draw 3d faces as 2d - math

I have 3d mesh and I would like to draw each face a 2d shape.
What I have in mind is this:
for each face
1. access the face normal
2. get a rotation matrix from the normal vector
3. multiply each vertex to the rotation matrix to get the vertices in a '2d like ' plane
4. get 2 coordinates from the transformed vertices
I don't know if this is the best way to do this, so any suggestion is welcome.
At the moment I'm trying to get a rotation matrix from the normal vector,
how would I do this ?
Here is a visual explanation of what I need:
At the moment I have quads, but there's no problem
converting them into triangles.
I want to rotate the vertices of a face, so that
one of the dimensions gets flattened.
I also need to store the original 3d rotation of the face.
I imagine that would be inverse rotation of the face
I think I'm a bit lost in space :)
Here's a basic prototype I did using Processing:
void setup(){
PVector x = new PVector(1,0,0);
PVector y = new PVector(0,1,0);
PVector z = new PVector(0,0,1);
PVector n = new PVector(0.378521084785,0.925412774086,0.0180059205741);//normal
PVector p0 = new PVector(0.372828125954,-0.178844243288,1.35241031647);
PVector p1 = new PVector(-1.25476706028,0.505195975304,0.412718296051);
PVector p2 = new PVector(-0.372828245163,0.178844287992,-1.35241031647);
PVector p3 = new PVector(1.2547672987,-0.505196034908,-0.412717700005);
PVector[] face = {p0,p1,p2,p3};
PVector[] face2d = new PVector[4];
PVector nr = PVector.add(n,new PVector());//clone normal
float rx = degrees(acos(n.dot(x)));//angle between normal and x axis
float ry = degrees(acos(n.dot(y)));//angle between normal and y axis
float rz = degrees(acos(n.dot(z)));//angle between normal and z axis
PMatrix3D r = new PMatrix3D();
//is this ok, or should I drop the builtin function, and add
//the rotations manually
print("original: ");println(face);
for(int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++){
PVector rv = new PVector();
PVector rn = new PVector();
face2d[i] = PVector.add(face[i],rv);
print("rotated: ");println(face2d);
float scale = 100.0;
translate(width * .5,height * .5);//move to centre, Processing has 0,0 = Top,Lef
for(int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++){
vertex(face2d[i].x * scale,face2d[i].y * scale,face2d[i].z * scale);
//what do I do with this ?
float c = cos(0), s = sin(0);
float x2 = n.x*n.x,y2 = n.y*n.y,z2 = n.z*n.z;
PMatrix3D m = new PMatrix3D(x2+(1-x2)*c, n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.z*s, n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.y*s, 0,
Sorry if I'm getting annoying, but I don't seem to get it.
Here's a bit of python using Blender's API:
import Blender
from Blender import *
import math
from math import sin,cos,radians,degrees
def getRotMatrix(n):
c = cos(0)
s = sin(0)
x2 = n.x*n.x
y2 = n.y*n.y
z2 = n.z*n.z
l1 = x2+(1-x2)*c, n.x*n.y*(1-c)+n.z*s, n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.y*s
l2 = n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.z*s,y2+(1-y2)*c,n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.x*s
l3 = n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.y*s,n.y*n.z*(1-c)-n.x*s,z2-(1-z2)*c
m = Mathutils.Matrix(l1,l2,l3)
return m
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
ob = scn.objects.active.getData(mesh=True)#access mesh
out = ob.name+'\n'
f = ob.faces[0]
n = f.v[0].no
out += 'face: ' + str(f)+'\n'
out += 'normal: ' + str(n)+'\n'
m = getRotMatrix(n)
rvs = []
for v in range(0,len(f.v)):
out += 'original vertex'+str(v)+': ' + str(f.v[v].co) + '\n'
out += '\n'
for v in range(0,len(rvs)):
out += 'original vertex'+str(v)+': ' + str(rvs[v]) + '\n'
f = open('out.txt','w')
All I do is get the current object, access the first face, get the normal, get the vertices, calculate the rotation matrix, invert it, then multiply it by each vertex.
Finally I write a simple output.
Here's the output for a default plane for which I rotated all the vertices manually by 30 degrees:
face: [MFace (0 3 2 1) 0]
normal: [0.000000, -0.499985, 0.866024](vector)
original vertex0: [1.000000, 0.866025, 0.500000](vector)
original vertex1: [-1.000000, 0.866026, 0.500000](vector)
original vertex2: [-1.000000, -0.866025, -0.500000](vector)
original vertex3: [1.000000, -0.866025, -0.500000](vector)
rotated vertex0: [1.000000, 0.866025, 1.000011](vector)
rotated vertex1: [-1.000000, 0.866026, 1.000012](vector)
rotated vertex2: [-1.000000, -0.866025, -1.000012](vector)
rotated vertex3: [1.000000, -0.866025, -1.000012](vector)
Here's the first face of the famous Suzanne mesh:
face: [MFace (46 0 2 44) 0]
normal: [0.987976, -0.010102, 0.154088](vector)
original vertex0: [0.468750, 0.242188, 0.757813](vector)
original vertex1: [0.437500, 0.164063, 0.765625](vector)
original vertex2: [0.500000, 0.093750, 0.687500](vector)
original vertex3: [0.562500, 0.242188, 0.671875](vector)
rotated vertex0: [0.468750, 0.242188, -0.795592](vector)
rotated vertex1: [0.437500, 0.164063, -0.803794](vector)
rotated vertex2: [0.500000, 0.093750, -0.721774](vector)
rotated vertex3: [0.562500, 0.242188, -0.705370](vector)
The vertices from the Plane.008 mesh are altered, the ones from Suzanne.001's mesh
aren't. Shouldn't they ? Should I expect to get zeroes on one axis ?
Once I got the rotation matrix from the normal vector, what is the rotation on x,y,z ?
Note: 1. Blender's Matrix supports the * operator 2.In Blender's coordinate system Z point's up. It looks like a right handed system, rotated 90 degrees on X.

