ASP.NET Crystal Reports without installation (DLLs only)? -

This question has probably been asked before. If it has, please add the link below and close my question.
I'm writing an ASP.NET 2.0 website where I run a crystal report, export it, and display the export to the user (note: I am NOT using the viewer control). So all I need to be able to do is load the report, set its datasource, edit the formulas/parameters, and run to an export file. Problem is, these crystal reports were written in a newer version than the one I have (the reports are crystal 11, I'm on crystal for VS2005).
I'm wondering if I can just grab some crystal 11 DLLs and reference them in my website rather than referencing the GAC DLLs or installing crystal on the deployment server. Is this possible?
I've heard of one guy doing it here
When I tried, it started to complain about COM objects... Thanks!
(Edit: By the way, where are the legacy runtime downloads on SAP's website? I could only find the latest version...)


How to get ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) for c#?

I have just downloaded the VS Community 2019 Version 16.3.9 and I can't seem to find the ASP.NET Web Application(.NET Framework) with the C#. It just only starts with the VB script by default. What should I do to get the same thing with C#.
Probably, you did not download the needed tools after installation.
To download necessary tools, launch the Visual Studio Installer (not the IDE), click on modify, there, you will see myriads of tools, just select the ones you need and download. After successful download, open your IDE and choose your desired framework to work on.
Wish you success.
Sorry for adding this as an answer even though it will help you but nevertheless, I should have added it as a comment but I have less than 50 reputations

Is Possible to Run Multiple Versions of Crystal Reports Runtime on the Same Server?

I am using Visual Studio 2017 to develop an ASP.NET Core application which uses the version of Crystal Reports that's on SP22. I will be deploying this application onto a Windows 2008 Server which already has another ASP.NET application which uses the version of Crystal Reports that's on SP17.
If I install the SP22 runtime on that server, will my existing application break or will they be able to run side by side without issues?
This article talks about installing multiple versions of Crystal Reports for development purposes, but that's not that what I'm asking here. I'm talking about runtime only, not development.
This question says we can install multiple Crystal Reports runtimes without issues, but it's too old and I'm wondering if things have changed since then. Especially since my existing application targerts .NET framework 2.0 and the new one will target .NET Framework 4.7.1
This question, asked here about 4 years ago, still leaves me in the dark.
As I understand, the .NET CLR 2.0 is no longer supported by Crystal Reports (see this document, page 9). My existing application uses that runtime and I can not update it right now, thus I need to make sure that installing the new Crystal Reports runtime (the one on SP22) will not break that application.
Is it safe for me to install the latest Crystal Reports runtime on the Windows Server without fear of breaking my existing application?
Note: I asked this question in the Crystal Reports community last week and have gotten no response. I was hoping someone here would have some experience in the matter and would shed some light.
Thank you
The article from SAP supports you pointed out
applies not only for development purposes; it clearly explains which version can be installed on the same computer without issue :
Basically : each major can be installed on the same machine , but only one version of each major , since Crystal Reports 9.
So, if this is correct, you should not face any issue. I recommand nevertheless that you try before (test server, VM...) modifying your production server

what kind of asp project was it created with

I am looking to make a change to a web site connected to an SQL server.
as far as I could look at the source files the web page is made in asp with VB (*.aspx, *.aspx.vb, *.ascx, *.ascx.vb - among the file extensions). the issue I am having is that I don't know how was the project created nor which versions were used.
was it a simple web site? or ASP.NET web application? which .netframework version? was it visual studio 2008 or 2010?
the code has no comments anywhere, so it doesn't help me at all.
I tried getting in contact with the previous developer, but he is no longer working in the company. besides the page was created some years ago.
is there a way to recreate the project? anywhere I can look and "guess" which versions I need?
any help is welcome!
Two options.
There is a *.vbproj file among others. This would be a VB.NET VS project file. You can access the project from the VS by opening the project file.
There is no *.vbproj file among others. This would be a VB.NET web site. You can access it by opening it as a "web site" from the VS menu.
The latest version of VS should be able to open any project created with any previous version, in a "worst" case the project would just be converted. I would not be worry about the version of the framework. Plus, if it is a web site, it could be difficult to determine which exact version of VS was used to create it.

How to get Razor and WebPages support in VS 2012 Express for Web?

I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web the other day and it's very awkward-feeling trying to write sites now because there isn't any intellisense or razor support and no syntax highlighting for razor code.
When the installation completed I got a message but I accidently clicked the OK button before I even began reading it, but I did get the general gist of it and it was asking me about Razor/WebPages, so I'm thinking it was asking if I wanted to install an update for it (maybe) but I'm not sure. But I know I clicked the OK button so it should've done it if that's what it was talking about.
But I tried searching for something to download but in WebPlatform Installer everything already shows up as being 'Installed'. So I'm not sure what to do to get the latest WebPages/Razor support in VS 2012 Express for Web?
Some things I've already tried are:
Repair the installation
Completely uninstall VS 2012 ex for web and reinstall
Re-download and install ASP.NET WebPages and re-install it
None of them have worked.
I just tried opening an existing solution again and was shown the same message as before. It said VS requires missing components and asked if I wanted to install them so I can open the solution (A website written in webpages/razor 3), it then said it will download Webpages framework with razor 3, it opened WebPI and webPI is now saying:
"Microsoft WebPI couldn't find the product you tried to install. Either the link you clicked is incorrect or you may be overriding your feed with a different feed."
So I went and searched for it in WebPI and not a single related result appears for any of the following:
web pages
razor 3
ASP.NET WebPages

CrystalReports Embedded reports in ASP.NET

We currently have a set of crystal reports used for winforms projects embedded into a dll. This has been working well for us as the dll exposes a simple constructor for each report to pass needed parameters.
A property can then be retrieved which is the:
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass object which you send to the report viewer to see the report.
I thought it would be easy to add this dll to an ASP.NET project and do the same. However it seems ASP.NET reports require a path to pick up the actual .rpt file.
From what I can find on the internet it says embedded reports are not supported in CR 2005 and CR 2008 basic but says nothing about CR 2008 Full Version (Which is what we have). Is there a way to do it with this version?
If not any work arounds?
From what I have managed to discover this is not possbile. I modified my report classes to have a constructor for web and a constructor for windows so the windows one can pick up the embedded reports and the web the standalone ones from bin. This is not ideal but there seems no other solution.
