Connect R with OrientDB - r

Are there any R packages for connecting R to OrientDB?
For instance (maybe), something similar to the packages for MongoDB (RMongo, rmongodb).
I searched a little on the web, but couldn't find anything.
Thank you!

Look for Retrography . Right now it only supports a query function.


Google CloudML: Unable to retrieve package records for the following packages

I am trying to train a TensorFlow/Keras/TFRuns model and tune hyperparameters on Google Cloud ML. I wish to do this starting from my laptop, and follow the example here:
The issue is that because I have installed some packages from resources outside of CRAN (i.e. SparkR, assertthat, aws.s3, et. al.) I keep getting an error stating "Unable to retrieve package records for the following packages: ...<<some package goes here>>"
I only need to have a few packages to follow the example in the link above. I am wondering if there is a way to ask Google Cloud ML to use only a specific subset of all my installed packages? Would it be better for me to setup some sort of virtual environment for R? If so, is there a link to a "How-To" guide I could follow? Should I try to do this in Docker? I'd love to be able to follow this example. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Thank you in advance for any help.
All the best,
You can stage these dependencies on GCS and provide URIs in the job request. Check out this section in the public doc.

Error connecting to mongoDB using Mongolite

I'm having issues connecting to my MongoDB via Mongolite, and I'm not sure if it is an issue on my side, or if I need to use a different package to connect to the database. Please keep in mind that I cannot change the software being run by the MongoDB server, and I am a novice when it comes to all of this, so it could just be a silly error on my part.
I've run the following code:
m <- mongo(collection = "test", url="mongodb://")
As far as I can tell from the Mongolite tutorial (, this is the correct syntax to connect to the database, but I'm not 100% sure. Regardless, I get the following error:
Error: Server at reports wire version 2,
but this version of libmongoc requires at least 3 (MongoDB 3.0)
From what I can tell, this means that mongolite won't work with my database. If that is the case, what other package should I try to use to connect, or if it is not the issue what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
As the message says, there is a mismatch between versions of the client and the server.
More precisely, mongolite relies on a more general driver written in C, libmongoc, and it seems the version automatically installed by the install.packages("mongolite") statement is too recent towards the server's version.
If you can't change anything server-side, maybe you could try to manually install an older version of libmongoc before installing mongolite, but I'm not confident about the compatibility with that R package afterwards.
Maybe you can use RMongo, an older and archived package to interact with Mongo in R, but I'm afraid what you're going to develop won't be stable in further R versions.
I'd rather recommend you to look at the problem server side.

R codes to call from TERR

I am trying to write code in TERR to call r, Kindly suggest me the list of packages that I can use. I found Rinr, SpotfireUtils, Sdatasets are not available for download in r now, if anyone have the same kindly share it.
Your question couldn't be more vague. Here's some good places to start.
TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR)
TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R Technical Documentation which has everything from compadibility to how-to install certain packages.

Hive connector in R / Rstudio

Does anybody knows if it's possible to interface Hadoop with R / Rstudio ? If yes, HOW?
I have some hive's table and I'd like to accès them with R / Rstudio and within 'shiny' make a visual restitution (graphs etc...).
I would appreciate any help (ideas, code examples ...).
Try the package dplyr.hive.spark. The docs are still a bit more geared towards spark, but I tested it against Hive with the latest HDP sandbox and things were going smoothly. If you give it a try please report any problems.
If you just want to access hive tables on HDFS, you can use the RJDBC package and a JDBC connection (explained here: Then you can use RJDBC just like you would for a relational database except that it might launch some map/reduce jobs on your cluster to execute.

R (beginner) : Using R functions in excel (RExcel)

I have coded a project in R and I would like to export my functions to R.
Is there an add-in or any other way enabling such functionality ?
After Dabbiemiller's answer I followed the installation procedure and I successfully installed rcom and RExcel. However I am not able to use it. I have the following error message when trying to start RExcel in Excel 2010:
There seems to be no R process connected to Excel
Could someone help me with this latest problem please?
Many thanks
From my first google search, here's a try :
Good Luck.
