How to calculate a 3D rect covers exact the full screen in Unity? - math

I have a Quad faces to the camera in a 3D scene, how can I calculate a position and size to make it covers the screen exactly in Unity?

With those 4 vectors you should be able to build your quad. They are in a World space coords. The 10f number is a distance from camera to the vertices.
You may also look at this link.
Vector3 p0 = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint( new Vector3(0, 0, 10f));
Vector3 p1 = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint( new Vector3(0, camera.pixelWidth, 10f));
Vector3 p2 = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint( new Vector3(camera.pixelHeight, camera.pixelWidth, 10f));
Vector3 p3 = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint( new Vector3(camera.pixelHeight, 0, 10f));


Plane point rotation to a specific plane

I have a system where one axis is moving from [0 -> 2PI]. This movement generates an angled plane. Axis movement.
This yellow plane will be my target plane. I know the normal vector of this yellow plane and its constant. For me to calculate XYZ position on the yellow plane based on the rotation value of the axis (tool). I've come to a "solution" to first calculate what is the XYZ coordinate for a simpler plane vertical plane [1 0 0] as normal vector as I know the sphere origin and also the radius then it is easy to calculate any XYZ position based on the axis angle.
But my probelm is that now that I have the XYZ position on the gray plane: how can get my XYZ position to the corresponding position on the yellow plane? From gray plane to yellow plane Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Solution to this was simple.. I made it more complicated than necessary. There wasn't any need for transforming the points from one plane to another as these values could be calculated easily from the sphere origin and the plane orientation values.
// calculate axis rotation to radians
let radAngle = (angle)*Math.PI/180;
let beeta = (90*Math.PI/180) - radAngle; //rotation value on the circle
let gamma = Math.acos(yellow.normal.x); //plane orientation
// temporary vars
let cb = Math.cos(beeta);
let sb = Math.sin(beeta);
let cg = Math.cos(gamma);
let sg = Math.sin(gamma);
let x = sphere.origin.x + sphere.radius*(cg*sb);
let y = sphere.origin.y + sphere.radius*(sg*sb);
let z = sphere.origin.z + sphere.radius*cb;
Rotation sample

Construction an Arc in Eyeshot

I am trying to construct the arcs applying Eyeshot 12.
I use the constructor: Arc(Plane, 2D center point, 2D start point, 2D end point).
I have two arcs. The end point of one of them is exactly the same as the start point of the another one. In spite of that, Eyeshot constructs the arcs with significant gap between these points. Is this a bug , or I am doing somethying wrong?
The parameters of my arcs are as follows:
Arc1: 2D center point = (-0.655572, 0.160451),
2D start point = (-0.008477, 0.049511),
2D end point = (0.000385, 0.1271105).
Arc2: 2D center point = (-1.789206, 0.218072),
2D start point = (0.000385, 0.1271105),
2D end point = (0.002240, 0.177704).
The radius of each arc is defined as the distance between the center and the startpoint. So if you pass an endpoint that has a different distance from the center, the arc will not pass through the endpoint.
In both of your arcs, these distances are different, and that's why you get the gap:
C1-Sta1 = 0.65653607869255759
C1-End1 = 0.65680375668022029
C2-Sta2 = 1.7919012087063424
C2-End2 = 1.7919007635301683
So if you want the first arc to end at the point in common with the second arc, you need to treat that point as a start, and then revert the arc's orientation:
Plane pl = Plane.XY;
Point2D c1 = new Point2D(-0.655572, 0.160451);
Point2D c2 = new Point2D(-1.789206, 0.218072);
Point2D s1 = new Point2D(-0.008477, 0.049511);
Point2D s2 = new Point2D(0.000385, 0.1271105);
Point2D e1 = new Point2D(0.000385, 0.1271105);
Point2D e2 = new Point2D(0.002240, 0.177704);
Plane plInv = new Plane(pl.Origin, pl.AxisY, pl.AxisX);
Arc a1 = new Arc(plInv,plInv.Project(pl.PointAt(c1)), plInv.Project(pl.PointAt(e1)), plInv.Project(pl.PointAt(s1)));
Arc a2 = new Arc(pl,c2,s2,e2);

