Change Color Swatches in Bootflat - css

I'm using Bootflat in my project and i want to use color swatches of bootflat but i do not know how to changes swatches.

The swatch colors exist as variables in the SASS global partial file.
$bluejeans-dark: #4A89DC !default;
$bluejeans-light: #5D9CEC !default;
you can use these variables in any part of the boot flat SASS project as global or even single use.
header { background:$bluejeans-light:}
Of course the Bootflat project would require an update using your chosen SASS tool

Follow the quick start instructions, alter the colors in the _global.scss file, then run grunt


Blazor: How to customise colour variables in _root.scss?

It seems that the generated project already has lots of colour variables like --bs-body-bg. say it is in _root.scss, but that file does not seem to exist, and I suspect it is inside of Can I customise those existing colour variables?
It's coming from scss.
You should have other _XXX.scss. SCSS compiler will make a global CSS file for the whole project. Dev tools present you the origin _root.scss not the compiled CSS.
Find the big CSS file of your project, you will find your variables.
If you know scss and have access to the whole tree of scss and all the files, you can rebuild the global CSS in house.
Other way, you make another CSS file, you put it after the global CSS, and you override definition you need... Not the smartest, but if only some changes to do lot quicker.

Is It possible to dequeue select SCSS #import partial during compilation?

Is there a way to remove or disable a SASS #include partial using a preceding variable or dequeue esque method prior to its loading?
I want to use a centralized stock copy of Bootstrap SASS & localized variable override files to build slightly customized CSS files. However, I want to be able to selectively disable unused partials from the stock bootstrap.scss file during the sass build much like using a sass default variable. Is there a way to prevent an #import partial from loading further down in the SASS build chain without editing the stock bootstrap.scss file?

