rescaling images to maintain proportions - css

I am trying to put together an application, and in the header for this application i have a table with 3 columns, one is the application logo, one is some text with the application title, and the third column is to dispay the users company logo by looking up which company they are assigned to...This all works just fine...
However the problem I am having is that images can look a bit distorted because i am using img height=90px width=90px src...
Is there anyway i can change this so that the height is 90px and the width is a proportional scale % to keep the image looking correct...

Just set the height to 90px (and don't set the width). By default the browser will maintain the image proportions unless you set the width.

thanks, that was a good answer, i actually found something else about 20 seconds after posting which has worked great...
img style="max-width: 100px; height: auto; " src="image.jpg


Need to set up a responsive (fluid) background image with set height

I am helping a friend setup a web site for his company. At the top of the page, below the navigation bar, I have a background image of a house that is set to 100% width, image size is 2400px x 1602px. My problem is how to control the image so that the house is always front and center. I also need to keep the height at (or around) 75vh.
I have tried using background-size: cover and contain, as well as setting background-positions. But with the way cover works, the house is not always centered. Especially when browser width is larger--then only the roof of the house is visible. Next I tried using the aspect ratio of the image for padding. This works well, but does not allow me to set height (as far as I can tell) so with larger screens I end up with the height being way to big.
Was hoping someone might have a suggestion that would help me out and point me in the right direction. What I would like to have in the end is an image of a house where the house is always viewable and also be able to keep the height # 75vh. I have a feeling that media queries may be my answer, but wanted some advice before I continue on that path. Also wasn't sure if I need to crop my image to limit the height? I have tried so many different things that I am not sure how to proceed. Thank you for any suggestion, I really appreciate it.
I think the background cover image is the right approach, you might just have something wron gin your code that is not centering the image and that is why you only see the roof (top part of the image I assume) instead of the middle part in very panoramic screens.
Here is the code I would use:
This is the HTML
<div class="header">Your menu and other header stuff goes here</div>
<div class="bg_image" style="background: url('') center center / cover no-repeat;"></div>
And this is the CSS
.header {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
background-color: #ccc;
.bg_image {
width: 100%;
height: 75vh;
and here is a working example which does what you inted if I understood your situation correctly

how to scale image in email body?

How to scale image in email body ?
I am adding html template in an email.And there is an image in that template.
And i wants,the image should be fit according to email client width.And the height should be adjust according to image width.Something like this:-
It should work in all email providers.
FYI,i am working on ASP.NET application.
I sets the image width 100% and i am not setting the image height there.
Is this a best or correct way for it?
I would go for setting:
width: 100%;
height: auto;
Without CSS:
The question if it's the best and correct way.. well if someone opens the email on a mobile phone where is the resolution quite small - so the huge image is scaled to smaller one quite a lot.
-> The phone will be loading huge image which will be scaled to small - this brings me more to question, is that picture really necessary? Are you going to put there those pinguins or some image that has some information or something valuable on it? :D
Use inline styles.
Like this:
<img style="width: 100%; height: auto;" ...
Ensure your img tag is not in container that sets or restricts height of the image
If you still need a container or have difficult interaction with other styles, use max-width, not width.
<img style="max-width: 100%" >
In the following image, you can see that the actual email body starts under the to object of email. I am not able to understand why do you want to do something more wide.
From your image: The image image you are providing, the photo is scaled correctly. It fits the div wrapping it, from left to right.
In my image: Well its just a text, but you can see the text starts just under the to object.
Result: You can not scale or make the image wider than this. However, I am sure you understand that you when you set the width to 100%. The browser actually does provide a 100% width from that width. Exceeding this size will maybe cause a bit problem in UI and gmail will never allow you that.
I hope you get my point.

How do I keep images the same height/width when displaying them in a row in a responsive grid?

