K means cluster analysis result using R - r

I tried a k means cluster analysis on a data set. The data set for customers includes the order number (the number of time that a customer has placed an order with the company;can be any number) ,order day (the day of the week the most recent order was placed; 0 to 6) and order hour (the hour of the day the most recent order was placed; 0 to 23) for loyal customers. I scaled the values and used.
# K-Means Cluster Analysis
fit <- kmeans(mydata, 3) # 5 cluster solution
# get cluster means
However, I am getting a few negative values as well. On the internet they say that this means the differences within group are greater than with that for other groups. However, I cannot understand how to interpret the output.
Can you please give an example of how to interpret?
Group.1 order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day
1 1 -0.4434400796 0.80263819338 -0.04766613741
2 2 1.6759259419 0.09051366962 0.07815242904
3 3 -0.3936748015 -1.00553744774 0.01377787416


Conditional reordering of values within column (permutation) in R

I am working on a research paper on graph manipulation and I have the following data:
returns 1+returns cum_return price period_ret(step=25)
1 7.804919e-03 1.0078049 0.007804919 100.78355 NA
2 3.560800e-03 1.0035608 0.011393511 101.14306 NA
3 -1.490719e-03 0.9985093 0.009885807 100.99239 NA
. -2.943304e-03 0.9970567 0.006913406 100.69558 NA
. 1.153007e-03 1.0011530 0.008074385 100.81175 NA
. -2.823012e-03 0.9971770 0.005228578 100.52756 NA
25 -7.110762e-03 0.9928892 -0.001919363 99.81526 -0.02364
. -1.807268e-02 0.9819273 -0.019957356 98.02754 NA
. -3.300315e-03 0.9966997 -0.023191805 97.70455 NA
250 5.846750e-03 1.0058467 -0.017480652 98.27748 0.12125
These are 250 daily stock returns, the cummulative return, price and the 25-day period returns (returns between days 0-25; 25-50;...;200-250).
What I want to do is the following:
I want to rearrange the returns but the period returns should be identical although their order can change. So there are 10! possible combinations of the subsets.
What I did so far: I wrote a code using the sample, repeat and identical functions and here is a shortened version:
temp <- tibble(
returns = sample(x$returns, 250, replace=TRUE) )
if(identical(sort(round(c(x$period_ret[(!is.na(x$period_ret))]),2)),sort(round(c(temp$period_ret[(!is.na(temp$period_ret))]),2)))) break
This took me quite some time and unfortunately it isn't of any real use. Only later I began thinking of the math and that there are 250! possible samples so I would spend days waiting for any result.
What do I need this for?
I would like to create graphs with different orders of the returns. Thus, all the graphs have the same summary statistics but look different. Its important that they have the same period_returns (no matter of their order) to fulfil a utility formula.

Sample exactly four maintaining almost equal sample distances

I am trying to generate appointment times for yearly scheduled visits. The available days=1:365 and the first appointment should be randomly chosen first=sample(days,1,replace=F)
Now given the first appointment I want to generate 3 more appointment in the space between 1:365 so that there will be exactly 4 appointments in the 1:365 space, and as equally spaced between them as possible.
I have tried
point<-sort(c(first-1:5*364/4,first+1:5*364/4 ));point<-point[point>0 & point<365]
but it does not always give me 4 appointments. I have eventually run this many times and picked only the samples with 4 appointments, but I wanted to ask if there is a more elegant way to get exactly 4 points as equally distanced a s possible.
I was thinking of equal spacing (around 91 days between appointments) in a year starting at the first appointment... Essentially one appointment per quarter of the year.
# Find how many days in a quarter of the year
quarter = floor(365/4)
first = sample(days, 1)
all = c(first, first + (1:3)*quarter)
all[all > 365] = all[all > 365] - 365
Is this what you're looking for?
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example ONLY - you need to take this out.
first <- sample(1:365,1)
points <- c(first+(0:3)*(365-first)/4)
# [1] 97 164 231 298
Another way uses
points <- c(first+(0:3)*(365-first)/3)
This creates 4 points euqally spaced on [first, 365], but the last point will always be 365.
The reason your code is giving unexpected results is because you use first-1:5*364/4. This creates points prior to first, some of which can be < 0. Then you exclude those with points[points>0...].

Conditionally matching elements in multiple columns of two large datasets with each other

