ASP.NET / SQL drop-down list sort order -

I am trying to correct the sort order of my ASP.NET drop down list.
The problem I have is that I need to select a distinct Serial number and have these numbers organised by DateTime Desc.
However I cannot ORDER BY DateTime if using DISTINCT without selecting the DateTime field in my query.
However if I select DateTime this selects every data value associated with a single Serial number and results in duplications.
The purpose of my page is to display data for ALL Serials, or data associated to one serial. When a new cycle begins (because it is a new production run) the Serial reverts to 1. So I cannot simply organise by serial number either.
When I use the following SQL statement the list box is in the order I require but after a period of time (usually a few hours) the order changes and appears to have no organised structure.
alt text
I'm fairly new to ASP.NET / SQL, does anyone know of a solution to my problem.

If you have multiple date times for each serial number, then which do you want to use for ordering? If the most recent, try this:
SELECT SerialNumber,
FROM Table
GROUP BY SerialNumber

I don´t know if everybody agrees with that, but when I see a DISTINCT in a query the first thought that goes trough my mind is "This is wrong". Generally, DISTINCT is not necessary and it´s used when the person writing the query doesnt know very well what he is doing and this might be the case since you said you are new with Sql.
Without complete knowledge of your model is difficult to assist you a hundred percente, but I would say that you should use a GROUP BY clause instead of DISTINCT, then you can order it correctly.


PeopleSoft Query Manager - 'count' function

I'm using the current version of PeopleSoft and I'm using their Query manager. I've built a query that looks at the job table and a customized version of the job table (so I can see future hires). In order to do this I've created a union. Everything works fine, except now I want to do a count of the job codes.
When I put in a count, I get an error. I don't know how to get it to work properly. I also don't really know how to using the 'having' tab.
I've attached some screenshots, including the SQL code.
Having tab
You have a criteria in your query:
Your job codes are string values that uniquely identify a job. It will never be equal to a count.
If you remove that criteria, your query will work:
The bigger issue is, what do you want to count? If your query was simply:
This will give the count of employees in this department and job code. In your description, you said that you wanted the count of job codes. But each row has JOBCODE on it. The count of job codes on the row is one. What do you really want? The count of job codes in the database? The count of job codes in the result set?
If you want to get anything other than the count of rows within the group, you are not able to put that logic in PeopleSoft Query. You will need to create a view in AppDesigner and then you can add that to the query.

For Each ,For First

What is the meaning of For each and For First.. Example below
FIRST <db> OF <db> NO-LOCK:
Also why we need to use NO-LOCK for every table for every time.
Let's answer by giving an example based on the Progress demo DB:
FOR EACH Customer WHERE Customer.Country = "USA" NO-LOCK,
FIRST Salesrep WHERE Salesrep.salesrep = Customer.Saleserp:
/* your code block */
The FOR EACH Block is an iterating block (loop) that integrates data access (and a few more features like error handling and frame scoping if you want to go that far back).
So the code in "your code block" is executed for every Customer record matching the criteria and it also fetches the matching Salesrep records. The join between Customer and Salesrep is an inner join. So you'll only be processing Customers where the Salesrep exists as well.
FOR statement documentation (includes EACH and FIRST keywords)
NO-LOCK documentation
Google is your friend and documentation on packages is usually quite user-friendly.
Try not to ask questions that can be solved by simple search on StackOverflow.
FOR EACH table
Selects a set of records and starts a block to process those records.
NO-LOCK means what it says, the records are retrieved from the database without any record locking. So you might get a "dirty read" (uncommitted data) and someone else might change the data while you are looking at that record.
That sounds awful but, in reality, NO-LOCK reads are almost always what you want to use. If you do need to update a NO-LOCK record you can just FIND CURRENT with a lock.
FOR EACH NO-LOCK can return large numbers of records in a single network message whereas the other lock types are one record at a time - this makes NO-LOCK quite a bit faster for many purposes. And even without the performance argument you probably don't want to be taking out large numbers of locks and preventing other users running inquiries all the time.
Your example lacks a WHERE clause so, by default, every record in the table is returned using the primary index. If you specify a WHERE clause you will potentially only have a subset of the data to loop through and the index selection may be impacted. You can also add a lot of other options like BY to specify sort order.
FOR FIRST is somewhat similar to FOR EACH except that you only return, at most, a single record. Even if the WHERE clause is empty or would otherwise specify a larger result set. BUT BE CAREFUL - the "FIRST" is deceptive. Even if you specify a sort order using BY the rule is "selection, then sorting". At most only one record gets selected so the BY doesn't matter. The index dictated by the WHERE (or lack of a WHERE) determines the sort order. So if your request something like:
FOR FIRST customer NO-LOCK BY discount:
DISPLAY custNum name discount.
You will fetch customer #1, not customer #41 as you might have expected. (Try the code above with the sports2000 database. Replace FIRST with EACH in a second run.)
FIRST table2 NO-LOCK OF table1:
FOR EACH customer NO-LOCK,
FIRST salesRep NO-LOCK OF customer:
DISPLAY custnum name customer.salesRep.
Is a join. The OF is a shortcut telling the compiler to find fields that the two tables have in common to build an implied WHERE clause from. This is one of those "makes a nice demo" features that you don't want to use in real code. It obfuscates the relationship between the tables and makes your code much harder to follow. Don't do that. Instead write out the complete WHERE clause. Perhaps like this:
for each customer no-lock,
first salesRep no-lock where sakesRep.salesRep = customer.salesRep:
display custnum name customer.salesRep.

