Sample exactly four maintaining almost equal sample distances - r

I am trying to generate appointment times for yearly scheduled visits. The available days=1:365 and the first appointment should be randomly chosen first=sample(days,1,replace=F)
Now given the first appointment I want to generate 3 more appointment in the space between 1:365 so that there will be exactly 4 appointments in the 1:365 space, and as equally spaced between them as possible.
I have tried
point<-sort(c(first-1:5*364/4,first+1:5*364/4 ));point<-point[point>0 & point<365]
but it does not always give me 4 appointments. I have eventually run this many times and picked only the samples with 4 appointments, but I wanted to ask if there is a more elegant way to get exactly 4 points as equally distanced a s possible.

I was thinking of equal spacing (around 91 days between appointments) in a year starting at the first appointment... Essentially one appointment per quarter of the year.
# Find how many days in a quarter of the year
quarter = floor(365/4)
first = sample(days, 1)
all = c(first, first + (1:3)*quarter)
all[all > 365] = all[all > 365] - 365

Is this what you're looking for?
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example ONLY - you need to take this out.
first <- sample(1:365,1)
points <- c(first+(0:3)*(365-first)/4)
# [1] 97 164 231 298
Another way uses
points <- c(first+(0:3)*(365-first)/3)
This creates 4 points euqally spaced on [first, 365], but the last point will always be 365.
The reason your code is giving unexpected results is because you use first-1:5*364/4. This creates points prior to first, some of which can be < 0. Then you exclude those with points[points>0...].


How to automatically assign time value 0 to the last data of a series for many series and make a graph

My file is composed of several females on which we followed the maturation of the eggs by ultrasound. We therefore have several dates with the size of the eggs for 36 females.
Basically this is what the table looks like
Date Female Egg size
05/01/2020 a 0.2
05/01/2020 b 0.25
06/02/2020 a 0.3
06/02/2020 b 0.36
07/15/2020 a 0.52
07/17/2020 b 0.5
I would like to make a graph by assigning the egg-laying date for each female as day 0 and invert the dates according to the days of maturation.
Approximate example: 07/15 = D0, 06/02 = -D43 and 05/01 = -D74 (first picture)
My graph is like the second picture for the moment
Thanks and have a great day
enter image description here
enter image description here
You could use the package lubridate: there are functions such as:
lubridate::interval(date1, date2)
to mesure the number of days between two dates. After that, using lubridate::round_date(date, unit = "day") will give you the number of days, with day format, and not weeks for instance, between the two dates.
As you're new on SO (welcome !), please provide a sample fo your data using dput so we can write a proper code, and not an explaination as I just did
Thanks for your answer, I am trying to insert the dataframe but I can't...
So you can use the following link to found my table
There are 4 columns (Laying DATE NUM_ID_FEMELLES EGG_DIAM)
Laying, NO = ultrasound checking, YES = laying at this date
DATE = manipulation femelle date
NUM_ID_FEMELLES = Femelle identity
EGG_DIAM = egg size diameter
Thanks a lot for your time

Calculate similarity within a dataframe across specific rows (R)

