The limitations of #media Print styling for precision output - css

We are trying to use an #media print.css style sheet to enable a web page to print a set of Avery labels (6 up on a sheet - 4" x 3"). Generally a print media style sheet seemed like a perfect solution to having a page that looks like a list on screen, but when you print the list you get imprinting for Avery badges!
The challenge is in the details though. In addition to the fact that each browser seems to have unique interpretations of print styling and some of the rules just don't work. I've seen and studied most of the basic info readily available on using the print.css. It's fairly easy to override font colors with black and set details to print or not but what this assignment needs is precise element placement and styling within the #page details.
The site already features Bootstrap and other linked .css pages though I've unlinked them to test the pages and am trying to isolate out anything that could also be interfering with print styling.
It appears that float isn't working in IE. Our list page content to print lays out in floated divs in Chrome but font styling and other divs aren't rendering as intended. Firefox isn't displaying any of the required print content but indicating page numbering appears to agree with Chrome that there are 56 pages of labels, (sorry if you can't see them?) My hope is that this document can serve as a repository for the tips tricks and limitations of media #print.

I'm experiencing the same problem. I need to print onto specific Avery labels at exact dimensions and although I can get it to work with Chrome (despite it ignoring some Print CSS styles) - it doesn't work in Firefox. Safari seems to be in it's own world also.
I think the only way I'm going to solve this is to generate PDF's that the user has to download and print (or print the PDF's from their browser).
Sucks, but haven't found any solutions for a "CSS Print Browser Reset".


Trying to apply "-webkit-box" into "display" property in Wordpress

I have a weird issue. I am using the Bones theme in Wordpress, and simply trying to put a style on my home page menu.
The site is h*Xp://
The CSS I’m trying to use is this:
.home ul#menu-pages {
display: -webkit-box;
I have it in both of the media query sections, min-width:481, and min-width:768. I’ve also tried it outside of the media query scope, no luck. I can’t figure out why it doesn’t get picked up though. I inspect it on the site, and nowhere do I see the display CSS.
What sucks is, the placement is fine is most browsers, but Chrome it's all jacked up.
:: scratches head ::
1) First of all, you're using vendor prefix -webkit- that will work just on specific browser(s).
2) Check if the value is correct. Here is the list of all possible values for display property. Are you sure that -webkit-box is a correct value that can be applied to display?
Maybe instead of telling that the CSS you want to apply, doesn't work, share the larger context, a screenshot and tell us exactly what you want to achieve.
3) Do you use some developer tools, like Chrome Dev Tools, Firebug or something similar to apply and test styles? It's handy and can save you bunch of time trying to figure out what's wrong...
I can see it is working within the min-width:768 media query. You only have it included once in the stylesheet though from what i can see.
Two critical issues here are:
1) This css will only target the home page because you've used '.home' as part of your selector.
2) You've used the '-webkit' vendor prefix so it'll only work in browsers that run on that engine and support that property. I would recommend against this. You are probably better off using a flex display type.

Images won't show in firefox using content:url

I've been looking for an answer for 3 days straight now (i did sleep a few hours though).
I'm using a wordpress theme that integrates font awesome icons smoothly. But i wanted to alter these icons and use my own, but they won't show in Firefox but do show in Safari, Chrome etc.
I'm using this css code to alter the icon to my own icons:
.fa-euro:before {content:url(;}
.fa-glass:before {content:url(;}
.fa-bell:before {content:url(;}
.fa-coffee:before {content:url(;}
You can see the website here:
Hope someone can tell me how i can alter the css code so the icons also show in FireFox.. I've tried anything from naming images to .jpg files etc. etc..
You should validate your HTML. See here:
I'm going to guess that the problem is that firefox is running into this error
Line 1069, Column 26: Element style not allowed as child of element
div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
And failing to parse the embedded style sheet. You should also not embed your large stylesheets like that. Make them external style sheets. Once that's done, find where your HTML error is that's causing the validator to think you don't have the style sheet in the head tag and it should fix itself.