How to put a part of a code as a string in table to use it in a procedure?

I'm trying to resolve below issue:
I need to prepare table that consists 3 columns:
Each from over 200 users has got different values of parameters that determine expected value which are: LOB, CHANNEL, SUBSIDIARY. So I decided to store it in table ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET. But I wanted to avoid multiplying rows and thought it would be nice to put all conditions as a part of the code that I would use in "where" clause further in procedure.
So, as an example - instead of multiple rows:
I created such entry:
So far I created testing table ASYSTENT_TEST (where I collect month and value for certain user). I wrote a piece of procedure where I used BULK COLLECT.
type test_row is record
month NUMBER,
value NUMBER
type test_tab is table of test_row;
p_lob varchar2(10) :='GOSP';
p_sub varchar2(14);
p_ch varchar2(10) :='BR';
select subsidiary into p_sub from ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET where user_id='40001001';
execute immediate 'select mc, sum(ppln_wartosc) plan from prod_nonlife.mis_report_plans
where report_id = (select to_number(value) from prod_nonlife.view_parameters where view_name=''MIS'' and parameter_name=''MAX_REPORT_ID'')
and year=2017
and month between 7 and 9
and ppln_jsta_symbol in (:subsidiary)
and dcs_group in (:lob)
and kanal in (:channel)
group by month order by month' bulk collect into BULK_COLLECTOR
using p_sub,p_lob,p_ch;
forall x in BULK_COLLECTOR.first..BULK_COLLECTOR.last insert into ASYSTENT_TEST values BULK_COLLECTOR(x);
So now when in table ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET column SUBSIDIARY (varchar) consists string 12_00_00 (which is code of one of subsidiary) everything works fine. But the problem is when user works in two subsidiaries, let say 12_00_00 and 13_00_00. I have no clue how to write it down. Should SUBSIDIARY column consist:
or maybe
I have tried a lot of options after digging on topics like "Deling with single/escaping/double qoutes".
Maybe I should change something in execute immediate as well?
Or maybe my approach to that issue is completely wrong from the very beginning (hopefully not :) ).
I would be grateful for support.
I didn't create the table function described here but that article inspired me to go back to try regexp_substr function again.
I changed: ppln_jsta_symbol in (:subsidiary) to
ppln_jsta_symbol in (select regexp_substr((select subsidiary from ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET where user_id=''fake_num''),''[^,]+'', 1, level) from dual
connect by regexp_substr((select subsidiary from ASYSTENT_GOALS_SET where user_id=''fake_num''), ''[^,]+'', 1, level) is not null) Now it works like a charm! Thank you #Dessma very much for your time and suggestion!
"I wanted to avoid multiplying rows and thought it would be nice to put all conditions as a part of the code that I would use in 'where' clause further in procedure"
This seems a misguided requirement. You shouldn't worry about number of rows: databases are optimized for storing and retrieving rows.
What they are not good at is dealing with "multi-value" columns. As your own solution proves, it is not nice, it is very far from nice, in fact it is a total pain in the neck. From now on, every time anybody needs to work with subsidiary they will have to invoke a function. Adding, changing or removing a user's subsidiary is much harder than it ought to be. Also there is no chance of enforcing data integrity i.e. validating that a subsidiary is valid against a reference table.
Maybe none of this matters to you. But there are very good reasons why Codd mandated "no repeating groups" as a criterion of First Normal Form, the foundation step of building a sound data model.
The correct solution, industry best practice for almost forty years, would be to recognise that SUBSIDIARY exists at a different granularity to CHANNEL and so should be stored in a separate table.

