Error when distributing an IPA over the air with dropbox - iOS 7.1 - plist

As Apple requested to use https instead of http for distributing the IPAs over the air, I tried to use dropbox. I followed this solution Enterprise app deployment doesn't work on iOS 7.1 but I'm getting this error:
"Cannot connect to"
when trying to install the plist through this link: <a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=> Install </a>
Thanks in advance.

NOTE : Shared links don’t render HTML content in a web browser
Check question
How to force render a file in a browser
EDIT : Reason is you will need to change link url and reupload it :
replace with inall links
Reupload by making changes in link which are in html and plist file again.
Thats it. Enjoy
Needed file for distribution using example link are given below :
Build your app from xcode using Build and Archive option. Upload your ipa file to Dropbox. And get public link for the ipa.
Note : replace with in the link.
Download the manifest.plist - edit the line #14 with the public link of your ipa . Modify other keys as well (bundle-identifier, bundle-version, title) .
Upload the modified manifest.plist to Dropbox and get its public link.
Download the index.html - edit url param at line #8 with public link of your manifest.plist
Hosting using Github. How that can be achieved is explained in following steps
Create a new project.
Add index.html as we will be hosting a site in Github Pages. Note
html file with other name will not be valid as it should always be
with index name.
Now go to project settings. Traverse through Github Pages
Under source tab select master-branch and click on save
Traverse back Github Pages you will see site will be published
Now you have Download link like
Refer How to distribute using DropBox by #
oldman's answer and Distribute your iPhone/iPad adhoc builds Over The Air using DropBox
It working 100% percent.
Have a nice day to all :)

I had exactly the same issue. Firstly I tried putting all of my files in the public folder of my dropbox account. It still didn't work but I noticed with modifying my plist file I had overwritten the closing "</string>" XML tag for the ipa file itself. Once I added that back in it all worked. So whether it would have worked without moving to the public folder I do not know. I haven't tried because I have the result I desire for my users.

I faced the similar issue with dropbox few days back, saying cannot connect to, what I did is deleting the sharable link which I created earlier and created a new sharable link for both plist and ipa files. And I updated these links in plist and html page. I don't know what was wrong with my old sharable links. Hope this answer might be helpful for someone.
Happy coding.

As already pointed out in a similar reply here, if the PLIST file is malformed, this error will appear.
In my case, I forgot the fact that the ampersand ("&") charcater is forbidden in XML, and the name of my app contained "&" in it, so I had to replace the & with & in the containing the name and everything worked.


Next Image component throws 404 error in production, works fine in development

I have a bunch of images in a hidden gallery, only shown when a user clicks on a certain button.
On the development server, everything is fine, no errors or issues, but when I deploy my website and open the gallery the images don't show and throw a 404 error in the console (I included the required props).
When I replace the <Image/> component with <img>, everything is fine on the development server and live. Can anyone please help? I searched a lot and I didn't find anything like this issue.
My solution:
I had the same issue and solved it by renaming the image file names.
How the issue arose:
I had renamed the images, only changing uppercase to lowercase letters. This resulted in the files being wrongly named in my github repository. After a rename with new characters, the files were correctly updated on github.
Image Optimization using Next.js' default loader is not compatible with next export.
Possible solutions:
Use next start, which starts the Image Optimization API.
Use Vercel to deploy, which supports Image Optimization.
Configure a third-party loader in next.config.js.
That means: Only assets that are in the public directory at build time will be served by Next.js. Files added at runtime won't be available
To solve this problem. I just used next-optimized-images for static image and next/image for images from the cloud.
Kindly read this article for more understanding:
Create a folder on root call it 'static' which is bassically /static/imagename.png
Set the source to the image like so;
<img src="/static/imagename.png" />
This should load the static image in file both in dev environment and build file.

How can I enable directory listing for a nexus3 raw repository?

