Wordpress New Post Edit Toolbar is Missing - wordpress

When I start a new post on my Wordpress (example: http://website.com/wp-admin/post-new.php), I have the following problems:
The tinyMCE editing toolbar is missing, and
Text does not appear when typed in the body of the new post
Following Wordpress' guidelines, I tried the following without success:
Deactivate all plugins -- still no edit toolbar.
Use other browsers -- same error in Chrome, Firefox, and IE on multiple machines.
Enable SCRIPT_DEBUG in wp-config.php -- same error.
Viewing browser errors in Chrome -- see below.
I opened Developer Tools ("F12") in Chrome on the new post page and found the following 3 errors:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) -- [wordpress-website]/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js?ver=349-20805
Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined -- wp-langs-en.js:1
Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined -- post-new.php:760
What must I do to get the edit toolbar back?

404 errors are an indication files may be missing. Have you verified the files haven't accidentally been moved or deleted?

You can replace the contents of the wp-includes/ directory where TinyMCE is located. You can either do this via the admin area updater, or you can do it manually.
Automatic way
Log into your WordPress admin area
Navigate to Home > Updates
Click the Re-install Now button
Manual way
Download a copy of the version of WordPress you are currently
running (if you are not running the current version you can find a copy in the release archive)
FTP into your site
Make a backup of your wp-content/ directory
Delete the wp-includes/ directory from the server
Upload the entire wp-includes/ directory from the new copy of WordPress you downloaded
You should now have a completely replaced wp-content/ directory and all of the TinyMCE files will be on your server.


Wordpress: ERROR: "Table Prefix" must not be empty

So I'm trying to build a Wordpress website using AWS using RDS Aurora. I've installed the source code provided by wordpress.org and it uploaded successfully but after putting in all the information regarding the database it loads for a minute or two then says the page isn't working, when it reloads it gives me the error ERROR: "Table Prefix" must not be empty. I've tried many solutions but none of them are working
Check the URL of the installation page. It must have a .php suffix. If it doesn't, it's likely your .htaccess page is rewriting the URL and causing your POST requests to misdirect.
Edit .htaccess so it reads RewriteEngine Off.
This bug is often the result of inheriting .htaccess rules from higher directories.
In a fresh installation rename your wp-config-sample.php file with wp-config.php.
Then define you own table_prefix. Make it meaningfull related to your project. This table_prefix will be added as a the prefix of you tables in your database.
Example: $table_prefix = abcd_

wordpress theme installion error

I installed the Wordpress 4.2 on my local server and copy my theme to wp-contat\themes. When I run the Wordpress admin panel and select the theme it gives me this error:
Warning: require_once(http://localhost/isee/wp-content/themes/isee/includes/db.php): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found in D:\wamp\www\isee\wp-content\themes\isee\modules\careers.php on line 6
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'http://localhost/isee/wp-content/themes/isee/includes/db.php' (incpude_path='.;C:\php\pear') in D:\wamp\www\isee\wp-content\themes\isee\modules\careers.php on line 6
It is not as simple as copy and paste files. You need to set up a new theme. Check if you copied in a totally different directory as your original wordpress. In that case, what you did is to set up a complete different wordpress instance. What you need to do in that case, is to create an empty database in phpMyAdmin with the same name as your new wordpress site. Just be careful not to duplicate the name of the previous instance.
In case you only copied the theme folders in a new folder, you need to update the style.css file to be a child from the original folder you copied from. You can go to developer.wordpress.org to see under ThemeHandbook->Theme Basics->Theme Files AND GO TO THE BOTTOM. There you fill find the code you need to copy and paste in a style.css fyle in your root theme directory.

Cannot Install Wordpress Plugin (Download failed)

i am using WordPress 3.6.1 and I have strange problem today. First I have to tell that my current website was copied from old website, both the WP files and database.
So in the current website, I try to install new plugin, but it returns error:
Downloading install package from http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/xml-sitemap-xml-sitemapcouk.zip…
Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to /home/k5841724/public_html/wp-content/uploads/xml-sitemap-xml-sitemapcouk.tmp
Then all my plugins are dissapered (Akismet, Hello Dolly, etc), and I can't install any plugin. Nothing wrong with my permission, /wp-content, /wp-includes, /wpcontent/uploads all are set to 755. Any idea what is the solution for this issue? Thanks.
addition note:
all my plugins folder (Akismet, etc) still there inside wp-content/plugins folder, but not appear in WP Dashboard.
You should check permissions for folder wp-content/uploads
I think wordpress can't write to this folder. Set for this folder permission 777 and try again.
I have experienced the same error with plugin installation.
In my case it was very informative to change WP_DEBUG to true in my wp-config.php file.
After doing so I have noticed the error message, telling me that open function is disabled due to security reasons.
Try changing your php.ini settings so that disable_functions doesn't contain fopen

Django CMS - Template Does Not Exist Error while creating first page

I followed the instructions for installing Django CMS on my mac. When I run "manage.py cms check", everything is fine, except it says it cannot find the template_1.html. When I go into the admin to create a page, the template is in the Template drop down. When I try to save the page it gives me "TemplateDoesNotExist at /admin/cms/page/add/".
Maybe it's noteworthy, I was having issues with the url prior to this error. I was not able to open the admin or even get main page to render in the browser. After searching stack overflow I found the same issue. I changed the url patterns from the "urlpatterns = i18n_patterns" to the standard. That worked. Now I have this issue. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
Link to Traceback if needed:
I had the same error (on Ubuntu 12.04)
Following the django-cms 2.4.3 installation instruction,
django-admin.py startproject myproject
creates a directory myproject (in which manage.py resides) and a subdirectory, also named myproject, which contains the setting files and the templates directory.
I don't know if this is the intention of the authors of the django-cms doc. But the instruction
os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "templates"),
in the TEMPLATE_DIRS setting points to /absolute/path/to/myproject/templates.
This should be changed to:
os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "myproject/templates"),
to point to the correct directory /absolute/path/to/myproject/myproject/templates

wp recaptcha wordpress plugin install error

I am trying to install wp-recaptcha in my wordpress site. But it showed me the following error.
Warning: require_once(/home2/sample/public_html/test.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-recaptcha/recaptchalib.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/sample/public_html/test.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-recaptcha/recaptcha.php on line 158
How to fix this?
It seems the recaptchalib.php file is missing in the plugin directory, or that the Web server can not access it. Check you have uploaded all plugin files (since recaptchalib.php is present in the plugin package) and that the file permissions are set correctly.