That looks reasonable to me. Here's how to get a rotation matrix from normal vector. The normal is the vector. The angle is 0. You probably want the inverse rotation.
Is your mesh triangulated? I'm assuming it is. If so, you can do this, without rotation matrices. Let the points of the face be A,B,C. Take any two vertices of the face, say A and B. Define the x axis along vector AB. A is at 0,0. B is at 0,|AB|. C can be determined from trigonometry using the angle between AC and AB (which you get by using the dot product) and the length |AC|.

You created the m matrix correctly. This is the rotation that corresponds to your normal vector. You can use the inverse of this matrix to "unrotate" your points. The normal of face2d will be x, i.e. point along the x-axis. So extract your 2d coordinates accordingly. (This assumes your quad is approximately planar.)
I don't know the library you are using (Processing), so I'm just assuming there are methods for m.invert() and an operator for applying a rotation matrix to a point. They may of course be called something else. Luckily the inverse of a pure rotation matrix is its transpose, and multiplying a matrix and a vector are straightforward to do manually if you need to.
void setup(){
PVector x = new PVector(1,0,0);
PVector y = new PVector(0,1,0);
PVector z = new PVector(0,0,1);
PVector n = new PVector(0.378521084785,0.925412774086,0.0180059205741);//normal
PVector p0 = new PVector(0.372828125954,-0.178844243288,1.35241031647);
PVector p1 = new PVector(-1.25476706028,0.505195975304,0.412718296051);
PVector p2 = new PVector(-0.372828245163,0.178844287992,-1.35241031647);
PVector p3 = new PVector(1.2547672987,-0.505196034908,-0.412717700005);
PVector[] face = {p0,p1,p2,p3};
PVector[] face2d = new PVector[4];
//what do I do with this ?
float c = cos(0), s = sin(0);
float x2 = n.x*n.x,y2 = n.y*n.y,z2 = n.z*n.z;
PMatrix3D m_inverse =
new PMatrix3D(x2+(1-x2)*c, n.x*n.y*(1-c)+n.z*s, n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.y*s, 0,
n.x*n.y*(1-c)-n.z*s,y2+(1-y2)*c,n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.x*s, 0,
n.x*n.z*(1-c)+n.y*s,n.y*n.z*(1-c)-n.x*s,z2-(1-z2)*c, 0,
face2d[0] = m_inverse * p0; // Assuming there's an appropriate operator*().
face2d[1] = m_inverse * p1;
face2d[2] = m_inverse * p2;
face2d[3] = m_inverse * p3;
// print & draw as you did before...