I have a dataframe that looks something like this:
df <- data.frame("index" = 1:10, "title" = c("Sherlock","Peaky Blinders","Eastenders","BBC News", "Antiques Roadshow","Eastenders","BBC News","Casualty", "Dragons Den","Peaky Blinders"), "date" = c("01/01/20","01/01/20","01/01/20","01/01/20","01/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20"))
The output looks like this:
Index Title Date
1 Sherlock 01/01/20
2 Peaky Blinders 01/01/20
3 Eastenders 01/01/20
4 BBC News 01/01/20
5 Antiques Roadshow 01/01/20
6 Eastenders 02/01/20
7 BBC News 02/01/20
8 Casualty 02/01/20
9 Dragons Den 02/01/20
10 Peaky Blinders 02/01/20
I want to be able to determine the number of times that a title appears on different dates. In the example above, "BBC News", "Peaky Blinders" and "Eastenders" all appear on 01/01/20 and 02/01/20. The similarity between the two dates is therefore 60% (3 out of 5 titles are identical across both dates).
It's probably also worth mentioning that the actual dataframe is much larger, and has 120 titles per day, and spans some 700 days. I need to compare the "titles" of each "date" with the previous "date" and then calculate their similarity. So to be clear, I need to determine the similarity of 01/01/20 with 02/01/20, 02/01/20 with 03/01/20, 03/01/20 with 04/01/20, and so on...
Does anyone have any idea how I might go about doing this? My eventual aim is to use Tableau to visualise similarity/difference over time, but I fear that such a calculation would be too complicated for that particular software and I'll have to somehow add it into the actual data itself.
Here is another possibility. You can create a simple function to calculate the similarity or other index between groups. Then, split your data frame by date into a list, and lapply the custom function to each in the list (final result will be a list).
calc_similar <- function(i) {
sum(s[[i]] %in% s[[i-1]])/length(s[[i-1]])
s <- split(df$title, df$date)
setNames(lapply(seq_along(s)[-1], calc_similar), names(s)[-1])
[1] 0.6
I have come up with this solution. However, I'm unsure about how will it work when the number of records per day is different (i.e. you have 8 titles for day n and 15 titles for day n+1). I guess you would like to normalize with respect to the day with more records. Anyway, here it comes:
divide <-, as.factor(df$date))
similarity <- vector()
for(i in 1:(length(divide)-1)){
index <- sum((divide[[i]]$title) %in% divide[[i+1]]$title)/max(c(length(divide[[i]]$title), length((divide[[i+1]]$title))))
similarity <- c(similarity, index)