I have two very large datasets for demand and returns of products (about 4 million entries per dataset, but unequal length). The first dataset gives [1] the date of demand, [2] the id of the customer and [3] the id of the product. The second dataset gives the [1] date of return, [2] the id of the customer and [3] the id of the product.
Now I would like to match all demands for given customers and products with the returns of the same customer and product. Pairs of product types and customers are not unique, because customer can demand a product multiple times. Therefore, I want to match a demand for a product with the earliest return in the dataset. It can also happen that some products are not returned, or that some products are returned which have not been demanded (because customers return items that were demanded before the starting data in the dataset).
To that end I've written the following code:
transactionNumber = 1:nrow(demandSet) #transaction numbers for the demandSet
matchedNumber = rep(0, nrow(demandSet)) #vector of which values in the returnSet correspond to the transactions in the demandSet
for (transaction in transactionNumber){
indices <- which(returnSet[,2]==demandSet[transaction,2]&returnSet[,3]==demandSet[transaction,3])
if (length(indices)>0){
matchedNumber[transaction] <- indices[which.min(returnSet[indices,][,1])] #Select the index of the transaction with the minimum date
However, this takes around a day to compute. Anyone have a better suggestion? Note that the suggestions from match two columns with two other columns do not work here, since match() overflows memory.
As a working example consider
demandDates = c(1,1,1,5,6,6,8,8)
demandCustIds = c(1,1,1,2,3,3,1,1)
demandProdIds = c(1,2,3,4,1,5,2,6)
demandSet = data.frame(demandDates,demandCustIds,demandProdIds)
returnDates = c(1,1,4,4,4)
returnCustIds = c(4,4,1,1,1)
returnProdIds = c(5,7,1,2,3)
returnSet = data.frame(returnDates,returnCustIds,returnProdIds)
(This actually doesn't work completely correctly, since transaction 7 is incorrectly matched with return 4, however for the sake of the question lets assume this I what I want... I can fix this later)
demandCustIds demandProdIds demandDates returnDates
1: 1 1 1 4
2: 1 2 1 4
3: 1 3 1 4
4: 4 5 NA 1
5: 4 7 NA 1

How to enter censored data into R's survival model?

I'm attempting to model customer lifetimes on subscriptions. As the data is censored I'll be using R's survival package to create a survival curve.
The original subscriptions dataset looks like this..
id start_date end_date
1 2013-06-01 2013-08-25
2 2013-06-01 NA
3 2013-08-01 2013-09-12
Which I manipulate to look like this..
id tenure_in_months status(1=cancelled, 0=active)
1 2 1
2 ? 0
3 1 1
..in order to feed the survival model:
obj <- with(subscriptions, Surv(time=tenure_in_months, event=status, type="right"))
fit <- survfit(obj~1, data=subscriptions)
What shall I put in the tenure_in_months variable for the consored cases i.e. the cases where the subscription is still active today - should it be the tenure up until today or should it be NA?
First I shall say I disagree with the previous answer. For a subscription still active today, it should not be considered as tenure up until today, nor NA. What do we know exactly about those subscriptions? We know they tenured up until today, that is equivalent to say tenure_in_months for those observations, although we don't know exactly how long they are, they are longer than their tenure duration up to today.
This is a situation known as right-censor in survival analysis. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censoring_%28statistics%29
So your data would need to translate from
id start_date end_date
1 2013-06-01 2013-08-25
2 2013-06-01 NA
3 2013-08-01 2013-09-12
id t1 t2 status(3=interval_censored)
1 2 2 3
2 3 NA 3
3 1 1 3
Then you will need to change your R surv object, from:
Surv(time=tenure_in_months, event=status, type="right")
Surv(t1, t2, event=status, type="interval2")
See http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/survival/html/Surv.html for more syntax details. A very good summary of computational details can be found: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/statug/63033/HTML/default/viewer.htm#statug_lifereg_sect018.htm
Interval censored data can be represented in two ways. For the first use type = interval and the codes shown above. In that usage the value of the time2 argument is ignored unless event=3. The second approach is to think of each observation as a time interval with (-infinity, t) for left censored, (t, infinity) for right censored, (t,t) for exact and (t1, t2) for an interval. This is the approach used for type = interval2, with NA taking the place of infinity. It has proven to be the more useful.
If a missing end date means that the subscription is still active, then you need to take the time until the current date as censor date.
NA wont work with the survival object. I think those cases will be omitted. That is not what you want! Because these cases contain important information about the survival.
SQL code to get the time till event (use in SELECT part of query)
DATEDIFF(M,start_date,ISNULL(end_date,GETDATE()) AS tenure_in_months
I would use difference in days, for my analysis. Does not make sense to round off the time to months.
You need to know the date the data was collected. The tenure_in_months for id 2 should then be this date minus 2013-06-01.
Otherwise I believe your encoding of the data is correct. the status of 0 for id 2 indicates it's right-censored (meaning we have a lower bound on it's lifetime, but not an upper bound).

Testing recurrences and orders in strings matlab

I have observed nurses during 400 episodes of care and recorded the sequence of surfaces contacts in each.
I categorised the surfaces into 5 groups 1:5 and calculated the probability density functions of touching any one of 1:5 (PDF).
PDF=[ 0.255202629 0.186199343 0.104052574 0.201533406 0.253012048]
I then predicted some 1000 sequences using:
for i=1:1000 % 1000 different nurses
seq = 1 5 2 3 4 2 5 5 2 5
stairs(1:max(observed_seq_length),seq) hold all
I'd like to compare my empirical sequences with my predicted one. What would you suggest to be the best strategy or property to look at?
EDIT: I put r as a tag as this may well fall more easily under that category due to the nature of the question rather than the matlab code.
