Implementing nullable references for manual memory management - pointers

The, uh, "legacy" BlitzPlus programming language has an interesting feature designed to make manual memory management "safe" for newbie programmers, compared to the dangling pointer problems they might potentially encounter in a language that expects them to manage raw pointers like C. When an object is deleted, all references to that object become references to null:
Local a.Foo = New Foo
Local b.Foo = a
Delete a
; at this point, b = null
How might one go about implementing such a system?
The original implementation uses hidden automatic reference counting. Delete doesn't actually free an object, it just sets an "identity" field to null - so in the above example, the variable b still points to the same object it did before but that object has been tagged as equal to null for the purposes of comparison. The memory itself is not released until the object's hidden reference count reaches zero. (If this strikes you as an odd decision, it probably was: the language's successor ditched explicit Delete, and just used the reference counting system and called it a GC.)
There are a few things about this design that strike me as a bit off:
Conventional wisdom holds that refcounting is slow. It also wastes a whole word of memory (the horror!).
As far as I can see, refcounting is incompatible, or only poorly compatible, with multithreading (I think the logic of the developer was that "multithreading will never catch on").
The manual Delete operator doesn't actually manually manage memory anyway! (Although it arguably provides slightly more control than leaving it entirely to the refcounter, since it can break cycles and eagerly decrement the counts of owned objects.)
Anyway BlitzPlus is now open-source, and as a result I want to try my hand at implementing it since that's allowed (for the fun of the challenge). If this were a brand new language design, the obvious answer would be "make it garbage collected", but it isn't: the existing language has Delete so an implementation has to work with that.
Is there any obvious way to implement this that doesn't have the drawbacks and/or smells of the above, i.e. perhaps without refcounts at all? (I mean I could have a full tracing GC in the background, but that seems silly. Even in the context of implementing a dead language.) Is the original strategy actually as bad as it looks? Is there a way to get "true" manual management - i.e. free-on-Delete - while still nulling all references?


Is Ada.Containers.Functional_Maps usable in Ada2012?

The information about Ada.Containers.Functional_Maps in the GNAT documentation is quite—let's say—abstruse.
First, it says this:
…these containers can still be used safely.
In the second paragraph, it seems to me that you cannot free the memory allocated for those objects once the program exits the context where they are created. I am understanding that you could run into a memory leak. Am I right?
They are also memory consuming, as the allocated memory is not reclaimed when the container is no longer referenced.
Read the next two sentences in the doc:
Thus, they should in general be used in ghost code and annotations, so that they can be removed from the final executable. The specification of this unit is compatible with SPARK 2014.
Because the specification of Ada.Containers.Functional_Maps is compatible with SPARK, it may help to examine it in the context of related SPARK Libraries with regard to proof, testing and annotation. In particular,
The functional maps, sets and vectors are unbounded collections of indefinite elements that are neither controlled nor limited. While they are inefficient with regard to memory, they are simple, immutable and useful "to model user defined data structures."
The functional containers can be used in Ghost Code, "parts of the code that are only meant for specification and verification", as suggested here. This related example illustrates a ghost function.
it seems to me that you cannot free the memory allocated for those
objects once the program exits the context where they are created. I
am understanding that you could run into a memory leak. Am I right?
There are some things that you can do in Ada to manage memory, I would be surprised if (for example) the usage of an instance inside a declare-block were not cleaned-up on the block's exit. — This is, in fact, how some surprisingly robust applications can get away without "dynamically-allocated" memory/values (it's actually heap-allocated, but that's pedantic).
This sort of granular control is really nice, as you can constrain things/usages to specific points. Combined with Ada's good facilities for presenting interfaces, this means that changing some structure to another can be less-painful than it otherwise might be.
As an example of the above, I had a nested key-value map (a JSON object) that was being used to pass parameters around; the method for doing this changed and so I had a string of values (with common-rooted keys) coming in and a procedure that took JSON as input. Obviously what was needed was a "keys&values-to-JSON function, so inside the function I used the multiway-tree container where the leafs represented values and the internal-nodes the keys, the second step was to traverse the tree and create the JSON-object as needed - simple recursion and data-structure selection used to address the problem of adapting the textual key-value pairs of these nested parameters to JSON. — And because the usage of multi-way trees was exclusive to this function, I can be confident that the memory used by the intermediate tree-object I used is released on the function's exit.

What is the need for immutable/persistent data structures in erlang

Each Erlang process maintains its own private address space. All communication happens via copying without sharing (except big binaries). If each process is processing one message at a time with no concurrent access over its objects, I don't see why do we need immutable/persistent data structures.
Erlang was initially implemented in Prolog, which doesn't really use mutable data structures either (though some dialects do). So it started off without them. This makes runtime implementation simpler and faster (garbage collection in particular).
So adding mutable data structures would require a lot of effort, could introduce bugs, and Erlang programmers are nearly by definition at least willing to live without them.
Many actually consider their absence to be a positive good: less concern about object identity, no need for defensive copying because you don't know whether some other piece of code is going to modify the data you passed (or might be changed later to modify it), etc.
This absence does mean that Erlang is pretty unusable in some domains (e.g. high performance scientific computing), at least as the main language. But again, this means that nobody in these domains is going to use Erlang in the first place and so there's no particular incentive to make it usable at the cost of making existing users unhappy.
I remember seeing a mailing list post by Joe Armstrong quite a long time ago (which I couldn't find with a quick search now) saying that he initially planned to add mutable variables when he'd need them... except he never quite did, and performance was good enough for everything he was using Erlang for.
It is indeed the case that in Erlang immutability does not solve any "shared state" problems, as immutable data are "process local".
From the functional programming language perspective, however, immutability offers a number of benefits, summarized adequately in this Quora answer:
The simplest definition of functional programming is that it’s a programming
paradigm where you are transforming immutable data with functions.
The definition uses functions in the mathematical sense, where it’s
something that takes an input, and produces an output.
OO + mutability tends to violate that definition because when you want
to change a piece of data it generally will not return the output, it
will likely return void or unit, and that when you call a method on
the object the object itself isn’t input for the function.
As far as what advantages the paradigm has, composability, thread
safety, being able to track what went wrong where better, the ability
to sort of separate the data from the actual computation on it being
done, etc.
how would this work?
factorial(1) -> 1;
factorial(X) ->
if you run factorial(4), a single process will be running the same function. Each time the function will have it's own value of X, if the value of X was in the scope of the process and not the function recursive functions wouldn't work. So first we need to understand scope. If you want to say that you don't see why data needs to be immutable within the scope of a single function/block you would have a point, but it would be a headache to think about where data is immutable and where it isn't.

Language without explicit memory alloc/dealloc AND without garbage collection

I was wondering if it is possible to create a programming language without explicit memory allocation/deallocation (like C, C++ ...) AND without garbage collection (like Java, C#...) by doing a full analysis at the end of each scope?
The obvious problem is that this would take some time at the end of each scope, but I was wondering if it has become feasible with all the processing power and multiple cores in current CPU's. Do such languages exist already?
I also was wondering if a variant of C++ where smart pointers are the only pointers that can be used, would be exactly such a language (or am I missing some problems with that?).
Well after some more research apparently it's this:
I was wondering why this isn't more popular. The disadvantages listed there don't seem quite serious, the overhead should be that large according to me. A (non-interpreted, properly written from the ground up) language with C family syntax with reference counting seems like a good idea to me.
The biggest problem with reference counting is that it is not a complete solution and is not capable of collecting a cyclic structure. The overhead is incurred every time you set a reference; for many kinds of problems this adds up quickly and can be worse than just waiting for a GC later. (Modern GC is quite advanced and awesome - don't count it down like that!!!)
What you are talking about is nothing special, and it shows up all the time. The C or C++ variant you are looking for is just plain regular C or C++.
For example write your program normally, but constrain yourself not to use any dynamic memory allocation (no new, delete, malloc, or free, or any of their friends, and make sure your libraries do the same), then you have that kind of system. You figure out in advance how much memory you need for everything you could do, and declare that memory statically (either function level static variables, or global variables). The compiler takes care of all the accounting the normal way, nothing special happens at the end of each scope, and no extra computation is necessary.
You can even configure your runtime environment to have a statically allocated stack space (this one isn't really under the compiler's control, more linker and operating system environment). Just figure out how deep your function call chain goes, and how much memory it uses (with a profiler or similar tool), an set it in your link options.
Without dynamic memory allocation (and thus no deallocation through either garbage collection or explicit management), you are limited to the memory you declared when you wrote the program. But that's ok, many programs don't need dynamic memory, and are already written that way. The real need for this shows up in embedded and real-time systems when you absolutely, positively need to know exactly how long an operation will take, how much memory (and other resources) it will use, and that the running time and the use of those resources can't ever change.
The great thing about C and C++ is that the language requires so little from the environment, and gives you the tools to do so much, that smart pointers or statically allocated memory, or even some special scheme that you dream up can be implemented. Requiring the use them, and the constraints you put on yourself just becomes a policy decision. You can enforce that policy with code auditing (use scripts to scan the source or object files and don't permit linking to the dynamic memory libraries)