Bundle sass files into single sass file

TL;DR: My question is how to bundle some of my sass files into single sass file?
I've been developing an Angular component library and I package it with ng-packagr. Let's call it #my-lib/ngx-components.
Consumers of my lib will import my components like #my-lib/ngx-components/navbar.
I decided to add theming support to components.
For example, I have a navbar component with default colors (background, text, hover etc.) I want consumers of my library to be able to override these colors with their own theme. That's why I've written a mixin which takes a $theme input and override some css rules as follows (this is a basic version of what I have)
#mixin navbar-theme($theme)
$primary-color: map-get($theme, primary-color)
$secondary-color: map-get($theme, secondary-color)
$color: map-get($theme, color)
background-color: $primary-color
color: $color
background-color: $secondary-color
Each component has its own *-theme.sass file.
I also have global _theming.sass file which imports all of these as follows
#import './components/navbar/navbar-theme'
#import './components/button/button-theme'
#import './components/dropdown/dropdown-theme'
I want to export this _theming.sass file from my lib, so people can import this file in their own sass file as #import '~#my-lib/ngx-components/theming' and start using all of the mixins available.
If they want to have custom navbar, button etc, they should be able to use those mixins with single import.
I tried to make it look like angular-material theming setup.
At first, I have tried node-sass which is already in my dependencies. But, it tries to build sass into css so it omits mixins in the output file.
Then, I looked at what angular-material has done. They use scss-bundle
I thought "this is exactly what I want." However, it requires scss files, not sass files. It cannot read sass files.
Then, I thought "Okay, I can give up on sass and start using scss. How do I convert all those files to scss without going through them by hand". Then, I found sass-convert. In this question it was said that I can use it within command line. However, when I install sass-convert with npm globally, it didn't give me a command line executable. I think I need Gulp to use it.
I've been avoding to use Gulp from the beginning, because it means another tool to learn and it adds complexity to codebase.
At this point, I feel like "Hal fixing light bulb"
TL;DR: My question is how to bundle some of my sass files into single sass file?
Also, If you can come up with a solution that requires webpack, that's fine too.
Let's through your opinion or questions:
I want to export this _theming.sass file from my lib, so people can
import this file in their own sass file as #import
'~#my-lib/ngx-components/theming' and start using all of the mixins
available. If they want to have custom navbar, button etc, they should
be able to use those mixins with single import.
You need to know, what is your target audience. Mostly people using angular cli for create their app like template scratch.
So you need provide css bundle (people just want import your css) and sass bundle (who want to use your object or your mixin).
I want to export this _theming.sass file from my lib, so people can
import this file in their own sass file as #import
'~#my-lib/ngx-components/theming' and start using all of the mixins
available. If they want to have custom navbar, button etc, they should
be able to use those mixins with single import.
I tried to make it look like angular-material theming setup.
Firstly, you need to know that #angular/material doesn't export sass (they use scss) but they export css thene compiled by scss-bundle (as you mention it) see their code and documentation theme.
I thought "this is exactly what I want." However, it requires scss
files, not sass files. It cannot read sass files.
I would like quote this answer:
Sass is a CSS pre-processor with syntax advancements. Style sheets in
the advanced syntax are processed by the program, and turned into
regular CSS style sheets. However, they do not extend the CSS standard
It is better you need transfer your code from sass to scss (by yourself), it would not much to do it (I think, I always write scss instead sass file).
1. Provide css and sass (scss better)
When you deliver your component libs, You have to provide css and scss. Beacuse angular cli doesn't provide scss loader by default.
Don't use sass file, use scss file see my refer answer on top.
scss-bundle + webpack
Since you have to provide css, you can you webpack shell plugin to bundle scss. Scss have provide cli, if you want to use cli.
2. Structure your scss
Okay, let's take sample from bootstrap#4 module for this case. Bootstrap use structure like this (Documents):
|-- _variables.scss
|-- _mixins.scss
|-- _functions.scss
|-- ...
|-- index.scss
inside index.scss will have like this:
#import 'variables'
#import 'mixins'
#import 'functions'
so, this scss you have to deliver beside css. Like bootstrap do, then mixin will available to consumer. Also this good approach when consumer to find scss file in scss folder (easy to pointing which is scss put in).
For bundle to single file you have to create task runner to do it. In your case you want to use webpack, you can create a plugin to do it.
Here example plugin:
call to you config webpack:
plugins: [
new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
new SCSSBundlePlugin({
file: path.join(__dirname, 'src/index.scss')
To try playground, checkout hello-world-loader then:
# install dependency
npm install
# try play ground
npm run webpack
it will create file _theme.scss at ./dist.
My advice don't use webpack, use task runner instead (gulp or grunt) for this simple case. Webpack too advance and hard to write task.
There is also a widely used package, called scss-bundle.
It is quite simple to use, you just create a config file with all relevant configuration and then run scss-bundle.
This for example will use all scss files, imported in entry.scss and move it to out.scss. All imports will be resolved, except for angular themes in this example, like #import '~#angular/material/theming';.
"bundlerOptions": {
"entryFile": "my-project/src/entry.scss",
"outFile": "dist/out.scss",
"rootDir": "my-project/src",
"project": "../../",
"ignoreImports": [
"logLevel": "debug"
My solution for scss / sass files
I've used small module bundle-scss
It bundles files by file name mask. So you need to pass correct mask like ./src/**/*.theme.scss specify destination file and maybe your custom sort-order
You don't have to create one entry point file with all imports. bundle-scss will get all files by mask analyze all imports and include this files as well

How to get default wordpress admin styles

I'm trying to find default wordpress styles for default color schema.
I'm able to find css styles for all other color schemas like (light, blue, coffee etc.) but I'm not able to find the file with the "default" color scheme.
Does anyone know where is it located?
These admin styles are actually dynamically built from files in the /wp-includes/css/ and /wp-admin/css/ directories.
However, if you need to add or modify styles, you should consider enqueueing a custom stylesheet, instead of touching the core CSS files.
the answer actually is no, there is not a compiled list of css styles for wordpress(admin). at least that I can find...

How does the styleguide generate template work?

I can't figure out how this Sass block get replaced by the gulp script?
#if $styleguide-generate-template == true {
$color-primary: '$color-primary';
$color-primary-dark: '$color-primary-dark';
$color-accent: '$color-accent';
$color-primary-contrast: '$color-primary-contrast';
$color-accent-contrast: '$color-accent-contrast';
For example how can I create my own color template without messing up the mdl sccs by using the gulp file?
Don't worry about the styleguide block at all. That is for generating the file used for custom generation on the frontend of the customizer provided.
To make your own color template, simply define the variables in this block in your scss before importing material-design-lite.scss.