Efficient way to store chronological rows?

I've got a table like so:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS grades(_id, timestamp, extra);
I want to create an index on "timestamp", so I'm doing:
CREATE INDEX idx_timestamp ON grades(timestamp);
I want to select 20 records at a time based off the timestamp then:
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE timestamp > 123 ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 20;
So, is there a more efficient way I can define the column "timestamp"? I'm just guessing that specifying it as an indexed column is all we can do, and specifying "ASC" for sort order is a no-op - or can I tell sqlite to store records presorted by timestamp in the first place?
I'm basically trying to implement a paging system, selecting a chronologically ordered page of 20 items at a time.
This is fine. It will use the index to order, so it will increase the speed. although, depending what you are doing you will may want to cache some records.
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE timestamp > 123 ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 200;
We can now get 200 at a time, but on we now will let javascript or the server handle the paging. Basically you would keep track of where the paging is and then only when needed hit the database again. Also, by using the more limited WHERE clause for the timestamp, it's actually quite fast and efficient. Better than using the LIMIT N,M.
If you do the second option, you will be able to cache that query as well, depending how often it gets hit. So, if multiple people keeping querying that some thing, the database will cache it and it will come back really fast since it's already there.

Building Accessories Schema and Bulk Insert

I developed an automation application of a car service. I started accessories module yet but i cant imagine how should I build the datamodel schema.
I've got data of accessories in a text file, line by line (not a cvs or ext.., Because of that, i split theme by substring). Every month, the factory send the data file to the service. It includes the prices, the names, the codes and etc. Every month the prices are updated. I thought the bulkinsert (and i did) was a good choice to take the data to SQL, but it's not a solution to my problem. I dont want duplicate data just for having the new prices. I thought to insert only the prices to another table and build a relation between the Accessories - AccesoriesPrices but sometimes, some new accessories can be added to the list, so i have to check every line of Accessories table. And, the other side, i have to keep the quantity of the accessories, the invoices, etc.
By the way, they send 70,000 lines every month. So, anyone can help me? :)
70,000 lines is not a large file. You'll have to parse this file yourself and issue ordinary insert and update statements based upon the data contained therein. There's no need for using bulk operations for data of this size.
The most common approach to something like this would be to write a simple SQL statement that accepts all of the parameters, then does something like this:
if(exists(select * from YourTable where <exists condition>))
update YourTable set <new values> where <exists condition>
insert into YourTable (<columns>) values(<values>)
(Alternatively, you could try rewriting this statement to use the merge T-SQL statement)
<exists condition> represents whatever you would need to check to see if the item already exists
<new values> is the set of Column = value statements for the columns you want to update
<columns> is the set of columns to insert data into for new items
<values> is the set of values that corresponds to the previous list of columns
You would then loop over each line in your file, parsing the data into parameter values, then running the above SQL statement using those parameters.
