How to track cliks on banners in google analytics - wordpress

I would like to track clicks and views of banners on my website to give statistics to the advertisers. These banners are added via custom post type in Wordpress.
If I use the URL builder tool to generate that kind of URL: is it ok?
I mean, is it the right way to do it?

Usually you use the URL builder tool when you have external campaigns like advertising on another sites, sharing links on social media, etc. It's normal that your advertisers will give you the destination URL with the tracking parameters they want so they can monitor their performance in GA on their end.
In order to track clicks on the banners you host on your site you should use either virtual pageviews or event tracking:
Classic GA:
Universal Analytics:
You can add a small delay so GA has enough time to execute the code.


How to create a Google Analytics report on a specific query string?

I have hunted around a bit and only found how to setup the site search parameter in a site's admin section. This is not what I want. Also looked through some Google Search Console videos - no go.
Given a URL,
As some background, what I have setup here is a simple page that says "Loading..." and is used for external links I want to track analytics on, from platforms that I may not have access to the link's analytics. For example:
Rather than having a redirect setup on the page itself, I injected custom JavaScript through Google Tag Manager that records analytics data in Google Universal Analytics (anyone want to recommend how to do this in G4A?) then performs the redirect.
My question is, in Google Analytics, how do I setup a custom report where the query string parameter = redirect and/or the specific page URL?

Can't track in Google Analytics data from GetResponse

Our email marketer is sending email from GetResponse with a tracking code generated from another tool,
but we can't see if the users are coming from the email source.
Is it possible, because it is with tracking code generated from other tool, GA to mark it as direct traffic and is there a way to know it is coming from the email campaign? Also, I am not sure it is tracking it at all, becouse I don't see much traffic in the landing page. The GA is fired, I checked!
The tracking code includes the main domain and it redirects to a specific page.
You have to check in Landing Pages report (or All pages report), filtering by aff_id, if there are any sessions.
To track in correct mode the source you have to use UTMs parameters. You can build your URL with UTM parameters using this tool. It allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. Then you can find those sessions in source / medium report.

Google Analytics - Custom Dimensions sent to wrong website's google analytics

I have two google analytic views setup like below:
Website's URL:
Website's URL:
The urls are different by subdomains and they are separate web applications.
I added ga tags, ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto'), in both web applications and every time a button is clicked it sends some custom dimensions.
The problem that I'm having is even though I clicked the button in the first website (abc-x1), it sends dimension information to both websites' google analytics. (or not sure if it's sending it to both but I can see the dimensions coming in in both views when I do query).
How can I send custom dimensions to the website where I clicked the button but not to the other one?
You have to add a filter based on domain for each views. The website entered in you screenshot is not used to distinguish the site data, it has another function in reports but has no impact on the data.

Google Analytics opt out for mobile devices such as iPhone?

Is there a way to implement google analytics opt out extension on a mobile browser? I am developing a site and it requires checking the site out on mobile. How do I stop the google analytics code that is in my site from picking up these views?
The question is not fully clear - do you have problem with some part of code responsible for Google Analytics service? Or you just want to exclude your testing visits. In other words you don't want to clutter Google Analytics reports with your data (testing visits etc.).
If this second case is a sense of your question, then the easiest way is to create a filter (based on your network IP) in Google Analytics.
To create a filter, please:
1/ Login to Google Analytics
2/ Go to the ADMIN section
3/ In Account column, please enter "All Filters"
4/ Click red button Add filter
5/ Use predefined filter > exclude > traffic from IP adresses
If this is not the answer which you expect, please give more details :)
In your backend, which generates your site (HTML), you should detect using User-Agent if the client is in fact a mobile device and do not add Google Analytics (or GTM) script to the page.

Goal destination using a virtual page in analytics

I am quite new to GA and I've been presented with a big challenge to solve:
We have a social media campaign that directs traffic to a specific page on our website.
On that page there is a link to a page on another site.
I need to track how much traffic the social media campaign generates to the page on the other website.
I have so far:
Created a virtual pageview that is triggered when the link on our website is clicked
Created a goal in which the destination goal is the virtual page
Is this the correct approach. Do I need a goal funnel? How do I track the social media campaign with the goal?
Thanks for your help.
As for me, more better setup cross-domain tracking. In result you'll see first source (your social media campaign) whihtout referral traffic.
