Add PHPStorm command line for symfony framework - symfony

I am new with symfony framework. I use PHPStorm, and I am going to set up its commandline for Symfony. However, anytime I do the steps, I receive an error :
Failed to load commands: Failed to execute php.exe c:\xampp\htdocs..\app\console-v
. Would you please give me guidance to solve this problem? Thanks

Firstly look at your current directory at command line.
secondly check to see if your path is true or not.


Failed to parse command output (Symfony)

So this is what I got when I try to add the Symfony tool (Symfony version : 3..)
The project was created from another machine and cloned into mine (Git)
I could make the necessary changes for composer.phar and php.exe when adding the Composer tool and I had no problem concerning that but when it comes to add the Symfony tool I got a " Failed to parse command output " error message and there are the details of the error
enter image description here
What should I do?
Thank you
As you can see, yours paths contain both "/" and "\". I think this happened because you create the project in a linux/unix machine and now you are working on Windows.
Path problem is in composer files. Is vendor folder committed in the repository? If yes, remove it and re run composer install.

Fail to create a controller file with make command in Symfony

I'm learning Symfony now and I ran into a problem trying to create a controller file with the make command. The path of the project is "E:\web_dev\testproject". When I ran the command
php bin/console make:controller
and then entered the name of the controller, it returns an error "Failed to create "E:\web_dev\testproject//E:\web_dev\testproject\vendor\composer/../../src/Controller"". What is the problem?
I have the same problem.
I have found this Thread and it seems that the problem is in the Maker Bundle. After running "composer remove maker" and "composer require maker 1.0.2" it works by me.
In the other Thread they used Maker Version 1.0.0 but in Symfony4 the generated AbstactController do not Functionaly so I use Version 1.0.2.
Hope it help you.

Integrate PHPUnit with PhpStorm got error

I'm trying to set up my project with PHPUnit. I tried to configure PHPUnit with my project on PhpStorm following steps explained on this article.
But when I try to run tests I continuously getting following error.
Warning: require_once(PHPUnit/Runner/Version.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Users\win 8\AppData\Local\Temp\ide-phpunit.php on line 49
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'PHPUnit/Runner/Version.php' (include_path='.;C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.19\pear') in C:\Users\win 8\AppData\Local\Temp\ide-phpunit.php on line 49
Process finished with exit code 255
I tried setting up number of new projects and in all the cases I get this stupid error. I don't know how to fix this. Please, your help is highly appreciated.
It seems that you are using PHPUnit through your IDE, and that the IDE has not provided PHPUnit with the correct include path items.
To understand about include path, and what is happening in your problem, see this post, part on inclusions by relative or absolute path and the include path.
To solve your problem, you will need to change a setting in your IDE, either to include the PHPUnit library in the general include path of running PHP, or in the include path of running PHPUnit.
It was version mis-match. I tried to integrate PHPUnit 5.3+ with PHPstorm 8.+ version. When I try PHPUnit 5.3+ with PHPStorm 2016.1 it worked as a charm.

Symfony in wamp error: Could not open input file: ⌠E:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\symfony÷

I just installed symfony in my wamp according to the tutorials in below websites
all had finished without any error. But after finished all, when give the command symfony in cmd, it shows the below error.
Could not open input file: ⌠E:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\symfony÷
and i couldn't figure it out. Please help..
Thank u in advance
If you are trying to use the Symfony console, you need to be in CMD and go to your project root:
cd C:\Sites\project
Before you try any commands, please make sure PHP is in your PATH variable.
Then to do commands in symfony you need to do:
php app/console command:action
//for example, do a cache warmup - choose your environment
php app/console cache:warmup --env=[dev|prod]
Is this what you mean when you want to use Symfony in cmd?

PHP Xdebug, Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found in /

i am noob and i am trying to run xdebug under phpstorm, everytime i get this error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found in /home/.../..../src/Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/DemoController.php on line 15.
In the beginnig i was thinking that is related windows 7+ uniformserver, because i was using this combination. Later i have installed ubuntu linux, lamp, latest xdebug and phpstorm. After this i have tried debugging default symfony project Acme (so i did not change any files), but nothing changed.
Have you ever encountered problem like this? If yes, can you please tell me how can i solve this?
Thank you.
Have you tried File | Invalidate caches and restart and then start the new Composer project?
I have used two javascript methods