How to get the absolute rotation of a Node in JavaFX

In JavaFX the rotateProperty of a Node provides me with its rotation in degree relative to its parent. Is there a way to get the absolute rotation in degree, either relative to the Scene or the Screen?
For example, is there a way to calculate the angle from the Transform object of a Node i can get from getLocalToSceneTransform()?
So, i did the math myself, and for my case i either get the rotation in Radians via:
double xx = myNode.getLocalToSceneTransform().getMxx();
double xy = myNode.getLocalToSceneTransform().getMxy();
double angle = Math.atan2(-xy, xx);
double yx = myNode.getLocalToSceneTransform().getMyx();
double yy = myNode.getLocalToSceneTransform().getMyy();
double angle = Math.atan2(yx, yy);
In both cases this can be converted to 360-degrees:
angle = Math.toDegrees(angle);
angle = angle < 0 ? angle + 360 : angle;
The question isn't really well defined, since different Nodes in the Scene graph are potentially rotated about different axes.
The getLocalToSceneTransform() method will return a Transform representing the transformation from the local coordinate system for the node to the coordinate system for the Scene. This is an affine transformation; you can extract a 3x4 matrix representation of it relative to the x- y- and z-axes if you like.

draw 3d faces as 2d

I have 3d mesh and I would like to draw each face a 2d shape.
What I have in mind is this:
for each face
1. access the face normal
2. get a rotation matrix from the normal vector
3. multiply each vertex to the rotation matrix to get the vertices in a '2d like ' plane
4. get 2 coordinates from the transformed vertices
I don't know if this is the best way to do this, so any suggestion is welcome.
At the moment I'm trying to get a rotation matrix from the normal vector,
how would I do this ?
Here is a visual explanation of what I need:
At the moment I have quads, but there's no problem
converting them into triangles.
I want to rotate the vertices of a face, so that
one of the dimensions gets flattened.
I also need to store the original 3d rotation of the face.
I imagine that would be inverse rotation of the face
I think I'm a bit lost in space :)
Here's a basic prototype I did using Processing:
void setup(){
PVector x = new PVector(1,0,0);
PVector y = new PVector(0,1,0);
PVector z = new PVector(0,0,1);
PVector n = new PVector(0.378521084785,0.925412774086,0.0180059205741);//normal
PVector p0 = new PVector(0.372828125954,-0.178844243288,1.35241031647);
PVector p1 = new PVector(-1.25476706028,0.505195975304,0.412718296051);
PVector p2 = new PVector(-0.372828245163,0.178844287992,-1.35241031647);
PVector p3 = new PVector(1.2547672987,-0.505196034908,-0.412717700005);
PVector[] face = {p0,p1,p2,p3};
PVector[] face2d = new PVector[4];
PVector nr = PVector.add(n,new PVector());//clone normal
float rx = degrees(acos(;//angle between normal and x axis
float ry = degrees(acos(;//angle between normal and y axis
float rz = degrees(acos(;//angle between normal and z axis
PMatrix3D r = new PMatrix3D();
//is this ok, or should I drop the builtin function, and add
//the rotations manually
print("original: ");println(face);
for(int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++){
PVector rv = new PVector();
PVector rn = new PVector();
face2d[i] = PVector.add(face[i],rv);
print("rotated: ");println(face2d);
float scale = 100.0;
translate(width * .5,height * .5);//move to centre, Processing has 0,0 = Top,Lef
for(int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++){
vertex(face2d[i].x * scale,face2d[i].y * scale,face2d[i].z * scale);
//what do I do with this ?
float c = cos(0), s = sin(0);
float x2 = n.x*n.x,y2 = n.y*n.y,z2 = n.z*n.z;
PMatrix3D m = new PMatrix3D(x2+(1-x2)*c, n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.z*s, n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.y*s, 0,
Sorry if I'm getting annoying, but I don't seem to get it.
Here's a bit of python using Blender's API:
import Blender
from Blender import *
import math
from math import sin,cos,radians,degrees
def getRotMatrix(n):
c = cos(0)
s = sin(0)
x2 = n.x*n.x
y2 = n.y*n.y
z2 = n.z*n.z
l1 = x2+(1-x2)*c, n.x*n.y*(1-c)+n.z*s, n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.y*s
l2 = n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.z*s,y2+(1-y2)*c,n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.x*s
l3 = n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.y*s,n.y*n.z*(1-c)-n.x*s,z2-(1-z2)*c
m = Mathutils.Matrix(l1,l2,l3)
return m
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
ob = mesh
out ='\n'
f = ob.faces[0]
n = f.v[0].no
out += 'face: ' + str(f)+'\n'
out += 'normal: ' + str(n)+'\n'
m = getRotMatrix(n)
rvs = []
for v in range(0,len(f.v)):
out += 'original vertex'+str(v)+': ' + str(f.v[v].co) + '\n'
out += '\n'
for v in range(0,len(rvs)):
out += 'original vertex'+str(v)+': ' + str(rvs[v]) + '\n'
f = open('out.txt','w')
All I do is get the current object, access the first face, get the normal, get the vertices, calculate the rotation matrix, invert it, then multiply it by each vertex.
Finally I write a simple output.
Here's the output for a default plane for which I rotated all the vertices manually by 30 degrees:
face: [MFace (0 3 2 1) 0]
normal: [0.000000, -0.499985, 0.866024](vector)
original vertex0: [1.000000, 0.866025, 0.500000](vector)
original vertex1: [-1.000000, 0.866026, 0.500000](vector)
original vertex2: [-1.000000, -0.866025, -0.500000](vector)
original vertex3: [1.000000, -0.866025, -0.500000](vector)
rotated vertex0: [1.000000, 0.866025, 1.000011](vector)
rotated vertex1: [-1.000000, 0.866026, 1.000012](vector)
rotated vertex2: [-1.000000, -0.866025, -1.000012](vector)
rotated vertex3: [1.000000, -0.866025, -1.000012](vector)
Here's the first face of the famous Suzanne mesh:
face: [MFace (46 0 2 44) 0]
normal: [0.987976, -0.010102, 0.154088](vector)
original vertex0: [0.468750, 0.242188, 0.757813](vector)
original vertex1: [0.437500, 0.164063, 0.765625](vector)
original vertex2: [0.500000, 0.093750, 0.687500](vector)
original vertex3: [0.562500, 0.242188, 0.671875](vector)
rotated vertex0: [0.468750, 0.242188, -0.795592](vector)
rotated vertex1: [0.437500, 0.164063, -0.803794](vector)
rotated vertex2: [0.500000, 0.093750, -0.721774](vector)
rotated vertex3: [0.562500, 0.242188, -0.705370](vector)
The vertices from the Plane.008 mesh are altered, the ones from Suzanne.001's mesh
aren't. Shouldn't they ? Should I expect to get zeroes on one axis ?
Once I got the rotation matrix from the normal vector, what is the rotation on x,y,z ?
Note: 1. Blender's Matrix supports the * operator 2.In Blender's coordinate system Z point's up. It looks like a right handed system, rotated 90 degrees on X.
That looks reasonable to me. Here's how to get a rotation matrix from normal vector. The normal is the vector. The angle is 0. You probably want the inverse rotation.
Is your mesh triangulated? I'm assuming it is. If so, you can do this, without rotation matrices. Let the points of the face be A,B,C. Take any two vertices of the face, say A and B. Define the x axis along vector AB. A is at 0,0. B is at 0,|AB|. C can be determined from trigonometry using the angle between AC and AB (which you get by using the dot product) and the length |AC|.
You created the m matrix correctly. This is the rotation that corresponds to your normal vector. You can use the inverse of this matrix to "unrotate" your points. The normal of face2d will be x, i.e. point along the x-axis. So extract your 2d coordinates accordingly. (This assumes your quad is approximately planar.)
I don't know the library you are using (Processing), so I'm just assuming there are methods for m.invert() and an operator for applying a rotation matrix to a point. They may of course be called something else. Luckily the inverse of a pure rotation matrix is its transpose, and multiplying a matrix and a vector are straightforward to do manually if you need to.
void setup(){
PVector x = new PVector(1,0,0);
PVector y = new PVector(0,1,0);
PVector z = new PVector(0,0,1);
PVector n = new PVector(0.378521084785,0.925412774086,0.0180059205741);//normal
PVector p0 = new PVector(0.372828125954,-0.178844243288,1.35241031647);
PVector p1 = new PVector(-1.25476706028,0.505195975304,0.412718296051);
PVector p2 = new PVector(-0.372828245163,0.178844287992,-1.35241031647);
PVector p3 = new PVector(1.2547672987,-0.505196034908,-0.412717700005);
PVector[] face = {p0,p1,p2,p3};
PVector[] face2d = new PVector[4];
//what do I do with this ?
float c = cos(0), s = sin(0);
float x2 = n.x*n.x,y2 = n.y*n.y,z2 = n.z*n.z;
PMatrix3D m_inverse =
new PMatrix3D(x2+(1-x2)*c, n.x*n.y*(1-c)+n.z*s, n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.y*s, 0,
n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.z*s,y2+(1-y2)*c,n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.x*s, 0,
n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.y*s,n.y*n.z*(1-c)-n.x*s,z2-(1-z2)*c, 0,
face2d[0] = m_inverse * p0; // Assuming there's an appropriate operator*().
face2d[1] = m_inverse * p1;
face2d[2] = m_inverse * p2;
face2d[3] = m_inverse * p3;
// print & draw as you did before...
For face v0-v1-v3-v2 vectors v3-v0, v3-v2 and a face normal already form rotation matrix that would transform 2d face into 3d face.
Matrix represents coordinate system. Each row (or column, depending on notation) corresponds to axis coordinate system within new coordinate system. 3d rotation/translation matrix can be represented as:
vx.x vx.y vx.z 0
vy.x vy.y vy.z 0
vz.x vz.y vz.z 0
vp.x vp.y vp.z 1
where vx is an x axis of a coordinate system, vy - y axis, vz - z axis, and vp - origin of new system.
Assume that v3-v0 is an y axis (2nd row), v3-v2 - x axis (1st row), and normal - z axis (3rd row). Build a matrix from them. Then invert matrix. You'll get a matrix that will rotate a 3d face into 2d face.
I have 3d mesh and I would like to draw each face a 2d shape.
I suspect that UV unwrapping algorithms are closer to what you want to achieve than trying to get rotation matrix from 3d face.
That's very easy to achieve: (Note: By "face" I mean "triangle")
Create a view matrix that represents a camera looking at a face.
Determine the center of the face with bi-linear interpolation.
Determine the normal of the face.
Position the camera some units in opposite normal direction.
Let the camera look at the center of the face.
Set the cameras up vector point in the direction of the middle of any vertex of the face.
Set the aspect ratio to 1.
Compute the view matrix using this data.
Create a orthogonal projection matrix.
Set the width and height of the view frustum large enough to contain the whole face (e.g. the length of the longest site of a face).
Compute the projection matrix.
For every vertex v of the face, multiply it by both matrices: v * view * projection.
The result is a projection of Your 3d faces into 2d space as if You were looking at them exactly orthogonal without any perspective disturbances. The final coordinates will be in normalized screen coordinates where (-1, -1) is the bottom left corner, (0, 0) is the center and (1, 1) is the top right corner.

