installing the add_on in Plone - plone

I am trying to incorporate the add-on "" into my fresh 4.3.2 plone installation (on linux). As per the instructions, I have added "" to the eggs section of buildout.cfg. Then I ran /bin/buildout. This seemed to complete OK. Now. as per the instructions, I am to "install in portal_setup". But it is not obvious how to do so. Can anyone instruct me as to how to install ftw,blog in portal_setup? Thanks...

Most likely a typo, not 'portal_setup', but 'portal_quickinstaller', is the usual way to activate an add-on.
Go to (via ZMI) or (via Plonesite-UI), to activate the add-on.
You might want to inform the authors about it. If you do so, please leave a note about it here in a comment.


Where are default atom packages?

I'm looking to remove/modify the autocomplete-plus package that is bundled together with atom on install.
After a while of struggling and failing, I come to the wisdom of stack-overflow for how I can either:
Modify behaviour of autocomplete-plus
prevent it from loading in the first place (i.e. remove it from the bundle)
The default packages are stored inside an asar file (i.e. on macOS), so it's highly impractical to tamper with its contents, not to mention that your changes are getting lost with each Atom update.
Since you haven't given us a reason why you would want to do that, there is no ideal answer to your question. Generally speaking, I think there are better alternatives:
Disable the autocomplete-plus package and install your fork as you would install any other package. The Atom API offers ways to disable packages programmatically, if you want your fork to handle this.
Build your own custom version of Atom that suits your needs. The default packages are listed as packageDependencies in package.json.
You can go to edit->preferences in the main menu, then check under 'packages' in the left-hand menu, search for 'autocomplete-plus' and then click on 'disable.

full text searching for various external formats plone 4.2

I wanted to enable full text searching in plone 4.2(windows).I ultimately installed Products.OpenXml and ftw.tika addon using buildout and properly adding their packages in eggs as well as zcml category, after which they both show in portal_transforms tools.
i.e included this in buildout.cfg and ran it.
eggs =
zcml =
But indexing still does not include anything except the title in the searchable field even after using clear and rebuild from plone catalog tool.
Please help me to enable this properly and i am a novice so please explain in detail if possible.
Or is there another better way(maybe faster,for multiple formats or simply better) to enable full text searching for external formats(doc,pdf,..) in version 4.2.
I've never installed ftw.tika on Windows, but if you manage to setup the service and it's up and running it should work.
To use ftw.tikayou need to install the ftw.tika package on your Plone Site by following the instructions in the README. This means you need to install the egg and the necessary zcml configuration to point to your local tika app.
zcml =
<configure xmlns:tika="">
<tika:config path="${tika-app-download:destination}/${tika-app-download:filename}"
port="${tika:server-port}" />
Please also make sure you a recent version of JAVA installed, because it tries to run the tika-app.jar.
You can check if ftw.tika is installed properly by looking into the portal_transforms tool. There should be a tika_to_plain_text transform (http://plone/portal_transforms/tika_to_plain_text/manage_main), which should look like this:
If not, use quickinstaller, or portal_setup to install ftw.tika.
Also the server should run fine on windows, it's also Java. I guess you cannot use the examples from the package instructions, since they're made for Unix machines.

Where can I get the source code for jQuery Tools 1.2.7?

I need to get the source code for this, but unfortunately, I can't find links to it on The forum on that site is also down. Does anyone know where I can get this source or unminify it?
Have you tried going on (I mean appending '/download/' to the url you posted)
EDIT: However you can download the source from Git, got to the link and click "clone" or "zip".
EDIT: No, it's the 1.2.7 version, as you can see in the "tag" link they tagged the 1.2.7 version about 7 months ago, this is the version you need as far as I can read in your question, if you are not convinced than I suggest you this link (that is the link near "Tagging version 1.2.7" in the github project's tag page):
clicking on the link above you will start to download jquerytools v1.2.7 in a .zip file
It has become very difficult to find the source code for jQueryTools, and since the original CDN provided by the author has now disappeared a lot of sites that were calling the toolset from the CDN in question have stopped working.
There is a useful resource at that provides CDN/download links for all version of jQueryTools back to v1.2.0, which although it is not a source repository, can at least help some people with legacy sites still running to keep them running whilst they find an alternate solution or replace the website.

Manually re-creating an install profile

I've been reading about drupal install profiles, and I'm wondering if there's much of a difference between using a packaged install profile vs. installing core + manually installing the modules listed in the install profiles?
I'd like to do the latter (manually installing each) to control the versions of each module installed, which I can't control with a packaged install profile that may not have been maintained.
But should I or will I be opening the door to something I'm not aware of? Shouldn't the 2 be identical, just one automated and other is manual?
What kiamlaluno said, plus the fact that installation profiles may perform custom configuration of settings on install, might construct custom views/content-types/etc (especially by means of features.module, which you can see heavy use of in OpenAtrium), and might provide other custom code in distro-specific module.
The short answer is, no you can't just replicate an install profile by downloading a clean drupal with all those modules -- best bet is to use the install profile. If you're worried about module versions, just make sure you're using a profile that's actively maintained.
The difference is that an installation profile includes the right version of all the modules it needs.
This means that differently from manually installing each module, you don't need to verify the correct version of the module X that effectively works together the module Y; there are few cases where one module doesn't work well when version A of another module is installed, and you need to install version B of the same module, if you don't want problems.
An installation profile can have a custom installation page that allows you to change some parameters of your site; it also allows the installation profile author to define a patch that needs to be applied a module, in order to fix a bug of the module, or to make it work better with another module.
If you need to set a site to work for a particular purpose, installation profiles are useful for you as they allow you to set the site correctly without to know all the details about how a Drupal site needs to be set.
I believe you can specify the versions of the modules you want to install see

How do I update the version number in a Plone add-on?

Version and installation profile numbering for Plone add-ons has been changing and this is very confusing. What worked in one version of Plone will not necessarily work in other places.
Gaer Baekholt pointed me to this page:
