I'm trying to get started with the Facebook SDK for PHP 4.0.0 but all the tutorials that I can find are for previous versions. I'm having trouble understanding facebook's developer documentation so a tutorial to get started would help me. Can anybody suggest some resource for Facebook SDK for PHP 4.0.0 tutorials?
Visit http://metah.ch/blog/2014/05/facebook-sdk-4-0-0-for-php-a-working-sample-to-get-started/
i find this tutorial . it's work
Wrote a really minimal tutorial with a basic query here: https://www.apptic.me/blog/simple-facebook-php-sdk-4-tutorial.php
I've written up a basic tutorial on how to get started with the Facebook PHP SDK 4.0.0 here. It gives a basic example of logging in and getting the user's data from the Graph API 2.0. Hopefully it's useful to you.
im having trouble generating JAXB classes from TKT_ElectronicDocumentServices_v.1.0.0.xsd and STL_For_TKT_ElectronicDocumentServices_v.1.0.0.xsd, please see error in the image below:
Please see error here:
could You share some more info ?
What API are You trying to build these WSDLs for ?
My guess is GetElectronicDocumentRQ.
Is this API available on https://developer.sabre.com/ ?
My guess is
Have You reached out to webservices.support at sabre.com ?
I can see this issue on my end when using dev studio, I've emailed the team, once we have a JIRA open I'll let You know. Also feel free to contact me in this one case at witold.petriczek at sabre.com.
P.s. I've ran into these issues while developing SOAP APIs in the past, it was quite often so in my internal team we implemented automated wsdl2java nightly builds that solved this problem once and for all, I guess it's time to share the knowledge with the owners of this API ;)
I'm trying to develop a tutorial site similar to Google CodeLabs.
I'm referring to this article for develop a CodeLabs site.
Has anyone tried to used this tool for hosting their own CodeLabs site?
You can use the source code to create CodeLabs in your own machine.
You will need Go Lang for this or you can use the provided installers in the release section of Github.
Refer to https://github.com/googlecodelabs/tools/blob/master/claat/README.md
Is there any Sample or blogs available which talks about Xamarin.Forms & Google Drive integration? I have read google docs and i can understand there is no official support as of now. But any alternate approach or workaround is appreciated.
As you have mentioned there is no official libraries available for Xamarin.Forms & Google drive, but you can access gdrive using .Net nugets with some more platform specific codes in xamarin.forms. I have written a blog about it read it here. Hope that blogs helps !
I am new to Amazon ECHO . Is there any API or code for connect this device with my core PHP project.
I have googled, but didn't get anything useful thing.
Please do needful.
PHP has not been a popular language for Alexa development. But, since Alexa skills are implemented as REST APIs, you can develop a skill in any language that can service a REST endpoint, it is possible to do so.
I remember someone posting to the dev forum about a PHP framework. I did a search there and found 92 hits. I thought one of the posted a project, so a little more searching and found the project here.
Microsoft recently announced their Facebook SDK.
Has anyone tried using it with ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC ?
Would like your opinion. Any gotchas that developers need to be aware of ?
This is version 3.0 of the SDK. I've been using an earlier version and am in the process of upgrading to this new version.
Your question is very vague. What kind of gotchas are you expecting? There are so many pieces of the Facebook API that it's hard to speak to what your experience will be. What's stopping you from giving it a try yourself? You'd probably learn more from a few hours of building your own app with the SDK than anything anyone would be able to tell you here. If you get stuck or something doesn't work, then post your code and/or specific question and we'll do what we can to help you.
I am working on an ASP.NET MVC app using this library.
I have not used a whole lot of the functionality of the library since there are only two MVC specific class. An Controller Extension for getting a facebook api object, and an Action decorator attribute.
I have run into quite a bit of trouble with the methods in the Facebook.Rest.Data namespace.
Namely getting and setting Cookies.
Not sure what the deal is with this but it has been frustrating. And if it was not required by the client I would probably try and find a different library.