Downgrade crystal report version -

Recently I made reports for my website using (crystal reports 13.0) it was working well on my local server,but I found that my own web server just supports crystal report (10.5).So how can i convert that reports to 10.5? Is it possible without creating new ones using (10.5).

Upgrading the report to a newer version is not a big deal.
Downgrading is always a problem as there may be the possibility of loss of features added to the newer version.


Is Possible to Run Multiple Versions of Crystal Reports Runtime on the Same Server?

I am using Visual Studio 2017 to develop an ASP.NET Core application which uses the version of Crystal Reports that's on SP22. I will be deploying this application onto a Windows 2008 Server which already has another ASP.NET application which uses the version of Crystal Reports that's on SP17.
If I install the SP22 runtime on that server, will my existing application break or will they be able to run side by side without issues?
This article talks about installing multiple versions of Crystal Reports for development purposes, but that's not that what I'm asking here. I'm talking about runtime only, not development.
This question says we can install multiple Crystal Reports runtimes without issues, but it's too old and I'm wondering if things have changed since then. Especially since my existing application targerts .NET framework 2.0 and the new one will target .NET Framework 4.7.1
This question, asked here about 4 years ago, still leaves me in the dark.
As I understand, the .NET CLR 2.0 is no longer supported by Crystal Reports (see this document, page 9). My existing application uses that runtime and I can not update it right now, thus I need to make sure that installing the new Crystal Reports runtime (the one on SP22) will not break that application.
Is it safe for me to install the latest Crystal Reports runtime on the Windows Server without fear of breaking my existing application?
Note: I asked this question in the Crystal Reports community last week and have gotten no response. I was hoping someone here would have some experience in the matter and would shed some light.
Thank you
The article from SAP supports you pointed out
applies not only for development purposes; it clearly explains which version can be installed on the same computer without issue :
Basically : each major can be installed on the same machine , but only one version of each major , since Crystal Reports 9.
So, if this is correct, you should not face any issue. I recommand nevertheless that you try before (test server, VM...) modifying your production server

Visual Studio deploying old version

I'm deploying an ASP.NET webapp with Visual Studio. When I do a local test, the changes aren't always saved-- it deploys an older version of some pages. When I try to deploy it to Azure or run it just in chrome the changes aren't saving.
I've tried deleting temporary ASP.NET files from C:/Windows/etc. and deleting the old deployment data, but none of it works.
What could be causing this problem?
I have experienced a similar problem.
Your proxy server could be caching the data and serving you with an older version. Use a different network to access the website. If it shows the newer version, then you can conform that it is indeed the caching problem.

ASP.NET Crystal Reports without installation (DLLs only)?

This question has probably been asked before. If it has, please add the link below and close my question.
I'm writing an ASP.NET 2.0 website where I run a crystal report, export it, and display the export to the user (note: I am NOT using the viewer control). So all I need to be able to do is load the report, set its datasource, edit the formulas/parameters, and run to an export file. Problem is, these crystal reports were written in a newer version than the one I have (the reports are crystal 11, I'm on crystal for VS2005).
I'm wondering if I can just grab some crystal 11 DLLs and reference them in my website rather than referencing the GAC DLLs or installing crystal on the deployment server. Is this possible?
I've heard of one guy doing it here
When I tried, it started to complain about COM objects... Thanks!
(Edit: By the way, where are the legacy runtime downloads on SAP's website? I could only find the latest version...)

How to install crystal report runtime in VS2008?

I am using VS2008 and I am building an Web Application with crystal report. As we know along with VS2008 we are provided crystal report basic version that is with Crystal Report Runtime
version .
When i try to deploy my website on server it gives me an error "Crystal Report not supported". And i got a reply from support that their server support Crystal Report Version which is CR VS2008 SP3.
And when i downloaded the version from SAP website, I am not able to upgrade my CR Version please let me know how to upgrade.
You need to upgrade your crystal reports version. You can download from
SAP Official Wiki Site or Install Crystal reports developer version for Visual Studio
To upgrade your machine you simply install the newer version of Crystal Reports on it.
To upgrade your project you'll need to remove the reference to the older bundled, free copy of Crystal Reports and add the newer 12.x references you should now see. (You'll see them only if you've successfully installed the newer Crystal Reports on this computer.)

Load testing an ASP.NET web site

I want to load test an ASP.NET web service. I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition and Visual Studio 2010.
Can either one of these products facilitate load testing? I can't seem to find anything and all Google returns is higher end editions of Visual Studio.
If not, what are some of the alternatives.
Or better yet, is there a product where I can feed it an IIS log and it will essentially replay it?
There is a free Microsoft load testing tool called WCAT. It is a command-line HTTP load generator that replays a test case script. To avoid creating the script manually, you can record your test case in Fiddler and then generate scrip using WCAT Fiddler Extension. This blog has a step-by-step instruction, which I tested, and it works.
On your question about replaying IIS log: check this source. It outlines how to generate WCAT script by querying IIS log using Log Parser. I did not test it though.
Is there a cheaper way to do load testing than upgrading to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
and also there was a tool called "MICROSOFT WEB APPLICATION STRESS TOOL" but i couldnt find its download apperantely MS removed it from its official page. check this forum for download link for usage
The Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition would also give you access to these tools. Unfortunately neither of the tools you mention include any load testing capability.
You may be able to get your licence for 2008 Professional edition changed to Test, but I doubt it now.
Here are a couple of other questions with answers that may help choose a tool.
