publish on iis 6 - masterpage fail -

I'm working at an application.
When I debug the local Project, it works and everything is okay.
I tried to publish the project directly from Visual Studio 2010 via File System. The publish work and there are no errors. But if I call the project via browser, I get the error
The file 'pagemaster.master' does not exist.
I have to say that this project doesn't contain the master. The master is in an other project. But I added this project to the solution and I also added a reference to the other project. And as I already said, the project works locally.
Can anybody help me fix this?

Check first if it's working in local because of an hidden old copy of the master page (in the solution view check show hidden files).
After this, if you reference a master page from another project, you need to be sure that the fiscal non-code-behind part of it is copied in the resources.
To assure that you should set the property of the master page to Embedded Resource and access it using a VirtualPathProvider mechanism to call the Resource.
It's a bad solution, but also your approach is really "unconventional" :( You should consider other way to recycle code and templates from common projects.


Reasons for : xxx.aspx has not been pre-compiled and cannot be requested (it is pre-compiled)

hoping someone has some insight into this issue I get pretty commonly.
I have an ASPX Web Application that is pre-compiled. I have this application running within another IIS application working flawlessly. The parent application has an "updatable=false" property within the PreCompiledapp.config.
Now I need to add more pages to my application, which I create the same way in visual studio, and publish them with the rest of the application. When I open these files to check them in notepad, I can see the "This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!" as well as the .compiled file that generates with it.
On a local machine and application instance, this works... but when I copy the same applicaiton build to a client (same application, same pages, same everything) it gives me the " xxx.aspx has not been pre-compiled and cannot be requested " error.
What could be some causes of this? The pages are pre-compiled so I'm wondering if this can be thrown for something else. Any help is appreciated thanks!
I think the cause may be the parent application is set with updatable=false but the ASPX Web Application which you published is allow update. So it may lead to this problem. The same error message and the cause are described in detail here.
To solve this problem is convert your application to web application(has its own AppDomain and configuration) or publish the root application as updatable as well.

Publishing my mvc web application using Visual Studio Web Deploy will list some files as need to be deployed , although i did not modify them

I am working on an mvc-5 web application , and i am using Visual Studio 2013 , to publish my web application to an online hosting using web deploy.
now i published my web application correctly. and i check it online and every thing is working well.. then today i modify a view named "Contact.cshtml" and a file named "style.css", and then I try to publish again. i was expecting that only the two files will be shown in the preview window since they differ from the publish files. but i was surprised that my project.dll is being listed although i did not chnage it (i did not modify any cs file) and the modified date for this .dll is that same modified date which is can anyone adivce on this ?
here is how the preview window inside VS 2013 looks like:-
So can anyone advice why my project.dll file is listed although i did not modify it since i did my last web deployment ?
Either you ran the project before publishing and/or your are building your views in the solution.
It may be that your style.css and Contact.cshtml files have the wrong Build Action. The proper build action for these files should be "Do not copy", which seems counter-intuitive since the Web Deploy will copy it anyway. You can change the Build Action by selecting each file in the solution explorer and setting the appropriate value.

Old Asp.Net Web Site Project - No Project file?

So I have an Asp.Net website that i'm responsible for. I'm having a build issue, that as far as I can tell, may be either MacAfee or some other random cause.
But thinking back, I want to say the problem started when I added a "Test.aspx" form to the site, did some testing, then removed the Test.aspx form from the site.
I'm using TFS 2010 as my source control as well. Which I don't know if it applies or not.
My question is, is there some hidden location where all files to be included in publishing a website is maintained?
Is there a Project file for a Web Site app and if so where is it?
I've built the site using MSBUILD and notice some metaprj project file in the output but I can't seem to find any such file.
Web Site apps aren't meant to be built into a dll file. There is a conversion wizard to make it a web project but it doesn't always work well. My advice would be to continue to work with it as a Web Site app. The code files are compiled at at runtime on first use. You can run from Visual Studio or setup a site in IIS. Nothing is hidden in a Web Site app and there is no project file. So, you shouldn't have a build issue because you shouldn't be building. Try to run the app as is and if you get an error let us know what the specific message is.