For face v0-v1-v3-v2 vectors v3-v0, v3-v2 and a face normal already form rotation matrix that would transform 2d face into 3d face.
Matrix represents coordinate system. Each row (or column, depending on notation) corresponds to axis coordinate system within new coordinate system. 3d rotation/translation matrix can be represented as:
vx.x vx.y vx.z 0
vy.x vy.y vy.z 0
vz.x vz.y vz.z 0
vp.x vp.y vp.z 1
where vx is an x axis of a coordinate system, vy - y axis, vz - z axis, and vp - origin of new system.
Assume that v3-v0 is an y axis (2nd row), v3-v2 - x axis (1st row), and normal - z axis (3rd row). Build a matrix from them. Then invert matrix. You'll get a matrix that will rotate a 3d face into 2d face.
I have 3d mesh and I would like to draw each face a 2d shape.
I suspect that UV unwrapping algorithms are closer to what you want to achieve than trying to get rotation matrix from 3d face.

That's very easy to achieve: (Note: By "face" I mean "triangle")
Create a view matrix that represents a camera looking at a face.
Determine the center of the face with bi-linear interpolation.
Determine the normal of the face.
Position the camera some units in opposite normal direction.
Let the camera look at the center of the face.
Set the cameras up vector point in the direction of the middle of any vertex of the face.
Set the aspect ratio to 1.
Compute the view matrix using this data.
Create a orthogonal projection matrix.
Set the width and height of the view frustum large enough to contain the whole face (e.g. the length of the longest site of a face).
Compute the projection matrix.
For every vertex v of the face, multiply it by both matrices: v * view * projection.
The result is a projection of Your 3d faces into 2d space as if You were looking at them exactly orthogonal without any perspective disturbances. The final coordinates will be in normalized screen coordinates where (-1, -1) is the bottom left corner, (0, 0) is the center and (1, 1) is the top right corner.


Converting 3D rotation to 2D rotation

I've been trying to figure out the 2D rotation value as seen from orthographic "top" view for a 3D object with XYZ rotation values in Maya. Maybe another way to ask this could be: I want to figure out the 2D rotation of a 3D obj's direction.
Here is a simple image to illustrate my question:
I've tried methods like getting the twist value of an object using quaternion (script pasted below), to this post I've found: Component of a quaternion rotation around an axis.
If I set the quaternion's X and Z values to zero, this method works half way. I can get the correct 2D rotation even when obj is rotated in both X and Y axis, but when rotated in all 3 axis, the result is wrong.
I am pretty new to all the quaternion and vector calculations, so I've been having difficulty trying to wrap my head around it.
def quaternionTwist(q, axisVec):
# Get the plane the axisVec is a normal of
orthonormal1, orthonormal2 = findOrthonormals(axisVec)
transformed = rotateByQuaternion(orthonormal1, q)
# Project transformed vector onto plane
flattened = transformed - ((transformed * axisVec) * axisVec)
# Get angle between original vector and projected transform to get angle around normal
angle = math.acos(orthonormal1 * flattened)
return math.degrees(angle)
q = getMQuaternion(obj)
# Zero out X and Y since we are only interested in Y axis.
q.x = 0
q.z = 0
up = om2.MVector.kYaxisVector
angle = quaternionTwist(q, up)
Can you get the (x,y,z) coordinates of the rotated vector? Once you have them use the (x,y) values to find the angle with atan2(y,x).
I'm not familiar with the framework you're using, but if it does what it seems, I think you're almost there. Just don't zero out the X and Z components of the quaternion before calling quaternionTwist().
The quaternions q1 = (x,y,z,w) and q2 = (0, y, 0, w) don't represent the same rotation about the y-axis, especially since q2 written this way becomes unnormalized, so what you're really comparing is (x,y,z,w) with (0, y/|q2|, 0, w/|q2|) where |q2| = sqrt(y^2 + w^2).
Here is a working code for Maya using John Alexiou's answer:
matrix = dagPath.inclusiveMatrix() #OpenMaya dagPath for an object
axis = om2.MVector.kZaxisVector
v = (axis * matrix).normal()
angle = math.atan2(v.x, v.z) #2D angle on XZ plane

How to calculate ray in real-world coordinate system from image using projection matrix?