Breaking a continuous variable into categories using dplyr and/or cut

I have a dataset that is a record of price changes, among other variables. I would like to mutate the price column into a categorical variable. I understand that the two functions of importance here in R seem to be dplyr and/or cut.
> head(btc_data)
time btc_price
1 2017-08-27 22:50:00 4,389.6113
2 2017-08-27 22:51:00 4,389.0850
3 2017-08-27 22:52:00 4,388.8625
4 2017-08-27 22:53:00 4,389.7888
5 2017-08-27 22:56:00 4,389.9138
6 2017-08-27 22:57:00 4,390.1663
("4,972.0700", "4,972.1763", "4,972.6563", "4,972.9188", "4,972.9763",
"4,973.1575", "4,974.9038", "4,975.0913", "4,975.1738", "4,975.9325",
"4,976.0725", "4,976.1275", "4,976.1825", "4,976.1888", "4,979.0025",
"4,979.4800", "4,982.7375", "4,983.1813", "4,985.3438", "4,989.2075",
"4,989.7888", "4,990.1850", "4,991.4500", "4,991.6600", "4,992.5738",
"4,992.6900", "4,992.8025", "4,993.8388", "4,994.7013", "4,995.0788",
"4,995.8800", "4,996.3338", "4,996.4188", "4,996.6725", "4,996.7038",
"4,997.1538", "4,997.7375", "4,997.7750", "5,003.5150", "5,003.6288",
"5,003.9188", "5,004.2113", "5,005.1413", "5,005.2588", "5,007.2788",
"5,007.3125", "5,007.6788", "5,008.8600", "5,009.3975", "5,009.7175",
"5,010.8500", "5,011.4138", "5,011.9838", "5,013.1250", "5,013.4350",
"5,013.9075"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("time", "btc_price"
), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10023L))
The difficulty is in the categories I want to create. The categories -1,0,1 should be based upon the % change over the previous time-lag.
So for example, a 20% increase in price over the past 60 minutes would be labeled 1, otherwise 0. A 20% decrease in price over the past 60 minutes should be -1, otherwise 0.
Is this possible in R? What is the most efficient way to implement the change?
There is a similar question here and also here but these do not answer my question for two reasons-
a) I am trying to calculate % change, not simply the difference
between 2 rows.
b) This calculation should be based on the max/min values for the rolling past time frame (ie- 20% decrease in the past hour = -1, 20% increase in the past hour = 1
Here's an easy way to do this without having to rely on the data.table package. If you want this for only 60 minute intervals, you would first need to filter btc_data for the relevant 60 minute intervals.
# make sure time is a date that can be sorted properly
btc_data$time = as.POSIXct(btc_data$time)
# sort data frame
btc_data = btc_data[order(btc_data$time),]
# calculate percentage change for 1 minute lag
btc_data$perc_change = NA
btc_data$perc_change[2:nrow(btc_data)] = (btc_data$btc_price[2:nrow(btc_data)] - btc_data$btc_price[1:(nrow(btc_data)-1)])/btc_data$btc_price[1:(nrow(btc_data)-1)]
# create category column
# NOTE: first category entry will be NA
btc_data$category = ifelse(btc_data$perc_change > 0.20, 1, ifelse(btc_data$perc_change < -0.20, -1, 0))
Using the data.table package and converting btc_data to a data.table would be a much more efficient and faster way to do this. There is a learning curve to using the package, but there are great vignettes and tutorials for this package.
Its always difficult to work with percentage. You need to be aware that every thing is flexible: when you choose a reference which is a difference, a running mean, max or whatever - you have at least two variables on the side of the reference which you have to choose carefully. The same thing with the value you want to set in relation to your reference. Together this give you almost infinite possible how you can calculate your percentage. Here is the key to your question.
# create the data
dat <- c("4,972.0700", "4,972.1763", "4,972.6563", "4,972.9188", "4,972.9763",
"4,973.1575", "4,974.9038", "4,975.0913", "4,975.1738", "4,975.9325",
"4,976.0725", "4,976.1275", "4,976.1825", "4,976.1888", "4,979.0025",
"4,979.4800", "4,982.7375", "4,983.1813", "4,985.3438", "4,989.2075",
"4,989.7888", "4,990.1850", "4,991.4500", "4,991.6600", "4,992.5738",
"4,992.6900", "4,992.8025", "4,993.8388", "4,994.7013", "4,995.0788",
"4,995.8800", "4,996.3338", "4,996.4188", "4,996.6725", "4,996.7038",
"4,997.1538", "4,997.7375", "4,997.7750", "5,003.5150", "5,003.6288",
"5,003.9188", "5,004.2113", "5,005.1413", "5,005.2588", "5,007.2788",
"5,007.3125", "5,007.6788", "5,008.8600", "5,009.3975", "5,009.7175",
"5,010.8500", "5,011.4138", "5,011.9838", "5,013.1250", "5,013.4350",
dat <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",dat))
# calculate the difference to the last minute
dd <- diff(dat)
# calculate the running ratio to difference of the last minutes
interval = 20
out <- NULL
for(z in interval:length(dd)){
out <- c(out, (dd[z] / mean(dd[(z-interval):z])))
# calculate the running ratio to price of the last minutes
out2 <- NULL
for(z in interval:length(dd)){
out2 <- c(out2, (dat[z] / mean(dat[(z-interval):z])))
# build categories for difference-ratio
catego <- as.vector(cut(out, breaks=c(-Inf,0.8,1.2,Inf), labels=c(-1,0,1)))
catego <- c(rep(NA,interval+1), as.numeric(catego))
# plot
plot(dat, type="b", main="price orginal")
plot(dd, main="absolute difference to last minute", type="b")
plot(out, main=paste('difference to last minute, relative to "mean" of the last', interval, 'min'), type="b")
abline(h=c(0.8, 1.2), col="magenta")
plot(catego, main=paste("categories for", interval))
plot(out2, main=paste('price last minute, relative to "mean" of the last', interval, 'min'), type="b")
I think you search the way how to calculate the last plot (price last minute, relative to "mean" of t...) the value in this example vary between 1.0010 and 1.0025 so far away from what you expect with 0.8 and 1.2. You can make the difference bigger when you choose a bigger time interval than 20min maybe a week could be good (11340) but even with this high time value it will be difficult to achieve a value above 1.2. The problem is the high price of 5000 a change of 10 is very little.
You also have to take in account that you gave a continuously rising price, there it is impossible to get a value under 1.
In this calculation I use the mean() for the running observation of the last minutes. I'm not sure but I speculate that on stock markets you use both min() and max() as reference in different time interval. You choose min() as reference when your price is rising and max() when your price is falling. All this is possible in R.
I can't completely reproduce your example, but if I had to guess you would want to do something like this:
btc_data$btc_price <- as.character(btc_data$btc_price)
btc_data$btc_price <-",", "",
pct_change <- NULL
for (i in 61:nrow(btc_data$btc_price)){
pct_change[i] <- (btc_data$btc_price[i,] - btc_data$btc_price[i - 60,]) /
btc_data$btc_price[i - 60,]
pct_change <- pct_change[61:length(pct_change)]
new_category <- cut(pct_change, breaks = c(min(pct_change), -.2, .2,
max(pct_change)), labels = c(-1,0,1)) <- btc_data[61 : nrow(btc_data),] <- data.frame(, new_category)

