Migration to Asp.Net MVC 2: App_Themes? - asp.net

I am migrating an Asp.Net 2.0 WebSite to an Asp.Net MVC 2.0 Application. In the Asp.Net WebSite Themes and skin features are used for customizing UI.
I would like to handle this in Asp.Net MVC 2.0. Is there a good way to migrate the Themes and Skins in Asp.Net MVC 2.0.
EDIT: I have looked into some of the solutions on the net and other Stackoverflow questions. But the solution suggested are to create Views/Master pages for each Themes which looks like to me as a violation of DRY principal.

ASP.NET MVC does not natively handle themes. It is designed to product clean HTML that you can apply stylesheets to. Themes work on controls, MVC has no concept of controls.
This question has been asked before and there are some workarounds: Asp.Net MVC Themes, how to?


Using umbraco 7.x for webform projects

Is it possible or is it suitable to use umbraco 7.x for webform projects?
I'm a beginner in ASP.NET MVC and I'm learning about it, now.
Now I get a website project that I should do it immediately.
I just can do project with ASP.NET Webform, but I'll immigrate from Webform to MVC in the future.I want to have less problems when I decide to immigrate to MVC.Then I want to use Umbraco 7.x for my project in order to my plan.
Now, my question:
Is it possible or is it suitable to use umbraco 7.x for webform projects?
Short answer is yes, you can mix MVC and Webforms within an Umbraco 7 project. The rendering engine is determined by the template.
If an MVC template is found then it will use MVC as the rendering engine, otherwise it will look for a .master template (in the masterpages folder) and if it finds one it will use Webforms

Merge MVC development in existing Asp.net Application

I want to one help
I have 1 Webform application which is in the Asp.Net and it is working fine and now I want to develop new functionality in Asp.Net MVC and merge in existing application.
So please provide any tutorial or any link which provide information for merging MVC functionality in existing Asp.Net application.
Basically I need to develop application which working with both Asp.net webform functionality and also MVC functionality.
Combining web forms with MVC is entirely possible. See this blog post by Scott Hanselman for an introduction.
Sharing master pages: see this StackOverflow question
routing: In ASP.Net 4.0, routing has been enabled for web forms page routes (scottgu's blog)

Does umbraco 6.1.4 supports PURE MVC implementation

Currently I am using umbraco 4.7.1 and planning to upgrade to version 6. But I will only go ahead it it allows PURE MVC approach. Here what I mean is I DON'T want to use any of ASP.NET like master page for templates. Everything should be in MVC
You can create a site in Umbraco 6 using just MVC including layout pages and all the other MVC bits, i.e. not master pages.
The administration section of Umbraco isn't MVC though, but that just works as usual. I havn't tried to add any MVC admin sections myself yet.
I'm building a pure MVC site in Umbraco 6, it's my first MVC site but it's all pretty much like the MVC book says.
When I create views etc. in Visual Studio, sub folders don't work well in the Umbraco admin section, it doesn't do sub folders very well. Also you have to set up your own version of the application start, which is no real problem but apart from that it's all sweet.
Currently I use Umbraco 6.1.3 and master pages are there. You can use old ASP.NET approach or MVC approach.

How to mix WebForms and MVC in ASP.NET

I have an existing ASP.NET WebForms 3.0 application that works just fine. I upgraded it to ASP.NET 4 and it still works great, but now I want to add some ASP.NET MVC pages to it. I don't want to rewrite the application.
Any suggestions? Can I mix them? How to work it? Any tutorials for me?
Take a look at Scott Hanselman's blog article on this very topic:
Integrating ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing upgraded ASP.NET 4 Web Forms applications
You have to mention this line of code in the Global.asax file in the MVC application.
This disables the MVC routing for the files of extension .aspx

Premium Themes for ASP.NET MVC Applications

I have checked some of ASP.NET MVC themes from Microsoft's web site but they are not very professional looking and classy.
Is there any web site that you can recommend in which I can find premium (beautiful looking and professsional) web site designs(themes) for ASP.NET MVC?
I've had great luck buying HTML themes from ThemeForest and using them in my ASP.NET MVC projects.
You might take a look at the MVC Design Gallery.
