WordPress Numeric Meta Ordering Out of Order - wordpress

I have a WordPress query that is ordered by a numeric meta value, however, the result of the query is slightly out of order.
Here is the query:
<?php query_posts('post_type=rushmoor&meta_key=subaru_driver_best_lap&orderby=meta_value_num&order=asc');?>
The result of the query can be seen here:
It is mostly in order, but there are some cases where its out of order, for example 1st and 2nd place are currently backwards (02.03.44 should be before 02.03.66).
I have tried re-writing the query a number of different ways to deal with this issue but I haven't been having any luck.
I am honestly not even certain WHY these are out of order.
Can anyone shed any light on this?

I suspect it's because you're using meta_value_num as your orderby. MySQL will try to parse the values as numbers, get as far as 02.03, then hit a second decimal point, at which point it'll give up. So the order of 02.03.44 and 02.03.66 will be arbitrary - it's only comparing 2.03 with 2.03.
If all the values in the database are of the format xx.xx.xx, you should be fine using ordering by meta_value instead. You'd only have problems if (for example) you stored one time as 2.03.44 and the other as 02.03.66, in which case an alpha sort would put the 0 before the 2.
Just to confirm the above, the WordPress source shows meta_value_num adds 0 to the meta value to treat it as numeric. The following query in MySQL:
select '02.03.44' + 0, '02.03.66' + 0 from dual
returns 2.03 for both.


Connecting 2 drop down lists in Peoplesoft

on a specific page that I am developping; I have 2 drop down lists that I have to connect, the first one shows XLAT operands ( equals, different, greater than...) and the second shows values (0,1,2,3,4). The problem is how can I translate the operands mathematically, so that when I choose 'greater than 2' for example the system gets it (>2)? It should be done with peoplecode? schema
You would need to do an Evaluate or If/Else over the XLAT from the operands.
What do you want to achieve? Post your code so I can suggest if you go to a SQL statement or PeopleCode.

How to put a part of a code as a string in table to use it in a procedure?

I'm trying to resolve below issue:
I need to prepare table that consists 3 columns:
Each from over 200 users has got different values of parameters that determine expected value which are: LOB, CHANNEL, SUBSIDIARY. So I decided to store it in table ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET. But I wanted to avoid multiplying rows and thought it would be nice to put all conditions as a part of the code that I would use in "where" clause further in procedure.
So, as an example - instead of multiple rows:
I created such entry:
So far I created testing table ASYSTENT_TEST (where I collect month and value for certain user). I wrote a piece of procedure where I used BULK COLLECT.
type test_row is record
month NUMBER,
value NUMBER
type test_tab is table of test_row;
p_lob varchar2(10) :='GOSP';
p_sub varchar2(14);
p_ch varchar2(10) :='BR';
select subsidiary into p_sub from ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET where user_id='40001001';
execute immediate 'select mc, sum(ppln_wartosc) plan from prod_nonlife.mis_report_plans
where report_id = (select to_number(value) from prod_nonlife.view_parameters where view_name=''MIS'' and parameter_name=''MAX_REPORT_ID'')
and year=2017
and month between 7 and 9
and ppln_jsta_symbol in (:subsidiary)
and dcs_group in (:lob)
and kanal in (:channel)
group by month order by month' bulk collect into BULK_COLLECTOR
using p_sub,p_lob,p_ch;
forall x in BULK_COLLECTOR.first..BULK_COLLECTOR.last insert into ASYSTENT_TEST values BULK_COLLECTOR(x);
So now when in table ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET column SUBSIDIARY (varchar) consists string 12_00_00 (which is code of one of subsidiary) everything works fine. But the problem is when user works in two subsidiaries, let say 12_00_00 and 13_00_00. I have no clue how to write it down. Should SUBSIDIARY column consist:
or maybe
I have tried a lot of options after digging on topics like "Deling with single/escaping/double qoutes".
Maybe I should change something in execute immediate as well?
Or maybe my approach to that issue is completely wrong from the very beginning (hopefully not :) ).
I would be grateful for support.
I didn't create the table function described here but that article inspired me to go back to try regexp_substr function again.
I changed: ppln_jsta_symbol in (:subsidiary) to
ppln_jsta_symbol in (select regexp_substr((select subsidiary from ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET where user_id=''fake_num''),''[^,]+'', 1, level) from dual
connect by regexp_substr((select subsidiary from ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET where user_id=''fake_num''), ''[^,]+'', 1, level) is not null) Now it works like a charm! Thank you #Dessma very much for your time and suggestion!
"I wanted to avoid multiplying rows and thought it would be nice to put all conditions as a part of the code that I would use in 'where' clause further in procedure"
This seems a misguided requirement. You shouldn't worry about number of rows: databases are optimized for storing and retrieving rows.
What they are not good at is dealing with "multi-value" columns. As your own solution proves, it is not nice, it is very far from nice, in fact it is a total pain in the neck. From now on, every time anybody needs to work with subsidiary they will have to invoke a function. Adding, changing or removing a user's subsidiary is much harder than it ought to be. Also there is no chance of enforcing data integrity i.e. validating that a subsidiary is valid against a reference table.
Maybe none of this matters to you. But there are very good reasons why Codd mandated "no repeating groups" as a criterion of First Normal Form, the foundation step of building a sound data model.
The correct solution, industry best practice for almost forty years, would be to recognise that SUBSIDIARY exists at a different granularity to CHANNEL and so should be stored in a separate table.

