unable to find tinymce 4.0.8 autocomplete plugin - tinymce-4

I am using tinymce 4.0.8 for my website. The older version of tinymce is having autocomplete plugin but for this version i am unable to find any plugin for auto complete. Can any one know how can i get that plugin for 4.0.8 version.

Sounds like you're using a custom plugin. Autocomplete does not ship with TinyMCE.
Here's the list of available plugins in 4.x:
And here's the list that were removed in the 3->4 upgrade:
These plugins where removed in 4.0: advhr, advimage, advlink, iespell, inlinepopups, style, emotions and xhtmlxtras.
So, make sure the thirdparty plugin has been ported to 4.x and that you made it available in the plugins directory.


Gatsby: How do you get ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) to work with "gatsby-source-wordpress" plugin?

I tried following along to this tutorial but it is using a much older version of the API than the current version so it didn't work:
Ok, so apparently you need the WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields plugin for it to work.
Download the latest version as a zip from the GitHub releases page, then install it into your WordPress instance by uploading the zip folder (Plugins > add new > Upload Plugin).
Make sure that the "show in GraphQL" checkbox is checked on any advanced custom fields that you make or they won't appear in the GraphQL output.
These are all the WordPress plugins that you need to make everything run smoothly:
Advanced Custom Fields
WP Gatsby
WP GraphiQL
WP GraphQL
WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields
Restart Gatsby once everything is installed.

WordPress version update confusion

Recently I have Wordpress version to 4.9.4 and my existing website was running on 4.7.4.
My Query is Display Posts Shortcode plug-in is compatible up to 4.8.4. If I update to WordPress version 4.9.4 does it create any issues.?
Having WordPress plugin incompatible with WordPress versions often create unnecessary issues.
It would be better to wait for the new version of the plugin that is compatible with the new version of the WordPress.
You can also check the Github Documentation of that plugin if it is available on Github or raise a ticket on their website.
Hope this might help.
usually no major changes accrue in core files of wordpress when you update to newer version and it always work fine but it is recommended to have a database backup before updating to new version.
Well written plugins rarely break with a new version of WordPress. I generally install new versions of WordPress as soon as they are released.
That said, the best practice is to install the new version of anything (WordPress core, plugins, themes) on a test version of your site before installing on your live site.
Also, you should have reliable backups in place, and know how to restore from them quickly if you run into any issues.
Answer as too long for comment:
Most plugins are compatible with later WP versions than "tested to" indicates. Plugin authors (including me) do not spend time modifying the "tested to WP version" whenever a new version of WP is released; but only update this detail when they make changes to the code.
Normally the best place for an answer should be at the the plugin's support forum but as the author failed to reply to a query about compatibility with 4.9.1 you'll probably get no help there.
Educated guess is that it is compatible. Plugin has over 100k users, but other than this question (user does not identify WP version, no author response, maybe user specific?) the support forum has no recent posts about the plugin being broken; and later posts with questions about functionality are by people using WP 4.9.4 implying it is working for them.
If I was in your shoes (and didn't have a separate test site) I would risk the Wordpress update. Additionally for security it is always wise to have an up to date version of Wordpress (4.7.4. known vulnerabilities).

Tinymce Advanced is not showing table button in pages.-wordpress-plugin

wordpress - version-4.2.4
when i open the setting it shows all the icons as shown below
i have added table icon into the field.
But when i see page bar it does not show it.
can any one help me on this please
console it says
Deprecated TinyMCE API call: .onInit.add(..)
From looking at the changelog for TinyMCE Advanced, version 3.4.9 of that plugin states:
Updated for WordPress 3.4 and TinyMCE 3.4.9.
Per your original post you are not using WordPress 3.4 but rather WordPress 4.2.
WordPress 4.2.x uses TinyMCE 4 which would not be compatible with any code designed for TinyMCE 3.
I believe you need to run the correct version of TinyMCE Advanced for WP 4.2.4 Based on the changelog I suspect you need this version:
Fix error with removing the 'textpattern' plugin.
The change log for TinyMCE Advanced is accessible here:

How to use TINYMCE 4 in Drupal 7?

I have been trying to add an editor to a Drupal site which lets me insert images and videos and Tinymce 4 has all those features. I have installed the WYSIWYG module and am still not able to install Tinymce to it. Tried searching a little and found few patch files which am not sure will fix the issue, also I have no idea how to use patch files since I am new to Drupal.
There is a nice discussion going on here (in the comments) :
The patch seems to work for some, so it's worth a try.
Patching is not only for drupal.
Just do not use Tinymce 4.x.
Try to install Tinymce 3.x. This is the easiest way to make WYSIWYG and TinyMCE to be frends

wordpress plugin development

Does anybody know about a simple customizable wordpress plugin framework with the help of which i can build more frameworks rapidly ??.
There is no any plugin framework. And you don't need to build any. If you want to learn how to create WP plugins, just go and download some simple. See how they works, read docs. And viola.
You might check out:
LMB^Box WordPress Plugin API
GD Plugin Core
Wordpress Plugin Framework Reloaded
Search for them at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/