Immutable game object, basic functional programming question

I'm in the process of trying to 'learn more of' and 'learn lessons from' functional programming and the idea of immutability being good for concurrency, etc.
As a thought exercise I imagined a simple game where Mario-esq type character can run and jump around with enemies that shoot at him...
Then I tried to imagine this being written functionally using immutable objects.
This raised some questions that puzzled me (being an Imperative OO programmer).
1) If my little guy at position x10,y100 moves right 1 unit do I just re-instantiate him using his old values with a +1 to his x position (e.g x11,y100)?
2) (If my first assumption is correct)
If my input thread moves little guy right 1 unit and my enemy AI thread shoots little guy and enemy-ai-thread resolves before input-thread then my guy will loose health, then upon input thread resolving, gain it back and move right ...
Does this mean I can't fire-&-forget my threads even with immutability?
Do I need to send my threads off to do their thing then new()up little guy synchronously when I have the results of both threaded operations? or is there a simple 'functional' solution?
This is a slightly different threading problem than I face on a day to day basis.
Usually I have to decide if I care about what order threads resolve in or not. Where as in the above case I technically don't care if he takes damage or moves first. But I do care if race conditions during instantiation cause one threads data to be totally lost.
3) (Again if my first assumption is correct) Does constantly instantiating new instances of an object (e.g Mario guy) have a horrible overhead that makes it a very serious/important design decision ?
Sorry for this additional edit, I wasn't what good practice is on here about follow up questions...
4) If immutability is something I should strive for and even jump though hoops of instantiating new versions of objects that have changed...And If I instantiate my guy every time he moves (only with a different position) don't I have exactly the same problems as I would if he was mutable? in as much that something that referenced him at one point in time is actually looking at old values?.. The more I dig into this the more my head's spinning as generating new versions of the same thing with differing values just seems like mutability, via hack. :¬?
I guess my question is: How should this work? and how is it beneficial over just mutating his position?
for(ever)//simplified game-loop update or "tick" method
guy = new Guy(guy){location = new Point(guy.Location.x +1, guy.Location.y)};
Also confusing is: The above code means that guy is mutable!(even if his properties are not)
4.5) Is that at all possible with a totally immutable guy?
A couple comments on your points:
1) Yes, maybe. To reduce overhead, a practical design will probably end up sharing a lot of state between these instances. For example, perhaps your little guy has an "Equipment" structure which is also immutable. The new copy and the old copy can reference the same "equipment" structure safely, since it's immutable; so you only have to copy a reference, not the whole thing. This is an common advantage you only get thanks to immutability -- if "equipment" was mutable, you couldn't share the reference, since if it changed, your "old" version would change too.
2) In a game, the most practical solution to this issue would probably be to have a global "clock" and have this sort of processing happen once, at a clock tick. Note that your exact scenario would still be a problem if you didn't write it in a functional style: Suppose H0 is the health at time T. If you passed H0 to a function which made a decision about health at time T, you took damage at time T+1, and then the function returned at time T+5, it might have made the wrong decision based on your current health.
3) In a language that encourages functional programming, object instantiation is often made as cheap as possible. I know that on the JVM, creating small objects on the heap is so fast that it's rarely a performance consideration in any practical situation at all, and in C# I've never encountered a situation where it was a concern either.
If my little guy at position
x10,y100 moves right 1 unit do I just
re-instantiate him using his old
values with a +1 to his x position
(e.g x11,y100)?
Well, not necessarily. You could instantiate the guy once, and change its position during play. You may model this with agents. The guy is an agent, so is the AI, so is the render thread, so is the user.
