Git Deployment Succeeds But No Changes -

I found myself in the weirdest situation here. I have been deploying to Azure via Git for a while now with no issues. However, I just pushed a fairly large set of changes to Azure got no error but nothing changed...
Tried to push again got "Everything up to date"
So, I logged into the Azure management console and looked under deployments and sure enough the push isn't there.
Suggestions? As an aside, I am not an a Mac and I know there are issues with pushing to Azure from a Mac.
UPDATE: Fixed the issue by deleting and redeployed the Azure instance. Ok for dev not so good for prod.

Did you push to the right remote? It sounds like you have two remotes (you can check with git remote -v) and you are pushing the non-azure one.
Another thing might be the branch, are you on a branch that is not master, but azure expects the deploy to happen on the master branch?
From your comment: The deployment script might not have run. You can either create a dummy commit or force pushing by git push -f to make the remote repository receive the content again.

I just had the same issue, so I'll post my solution here in this old question in case it helps anyone.
I was posting to my GitHub repository but Azure suddenly wasn't picking it up for deployment any more.
I went into the repository on GitHub, then Settings -> Webhooks and Services, and noticed that the Azure webhook had a little red icon indicating a problem. Clicking on it showed that GitHub was getting a 401 Unauthorised response from Azure.
Then I remembered Azure had sent me an email about a week ago saying my website was going to be moved to a new scale unit and my publishing profile would change. I didn't think much of this at the time as I don't deploy with a publishing profile, but it looks like it also changed my deployment trigger URL.
I updated the GitHub Webhook with the new deployment URL (from the Configure tab of my Azure website) and it all works fine again.


how to automatically deploy to firebase on commit to main branch?

The Main part
I am trying to create a comfortable workflow for myself. I just want to know is there any way to automate deploys from GitHub Repo to Firebase hosting when I commit changes in the repo's main branch at my desktop and push origin to GitHub?
...possibly using "GitHub actions"...
Context and what I've tried
As on 15-Jan-2022 there are two ways I found of deploying website files to firebase hosting.
The de facto firebase cli way, where you use firebase deploy command to push files to firebase hosting.
The automated way using github actions, where the site is deployed automatically every time a pull request is created.
The first one is tedious, the second one is not my cup of cake. Especially because the workflow I want to setup is not too much git oriented, I don't use "pull requests" as far as I understand. I just commit changes directly in the main branch.
(That is so because, I am not a programmer, I just trying to create a blogging site using the Firebase hosting + GitHub repo)
I also referred
Use Deploy to live & preview channels via GitHub pull requests. It will work if you use pull requests to review changes or if you push commits directly to the primary branch.
I would recommend that you use pull requests though. It's a great flow to double check your changes and with the Firebase action it will deploy a temporary preview of the the changes so you can validate everything looks correct.

Azure Git Deploy Doesn't Include More Recent Commits

I am deploying a .net application to Azure via a git deployment. However when I launch the deployment I can see it spinning on the website and eventually complete, however it has an older commit message listed and not the most recent commits. I also confirmed in /site/deployments/ that it is using an older commit ID. What would possibly cause the deploy to appear as thought it works but essentially ignore a bunch of commits after a certain point? I also confirmed in the code that it isn't getting updated.
It looks like it is just taking the commit on top (the one deployed a few weeks back) and updating the date of it to be today.
UPDATE: I will also say that this branch was initially an autodeploy and it was failing for permissions for some reason. I have a bunch of instances that have a similar code base and set up and all of them work. Not sure if the fact it was an autodeploy at first is making a difference but why would pushing directly to the remote's master look like it is working but not include updates?
Here are photos of the progression: There is definitely commits after the one it keeps reusing that I cherry-picked from other branches.

Alfresco Community v.5.1 does not start and loading the index.html forever

For some unexplained reason I can't use alfresco from yesterday.
Let me tell you how happens.
First of all, I didn't change any conf file or something like that.
I started tomcat and postgre services and after that, I tried to load "localhost:8080/share" but it was loading forever.
I tried to check the logs files, but no use, too. There is no error messages, nothing unusual.
After that, I deleted alfresco and share folder inside the "webapps", just in case, but it failed, too.
Finally, I can't stop these services from service manager, cause I am at work and I have no access privilege.
My main concern is that I don't even know the cause of this issue, so I don't even know how to ask for help.
When you don't have permission to delete the folder(share + alfresco) and stopping the services also. Without stopping the services, you can't delete the complete files from alfresco and share folders.
You need to find the problem is in Alfresco share, Alfresco Repo or database or tomcat.
Check Tomcat
Type http://localhost:8080 and make sure Tomcat is running or not.
Check Database
Connect your database service from Service manager, via PgAdmin tool to check the database service is running or not.
Check Repo
http://localhost:8080/alfresco - It should display some basic information about Alfresco Repo otherwise, it is clearly decided the Alfresco Repo itself is failed.
Check Share
http://localhost:8080/share - It should display the login page, if everything works fine.
Check and share, alfresco.log, share.log, solr.log, catalina, tomcatstdout and tomcatstderror logs files. Definitely, some of the error information would have recorded any of these logs files.

Version control: merging changes between dev and live sites

I am new to version control such as git so this may be an easy answer for some... for all my searching I can't find a simple enough answer.
I am developing a wordpress site on a dev server. Another developer is making changes to the live (production) site and some changes are also ftp'ed to the dev site.
Is there a way for me to merge those changes to my local copy so I don't override his changes and he doesn't override mine?
I would hate to push a file to the live site that doesn't have his changes and screw the live site up...
You need to do a git pull before trying to push your changes to the remote.
It's always a good practice to get hold of the latest master branch (assuming that's used on your dev server) before you
start working on your feature branch
push your code
Ideally, before you start working on a feature, get your feature branch to branch off from the latest master. You can do a git fetch <remote_name> and then do this -
git checkout -b <feature_branch> <remote_name>/master
Or better yet, merge the remote master in your local master and then create the feature branch from your local master.
This will ensure that your is created off the latest master on your dev server.
When you cannot push to the dev server, you can do a git pull which will fetch and merge the latest master, to ensure that any of your co-workers' work is included in your work. After you do that, you will not have any issues pushing your code.

Meteor Deploy to Problems

I have been using meteor for quite awhile and have been deploying apps to However recently after updating my app to meteor v0.8 and new collectionFS, the terminal states that the app has been deployed to but when I go to the site, I see Meteor's Site is down.Try again later. I have narrowed it down to the new collectionFS package causing the problem, since my old app with the old collectionFS deploys fine. Any thoughts?
The problem was due to the long startup time caused by my collectionFS path: definition.
There are several reasons why your site may not load when being deployed.
Site Inactivity
The meteor deploy service shuts down if your site hasn't been accessed in a while, and takes a while to start up again if it is requested, during which time you'll see that message.
In a few minutes after the first request, you should see the site come back up.
For more information, see this answer:
Excessive Resource Use
Another reason your site can refuse to deploy is if your app takes more than 4 minutes to start or uses an excessive amount of CPU - it will get killed. Is it doing anything resource-intensive like that? For initializing really big databases, do the initialization locally and copy the contents using the url from meteor mongo -U
I had to do this for the demo app for meteor-autocomplete. See the file
I had the same error.
But the following solution works deploying the app successfully.
meteor login
meteor deploy < available meteor sub domain name >
I know this is old but I was just having the same issue and removing the collectionFS package solved my problem case that helps anyone.