How to copy a CSS style from a website for re-use

I am frustrated. I have one website where my drop-down CSS menu works and another where it doesn't.
Their stylesheets differ wildly and, although I have tried to manually copy the menu styles from one to the other, but with no success.
Is their any tool which will let me (like FireDebug) click on a page section (the menu) and then copy the rules which affect that section - ignoring those which are hidden by other rules - so that I can post them into the second site's stylesheet.
It seems that rather than having multiple styles affecting the menu and trying to sort out which have precedence, I'd like to have some software sort it out and generate a single combined rule ... if you see what I mean.
Both FireBug and the inbuilt Chrome Dev Tools show you what styles are being utilised by the selected element. I don't work with FireBug much, but I know the Chrome Dev Tools will cross out overrided styles and even show default user-stylesheets where applicable. It's also kind of nifty when inline styles are applied, eg for a table the "frame" attribute, as it converts these to CSS and displays it as part of the styling ;)
Sounds like you've got problems with accidental inheritance. Try to make sure your CSS selectors are only referencing the elements you want to style. Otherwise things get messy, and stuff like this happens.

How to get cross browser compatibility in Print on page from all browsers?

How do you get cross browser compatibility in Print? any tips for print css file to make print on paper identical from all browser.
I'm already using Eric meyer CSS but still facing inconsistencies in different browser when we take print from site.
Is there any CSS declarations which we can use always and put at a top in print css , Like other css resets which work good in media=screen?
I'm already using a different css for print (print.css) with media="print"
Would it be better to keep * {posotion:static} , *{float:none} , * {clear:both}
in print css always?
Identical results are impossible. The output depends not only on CSS but also on individual settings for page margins, the printer’s capabilities, available fonts, paper format (A4 vs US Letter) and probably a lot more.
Avoid floats and positioning (relative, absolute and fixed). Especially Mozilla (Firefox) can not handle those properties very well.
Use page-break-* but don’t rely on it. Some browsers insert page breaks even in images.
You don’t know the page width and height (could A5). Keep anything as flexible as possible.
For performance, put your print style into the main stylesheet in a #media print {} rule.
Use pt not px for borders and margins. A printer doesn’t know what a pixel is and may come to strange results.
Develop your print layout in Opera, which has the best support for #media print currently, and insert compatibility hacks, when you’re done.
Internet Explorer may crash on print, if you use its reserved IDs.
Never rely on print preview. You get very different results on real printouts. Save the rain forest with a print-to-pdf-driver. :)
In html there use a link with the attribute "media" set to "print".
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type"text/css" href="print.css" media="print">
You can disable all other css and just use your "print" css. set the media first to "screen". Test it just like your testing a normal css in all browsers.
In my experience, what it looks in the screen, will pretty much look when it's printed.
1) keep your layout as fluid as possible for it to be flexible to what ever the paper margin it was set to.
2) keep it simple.
3) In IE, backgrounds might be missing. To fix this, go to: Tools>Internet Options>Advanced. on the Settings box, scroll down to Printing and enable "Print background colors and images"

View print CSS in IE7 or IE8

I'm debugging a site that has problems with element positioning when printing (I have a separate print.css file linked by a link element with the media="print" attribute). This problem only occurs in IE7 and IE8.
What I'm looking for is a way to view the page using the print media type, but while still having IE8's developer tools available to view element details and edit in real-time, etc.
The function I'm looking for would be similar to the "Display CSS by Media Type" feature in Chris Pederick's Web Developer Extension for Firefox. (But this problem doesn't occur in firefox...nor in safari, or even in IE6.)
Why not just assign the screen attribute to the print stylesheet for your debugging session (and remove the screen version or swap the media attributes)?
What I have always done, is I have disabled (commented out the "screen" style sheet) and converted the media="print" style sheet to be media="screen". Only way I know how with out printing a bunch of test pages.
i've always used print preview, never had a problem with it. just open it up in IE; i'd target it with conditionals, but "hacks" work just as well.
you're seeing differences....what media attributes do your other link elements have? if you have one for all, switch it to type="screen, projection">
