Not able to connect to a Openstack Instance from external machine - networking

The IP of of an instance created through Openstack is But when I tried to ping this IP from other machine, it was not successful, however I am able to ping this IP from the machine on which Openstack(Devstack) is installed.
What could be the reason and how to resolved this?

This may help you:
Basically, you need a virtual router to connect from you LAN to OpenStack private network.
I think, you don't need a Floating IP exactly on each instance. Only a virtual router, then you can create a static route on each machine in you LAN, for example:
ip route add via dev em1
Good Luck!

This IP is a private one, by default, when you deploy a new instance it is deployed with a private IP.
If you want to have a public IP, you need to create a floating IP for your project and afterward, you should assign one IP from this pool to the server instance that you have created previously.
After that you could access to your server instance without any problem.
I hope that it could help you.


Connect to OpenStack instance via the internet through the router

I've recently found out that the external network for our OpenStack (Ocata) setup has maxed out on the available IP addresses in its allocation table. In fact, it has over-allocated with -9 free IPs. So, to manage the limited IP addresses, is it possible to access an instance in a project directly from an external network (internet) via the project's router? This way only a single IP address needs to be allocated per project instead of allocating to multiple instances per project.
The short answer would be NO, but there are couple of workarounds that came to my mind (not that they will be good, but they will work).
In case any instance in your private network has floatingIP, you can use that host as a jump-host (bastion-host) to SSH into the target host. This also brings the benefits of port forwarding/SSH tunneling to the table if you want to access to some other port.
You can always access to any host on private networks through qdhcp or qrouter namespace from the network node
ip netns exec qdhcp-XXXXXXX ssh user#internal-IP

openstack instance can not access internet

An instance created in the OpenStack can not access the internet. I have created an instance from the ubuntu cloud image.
In the security groups, I allowed all the ports for ingress and egress request of ICMP, TCP and UDP. I can ssh the instance and ping the floating IP of the instance and all the other instances on the private network but I can not ping any other IP address outside the network. In the network topology, the router is connecting the public and private network but the instance can not access the internet and i can not ping
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
check you ml2 and linuxbridge or ovs agent. this is because of miss-configuration. presumably type-driver and mechanism-driver mismatch, or provider network is not set correctly.
please post your config here, so we can find the problem.
Thanks for your answer. I was able to resolve this issue by allowing ICMP ingress requests because of port 22 in the security groups.

How can I open my local TCP port to public?

I have a TCP Server for a my personal chat, I want to expand my connection beyond my local network and I want to open my port: 28752 to my IP public of pc to enter wherever I want only when my computer is on.
I have seen different solutions for example DMZ to associate my local IP to public IP, but i want to do this without modifying to router's setting I wanted to do it from a program. Is it possible?
It is possible to open up ports. But it depends on the OS in which you are trying to accomplish it. You can use the linux iptables to manipulate the ports opened and closed to any linux machine. IptablesSome examples . The ports should also be opened on the firewall layer outside the VM. eg: It could be AWS access policy, Security group, MAC's security firewall. Your laptop, when connected to the internet, will have a public IP address, you can share that public IP. But these IP address will change when you get connected to a different router. You can use AWS cli commands to assign a static IP address for your machine and expose it publicly. At the least minimum, you would need a public DNS server to expose your IP publicly. Easy way to achieve this is by putting in web server on cloud. Without a domain , you cant expose your IP. Once you have finalized on the domain (eg: AWS Route 53, Ingree IP from K8 etc), you can change/manipulate them from your program. It need not be language specific.

Xen guest VM with two static IP address

I have installed Xen4Centos on Centos7, having single NIC with bridge network and have two VMs on that.
In one VM, I want to add two static IP one for webserver and one for mail server.
So I have created IP alias in guest VM, it was created but it was not pinging from outside public network or from the host.
So if you have any idea how to add second IP in the guest VM then please let me know.
I have searched on Google but most of the tutorials had given example for one IP only.
I have figure out the way to listen the second IP from public network.
I have added second interface in the VM configuration file with MAC address, so inside VM it looks like eth0 and eth1.
Then I have created a routing table for eth1 and added default gateway to eth1. [ ip route add default via XXX.XX.XXX.112 dev eth1 table eth1].
So doing this way second IP in VM was reachable from public network.

Cannot access machine via DNS in the private network

I have a machine in my private network with IP
I have a DNS name, "", a DNS client is running on the machine.
I configured the router for Port forwarding.
I can access the machine when i am outside my home, when using a pulic IP address it works but when i am at home and i get a dynamic IP address trough DHCP from my router, i cannot use anymore, i must use to access.
I would like to know if i need to configure something on the router for that ?
Thank you ! will resolve to your external public IP
There will almost certainly be nothing routing that IP through to your router, and thus through NAT to your internal address.
The easiest way to resolve this (Pun very much intended) is to have a hosts file entry on your computers running inside your network so that they resolve the same DNS address to the internal address.
A much harder, but more fun, way would be to set up your own DNS server inside your network, have the DHCP dish it out as the primary DNS server for your network and put in an entry for your internal address :D
Have fun... is accessible from outside,this DNS is assigned on a machine with a static IP address(sorry not dynamic),so the IP of this machine is
Whrn i am at home in my private network i need to enter and does not work.Any help???