Calculation of the position of an object moving in a circular motion in 3D

i have an object that is doing a circular motion in a 3d space, the center or the circle is at x:0,y:0,z:0 the radius is a variable. i know where the object is on the circle (by its angle [lets call that ar] or by the distance it has moved). the circle can be tilted in all 3 directions, so i got three variables for angles, lets call them ax,ay and az. now i need to calculate where exactly the object is in space. i need its x,y and z coordinates.
float radius = someValue;
float ax = someValue;
float ay = someValue;
float az = someValue;
float ar = someValue; //this is representing the angle of the object on circle
//what i need to know
object.x = ?;
object.y = ?;
object.z = ?;
You need to provide more information to get the exact formula. The answer depends on which order you apply your rotations, which direction you are rotating in, and what the starting orientation of your circle is. Also, it will be much easier to calculate the position of the object considering one rotation at a time.
So, where is your object if all rotations are 0?
Let's assume it's at (r,0,0).
The pseudo-code will be something like:
pos0 = (r,0,0)
pos1 = pos0, rotated around Z-axis by ar (may not be Z-axis!)
pos2 = pos1, rotated around Z-axis by az
pos3 = pos2, rotated around Y-axis by ay
pos4 = pos3, rotated around X-axis by ax
pos4 will be the position of your object, if everything is set up right. If you have trouble setting it up, try keeping ax=ay=az=0 and worry about just ar, until your get that right. Then, start setting the other angles one at a time and updating your formula.
Each rotation can be performed with
x' = x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle)
y' = y * cos(angle) + x * sin(angle)
This is rotation on the Z-axis. To rotate on the Y-axis, use z and x instead of x and y, etc. Also, note that angle is in radians here. You may need to make angle negative for some of the rotations (depending which direction ar, ax, ay, az are).
You can also accomplish this rotation with matrix multiplication, like Marcelo said, but that may be overkill for your project.
Use a rotation matrix. Make sure you use a unit vector.
