i am currently trying to Group Values given to Pointers in a Gauge Panel.
The Scenario Looks like this:
Now i have a dataset with the following Fields:
I have all the Values in KPIValue, and I Group them with the field KPIName since i currently have 4 different KPIValues.
What i want to accomplish now is to put in 4 different Pointers in my GaugePanel and let them Show each KPIValue, meaning I want them to be Grouped, or at least let each pointer individually be Filtered to the KPIName it is supposed to Show.
I am working with GaugePanels for the first time, but it doesn't really seem possible to me for now,
Is there a solution ?
Is there a way ?
Or at least a Workaround ? (like adding custom fields to the Data Set, which are filtered by KPIName, or something similiar ?)
Thanks a lot for your Help!
Set the expression for the pointers to
=Sum(IIf(Fields!KPI.Value = "KPI1", Fields!Value.Value, 0))
=Sum(IIf(Fields!KPI.Value = "KPI2", Fields!Value.Value, 0))
=Sum(IIf(Fields!KPI.Value = "KPI3", Fields!Value.Value, 0))
Hi, I'm pretty new to gamemaker and I'm trying to set a variable (global.b1) to the first value of "global.level_data". For example, global.b1 will be set to mimic the blue outline of "global.level_data"'s first value, which is 0. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
If I look at it correctly, you want to get the first value of an array
I think this should suffice:
global.level_data = [0,0]
global.b1 = global.level_data[0];
It may look confusing if you're not familiar with how arrays work, but the [0] represents the first value of the array (which happens to be 0 as well). The count of arrays also starts with 0 instead of 1.
For further understanding about arrays, I recommend reading this: https://manual.yoyogames.com/GameMaker_Language/GML_Overview/Arrays.htm
And as a side note: if you're creating new variables, the values in that variable will usually not update it's original form (e.g. changing the value global.b1 will not change the value in global.level_data[0] unless you set that yourself).
If you prefer the latter, then I think you're better off using global.level_data[0] for getting and setting directly
I have an "issue" variable that will change according to user input, for example I choose Unbonded.
And I make "currentdata" variable to get data from database like this.
issue <- "Unbonded"
currentdata <- dbGetQuery(con,paste0("SELECT TOP 1 WITH TIES
FROM Table_Analytic
ORDER BY Table_Analytic.ID DESC;"))
currentissue <- currentdata$ ????
How can I get only the values that match with the issue to put into the "currentissue" variable
You can use the following code:
currentissue <- currentdata[[issue]]
I'm looking forward to use NeoJ4 for some researchs. However I have to check if it can do what I want first.
I would like to build a graph that says :
StatementID1 = Cannabidiol hasPositiveEffectOn ChronicPain
StatementID1 isSupportedBy Study1
StatementID1 isSupportedBy Study2
StatementID1 isNotSupportedBy Study3
This is easy to add key:Value properties to a relationship in NeoJ4.
The difficulty is that I want Study1,2,3 to be nodes. So that these can have them own set of properties.
This can be done in a triplestore where each triple has an ID like "Statment1" here. This is a matter of adding triples where the object is another triple ID.
url:TripleID1 = url:Cannabidiol url:hasPositiveEffectOn url:ChronicPain
url:TripleID2 = url:TripleID1 url:isSupportedBy url:Study1
url:TripleID3 = url:TripleID1 url:isSupportedBy url:Study2
url:TripleID4 = url:TripleID1 url:isNotSupportedBy url:Study3
For the moment I can't find how to do it simplely in NeoJ4.
I could add the DOI of the study as a property :
Study 1 :
Then add the same DOI in the link :
Since the DOI is unique it could be possible to make some searchs. However this will make things much more complex.
Is there a simpler method to achieve that?
I suppose this is a database design issue.
Would a node/relationship model something like the following fit your data and make your queries easy?
Neo4j doesn’t support edges going from an edge to a node. Edges are always between nodes. So you’ll have to convert your positiveEffect edge to a node (as proposed in rickhg12hs’s answer) or model the positiveEffect as a non-edge (as you yourself proposed).
Hi I currently have the code:
matrixed.data <- data.matrix(df[1:row.dim,7:col.dim])
Where the row.dim and col.dim are variables for the size of the whole frame. I would like to remove the column "df$WEATHER" that is included in the col.dim selection but don't know how to word it. I have tried adding - df$WEATHER and !df$WEATHER inside the bracket but fear I'm misinterpreting the scope of these commands.
Is it possible to do this without creating a new col.dim variable; I'm trying to keep the code as limitless as possible as the data frame may increase in size in the future.
Thank you digEmAll! I thought it would be reasonably simple I'm just a bit too green at R to think of something like that. For others what worked for me was:
(df[1:row.dim, setdiff(7:col.dim,which(names(df) == "WEATHER"))])
im trying to find an easy formula to do the following:
This actually works. But I want to apply to a range of cells within a column (H6:H11) instead of having to create a rule for each and every one of them... But trying as a range:
Does not work.
Any insights?
also works
arrayformulas work the same way they do in excel... they just need an ArrayFormula() around to work (will be automatically set when pressing Ctrl+Alt+Return like in excel)
In google sheets the formula is:
in excel:
And confirm with Ctrl-Shift-Enter
This basically counts the number of times the said range is = to the criteria and compares it to the number it should be. So if the range is increased then increase the number 6 to accommodate.