BigQuery error: Cannot query the cross product of repeated fields

I am running the following query on Google BigQuery web interface, for data provided by Google Analytics:
FROM [dataset.table]
  hits.page.pagePath CONTAINS "my-fun-path"
I would like to save the results into a new table, however I am obtaining the following error message when using Flatten Results = False:
Error: Cannot query the cross product of repeated fields
customDimensions.value and hits.page.pagePath.
This answer implies that this should be possible: Is there a way to select nested records into a table?
Is there a workaround for the issue found?
Depending on what kind of filtering is acceptable to you, you may be able to work around this by switching to OMIT IF from WHERE. It will give different results, but, again, perhaps such different results are acceptable.
The following will remove entire hit record if (some) page inside of it meets criteria. Note two things here:
it uses OMIT hits IF, instead of more commonly used OMIT RECORD IF).
The condition is inverted, because OMIT IF is opposite of WHERE
The query is:
FROM [dataset.table]
OMIT hits IF EVERY(NOT hits.page.pagePath CONTAINS "my-fun-path")
Update: see the related thread, I am afraid this is no longer possible.
It would be possible to use NEST function and grouping by a field, but that's a long shot.
Using flatten call on the query:
FROM flatten([google.com:analytics-bigquery:LondonCycleHelmet.ga_sessions_20130910],customDimensions)
  hits.page.pagePath CONTAINS "m"
Thus in the web ui:
setting a destination table
allowing large results
and NO flatten results
does the job correctly and the produced table matches the original schema.
I know - it is old ask.
But now it can be achieved by just using standard SQL dialect instead of Legacy
FROM `dataset.table` t, UNNEST(hits.page) as page
  page.pagePath CONTAINS "my-fun-path"

Dataset column always returns -1

I have a SQL stored proc that returns a dataset to ASP.NET v3.5 dataset. One of the columns in the dataset is called Attend and is a nullable bit column in the SQL table. The SELECT for that column is this:
When I execute the SP in Query Analyzer the row values are returned as they should be - the value for Attend is -1 is some rows, 0 in others, and 1 in others. However, when I debug the C# code and examine the dataset, the Attend column always contains -1.
If I SELECT any other columns or constant values for Attend the results are always correct. It is only the above SELECT of the bit field that is behaving strangely. I suspect it has something to do with the type being bit that is causing this. So to test this I instead selected "CONVERT(int, Attend)" but the behavior is the same.
I have tried using ExecuteDataset to retrieve the data and I have also created a .NET Dataset schema with TableAdapter and DataTable. Still no luck.
Does anyone know what is the problem here?
Like you, I suspect the data type. If you can change the data type of Attend, change it to smallint, which supports negative numbers. If not, try changing the name of the alias from Attend to IsAttending (or whatever suits the column).
Also, you can make your query more concise by using this instead of CASE:
ISNULL(Attend, -1)
You've suggested that the Attend field is a bit, yet it contains three values (-1,0,1). A bit, however, can only hold two values. Often (-1, 0) when converted to an integer, but also possible (0, 1), depending on whether the BIT is considered signed (two's compliment) or unsigned (one's compliment).
If your client (the ASP code) is converting all values for that field to a BIT type then both -1 and 1 will likely show as the same value. So, I would ensure two things:
- The SQL returns an INTEGER
- The Client isn't converting that to a BIT
[Though this doesn't explain the absence of 0's]
One needs to be careful with implicit conversion of types. When not specifying explicitly double check the precidence. Or, to be certain, explicitly specify every type...
Just out of interest, what do you get when using the following?
CASE [table].attend

ASP.NET / SQL drop-down list sort order

I am trying to correct the sort order of my ASP.NET drop down list.
The problem I have is that I need to select a distinct Serial number and have these numbers organised by DateTime Desc.
However I cannot ORDER BY DateTime if using DISTINCT without selecting the DateTime field in my query.
However if I select DateTime this selects every data value associated with a single Serial number and results in duplications.
The purpose of my page is to display data for ALL Serials, or data associated to one serial. When a new cycle begins (because it is a new production run) the Serial reverts to 1. So I cannot simply organise by serial number either.
When I use the following SQL statement the list box is in the order I require but after a period of time (usually a few hours) the order changes and appears to have no organised structure.
alt text http://img7.imageshack.us/i/captureky.jpg/
I'm fairly new to ASP.NET / SQL, does anyone know of a solution to my problem.
If you have multiple date times for each serial number, then which do you want to use for ordering? If the most recent, try this:
SELECT SerialNumber,
FROM Table
GROUP BY SerialNumber
I don´t know if everybody agrees with that, but when I see a DISTINCT in a query the first thought that goes trough my mind is "This is wrong". Generally, DISTINCT is not necessary and it´s used when the person writing the query doesnt know very well what he is doing and this might be the case since you said you are new with Sql.
Without complete knowledge of your model is difficult to assist you a hundred percente, but I would say that you should use a GROUP BY clause instead of DISTINCT, then you can order it correctly.
