Failed to parse command output (Symfony) - symfony

So this is what I got when I try to add the Symfony tool (Symfony version : 3..)
The project was created from another machine and cloned into mine (Git)
I could make the necessary changes for composer.phar and php.exe when adding the Composer tool and I had no problem concerning that but when it comes to add the Symfony tool I got a " Failed to parse command output " error message and there are the details of the error
enter image description here
What should I do?
Thank you

As you can see, yours paths contain both "/" and "\". I think this happened because you create the project in a linux/unix machine and now you are working on Windows.
Path problem is in composer files. Is vendor folder committed in the repository? If yes, remove it and re run composer install.


Issue with adding cordapps to nodes while using network bootstrapper

I am following documentation in here : to bootstrap test network. In the section: "Providing CorDapps to the Network Bootstrapper", we are asked to place cordapp jar along with the conf files.
i run the command below:
java -jar corda-network-bootstrapper-3.2-corda-executable.jar "."
After, I see message Bootstrapping complete!
But, when i go into the node folders, none of them have the cordapp in their directories ? How do i know that cordapp is installed ?
Also, another issue with the command is I cant provide the directory using --dir parameter.
Can you please suggest any work around for these issues ?
Below are the screenshots for commands in Mac OSX:
This is my folder structure:
Error I am getting after I execute the command:
Your jar should be present inside your node's root/cordapps directory. If it's not, than bootstrapper is unable to identify your cordapp. Try adding --verbose and it should print something like "Found the following CorDapps: "
Also when you start the corda nodes, CLI will show all installed cordApps.
For your dir issue, please add the error message here and the type of your operating system. It's working fine here on Linux.

symfony 2 composer line command

I have little problem with updating bundle in symfony 2
I installed composer to do it but composer seems doesn't work correctly. No matter what I put in command line, composer shows version, available commands and that's all. Nothing more. Doing nothing. Did somebody have similar problem?
What SO do you use? If you use Windows try open cmd and type this:
this command shows you information about Composer, if it does not, you need add the route in the Environment Variables (Variable: Path).

Add PHPStorm command line for symfony framework

I am new with symfony framework. I use PHPStorm, and I am going to set up its commandline for Symfony. However, anytime I do the steps, I receive an error :
Failed to load commands: Failed to execute php.exe c:\xampp\htdocs..\app\console-v
. Would you please give me guidance to solve this problem? Thanks
Firstly look at your current directory at command line.
secondly check to see if your path is true or not.

Symfony2 Composer Install

I am trying to install Symfony 2.1.3 (latest). I am running composer and installs everything okay. The only error that I get is:
Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache
handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception
An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command.
It's being installed under www folder. I am running nginx and followed the composer approach. I read on internet that apache should be run manually not as a service, however I am using nginx instead. Does apache still have any bearing on it? I'm using debian squeeze.
Edit: As per AdrienBrault's suggestion the error was because the timezone was not set in the php.ini. Only with --verbose I could see the warning. Thanks guys.
Apache is not related - PHP is called via command line.
Most likely is the permission in the cache folder: did you check if the user that runs the composer update can actually write the cache folder?
Try to manually run rm -Rf app/cache/dev (for production environment replace dev with prod) and see if you get any permission error.
Also you will get this error if the default.timezone setting is not configured in php when running in CLI. To verify just run
php --info | grep timezone
and check that the setting date.timezone is correctly configured.
On the security side, setting 777 to the folder is not the optimal solution - if you have ACL enabled you could use that to correctly set up the permission for the cache and logs folder. Read more at the Symfony2 official installation page
I had this same issue for a while and after hours of face to brick wall pounding I realized... I have a .gitmodule in my project, and on initial checkout these submodules are NOT initialized and as such are not there for your composer to update, which results in the above error.
Make sure you run the following
git submodule update --init src/Acme/Sadness/Bundle
of course replace src/Acme/Sadness/Bundle with YOUR project namespace.
Hope this helps someone not go through the same pain I just did.
If you have vendor folder already I would remove it and install symfony 2.1.3 again via "composer.phar install". Problem might be coming from outdated version of composer
I had the same problem and I resolve in this way.
execute this on the console
and you should see something like this
$ locate php.ini
the first line is probably your php.ini that appear when you do a phpinfo();
the problem is that when you execute composer update this no check the same php.ini
in my case the second line
all my sites work fine but always I had problems not now
after edit the second file and put the same time zone that you set in the first one
$ sudo service apache2 reload
and now
$ composer update
I hope that this work for you like work for me

Symfony 2.0 bundle installation

So I am a new to doctrine, but I am not able to install a bundle at all. I am following the guide, but the "error" which I am getting is very unusual.
Anyhow, I add this lines into deps file:
Then I do:
./bin/vendors install
And I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Your project seems to be based on a Standard Edition that includes vendors.
Try to run ./bin/vendors install --reinstall
So on this standard way I am not able to install it at all. Can somebody explain me what is the problem, because to me it looks like, the symfony vendors script doesnt recognize changes in deps file at all.
This happens when you've downloaded the Symfony2 Standard Edition from the website. The vendor install script checks to see if the vendor directories are git repositories, and if not, will throw this error. You can fix the situation in one of two ways:
you can either run the command that it suggests: php bin/vendors install --reinstall
or, you can remove the vendors directory, then run php bin/vendors install, which amounts to about the same thing
No need to install that. Just follow the steps in the url :
