you could get benefited while using ASP.NET MVC :
Asp.Net MVC is a lightweight and follow MVC (Model, View, Controller) pattern based development model.
Asp.Net MVC has html helpers.
Asp.Net MVC does not support view state. Asp.Net MVC has route-based URLs means URLs are divided into controllers and
actions and moreover it is based on controller not on physical
Asp.Net MVC follow customizable syntax (Razor as default)
In Asp.Net MVC, Views and logic are kept separately.
Asp.Net MVC has Layouts for consistent look and feels.
Asp.Net MVC has Partial Views for code re-usability.
Asp.Net MVC is lightweight, provide full control over markup and support many features that allow fast & agile development. Hence it
is best for developing interactive web application with latest web
Asp.Net Web MVC is Open Source.

Does umbraco 6.1.4 supports PURE MVC implementation

Currently I am using umbraco 4.7.1 and planning to upgrade to version 6. But I will only go ahead it it allows PURE MVC approach. Here what I mean is I DON'T want to use any of ASP.NET like master page for templates. Everything should be in MVC
You can create a site in Umbraco 6 using just MVC including layout pages and all the other MVC bits, i.e. not master pages.
The administration section of Umbraco isn't MVC though, but that just works as usual. I havn't tried to add any MVC admin sections myself yet.
I'm building a pure MVC site in Umbraco 6, it's my first MVC site but it's all pretty much like the MVC book says.
When I create views etc. in Visual Studio, sub folders don't work well in the Umbraco admin section, it doesn't do sub folders very well. Also you have to set up your own version of the application start, which is no real problem but apart from that it's all sweet.
Currently I use Umbraco 6.1.3 and master pages are there. You can use old ASP.NET approach or MVC approach.

.net cms for QnA that can be integrated with existing web form application

i have a working web form website build in 3.5.
i want a QnA section or pages or module in my website.
i have searched for cms in .net which can fulfill this requirement and can be integrated with my existing website (not in MVC) but have not found a suitable one.
can u guide me some cms for this.
If you have usercontrols in your application, I would suggest that you use dot net nuke. You can easly convert your usercontrols in DNN modules.

Migration to Asp.Net MVC 2: App_Themes?

I am migrating an Asp.Net 2.0 WebSite to an Asp.Net MVC 2.0 Application. In the Asp.Net WebSite Themes and skin features are used for customizing UI.
I would like to handle this in Asp.Net MVC 2.0. Is there a good way to migrate the Themes and Skins in Asp.Net MVC 2.0.
EDIT: I have looked into some of the solutions on the net and other Stackoverflow questions. But the solution suggested are to create Views/Master pages for each Themes which looks like to me as a violation of DRY principal.
ASP.NET MVC does not natively handle themes. It is designed to product clean HTML that you can apply stylesheets to. Themes work on controls, MVC has no concept of controls.
This question has been asked before and there are some workarounds: Asp.Net MVC Themes, how to?

Migrating from ASP.NET WebForms to ASP.NET MVC

I'm developing a web application for a company which I work for. My team started working on the app few months ago and the decision was to build it with ASP.NET WebForms. Now we've quite a lot of the code developed and we're wondering if ASP.NET WebForms was a good choice. Maybe we should migrate. Ok, but what's the first step? We don't want to rewrite everything from scratch. We'd like to add a new stuff in MVC and rewrite the old part in the future (gradually). Is it possible to add somehow ASP.NET MVC application to current WebForms one? Can they live together? webforms and MVC can live happily together. You will add some includes and directores and add a route which will cause your webforms pages to be ignored. All explained here:
Mixing MVC with webforms is not that all hard. Basically, you want to ignore any exisiting .aspx routes in your global.asax, and then add routes for new pages that you want to build using MVC.
See this article for more details.
