Select a Master Page in Web Developer Express -

The dialog box for adding a web form to a web project in Visual Studio has a checkbox to 'Select Master Page'. This checkbox doesn't exist in the Web Developer Express Edition. Is there a simple alternative to attach a Master Page while adding a new web form in the Express Version?

You are most likely building a web application project instead of a website project.
Website projects have the "select master page" checkbox option. Web application projects do not; instead you should:
Add new item
Select the "Web Content Form" template (instead of the Web Form template)
Select the master page to use


How to add mvc style context menu item for web site?

I have a very large web site and I integrated mvc 5 there successfully. But now I didn't find any way to add feature, like, Add View, Add Controller, Go to View, etc from context menu. I know this can be done by changing Project GUID in Web Application.
So, what is the way for doing it for web site?
In Visual Studio : View > Solution Explorer > Click right button on mouse on your project.
If you want go to view, right click on return in ActionResult

can we build web application without masterpage in it

I want to build web application for a college in Microsoft 3.5 framework which i have actions to database and login controls for each of the college members,but i feel working without master page in it for the web application. Is it possible ?Can you Please Specify
Yes, it's possible. Right click on your project, select Add > Add New Item > Web Form
Web Form does not use a master page while the "Web Form with Master Page" option does.

How to integrate silverlight into aspx?

I have created a Silverlight application now I want to embed it into my aspx page. Is there any video tutorial for this, which explains how to integrate silverlight in aspx page?
In your web project, make sure you've included a reference to the silverlight application so the .xap file will be in the clientbin folder.
Right-click on your web project and select Properties. Select the Silverlight Applications tab on the left. Click the Add... button and select your existing Silverlight project. Also, check the box that says, "Add a test page that references the control" and VS will include a new .ASPX page that will have the code to reference the Silverlight control.
Note: this assumes the silverlight project and the web project are in the same solution. I assume they are..
Here is an example of how a chart control can be embedded in an aspx page:

I am working with Visual Studio 2008. Actually there is References folder missing

I am working with Visual Studio 2008. Actually there is References folder missing in its solution explorer. When I create a New web Application it has References folder but when I add new .aspx file it also adds .aspx.designer.cs file with it and its does not show master page option in add dialogue. but in the old web application it shows the master page option where master page file is already added. whats the difference between these two solutions. And how can I make it correct??
In Solution Explorer, right-click on project node. Select "Add new item" -> "Web Content Form". You will be prompted to select the appropriate master page.

How to add silverlight project to ASP.NET project?

I have a silverlight application project that I need to add to an ASP.NET Project. I know it can be done because you can choose to have both when you first create a silverlight project, i'm just not sure how you would do it after the fact. Any Ideas?
First of all Add a new website to your Silverlight application(if there are now ASP.NET website in your solution), by Right-clicking on the ProjectSolution >Add>New Website.
Now Rightclick on the ASP.NET website and Click Proporties.Now Click on the Silverlight Applications Tab. Now click on Add , and select Use an existing Project in the solution. Now You wil be able to see the Silverlight Applications name .Now Click on Add again to add the silverlight application to ASP.NET website.
After that , Set the ASP.NET website as Startup Project and ..TestPage.aspx as the Start Page.
Just add the web application to your solution and go to your web project properties and under silverlight tab add your sl app