I have a %-based grid with a fixed-width (for the moment). The code is based off of this css-tricks article:
Works great until I have a column that has multiple responsive images in it that are the same size and need to be stacked next to each other (floated). Because of padding issues and what-not, I can not get all three images to come out the same width and height, despite the fact that they start that way. The last one is always taller. Here is a codepen showing the issue:
Any help with this would be really appreciated. I've run into this issue before and always just end up hacking my way through it on a case-by-case basis. Thanks!
For whatever reason, if you remove the padding-right: 0 style from the last element, it fixes the issue.
It looks like you're trying to add spacing between the elements using padding. What I tried instead using the Chrome dev tools was to use a margin instead of padding, and then slightly reducing the width of your elements to around 29.5%. That seemed to work.
just add the following to your css. set the size to whatever you like and all images within your grid will remain that size, if they need to grow / shrink use height/width percents instead.
.grid img
width: 350px;
height: 400px;

CSS Help Responsive Theme

I'm having a big issue with something so "small" I can't figure it out and I'm reaching out to everyone here. The issue I'm having is this:
I have photos which are roughly 512px or 800px wide I want to fit, CENTERED, in a circle display area and keep my hover effects. I also need to size them the photos so the centered part shows a decent amount of the photo.
The current code I'm working with will make them perfect circles IF the photos are perfect squares. The problem is when the photo is a rectangle, it turns into an oval.
I had created a div like below using overflow:hidden and the css but it conflicted with the current CSS. Any help would be appreciated immensely!
.thumby {
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
height: 200px;
border-radius: 100% 100% 100% 100%;
img.absolutely {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -256px;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -200px;
Here's the link to my dev pages.
have you thought about setting the image as the background of the div? This way you keep all the effects you already use and there are ways to manipulate the background position without affecting the outside div. Other possible solution to have perfect round divs, is to use the ::after pseudo-class, like in this gallery tutorial:
Sorry if I misunderstood you, hope it helps.
PS.: Beautiful test page by the way.
Well first, you'd only need to set the border radius to 50% to make something a circle, and if each corner is the same value, then you can just enter it once like so:
As far as these images being rectangles goes, you could set your images as the background of a span, give it a height and a width that forms as square and use display block. This would keep the photos proportional, but allow you to make them square.
This however, could create a bit of a markup mess if you have a lot of images to display. Another solution, which means more work, but I would personaly do it, is to just crop your images into squares for their thumbnail with photoshop or some other image editing tool.
Above all of that, I don't see a width or height actually declared on the pages you linked. Are you sure you've placed them on the correct class? I see the border radius declared, but I'm only seeing a max-width: 100%; not width: 200px or height:200px
I re-thought the problem with the suggestion of using the images as backgrounds of an element as madaaah did above.
What I ended up doing was wrapping a DIV around my A tag like this:
then, I set the background of the A like this: style="background:url(PHOTO URL HERE) no-repeat;background-position:center;">
lastly, I made a square image (800 x 800) to go inside the A tag so it would keep the round shape and made it completely transparent so the background image is visible, while growing and shrinking in a "responsive" manner.

Adding a background image on the side of the page. (CSS)

I'm new to this site and thought I might give it a shot. I've been having a problem for quite some time now but as my project evolved other problems was solved, but this has remained. And finding the right thing wasn't easy. Im not even sure what the term is for this kind of thing.
Anyway, I want a background image to the right and left of my main page. It need to be z-indexed below the actual page(incase people with low resolutions view the page) so that it doesn't extend over the main page and makes the content unreadable. It needs to go below the actual page if low resolutions are used.
I've been using the following code to do the work for me right now:
<img style="position: absolute; top: 120px; left: 10px; width: 121px; height: 443px; z-index: -1;" src="../admin/images/background_text.png">
Problem is that this isn't working to good with older versions of IE for example and in some cases not at all in others. As you can see it has a set position on my page(left side its higher up on the page) which is also something I want to achieve.
I hope I explained this good enough and cheers to this site. Seems like a great place to find solutions.
Cheers, Martin.
Try this:
<body style="background: url('../admin/images/background_text.png') 120px 10px;" > rest of the page...
this sets the background for the whole page (what it seems kind of like you're doing?) to the given image.
I would also size your image to the desired size if it isn't already, then you don't need to supply width and height (or worry about IE rendering the resize).
if you're really just putting it on the side, I might use a table or div setup and set the background on that (not knowing how your page is setup).
Im not sure if i understand your question or not.
Anyway. Dont set your z-index on the image. I would set position relative on the layers that needed to be at the top.
Remember that IE6 dont get the z-index. It figures out which comes first and then its the last one that is on top, even though it haves a lower z-index.
Here's an improved answer for you:
Give your "wrapper" div the background image as described before. Then extend your main table all the way to the right (or wrap it in another table or div with 100% width) and give that the right side background image. Then the images are still behind all the content and they both should behave as you want them to.
if you need more info on the background css attribute, check out the WDG page