Given n images and a projection matrix for each image, how can i calculate the ray (line) emitted by each pixel of the images, which is intersecting one of the three planes of the real-world coordinate system? The object captured by the camera is at the same position, just the camera's position is different for each image. That's why there is a separate projection matrix for each image.
As far as my research suggests, this is the inverse of the 3D to 2D projection. Since information is lost when projecting to 2D, it's only possible to calculate the ray (line) in the real-world coordinate system, which is fine.
An example projection matrix P, that a calculated based on given K, R and t component, according to K*[R t]
3310.400000 0.000000 316.730000
K= 0.000000 3325.500000 200.550000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
-0.14396457836077139000 0.96965263281337499000 0.19760617153779569000
R= -0.90366580603479685000 -0.04743335255026152200 -0.42560419233334673000
-0.40331536459778505000 -0.23984130575212276000 0.88306936201487163000
t= -0.0294278883669
-604.322 3133.973 933.850 178.711
P= -3086.026 -205.840 -1238.247 37.127
-0.403 -0.240 0.883 0.673
I am using the "DinoSparseRing" data set available at http://vision.middlebury.edu/mview/data
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
RealMatrix rotationMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(rotationMatrices[i]);
RealVector translationVector = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(translationMatrices[i]);
// construct projection matrix according to K*[R t]
RealMatrix projMatrix = getP(kalibrationMatrices[i], rotationMatrices[i], translationMatrices[i]);
// getM returns the first 3x3 block of the 3x4 projection matrix
RealMatrix projMInverse = MatrixUtils.inverse(getM(projMatrix));
// compute camera center
RealVector c = rotationMatrix.transpose().scalarMultiply(-1.f).operate(translationVector);
// compute all unprojected points and direction vector per project point
for (int m = 0; m < image_m_num_pixel; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < image_n_num_pixel; n++) {
double[] projectedPoint = new double[]{
// undo perspective divide
projectedPoint[0] *= projectedPoint[2];
projectedPoint[1] *= projectedPoint[2];
// undo projection by multiplying by inverse:
RealVector projectedPointVector = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(projectedPoint);
RealVector unprojectedPointVector = projMInverse.operate(projectedPointVector);
// compute direction vector
RealVector directionVector = unprojectedPointVector.subtract(c);
// normalize direction vector
double dist = Math.sqrt((directionVector.getEntry(0) * directionVector.getEntry(0))
+ (directionVector.getEntry(1) * directionVector.getEntry(1))
+ (directionVector.getEntry(2) * directionVector.getEntry(2)));
directionVector.setEntry(0, directionVector.getEntry(0) * (1.0 / dist));
directionVector.setEntry(1, directionVector.getEntry(1) * (1.0 / dist));
directionVector.setEntry(2, directionVector.getEntry(2) * (1.0 / dist));
The following 2 plots show the outer rays for each images (total of 16 images). The blue end is the camera point and the cyan is a bounding box containing the object captured by the camera. One can clearly see the rays projecting back to the object in world coordinate system.
To define the ray you need a start point (which is the camera/eye position) and a direction vector, which can be calculated using any point on the ray.
For a given pixel in the image, you have a projected X and Y (zeroed at the center of the image) but no Z depth value. However the real-world co-ordinates corresponding to all possible depth values for that pixel will all lie on the ray you are trying to calculate, so you can just choose any arbitrary non-zero Z value, since any point on the ray will do.
float projectedX = (x - imageCenterX) / (imageWidth * 0.5f);
float projectedY = (y - imageCenterY) / (imageHeight * 0.5f);
float projectedZ = 1.0f; // any arbitrary value
Now that you have a 3D projected co-ordinate you can undo the projection by applying the perspective divide in reverse by multiplying X and Y by Z, then multiplying the result by the inverse projection matrix to get the unprojected point.
// undo perspective divide (redundant if projectedZ = 1, shown for completeness)
projectedX *= projectedZ;
projectedY *= projectedZ;
Vector3 projectedPoint = new Vector3(projectedX, projectedY, projectedZ);
// undo projection by multiplying by inverse:
Matrix invProjectionMat = projectionMat.inverse();
Vector3 unprojectedPoint = invProjectionMat.multiply(projectedPoint);
Subtract the camera position from the unprojected point to get the direction vector from the camera to the point, and then normalize it. (This step assumes that the projection matrix defines both the camera position and orientation, if the position is stored separately then you don't need to do the subtraction)
Vector3 directionVector = unprojectedPoint.subtract(cameraPosition);
The ray is defined by the camera position and the normalized direction vector. You can then intersect it with any of the X, Y, Z planes.