ASP.NET isn't automatically rebuilding

If you create an ASP.NET Web Site project and run it, you get a blank page. If you go into the default CodeBehind file, add into the Page_Load method throw new Exception();, save the file, and refresh it in the browser (without rebuilding), the server automatically rebuilds the project and the page will error.
I have a project that I am working on now where refreshing the page does not cause the project to be rebuilt (the new aspx files are used but the old DLLs are used with them). What causes this, and how do I correct it?
Is this new project a web application project by any chance? I believe you have to actually build that before changes will be seen.
Web Application Project is a separate type of project that requires all code behind to be build. The resulting dll is build under the bin folder. The code behind files are not used in execution, and is the preffered way of doing it if you don't want to expose your code at the installed web server, and to be sure execution is faster (never compiling in runtime).
When you creatied it as "ASP.NET Web Site", it is NOT a "Web Application Project".
Only code which is in App_Code will be automatically recompiled when it changes. If your code lives anywhere else, then it's part of the pre-built DLL you get when you hit "compile".
You are using the Website model. The pages will be compiled when you access them. Class Library projects in the same solution will not. Hence why you see this behaviour.
By default, the ASPX, code behind and App_Code source files get compiled. If you have a seperate project in the solution (a BLL or DAL perhaps), these will not be updated by simply refreshing the browser.
So to correct it you could do a proper build in Visual Studio, or you could move the class files you want to change into App_Code. Personally I'd stick with the former (actually I don't ever use the Website option- always Web application project).
OK. Have you got 'Edit and Continue' enabled?

How can I use the "Publish" function in Visual Studio 2008 without erasing the contents of the target folder?

When I use Build->Publish Web Site in Visual Studio 2008, most of the time it compiles the site, and then simply asks me "All files in the target folder will be deleted. Continue?" (or something to that effect). On occasion, however, when publishing a project in Visual Studio, I would get a dialog box that would give me the choice of replacing the folder's contents completely, or simply replacing changed files with newer version.
I much prefer to publish without completely obliterating the folder, because the deployed application creates user files and cache files as it's been used that I don't want to take extra steps to preserve. However, I'm not sure why Visual Studio doesn't always give me this option. Is this a setting somewhere I can change? Is it tied to the version of .NET I'm using?
Any insight is appreciated!
Edit - Followup on 2009-01-20
I still haven't figured this out, but here's some more information.
Here's what the publish function looks like for one ASP.NET project on my Win XP desktop:
And here's what it looks like for a different project on my Vista laptop:
Notice the radio buttons in the second screenshot that allow me to choose to either delete the contents of the folder prior to publishing, or merely to overwrite matching files. I'd like to have these options for every project.
Both computers are running Visual Studio 2008 Professional (version 9.0.30729.1 SP, according to Help->About). The exact same version. And I doubt the OS difference is causing this functionality change. It's got to be a setting somewhere, right? Does anyone know?
John is right, the only difference is one of your projects is a Web Site Project and the other is a Web Application project. You will not see the "convert to web application" option unless you are in a Web Application project. I know... it is very misleading. The reason behind this stems from the the way you convert to a web application project. If you plan on converting it(which can be a real pain in arse, depending on how it is set up) then you need to be aware of a few differences:
In a Web Application project everything is pre-compiled all the codebehind pages will be compiled into a .dll ---- In a Web Site Project nothing in the project is pre-compiled, the compiler will compile everything to ensure it is valid but none of the compiled pages are uploaded. When a user first attempts to access the site each page is compiled into its own dll. This means in a Web Site Project you are able to upload a single codebehind file.
Namespaces - In a Web Application project namespaces are created by default in a Web Site Project they are not. So you may have to spend some time adding them if you plan on converting them.
Project files - you will notice that A Website Project does not have a "cproj" file a Web Application project does.
I have converted a few of these project I find they go fairly smooth as long as there is not a lot of code in the "app_code" folder. You can give it a try and see how easy it is, if it looks like it is going to be a pain, I would suggest FileZilla just FTP it and save yourself some headache.
Good Luck
That dialog is different for Web site projects and Web application projects. In my MVC projects (Web application projects), I see the additional options. In my regular ol' web site projects, I see the first dialog posted.
Not sure if this option will be suitable for you but you could use the copy website function from the solution explorer. Click on the "Copy Website" icon at the top of the solution explorer.
I think the real answer to your question is that you should put your user files and cache files somewhere else.
When publishing a web site Visual Studio is designed to make sure that the target folder contains your web site files, and absolutely nothing else.
Apparently this feature is coming in VS2010 - that's what Vishal Joshi announced at TechEd EMEA in session "PDC307: Microsoft Visual Studio 10: Web Development Futures"
The site has been updated from the site in the updated layer.
