The parameter 'exePath' is invalid -

I am trying to setup a website on IIS. It is basically a copy of an existing website (working) that we have that is hosted on another server. The two server's OS is running the same OS Windows Server 2003 and both site is running on IIS 6. The source code is the same since it was just copied from Site A. Only difference is that the database is now connected to a new database.
When I open a page on the site, it throws me this error.
The parameter 'exePath' is invalid
Source File: c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary
ASP.NET Files\fias\576e43ba\53e00dbc\App_Web_bndnkzt8.0.cs Line: 0
I am not sure what is causing this. But I am sure that it is not on the code since it's just copied from the other working site.
I am looking into permissions on directory. I already changed permissions to say FULL Control but that doesn't seem to fix it.
Anyone has any idea on how to solve this?
Thanks in advance!!!


Can't find the include files for classic asp site

I'm having problems with an old classic asp site that I'm trying to get set up in a dev environment. I get the following error at the line for the include files.
An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error.
Here's my setup:
I'm running IIS 7 on Win 7.
I have an app pool ControlPanel set up with No managed code and classic pipeline
My website ControlPanel configured under default websites pointing to my project directory "C:\Projects\uk_CP\uk_AU\au"
Many of the pages work, I can log in, click on a link to a feedback form, but eventually I get the above error.
My feedback form is located at "C:\Projects\uk_CP\uk_Au\au\feedbackform_admin\dataview_master.asp"
It has two include files:
<!--#include file="../inc/" -->
<!--#include file="../inc/incCreateConn.asp" -->
this are correctly located in "C:\Projects\uk_CP\uk_Au\au\inc\"
Is perhaps my IIS configured incorrectly that throws off my working directory? Is there a useful way to troubleshoot the path it's looking at? I haven't work in classic asp in 10 years and it is not something I want to become an expert in, but I do need to get this figured out and I've killed too much time as it is.
Obviously this is an issue with my setup since it does work in production...
In your ASP-configuration you must enable the setting 'Allow parent paths'

ASP File Permissions

I'm a ASP.NET developer who was contacted by a client asking me to make some changes to their site after someone told them it was ASP.NET. It wasn't, it was classic ASP but she seemed at her wits end with it so I said I would give it a go. However I have very little experience with Classic ASP.
Am currently trying to update a form. Have copied the entire site and database to my local machine and got it up and running. I have set the Anonymous user to my windows user to allow me to connect to the database using windows authentication.
The difficulty I am having is when I go to edit an existing record using the edit form and click save on my local machine I get the following error:
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/xtpropertyedit.asp, line 200
However it works fine on the hosted version of the site. I imagine this is an permissions issue. I have tried adding my user with full permissions to the root folder of the site on my local machine but that doesn't seem to make a difference.
Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") '** Line 200 **
Any ideas?
AspJpeg is a paid third-party component and seems like it's not installed on your development computer. It can be used without any limitation for 30 days.

Run ASP.NET website on local IIS

I'm running Win 7 and I'm trying to get a ASP.NET website, to run under the local IIS. I've set up a virtual directory which points to the folder where the website is. But when I access localhost/[VirtualDir] I get an error from IIS. The error is a 401.3 and relates to not having rights to access the folder (my error message is in danish, so posting the error won't help much...grrrr). I've given IIS_IUSRS full rights to the folder with the code, but I still get the same error.
I've also tried to create a new default website in VS and place it in wwwroot, but I still get the same error.
Anyone who can help?
Best regards,
Steffen Jorgensen
It is probably not the folder permission that are giving you the error, more likely it is the IIS authentication, below is a link with some steps to try.
have you told your project to use IIS in the project settings? The default is the special VS version of IIS (The name just escaped me), but if you'll go into Project Properties -> Web You'll see at the bottom that you want to change to "Use local IIS"

Changing "Project Url" causes ASP.Net Web app to not be debuggable

I have an ASP.NET Web Application project that I am using to host a WCF Data Services (OData) project.
I went and changed the url from:
after I did that I created a Virtual Directory for the new project URL.
Now when I run I get this error:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.
I clicked help but it was no help (was IIS 6 level instructions, I have IIS 7). I did some googling and it was all fairly generic responses.
How can I get this working again? (Aside from revert to my old Url. Reverting works but I changed it for a very good reason.)
Your virtual directory need to point to the same scr directory you were originally debugging against.
Also, make sure the virtual directory is configured for Windows Authentication, which is required for debugging.
I had to go to my website in IIS and add a folder under it called v1. After I did that it all worked perfectly.

Getting 404 error in IIS when calling asp page

I have a problem with my 4.0 application. When I call it on the server, it works, but when I call it from outside the server, it gives me a 404 error.
The link I call the application from is the good one. Other 4.0 applications are working fine when called from outside the server. The other applications are in another folder though, but I do not see why it would work under a folder and not another one. There is no IP restrictions on the applications.
Anyone got that error int eh past?
The app is configured as an 4.0 application. it is stored in a virtual directory.
This link works:
this link does not :
A coworker and me found the answer. It's because the server I called on my url was supposed to have a rule redirecting the browser to the right url. So IIS7 on my test server was setted up right.
Theres several things to check.
That is even going to your server. Put a file in the root directory 'test.txt' that IIS lists as the root folder for your site. ensure you can get to it.
Once you verify your root site folder WORKS for ex., then ensure you have a virtual directory /phonebook that contains a folder phonebook within it.
Seems overkill to be having to folders named phonebook. Try taking one of them out and pointing your web application to your
c:\whatever\phonebook\phonebook folder.
Make sure port 443 is bound to your app if you're using https, that could be your problem.