Math Help: 3d Modeling / Three.js - Rotating figure dynamically

This is a big one for any math/3d geometry lovers. Thank you in advance.
I have a figure created by extruding faces around twisting spline curves in space. I'm trying to place a "loop" (torus) oriented along the spline path at a given segment of the curve, so that it is "aligned" with the spline. By that I mean the torus's width is parallel to the spline path at the given extrusion segment, and it's height is perpendicular to the face that is selected (see below for picture).
Data I know:
I am given one of the faces of the figure. From that I can also glean that face's centroid (center point), the vertices that compose it, the surrounding faces, and the normal vector of the face.
Current (Non-working) solution outcome:
I can correctly create a torus loop around the centroid of the face that is clicked. However, it does not rotate properly to "align" with the face. See how they look a bit "off" below.
Here's a picture with the material around it:
and here's a picture with it in wireframe mode. You can see the extrusion segments pretty clearly.
Current (Non-working) methodology:
I am attempting to do two calculations. First, I'm calculating the the angle between two planes (the selected face and the horizontal plane at the origin). Second, I'm calculating the angle between the face and a vertical plane at the point of origin. With those two angles, I am then doing two rotations - an X and a Y rotation on the torus to what I hope would be the correct orientation. It's rotating the torus at a variable amount, but not in the place I want it to be.
In doing the above, I'm using the following to calculate the angle between two planes using their normal vectors:
Dot product of normal vector 1 and normal vector 2 = Magnitude of vector 1 * Magnitude of vector 2 * Cos (theta)
(n1)(n2) = || n1 || * || n2 || * cos (theta)
Angle = ArcCos { ( n1 * n2 ) / ( || n1 || * || n2 || ) }
To determine the magnitude of a vector, the formula is:
The square root of the sum of the components squared.
Sqrt { n1.x^2 + n1.y^2 + n1.z^2 }
Also, I'm using the following for the normal vectors of the "origin" planes:
Normal vector of horizontal plane: (1, 0, 0)
Normal vector of Vertical plane: (0, 1, 0)
I've thought through the above normal vectors a couple times... and I think(?) they are right?
Current Implementation:
Below is the code that I'm currently using to implement it. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. I have a sinking feeling that I'm taking a wrong approach in trying to calculate the angles between the planes. Any advice / ideas / suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions.
Function to calculate the angles:
this.toRadians = function (face, isX)
//Normal of the face
var n1 = face.normal;
//Normal of the vertical plane
if (isX)
var n2 = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0); // Vector normal for vertical plane. Use for Y rotation.
var n2 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0); // Vector normal for horizontal plane. Use for X rotation.
//Equation to find the cosin of the angle. (n1)(n2) = ||n1|| * ||n2|| (cos theta)
//Find the dot product of n1 and n2.
var dotProduct = (n1.x * n2.x) + (n1.y * n2.y) + (n1.z * n2.z);
// Calculate the magnitude of each vector
var mag1 = Math.sqrt (Math.pow(n1.x, 2) + Math.pow(n1.y, 2) + Math.pow(n1.z, 2));
var mag2 = Math.sqrt (Math.pow(n2.x, 2) + Math.pow(n2.y, 2) + Math.pow(n2.z, 2));
//Calculate the angle of the two planes. Returns value in radians.
var a = (dotProduct)/(mag1 * mag2);
var result = Math.acos(a);
return result;
Function to create and rotate the torus loop:
this.createTorus = function (tubeMeshParams)
var torus = new THREE.TorusGeometry(5, 1.5, segments/10, 50);
fIndex = this.calculateFaceIndex();
//run the equation twice to calculate the angles
var xRadian = this.toRadians(geometry.faces[fIndex], false);
var yRadian = this.toRadians(geometry.faces[fIndex], true);
//Rotate the Torus
torus.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(xRadian));
torus.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationY(yRadian));
torusLoop = new THREE.Mesh(torus, this.m);
torusLoop.scale.x = torusLoop.scale.y = torusLoop.scale.z = tubeMeshParams['Scale'];
//Create the torus around the centroid
posx = geometry.faces[fIndex].centroid.x;
posy = geometry.faces[fIndex].centroid.y;
posz = geometry.faces[fIndex].centroid.z;
torusLoop.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(posx, posy, posz));
return torusLoop;
I found I was using an incorrect approach to do this. Instead of trying to calculate each angle and do a RotationX and a RotationY, I should have done a rotation by axis. Definitely was over thinking it.
makeRotationAxis(); is a function built into three.js.

How can I turn a ray-plane intersection point into barycentric coordinates?