In the past I was able to view the contents of my raw repository to which I upload my javadoc sites (through dav:http:// using mvn site-deploy):
e.g. Accessing from the browser: http://myserver/nexus/content/sites/my-raw-repository/ would list the subdirectories.
Now (after admin upgraded to nexus 3.20) directory-listing does not work and I have to explicitly request for a resource page e.g.:
Is there a way to bring back the directory listing?
This closed issue says that nexus3 supports it, but I cannot figure out how.
I found the issue. The repository browser url is now differrent.
content/sites has become: service/rest/repository/browse.
(The old path is still available but with no directory listing. Based on the findings below, I guess it is deprecated)
I went to the browse left-menu-option -> select the raw repository -> clicked on the Html View link and it took me to the correct location.
The new link is now: http://myserver/nexus/service/rest/repository/browse/my-raw-repository/
Something noteable is that now when reaching the actual resource file (e.g. html),
that resource file link is differrent: http://myserver/nexus/repository/my-raw-repository/path/to/the/htmlpage.html
so instead of service/rest/repository/browse/my-raw-repository/ it is repository/my-raw-repository/ (which also does not support directory listing)

WP File Manager - Cannot view PDF

I am working for a client and cannot seem to find the solution to this issue. When changing the file path for the root directory of the WP File Manager we can "lockdown" and specify that we want the /home/site_name/files folder for the users to see when logged in. The default file path is /home/site_name/ and I can view the PDF's in the files folder by navigating and opening them up.
But once I specify that I want only the contents in the /home/site_name/file to be viewed I can no longer open the PDF's, it will give me a 404 this page cannot be found. If I take this URL and add in the /files/file_name then it loads... there is some disconnect between the link and the file path and I cannot figure it out.
Let me know if anyone has seen this before while using Wordpress File Manager!
Update: After contacting the developers of the plugin there was a known issue with it, now with the new version the bug is fixed

How To Recover CSS Rules From A Corrupted CSS File

My .css file was working fine but today I noticed the website is not acting based on CSS rules so I tried to inspect the rues on browser and surprisingly I noticed the CSS file is empty!
I tried to open the style.css file in Notepad++ and this is how it looks like
I also tried to open the file in Bracket editor which I got this message
Can you please let me know if there is a way to fix this issue and retrieve the CSS rules from these NULs?
If your file is indeed corrupted, and you have site backups as part of your hosting plan, restore your website to a point where your file worked. (Many web hosts that offer backups will store 30 days' worth, depending on your hosting plan.)
If you don't have such a hosting plan, go to Wayback Machine and search for your URL. Pick a snapshot date when your site was working. Look in your source code and find a link to Wayback's cached version of your CSS file. Copy your CSS from there.
Alternatively, try searching for your website in Google. Unless you have noarchive tags on your site, there should be a link right in your search results to access a cached version of your site. If Google last crawled your site before your file got corrupted, you should be able to access your cached CSS file through the source code (or a link in Dev Tools).
Finally, check out this thread:!topic/brackets-dev/4hEn8qs9MKs
You may be able to open the file in a third code editor and save it as UTF-8.

How to force Microsoft Edge to download file using correct file extension?

I don't know why, but clicking an anchor link to a .themepack file in Edge causes Edge to change the file extension to ".htm" instead, but only on my site. The .themepack files available on the Microsoft gallery do not behave this way.
Given this, I'm sure it must be a server configuration, but I can't determine how to fix it. At first it was trying to display the .themepack (it's a cab format file) as if it was text, right in the browser. I added the html5 attribute "download" to my <a> tag and that prompted for download, but it still tries to name it as .htm.
Demo of issue: contains a link to
This either tries to show as text, or if you use the page to click the link containing the "download" attribute, it downloads as a .htm file.
Links at do not cause this.
Considering this site is on managed wordpress by GoDaddy, I don't have any true direct access to the server.
You need to associate the .themepack file extension with the application/octet-stream MIME type on the server. Ask a support person at your hosting provider how to do that. It may be doable with an .htaccess file.
Worked round the issue by zipping the file.