When the AI shoots the guy, it sends it a message, when the user presses an arrow key that sends another message and so on.
let guyAgent (guy, position, health) =
let messages = receiveMessages()
let (newPosition, newHealth) = process(messages)
sendMessage(renderer, (guy, newPosition, newHealth))
guyAgent (guy, newPosition, newHealth)
"Everything" is immutable now (actually, under the hood the agent's dipatch queue does have some mutable state probably).
If immutability is something I
should strive for and even jump though
hoops of instantiating new versions of
objects that have changed...And If I
instantiate my guy every time he moves
(only with a different position) don't
I have exactly the same problems as I
would if he was mutable?
Well, yes. Looping with mutable values and recurring with immutable ones is equivalent.
For agents, the wiki is always helpful.
Luca Bolognese has an F# implementation of agents.
This book (called by some The Intelligent Agent Book), though targeting the AI applications (instead of having a SW engineering point of view) is excellent.
If everything in the global system state, outside the current stack frame, is immutable, unless gives another thread a reference to something on the stack (VERY DANGEROUS) there won't be any way for a threads to do anything to affect each other. You could fire and forget, or simply not bother firing in the first place, and the effect would be the same.
Assuming there are some parts of the global state that are mutable, one useful pattern is:
Latch a mutable reference to an immutable object
Generate a new object based upon the latched reference
Loop While CompareExchange fails.
The compare exchange should update the mutable reference to the new one if it still points to old one. This avoids the overhead of locking if there is no concurrent access, but may perform worse than locking if many threads are try to update the same object and generating a new instance from the latched one is slow. One advantage of this approach is that there is no danger of deadlock, though in some situations liveLock could occur.
Another functional approach to this sort of problem is to take a step back and separate out the idea of state from the idea of your little guy.
Your state will include your little guy's position, as well as the position of your baddy and it's shot, and then you have some functions that take some or all of the state and do things like generating the next state and drawing the screen.
The timing issues you're talking about when things you want to parallelize depend on each other are real problems that won't magically go away, although the solutions may be more or less convenient in different languages.
Several suggestions have already been made, and there are a variety of concurrency solutions. The central clock and agents would work, as would Software Transactional Memory, Mutexes or CSP (go style channels), and probably others. The best approach is going to depend on the specifics of the problem, and to a certain extent on personal taste.
As for the head-spinning, try not to get too caught up in whether a thing is changing or not. The point of immutability is not that things don't change, it's that you can create pure functions so that your program is easier to reason about.
For example, an OO program might have a drawing function that iterates over all the objects in a scene, and asks them all to draw themselves, where a functional program might have a function that takes a state and draws a frame.
The end result would be the same scene, but the way the logic and the state is organised is very different.
I, for one, find that it's much easier to work on when you have all the data over here, in one big input lump, and all the drawing logic there, encapsulated in some functions. There are some pretty clear architectural wins too - serialization, testing, and swapping out front ends gets a lot easier with this sort of structure.
Not everything in your program should be immutable. A player's position is something you would expect to be mutable. His name, maybe not.
Immutability is good, but you should perhaps rethink your approach to use more concurrent solutions than simple "immutable"ize everything. Consider this
Thread AI gets copy of your position
You move three units to the left.
AI shoots you based on your old position, and hits... shouldn't happen!
Also, most gaming is done in "game ticks" - there's not much multithreading going on!