My problem:
How can I take two 3D points and lock them to a single axis? For instance, so that both their z-axes are 0.
What I'm trying to do:
I have a set of 3D coordinates in a scene, representing a a box with a pyramid on it. I also have a camera, represented by another 3D coordinate. I subtract the camera coordinate from the scene coordinate and normalize it, returning a vector that points to the camera. I then do ray-plane intersection with a plane that is behind the camera point.
O + tD
Where O (origin) is the camera position, D is the direction from the scene point to the camera and t is time it takes for the ray to intersect the plane from the camera point.
If that doesn't make sense, here's a crude drawing:
I've searched far and wide, and as far as I can tell, this is called using a "pinhole camera".
The problem is not my camera rotation, I've eliminated that. The trouble is in translating the intersection point to barycentric (uv) coordinates.
The translation on the x-axis looks like this:
uaxis.x = -a_PlaneNormal.y;
uaxis.y = a_PlaneNormal.x;
uaxis.z = a_PlaneNormal.z;
point vaxis = uaxis.CopyCrossProduct(a_PlaneNormal);
point2d.x = intersection.DotProduct(uaxis);
point2d.y = intersection.DotProduct(vaxis);
return point2d;
While the translation on the z-axis looks like this:
uaxis.x = -a_PlaneNormal.z;
uaxis.y = a_PlaneNormal.y;
uaxis.z = a_PlaneNormal.x;
point vaxis = uaxis.CopyCrossProduct(a_PlaneNormal);
point2d.x = intersection.DotProduct(uaxis);
point2d.y = intersection.DotProduct(vaxis);
return point2d;
My question is: how can I turn a ray plane intersection point to barycentric coordinates on both the x and the z axis?
The usual formula for points (p) on a line, starting at (p0) with vector direction (v) is:
p = p0 + t*v
The criterion for a point (p) on a plane containing (p1) and with normal (n) is:
(p - p1).n = 0
So, plug&chug:
(p0 + t*v - p1).n = (p0-p1).n + t*(v.n) = 0
-> t = (p1-p0).n / v.n
-> p = p0 + ((p1-p0).n / v.n)*v
To check:
(p - p1).n = (p0-p1).n + ((p1-p0).n / v.n)*(v.n)
= (p0-p1).n + (p1-p0).n
= 0
If you want to fix the Z coordinate at a particular value, you need to choose a normal along the Z axis (which will define a plane parallel to XY plane).
Then, you have:
n = (0,0,1)
-> p = p0 + ((p1.z-p0.z)/v.z) * v
-> x and y offsets from p0 = ((p1.z-p0.z)/v.z) * (v.x,v.y)
Finally, if you're trying to build a virtual "camera" for 3D computer graphics, the standard way to do this kind of thing is homogeneous coordinates. Ultimately, working with homogeneous coordinates is simpler (and usually faster) than the kind of ad hoc 3D vector algebra I have written above.