K means cluster analysis result using R

I tried a k means cluster analysis on a data set. The data set for customers includes the order number (the number of time that a customer has placed an order with the company;can be any number) ,order day (the day of the week the most recent order was placed; 0 to 6) and order hour (the hour of the day the most recent order was placed; 0 to 23) for loyal customers. I scaled the values and used.
# K-Means Cluster Analysis
fit <- kmeans(mydata, 3) # 5 cluster solution
# get cluster means
However, I am getting a few negative values as well. On the internet they say that this means the differences within group are greater than with that for other groups. However, I cannot understand how to interpret the output.
Can you please give an example of how to interpret?
Group.1 order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day
1 1 -0.4434400796 0.80263819338 -0.04766613741
2 2 1.6759259419 0.09051366962 0.07815242904
3 3 -0.3936748015 -1.00553744774 0.01377787416

Using signal spikes to partition data set in R

I have an example data set that looks like this:
This data set has both positive and negative spikes in it that I would like to use as markers to calculate means on within the data. I would define the start of a spike as any number that is 40% greater or lessor than the number preceding it. A spike ends when it jumps back by more than 40%. So ideally I would like to locate each spike in the data set, and take the mean of the 5 data points immediately following the last number of the spike.
As can be seen, a spike can last for up to 5 data points long. The rule for averaging I would like to follow are:
Start averaging after the last recorded spike data point, not after the first spike data point. So if a spike lasts for three data points, begin averaging after the third spiked data point.
So the ideal output would look something like this:
1= 12.2
2= 11.8
3= 12.4
4= 12.2
5= 12.6
With the first spike being Ho(4)- followed by the following 5 numbers (12,11,12,12,14) for a mean of 12.1
The next spike in the data is data points Ho(13,14) (25,25) followed by the set of 5 numbers (12,11,13,12,11) for an average of 11.8.
And so on for the rest of the sequence.
It kind of seems like you're actually defining a spike to mean differing from the "medium" values in the dataset, as opposed to differing from the previous value. I've operationalized this by defining a spike as being any data more than 40% above or below the median value (which is 12 for the sample data posted). Then you can use the nifty rle function to get at your averages:
r <- rle(Ho >= mean(Ho)*0.6 & Ho <= median(Ho)*1.4)
run.begin <- cumsum(r$lengths)[r$values] - r$lengths[r$values] + 1
run.end <- run.begin + pmin(4, r$lengths[r$values]-1)
apply(cbind(run.begin, run.end), 1, function(x) mean(Ho[x[1]:x[2]]))
# [1] 12.2 11.8 12.4 12.2 12.6
So here is come code that seems to get the same result as you.
#plot(seq_along(Ho), Ho)
#find changes
idxs<-which(diffs>1.4 | diffs<.6)+1
starts<-idxs[seq(2, length(idxs), by=2)]
ends<-ifelse(starts+4<=length(Ho), starts+4, length(Ho))
#find means
mapply(function(a,b) mean(Ho[a:b]), starts, ends)
