Images won't show in firefox using content:url - css

I've been looking for an answer for 3 days straight now (i did sleep a few hours though).
I'm using a wordpress theme that integrates font awesome icons smoothly. But i wanted to alter these icons and use my own, but they won't show in Firefox but do show in Safari, Chrome etc.
I'm using this css code to alter the icon to my own icons:
.fa-euro:before {content:url(;}
.fa-glass:before {content:url(;}
.fa-bell:before {content:url(;}
.fa-coffee:before {content:url(;}
You can see the website here:
Hope someone can tell me how i can alter the css code so the icons also show in FireFox.. I've tried anything from naming images to .jpg files etc. etc..

You should validate your HTML. See here:
I'm going to guess that the problem is that firefox is running into this error
Line 1069, Column 26: Element style not allowed as child of element
div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
And failing to parse the embedded style sheet. You should also not embed your large stylesheets like that. Make them external style sheets. Once that's done, find where your HTML error is that's causing the validator to think you don't have the style sheet in the head tag and it should fix itself.


The limitations of #media Print styling for precision output

We are trying to use an #media print.css style sheet to enable a web page to print a set of Avery labels (6 up on a sheet - 4" x 3"). Generally a print media style sheet seemed like a perfect solution to having a page that looks like a list on screen, but when you print the list you get imprinting for Avery badges!
The challenge is in the details though. In addition to the fact that each browser seems to have unique interpretations of print styling and some of the rules just don't work. I've seen and studied most of the basic info readily available on using the print.css. It's fairly easy to override font colors with black and set details to print or not but what this assignment needs is precise element placement and styling within the #page details.
The site already features Bootstrap and other linked .css pages though I've unlinked them to test the pages and am trying to isolate out anything that could also be interfering with print styling.
It appears that float isn't working in IE. Our list page content to print lays out in floated divs in Chrome but font styling and other divs aren't rendering as intended. Firefox isn't displaying any of the required print content but indicating page numbering appears to agree with Chrome that there are 56 pages of labels, (sorry if you can't see them?) My hope is that this document can serve as a repository for the tips tricks and limitations of media #print.
I'm experiencing the same problem. I need to print onto specific Avery labels at exact dimensions and although I can get it to work with Chrome (despite it ignoring some Print CSS styles) - it doesn't work in Firefox. Safari seems to be in it's own world also.
I think the only way I'm going to solve this is to generate PDF's that the user has to download and print (or print the PDF's from their browser).
Sucks, but haven't found any solutions for a "CSS Print Browser Reset".

How can I preserve the CSS of a Gist?

On a blog post on my website, I decided to share some of my code using a GitHub Gist, since I thought it would be an easy way to apply code formatting and syntax highlighting to my code.
I've embedded the Gist in the post, but for some reason my website's CSS has overridden the CSS of the Gist and so I've ended up with code which is all grey and in a serif font. I assumed that since the stylesheet in the Gist is being linked to after my main stylesheet link, it would be fine, but this seems not to be the case.
How can I make it so that my main stylesheet won't modify the styling of the Gist?
Edit: Here is the page where the problem is occurring, the Gist is near the bottom.
Are you using the embed option? There would be one located on the left sidebar the says "embed this gist" which uses different ids from your css stylesheet so it wont conflict.
You can also rename your selectors on your website, the second stylesheet takes priority not the first.

Google Chrome Developer tools not showing inspected elements styles?

I am using the google chrome developer tools for testing my website;
It is working fine for some elements, however for others it is showing the selector but showing it as having no styles; The element does have styles, and the styles are applied to the element. but the inspector shows no styles.
If I click the link to the css file line for that inspector I can see the styles there.
I saw a google group topic that stated that removing any empty url() declarations fixed the bug. however I have no empty url() declarations.
I also found this bug which is somewhat similar; but not exactly the same. one thing I did notice is that both the usecase this bug provided and my setup are using twitter-bootstrap. I am using the .less version of bootstrap which includes bootstrap into the single css file as a copy > paste method, so my css file has 3740 lines. could this be part of the issue?
The elements are not deep nested (body > div#container > inspected element).
There are not an excessive amount of styles applied to the elements (<= 10).
Click to enlarge
Ok, so I also found this bug aswell which looks like it has a closer match to the bug.
It states that
DevTools break when an unrecognised pseudo-class is present in CSS
which twitter-bootstrap does! so it looks like the dev tools are broken if you are using twitter bootstrap (or anything that tries to use vendor-specific pseudo classes). afaik the only way to solve this is to wait for this bug to be solved by the developers.
If someone can post a fix for this I will accept their answer!

CSS not working in IE8, while working fine in IE9

basically a majority of the CSS styles defined for my website are not displayed when opening the page in IE8. This is not only happening for my custom styles (which I load separately through a custom css file), but also for the built-in features of Rockettheme IONOSPHERE template, for example the box1/2/3/4/5/6 module styles. Also, the rounded style is not rendered, and all modules are shown with sharp corners instead.
I am also using a custom css file (called ralph_golfanatics.css), which I load inside the index.php as follows:
$gantry->addStyles(array('template.css','joomla.css', 'ralph_golfanatics.css'));
All custom styles of this file are displayed fine in IE9, but the most important styles are not shown in IE8. Simply adding these css-styles manually in the file template_ie8.css (that file comes with the Ionosphere template package) did not change anything.
Looking forward to receive any help in this matter. The webpage is
Thank you all in advance for your hints.
Unfortunately, the link you've included isn't working so it's difficult to pin down exactly what the problem is.
If you're referring to rounded borders displaying with sharp corners this is because border-radius is a CSS3 property which is not supported in IE8.
See this link for border-radius browser support.
There are many CSS3 properties which don't work in older browsers; this is expected behavior and most web developers work around this by using either 'progressive enhancement' or 'graceful degradation'. See this link for more information.
Most websites using CSS3 techniques will never look the same in every browser.

Embedded CSS Working -- Linked Stylesheet not

I'm encountering a strange problem. I was working on converting a PSD to CSS / HTML. I'm using some PNG-24 as image replacements for logos and such. While working on the file, the CSS is embedded in the HTML HEAD
I finished working, all images and styles worked great. I then transferred the CSS into a linked stylesheet. All of a sudden, the image-replaced PNGs don't work (just don't show up) but ALL the other styling is fine.
If I then copy and paste the CSS from the file, BACK into the HTML and embed it in the HEAD it all works fine again...
anything i'm missing? Not sure why only 90% of the styling would work in the linked file and more-so, that fact that linking the stylesheet is making only certain rules not work..
nevermind -- as I wrote this i realized the relative links for the images were bad when i moved the CSS. It really helps writing it all out like this :)
Have you checked Firebug to see if the styles for the images are listed?