Implementing Ray Picking

I have a renderer using directx and openGL, and a 3d scene. The viewport and the window are of the same dimensions.
How do I implement picking given mouse coordinates x and y in a platform independent way?
If you can, do the picking on the CPU by calculating a ray from the eye through the mouse pointer and intersect it with your models.
If this isn't an option I would go with some type of ID rendering. Assign each object you want to pick a unique color, render the objects with these colors and finally read out the color from the framebuffer under the mouse pointer.
EDIT: If the question is how to construct the ray from the mouse coordinates you need the following: a projection matrix P and the camera transform C. If the coordinates of the mouse pointer is (x, y) and the size of the viewport is (width, height) one position in clip space along the ray is:
mouse_clip = [
float(x) * 2 / float(width) - 1,
1 - float(y) * 2 / float(height),
(Notice that I flipped the y-axis since often the origin of the mouse coordinates are in the upper left corner)
The following is also true:
mouse_clip = P * C * mouse_worldspace
Which gives:
mouse_worldspace = inverse(C) * inverse(P) * mouse_clip
We now have:
p = C.position(); //origin of camera in worldspace
n = normalize(mouse_worldspace - p); //unit vector from p through mouse pos in worldspace
Here's the viewing frustum:
First you need to determine where on the nearplane the mouse click happened:
rescale the window coordinates (0..640,0..480) to [-1,1], with (-1,-1) at the bottom-left corner and (1,1) at the top-right.
'undo' the projection by multiplying the scaled coordinates by what I call the 'unview' matrix: unview = (P * M).inverse() = M.inverse() * P.inverse(), where M is the ModelView matrix and P is the projection matrix.
Then determine where the camera is in worldspace, and draw a ray starting at the camera and passing through the point you found on the nearplane.
The camera is at M.inverse().col(4), i.e. the final column of the inverse ModelView matrix.
Final pseudocode:
normalised_x = 2 * mouse_x / win_width - 1
normalised_y = 1 - 2 * mouse_y / win_height
// note the y pos is inverted, so +y is at the top of the screen
unviewMat = (projectionMat * modelViewMat).inverse()
near_point = unviewMat * Vec(normalised_x, normalised_y, 0, 1)
camera_pos = ray_origin = modelViewMat.inverse().col(4)
ray_dir = near_point - camera_pos
Well, pretty simple, the theory behind this is always the same
1) Unproject two times your 2D coordinate onto the 3D space. (each API has its own function, but you can implement your own if you want). One at Min Z, one at Max Z.
2) With these two values calculate the vector that goes from Min Z and point to Max Z.
3) With the vector and a point calculate the ray that goes from Min Z to MaxZ
4) Now you have a ray, with this you can do a ray-triangle/ray-plane/ray-something intersection and get your result...
I have little DirectX experience, but I'm sure it's similar to OpenGL. What you want is the gluUnproject call.
Assuming you have a valid Z buffer you can query the contents of the Z buffer at a mouse position with:
// obtain the viewport, modelview matrix and projection matrix
// you may keep the viewport and projection matrices throughout the program if you don't change them
GLint viewport[4];
GLdouble modelview[16];
GLdouble projection[16];
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection);
// obtain the Z position (not world coordinates but in range 0 - 1)
GLfloat z_cursor;
glReadPixels(x_cursor, y_cursor, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &z_cursor);
// obtain the world coordinates
GLdouble x, y, z;
gluUnProject(x_cursor, y_cursor, z_cursor, modelview, projection, viewport, &x, &y, &z);
if you don't want to use glu you can also implement the gluUnProject you could also implement it yourself, it's functionality is relatively simple and is described at opengl.org
Ok, this topic is old but it was the best I found on the topic, and it helped me a bit, so I'll post here for those who are are following ;-)
This is the way I got it to work without having to compute the inverse of Projection matrix:
void Application::leftButtonPress(u32 x, u32 y){
GL::Viewport vp = GL::getViewport(); // just a call to glGet GL_VIEWPORT
vec3f p = vec3f::from(
((float)(vp.width - x) / (float)vp.width),
((float)y / (float)vp.height),
// alternatively vec3f p = vec3f::from(
// ((float)x / (float)vp.width),
// ((float)(vp.height - y) / (float)vp.height),
// 1.);
// now p elements are in (-1, 1)
vec3f near = p * vec3f::from(APP_FRUSTUM_NEAR);
vec3f far = p * vec3f::from(APP_FRUSTUM_FAR);
// ray in world coordinates
Ray ray = { _camera->getPos(), -(_camera->getBasis() * (far - near).normalize()) };
_ray->set(ray.origin, ray.dir, 10000.); // this is a debugging vertex array to see the Ray on screen
Node* node = _scene->collide(ray, Transform());
cout << "node is : " << node << endl;
This assumes a perspective projection, but the question never arises for the orthographic one in the first place.
I've got the same situation with ordinary ray picking, but something is wrong. I've performed the unproject operation the proper way, but it just doesn't work. I think, I've made some mistake, but can't figure out where. My matix multiplication , inverse and vector by matix multiplications all seen to work fine, I've tested them.
In my code I'm reacting on WM_LBUTTONDOWN. So lParam returns [Y][X] coordinates as 2 words in a dword. I extract them, then convert to normalized space, I've checked this part also works fine. When I click the lower left corner - I'm getting close values to -1 -1 and good values for all 3 other corners. I'm then using linepoins.vtx array for debug and It's not even close to reality.
unsigned int x_coord=lParam&0x0000ffff; //X RAW COORD
unsigned int y_coord=client_area.bottom-(lParam>>16); //Y RAW COORD
double xn=((double)x_coord/client_area.right)*2-1; //X [-1 +1]
double yn=1-((double)y_coord/client_area.bottom)*2;//Y [-1 +1]
_declspec(align(16))gl_vec4 pt_eye(xn,yn,0.0,1.0);
gl_mat4 view_matrix_inversed;
gl_mat4 projection_matrix_inversed;
