Spam text showing under site URL in search results - wordpress

I'm not a coder, so please keep responses understandable. ;)
I have a WordPress site with a GoDaddy registered domain. Recently my site has dropped off the search rankings. When I performed a search for my site today, I noticed that under the site URL spam text is now appearing as lines of text instead of cached site results. A search of my WP files and plugins reveals nothing, so I don't know how to solve this? The text is spam and pointing to another URL that is totally unaffiliated to my site. I suspect hackers have somehow embedded code somewhere to show this text when my site URL appears in Google Search.
Any ideas how to solve this?

Check your header.php. They most likely got access to your site and then added the links in the header. You should see a bunch of the links as soon as you open it up. If you need help cleaning it out I could take a look at it for you but they should be right there. It's a common thing with wordpress. After you clean the spam out, you need to make sure your wordpress site stays updated and then install a security plugin like this one.
Hope this helps


When i scan for my website domain google search gives spam links , how to remove it

The website is a wordpress site and it was been attacked by xss attack. Ive already installed wordfence and malcare to scan and remove the malicious code and files. but still the google search results are show spam links under the main result. I most of the pages direct to 404 webpages and i was told the google bot will remove it automatically but the issue still remains after 4 days. if any expert regarding this have any solutions and advice i would much appreciate.
You can try resubmitting you sitemap to Google in the Search Console. 
Otherwise, similiarly try using the Google Removals tool to temporarily these links, hopefully the will be cleared from the search results by the the time the links are restored.

Website loads different content

This is the website
This looks perfect in Asian Region. But when my client sees the site from USA, the website loads some random chinese products and chinese characters.
I checked for malware and found none. How to resolve this.
Please see the screen shot attached:
The first thing to do is to make sure that the user doesn't have the page cached. Make sure that they try refreshing the page a few times.
Second, I would try installing the Wordfence plugin which will compare your plugin and themes against the actual deployments.

Site only refreshes when adding www. to URL

First time posting so please bear with me.
I'm the unofficial web guy at the company I work for and I helped create our basic static HTML site.
Any work that I do to the site offline and then FTP shows up instantly on my machine. I rarely, if ever, need to clear the cache for changes to show up. However, within the company I work for, nearly half of the users never see the updates. Some do, some don't.
On the machines that don't I've cleared the cache in browser and through the internet control panel settings. Nothing. Still shows the stale content. The only thing that works - and I've seen this both in Chrome and IE is that when I add www in front of the URL is then shows the refreshed site. No big deal, right? Well for users who type in without the in front will not see the updates. People who have favorited it like that, will not see the updates.
Now, on to what I've tried to fix it. After much research many people have steered me away from meta tag refresh so I haven't tried that, however, with the help of the IT guy we have, from what we can tell, set the HTTP header of the site to always refresh. This did not do anything for us.
I've tried changing image names in the HTML page when updating a photo and that didn't work either.
I haven't been able to find a .htaccess file so can I create one? If we (IT guy and I) changed the HTTP Header setting to always refresh but there is not .htaccess file will there be no change?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have searched on here for the answer and the two most suggested changes are HTTP Header and Meta refresh. HTTP header didn't help and it seems the Meta tag route is bad form.
This is a DNS issue. You need to ask the provider of your web services to add an A or a CNAME record for the domain's root.
If you don't understand the above, just call the provider of your web presence (the company that hosts your web server) and tell them you want and to go to the same place.

Wordpress preview issue with facebook

I just want to start of by saying that I'm a complete noob when it comes to programing, and don't have a lot of experience with HTML or CSS. I know this place is a bit more advanced and geared mainly for programmers and developers, but the only reason I come here is because I couldn't find an answer in any of the other forums. I don't know if I can solve my problem by editing the CSS file in wordpress, but I'm hoping that some of you can chime in and let me know. The problem I have in a nutshell is that when I post a link of my blog to facebook, facebook doesn't generate the correct data or show any image preview. Here's the post I submitted at the wordpress forum:
I just got a new website, and setup a new wordpress blog on their server. It took a while, but everything is up and running for the most part. I am however, having a really hard time getting any of my post preview to show up when linking to facebook. My website is When I run the same link through facebook's debugger, I get the following error sometimes:
Could Not Follow Redirect Path: Using data from . because there was an error following the redirect path.
Circular Redirect Path: Circular redirect path detected (see 'Redirect Path' section for details).
Could Not Follow Redirect: URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could not be followed.
My wordpress URL is : but I made the site URL pointing to : since it's easier. Original blog is hosted with the site I have my hosting with, so the original WordPress is at Can anyone tell me why I am getting these errors, or why the preview is not showing up?
Again, I apologize if this is too simple of a questions, but I just can't figure it out on my own. If anyone can help me, I would be very grateful. Thanks a lot.
My advice would be to try appending a trailing slash to your og:url tag (example: ""). Sounds stupid, I know, but it's worked for some
Another thread on this issue has yielded the following information, courtesy of Lizzbizz on this Wordpress Support thread:
"From what I can tell, this turned out to be a problem with GoDaddy
hosting services. They were applying a 302 Redirect Filter to the
server that was hosting my domain and it caused the problems. After I
emailed them a few times they finally fixed it. Try googling "GoDaddy
302 Redirect Problem" and you will see lots of other posts!
If you are not getting the 302 problem, but just have trouble getting
the image or description to appear when you share a link on Facebook,
you can use one of the WP plugins for Open Graph data like Simple
Facebook Connect or Facebook Open Graph Meta in WordPress and that
should fix it!"

Cannot see my wordpress website on google search

Hi guys I recently uploaded a site made with wordpress.
The site url is
I have set on the privacy settings of wordpress for the site to be visible by search engines. However after almost 45 days the site is invisible on google even when I'm searching using the url name and very specific keywords.
Since I have made quite a few sites with wordpress I have never seen this behavior before. Sites will eventually be visible to google engine, sometimes even in the first day.
However in this case the site does not show nowhere in the first 20 pages.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should create two files robots.txt and sitemap.xml and upload on your site and then google crawler will come to your site. You can use Google Webmaster Tool for that.
Also, there are some wordpress plugins available to create sitemaps for example. See this:
