Meteor Deploy to Problems - meteor

I have been using meteor for quite awhile and have been deploying apps to However recently after updating my app to meteor v0.8 and new collectionFS, the terminal states that the app has been deployed to but when I go to the site, I see Meteor's Site is down.Try again later. I have narrowed it down to the new collectionFS package causing the problem, since my old app with the old collectionFS deploys fine. Any thoughts?
The problem was due to the long startup time caused by my collectionFS path: definition.

There are several reasons why your site may not load when being deployed.
Site Inactivity
The meteor deploy service shuts down if your site hasn't been accessed in a while, and takes a while to start up again if it is requested, during which time you'll see that message.
In a few minutes after the first request, you should see the site come back up.
For more information, see this answer:
Excessive Resource Use
Another reason your site can refuse to deploy is if your app takes more than 4 minutes to start or uses an excessive amount of CPU - it will get killed. Is it doing anything resource-intensive like that? For initializing really big databases, do the initialization locally and copy the contents using the url from meteor mongo -U
I had to do this for the demo app for meteor-autocomplete. See the file

I had the same error.
But the following solution works deploying the app successfully.
meteor login
meteor deploy < available meteor sub domain name >

I know this is old but I was just having the same issue and removing the collectionFS package solved my problem case that helps anyone.


How to deploy nuxt3 application on hosting via FTP

Hello my dear developers. Help me plz with that question.
I have Laravel api application and nuxt 3 as a frontend application.
With Laravel i had no problems with deploing but with nuxt...
So as documention says i need to run nxp nuxi generate command. But its creates fully static site, and its working but api calls not really works.
I want to deploy on my server that has linux and other required thinks also installed (..etc node)
I want to deploy it via ftp. That some pages are static but some pages are requests data from api when we update the page.
How can i do it plz.
I tryed npx nuxi generate.Also with ssr false in nuxt config file.
I tryed npm run build. But its says just error.
Thank you for reviewing my question and comments to it.
So i used npx nuxi generate and also i putted ssr false in nuxtconfig
The i pushed .output/public to my server via ftp.
And everything works great.
In future i want to add some pages in nuxtconfig to preload them. So they will be fully static. Hope i can do it. (i`m still learning...)
The problem that confused me, is that when i did it first time, its loaded with fetched data, and when i tryed to change data. I could see any errors. And when i made my database fully emty it still showed data. But when i tryed to do it now, it works. I dont really understood why. Hope maybe it will help someone. Becouse its not really enought info in interner. Or im just a bad googler xD
Peace to everyone
Since you seem quite new, I recommend that you stick to:
vanilla Vue3 app
hosting on Netlify
When you'll be more comfortable with those, then you could proceed hosting a Nuxt3 app on your own VPS.

WebDeploy to Azure oca failing: Insufficient acces to site folder

I am using WebDeploy (msdeploy.exe) to deploy an ASP.NET Core app to an Azure App Service instance.
This works fine most of the time, but sometimes the deployment fails with the error message: Unable to perform the operation ("Create File") for the specified directory. (...) ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_TO_SITE_FOLDER.
I believe this is some file locking issue, because the only way out of this is to log into Azure Portal and stop the App Service, and then redeploy. After this, deployment is fine for a while, until the same happens again.
Having spent some time setting up automatic deployment, this hickup is very annoying.
Is there any way around this issue?
It has nothing, as i understand, with the Azure - the error is a bit common.
As for Azure Web Apps, there are two options:
1) Stop your site and deploy.
2) If the first one is not OK, then use Kudu Console, find your file (for example, d:\home...\something.blocked) and rename the file. After that, the problem should be away
If that is the helpful answer, please mark it as a helpful or mark it as the answer. Thanks!

meteor in PROD, deploying live code changes

What is best approach to have live code changes deployed to PROD.
So that
i don't have to restart my servers.
And don't want to push the entire bundle.tgz file
What are the options ??
We have a Meteor app in production - We upload the new bundle and prepare it (updating the native fibers) and restart - you have to restart the node thread.
You might say that you kick all clients, but Meteor is build to handle poor connections and will reconnect - it uses delay algorithm to help flatten out reconnects.
If the client is ready for migration the new code is then pushed.
Our app is running Meteor inside cordova and we use appcache making sure that clients can allways open our app even if offline.
NOTE: MDG is working on Galaxy - a cool and easy way of managing your own Meteor servers - so deployment would be a single line in a terminal. (eta aprox. first part of 2014)
Easy deployment to your own server (DigitalOcean, Amazon EC2, etc) can be done using meteoric.
Meteoric can setup your server and deploy latest commit to production.
I use it and it works great.

Rapid CSS Testing with JSP

I am new to web development and am unfamiliar with some of the methods for best testing the web end information. On my current project I am using Weblogic to deploy my JSP project through Eclipse.
The webpages build fine and everything works, but currently I am restarting my localhost server every time I make a change to the css or the jsp, which a single round trip can be up to 3-5 min. is there a more efficient way of testing the css other than restarting my server every time? What about jsp?
Edit: Followup:
For any that stumble past this: After reading up on different staging methods as #better_use_mkstemp suggested, I couldn't figure out how to explicitly set eclipse up to stage or nostage deploy, however I did find some nifty things.
You can do an Incremental push (expand drop down in the servers view in eclipse, right click project that is deployed on a running server > click "Incremental Publish". This only pushes what has changed since last push) which helps a bit.
The other thing I found was an automatic deploy when a file changes, but that had it pushing while I was still editing the file which was a bit annoying. Using this feature you can also have it auto deploy each time there is a new version, but I didn't play around with that since we're not changing the version number yet.
Check how you are deploying your application. If you deploy using nostage mode, the server(s) will keep looking in the original deployment directory and will automatically detect jsp changes for refreshes.
This is as opposed to stage mode, where the original war/ear deployment is actually copied to each individual server.
Read more here:
Sounds like if you keeps dropping your updated deployment files in the same directory with nostage you won't need a restart.

Git Deployment Succeeds But No Changes

I found myself in the weirdest situation here. I have been deploying to Azure via Git for a while now with no issues. However, I just pushed a fairly large set of changes to Azure got no error but nothing changed...
Tried to push again got "Everything up to date"
So, I logged into the Azure management console and looked under deployments and sure enough the push isn't there.
Suggestions? As an aside, I am not an a Mac and I know there are issues with pushing to Azure from a Mac.
UPDATE: Fixed the issue by deleting and redeployed the Azure instance. Ok for dev not so good for prod.
Did you push to the right remote? It sounds like you have two remotes (you can check with git remote -v) and you are pushing the non-azure one.
Another thing might be the branch, are you on a branch that is not master, but azure expects the deploy to happen on the master branch?
From your comment: The deployment script might not have run. You can either create a dummy commit or force pushing by git push -f to make the remote repository receive the content again.
I just had the same issue, so I'll post my solution here in this old question in case it helps anyone.
I was posting to my GitHub repository but Azure suddenly wasn't picking it up for deployment any more.
I went into the repository on GitHub, then Settings -> Webhooks and Services, and noticed that the Azure webhook had a little red icon indicating a problem. Clicking on it showed that GitHub was getting a 401 Unauthorised response from Azure.
Then I remembered Azure had sent me an email about a week ago saying my website was going to be moved to a new scale unit and my publishing profile would change. I didn't think much of this at the time as I don't deploy with a publishing profile, but it looks like it also changed my deployment trigger URL.
I updated the GitHub Webhook with the new deployment URL (from the Configure tab of my Azure website) and it all works fine again.