Execution speed of references vs pointers

I recently read a discussion regarding whether managed languages are slower (or faster) than native languages (specifically C# vs C++). One person that contributed to the discussion said that the JIT compilers of managed languages would be able to make optimizations regarding references that simply isn't possible in languages that use pointers.
What I'd like to know is what kind of optimizations that are possible on references and not on pointers?
Note that the discussion was about execution speed, not memory usage.
In C++ there are two advantages of references related to optimization aspects:
A reference is constant (refers to the same variable for its whole lifetime)
Because of this it is easier for the compiler to infer which names refer to the same underlying variables - thus creating optimization opportunities. There is no guarantee that the compiler will do better with references, but it might...
A reference is assumed to refer to something (there is no null reference)
A reference that "refers to nothing" (equivalent to the NULL pointer) can be created, but this is not as easy as creating a NULL pointer. Because of this the check of the reference for NULL can be omitted.
However, none of these advantages carry over directly to managed languages, so I don't see the relevance of that in the context of your discussion topic.
There are some benefits of JIT compilation mentioned in Wikipedia:
JIT code generally offers far better performance than interpreters. In addition, it can in some or many cases offer better performance than static compilation, as many optimizations are only feasible at run-time:
The compilation can be optimized to the targeted CPU and the operating system model where the application runs. For example JIT can choose SSE2 CPU instructions when it detects that the CPU supports them. With a static compiler one must write two versions of the code, possibly using inline assembly.
The system is able to collect statistics about how the program is actually running in the environment it is in, and it can rearrange and recompile for optimum performance. However, some static compilers can also take profile information as input.
The system can do global code optimizations (e.g. inlining of library functions) without losing the advantages of dynamic linking and without the overheads inherent to static compilers and linkers. Specifically, when doing global inline substitutions, a static compiler must insert run-time checks and ensure that a virtual call would occur if the actual class of the object overrides the inlined method.
Although this is possible with statically compiled garbage collected languages, a bytecode system can more easily rearrange memory for better cache utilization.
I can't think of something related directly to the use of references instead of pointers.
In general speak, references make it possible to refer to the same object from different places.
A 'Pointer' is the name of a mechanism to implement references. C++, Pascal, C... have pointers, C++ offers another mechanism (with slightly other use cases) called 'Reference', but essentially these are all implementations of the general referencing concept.
So there is no reason why references are by definition faster/slower than pointers.
The real difference is in using a JIT or a classic 'up front' compiler: the JIT can data take into account that aren't available for the up front compiler. It has nothing to do with the implementation of the concept 'reference'.
Other answers are right.
I would only add that any optimization won't make a hoot of difference unless it is in code where the program counter actually spends much time, like in tight loops that don't contain function calls (such as comparing strings).
An object reference in a managed framework is very different from a passed reference in C++. To understand what makes them special, imagine how the following scenario would be handled, at the machine level, without garbage-collected object references: Method "Foo" returns a string, which is stored into various collections and passed to different pieces of code. Once nothing needs the string any more, it should be possible to reclaim all memory used in storing it, but it's unclear what piece of code will be the last one to use the string.
In a non-GC system, every collection either needs to have its own copy of the string, or else needs to hold something containing a pointer to a shared object which holds the characters in the string. In the latter situation, the shared object needs to somehow know when the last pointer to it gets eliminated. There are a variety of ways this can be handled, but an essential common aspect of all of them is that shared objects need to be notified when pointers to them are copied or destroyed. Such notification requires work.
In a GC system by contrast, programs are decorated with metadata to say which registers or parts of a stack frame will be used at any given time to hold rooted object references. When a garbage collection cycle occurs, the garbage collector will have to parse this data, identify and preserve all live objects, and nuke everything else. At all other times, however, the processor can copy, replace, shuffle, or destroy references in any pattern or sequence it likes, without having to notify any of the objects involved. Note that when using pointer-use notifications in a multi-processor system, if different threads might copy or destroy references to the same object, synchronization code will be required to make the necessary notification thread-safe. By contrast, in a GC system, each processor may change reference variables at any time without having to synchronize its actions with any other processor.
